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Her Vampire King: A Dark Vampire Romance (Royally Mated Book 4)

Page 5

by Bianca Cole

  I hear some shouts in the distance, bringing me back to my senses. Quickly, I stuff the chalice under my hospital gown and leave the hammer, rushing out of the room. I shut the door as best I can and rush the way Vlad brought me. I slow my steps down as I come into the main corridor, with lots of people rushing around.

  “Hey, you’re going the wrong way,” a doctor says to me.

  I shrug. “Sorry, I’m getting a little disorientated. Where am I going?”

  The doctor grabs my arm and guides me with the rest of the people, leading us out of the front entrance.

  I grit my teeth, knowing that it’s going to be harder to get away being in the lineup out front. Ideally, I would have snuck out of a back exit and escaped.

  I’ve been in enough fire drills to know they won’t want anyone to leave.

  I hope Vlad escaped the wolves, otherwise, this whole thing is a waste of time.

  As I step out of the hospital, I notice the orange light starting to arc across the sky as the sun slowly creeps above the buildings. Vlad won’t last long if I don’t get this chalice into his hands before that sun rises into the sky. I swallow hard, searching for a way out.

  A flash of movement to my left catches my eye, and then I see him. Vlad is smirking, staring right at me. He beckons to me to join him in the alleyway.

  I glance back at the doctors and nurses, wondering if they will notice me leave. When no one is looking, I carefully creep away. No one seems to notice, too distracted by the fire drill.

  When I get over to him, I breathe a sigh of relief the moment his hands are on my hips.

  “Are you okay?” he asks.

  I nod, smiling as I pull the chalice out of my hospital gown. “I got it.”

  He pulls me hard against him, making me gasp. His lips descend on mine with such intensity, as he kisses me deeply.

  “Vlad,” I murmur his name as he pulls back, keeping his forehead against mine.

  “Thank you, Rosie.” He digs his fingers into my hips even harder before taking the chalice. “Now, let’s get out of here.”

  I smile. “I may need to pack some clothes first.”

  He shakes his head. “There’s no time. We’ve got to get out of here before they realize it’s gone.”

  “Really?” I shake my head. “It would only be a short detour.”

  He smiles sadly, shaking his head. “I’m sorry, Rosie. It is too risky. We need to get out of here.”

  My stomach sinks as I realize I won’t see Alice ever again. Once I leave, I can’t return to London. It means my friends will never know what happened to me, but they are in danger if Elias’s pack finds me. They will want me to pay and won’t worry about who stands in their way.

  “What’s wrong?” Vlad asks.

  I shake my head. “Nothing.” I swallow hard. “I’m just never going to see my friends again.”

  Vlad laughs. “You are leaving London, not the planet.” He shakes his head.

  “You will see your friends again, I’m sure.”

  I nod, despite knowing he’s wrong. I cut all my ties to my friends before when Elias and the rest of his pack came after me, and I’ll have to do it again.

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  Vlad lifts me in his arms as if I weigh nothing, which I most certainly do. I’m not the skinniest woman in the world.

  “What are you doing? I can walk, you know.” I try to break free from him.

  He chuckles. “Yes, but speed is key, hold on. This is going to be a fast ride.”

  I swallow hard, wrapping my arms around his neck as he starts to sprint. Everything rushes past so fast I can’t see anything. My stomach churns with sickness as he sprints through the city, racing us to safety.

  I don’t understand why I’m not scared or uncertain. This vampire is a stranger. I shouldn’t trust him, but I do. Ever since we’ve been reunited, my splitting headache is gone, and I feel myself again.

  The doctor was worried about my blood pressure, but I’m not now. I feel better, and if I need to see a doctor, I will once I get out of London. The worst part about this is leaving my friends without saying goodbye or seeing them once more.

  I glance at Vlad. Butterflies beat around in my stomach as he meets my gaze, smiling. His easy confidence is infectious, and this electric connection between us is undeniable. Somehow, it takes away my fear. At the same time, it clears makes me insane.

  Everyone knows not to trust a vampire, and I’m letting this one help me escape. I’m running away from Elias, but it’s not the only reason I want to run. The prospect of staying by this vampire’s side drives me. I can’t imagine ever leaving him, which makes no sense.



  I stop at the top of the surrey hills, knowing Alistair will have left the meeting point I stop at the top of the surrey hills, knowing Alistair will have left the meeting point now the sun has come up. It’s better this way. Rosie needs to know what she’s heading into, and the chance to talk to her alone is what I need.

  “We’re safe now,” I say, setting her down on her feet. “Unfortunately, my ride won’t be coming until nightfall, but we will spend the time here.”

  She glances around, smiling. “It’s beautiful.”

  I don’t take my eyes off her. “It is indeed.” I reach for her hand and tug her close, wrapping my arms around her. “Rosie,” I mutter her name, knowing I have to bring up a tough subject.

  Blood givers don’t have many rights. She’ll be a prisoner, and I’m not sure that’s what she wants.

  After saving my entire kind, I won’t force her into something she doesn’t want, at least, I don’t want to. A part of me deep down knows that I may not be able to control my actions if she says no.

  “Where do you want to go, now that you’ve escaped what you are running from?” I ask, pulling back and gazing into those stunning emerald eyes.

  She sighs heavily, flopping down onto the grass and looking across the hills. “I don’t know. I have nowhere to go.”

  Hope coils through me. “You could come and stay with me, although I’m not sure you’d like it.”

  She raises a brow. “Why not?”

  I sit down next to her, setting my hand on her thigh. “Humans that live at my castle aren’t free.” I know that my suggestion is more than that, despite wanting her to agree to come with me, I’m not sure I could let her go if she didn’t.

  Her eyes widen, and she shifts away from me slightly. “They are prisoners?” she asks.

  “Yes, by choice. A lot of them believe if they give blood, they will turn in time.” I shake my head. “There’s no proof that’s true, but some people are fanatical.”

  She relaxes slightly. “If I came with you, I’d be a prisoner?” Her eyes meet mine, and I want to lie, but no, it won’t do any good.

  It’s true. Rosie would be a prisoner. Our kind doesn’t allow for blood givers to be anything but that. Humans living with us are there for a purpose, nothing else. Not to mention, I have a reputation to uphold when I’m amongst my people. I would have to treat her differently in public, and I get the feeling Rosie has got some fire. After all, she stole the chalice for me.

  Even the vampires that form bonds with humans, it’s purely sexual—no emotion. I can’t understand why I think that would be difficult to stick to when it comes to Rosie. She’s different in so many ways.

  “Yes, in theory.” My brow furrows. “I’m afraid my kind are quite archaic.” I tighten my grip on her thigh, squeezing softly. “Let’s forget about that for now and enjoy the sunrise.” I nod toward the sun, rising into the sky, spreading yellow and orange across the landscape.

  Rosie hugs her arms around herself, shivering. It’s only then that I realize she’s only wearing a hospital gown. I shrug my jacket off my arms and wrap it around her, pulling her toward me. “Sorry, I forget humans feel the cold.”

  She sighs, resting her head on my shoulder. “Thank you.” She laughs. “I never expected the vampire king to be this ki


  Rosie has no idea how wrong that is. I’m certain she is the only person who has used that word to describe me. Normally, I’m cruel, even with humans.” One thing I’ve learned being alive this long, the soft ones perish first. I haven’t lived for nine hundred- and fifty-eight-years being kind, that’s for sure.

  We sit in comfortable silence, watching as the sun comes up. My people won’t know that the chalice is back in a vampire’s hands, but there’s something special being the only vampire out as the sun comes up. Rosie makes me feel more powerful if that’s possible.

  Rosie finally shifts out of my grip, looking me right in the eye. “What would happen to me if I went with you?”

  I shrug. “You would become my blood giver.”

  “Your what?”

  “Blood giver. Your purpose would be to feed my appetite for blood.”

  A visible shiver rushes through her. “Oh.” She looks down at her lap, seemingly disappointed. I don’t know what answer she was expecting, but I didn’t give the right one. “I wouldn’t hurt you. I mean, you’ve seen what it’s like when I feed on you.”

  She nods, still looking down at her lap. “It wouldn’t be like this between us, would it?” she asks, looking up at me.

  “Like what?” I ask.

  She shrugs. “Talking like two normal, equal people.”

  “No, not in public, at least.”

  She bites her bottom lip. “In private?”

  I grit my teeth, feeling my urges rising inside of me. The need to feed, kiss, touch, and fuck this woman in front of me rises. The thought of being with her in private in my room drives me insane.

  I haven’t wanted to fuck a human for hundreds of years, knowing the dangers of a blood bond. Vampires have gone insane with what could only be described as a love for their blood giver.

  Which is strictly against the rules, humans are for blood and pleasure, nothing else. “It would be the same sometimes, but sometimes...” I trail off, unsure about voicing the truth.

  She squeezes my hand. “What?”

  I bite my bottom lip, piercing it with my fangs. “Sometimes, I’ll be a beast. I’ll dominate you in ways you’ve never even fucking dreamed off,” I growl, wondering why I can’t control myself. It’s not like me at all. I’m careful and controlled.

  Rosie makes me insane, not only with blood lust. There’s a dark part of me that longs for more with her. A relationship. A life partnership with the woman who helped me retrieve the chalice.

  Her cheeks turn bright red, making me harder than nails in my pants. Her cheeks aren’t the only thing I want to see painted red. The thought of bending her over my lap right now and spanking her full, round ass makes my cock rock hard. I want to sink my fangs into her big, firm ass cheeks and suck her blood, showing her how good pleasure and pain can truly feel when interchanged.

  She licks her lips, drawing my eyes to them.

  I can’t give in right now as we’re too exposed out here. I stand. “Come on, I want to show you something,” I say, breaking the sexual tension that cloaks the air. I lift Rosie into my arms and run, feeling freer than I’ve felt in a long time.

  Rosie wraps her arms around my neck. I sprint across the hillside and into the cover of the woods. The perfect place to let my fantasies run wild with her, convince her that she has no choice but to come home with me.

  I stop in a clearing in the trees by a small stream, the sun glistening on the water. It’s the perfect place for us to get closer without anyone seeing. Even though we’re no longer in London, I’m not supposed to feed on a human here.

  The wolves have set up a border that spans miles around London, where we’re banned from feeding within. We are allowed to be within these lands, but not touch humans. It’s set up to stop us from attacking humans that may be traveling in and out of London.

  I set Rosie down on the floor, and she wobbles a little.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to moving that fast.”

  I smile, resting a hand on her arm to steady her. “Sorry, I forget that you aren’t used to any of this.”

  She meets my gaze.

  “You’ll get used to it, though.”

  Rosie breaks away from me, shaking her head. “I haven’t agreed to come with you, yet.”

  I grit my teeth, keeping my thoughts to myself. “I thought you agreed when I took you from London.” I tilt my head to the side, observing her.

  She shakes her head. “That was before I knew what was involved. When we were back in London, you didn’t say anything about me being your slave.” She clears her throat. “I said I’d get out of London with you. It doesn’t mean I want to stay with you.”

  The way she glares at me adds fuel to the fire of desire burning in the pit of my stomach. She isn’t getting away from me. In an ideal world, she’ll agree to come with me. If not, I’ll take her anyway. As a vampire king, I never take no for an answer. “Maybe I can convince you,” I say, stepping toward her.

  Her eyes flash with desire, as I rush for her at super speed. I push her softly against a tree, teasing my hand up the front of her curvy, perfect body. My cock is hard, and my fangs are aching to sink into her neck. Ever since I tasted her earlier, I’ve been craving more.

  “Vlad,” she breathes my name, and it’s like a fucking song.

  I meet her gaze and search her stunning emerald eyes. “What do you want, baby girl?” I ask.

  Her lips purse, drawing my attention to them. I know what she wants, and I want it to. I want this woman as mine forever. She is, she just doesn’t know it yet.



  Vlad kisses my neck softly, letting his fangs graze the skin. “So sweet,” he groans, digging his fingers into my hips.

  “Vlad,” I moan, feeling him press me back toward a tree, backing me into it.

  His hands snake up my legs softly, pushing away the thin fabric of my hospital gown. “I’m going to take care of you, baby.” He nips my ear before licking a path down my neck.

  My nipples are hard and aching, and my pussy is soaking wet. I’m coiled tightly and ready for anything Vlad will give me. He sinks his fangs into my neck, drinking from me and sending pleasure pulsing through my body.

  “Fuck,” I say, arching my back as his hand moves higher and higher up my thighs. They brush over my panties before he hooks a finger underneath and teases the flesh between my thighs. I gasp, wanting more.

  “That’s it, baby girl, let me touch you,” he groans, pushing me harder against the tree as he slowly draws blood from my body.

  His fangs retreat, and he wipes the blood from his mouth before kissing me deeply. He tastes of that sweet venom, as he slowly pumps me full of it, taking away the weakness from the blood loss.

  I claw onto him, needing so much more.

  Vlad teases his finger through my soaking wet pussy. “You are so wet, Rosie.”

  I moan, trying to claw him closer.

  He grabs my wrists and pushes them hard against the tree. “I’m in charge,” he growls, red eyes flashing fiercely. “You are mine, and only mine.”

  A shiver runs down my spine at the intensity in his voice. He’s dominant and dangerous, but I love it.

  “Okay,” I say, looking into his eyes.

  He bites my lip with his fang, breaking the skin. “Okay, sir,” he says.

  I tense against him, raising a brow. “Sir?”

  “Yes,” he growls.

  I lick my bottom lip, wondering if this kind of dominant play is something I can stand. Vlad is unaware of the truth. I’m as inexperienced as you can get when it comes to this—a virgin. It’s ridiculous since I’m twenty-five years old, but since Neil tried to rape me, I wasn’t in a hurry to let a man that close to me—until now, it would seem.

  I dull down my concerns, feeling my urges toward this man overpower them. “Okay, sir.”

  His eyes flash, and he kisses me harder, finger slowly dipping into my pussy.

I buck my hips, feeling him touch me in a way no man has ever touched me. “Fuck, sir.”

  He smiles against my lips. “Good girl,” he purrs, moving his finger in and out of me with slow, torturous strokes.

  He uses his finger to push me higher, stroking the perfect spot inside of me. For the first time, I feel someone else inside of me, fingering me. It’s intimate and so intense. Vlad is a vampire, but he’s also gentle, protective, and kind. The kind of man I want to experience this first time with.

  He curls his finger inside of me, pushing me to that breaking point. “Vlad,” I moan his name, head falling back against the tree. I clamp my eyes shut, but he grabs my throat.

  “Look at me while you come, baby.”

  I meet his gaze. “Yes, sir,” I moan, feeling myself shuddering as I come around his finger. He made me feel better than I’ve ever felt. Vlad keeps his fingers around my throat before letting going and turning me around against the tree.

  He hikes my hospital gown up and groans, spanking my ass cheeks softly. “Perfect.” He tears my panties in two, shocking me.

  “What are you—” He spanks my left ass cheek harder, kneading the stinging skin. “I’m going to take care of you.”

  A shudder passes through me as he unzips his pants, making me tense. Vlad gropes my ass cheeks in his hand, before pressing the hard length of his cock against me. “I need you, baby girl.”

  I can’t relax as this is all happening too fast, but I want him so bad I can’t resist him.

  Vlad senses my tension. “What’s wrong?” he asks, moving me back around to look me in the eye.

  I shake my head. “What do you mean?” I bite my bottom lip, eyes widening as they move down to his huge shaft, hard and erect.

  He narrows his eyes. “I know when someone is in their head. What are you thinking about?”

  I bite my bottom lip. “Nothing.”

  He growls softly. “Don’t lie to me, Rosie. You sure as hell weren’t into it just then.” He shoves his cock back in his pants, zipping them up. “Tell me what’s wrong.”


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