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Power Reclaimed (D.C. Power Games Book 2)

Page 17

by Ivy Nelson

  “Thank you.”

  His hand landed hard on her ass. “Thank you, Sir,” he corrected.

  “Thank you, Sir,” she echoed.

  “Better.” He planted another kiss on her abdomen before standing to undo her blindfold.

  She blinked rapidly, letting her eyes adjust to thelight. “Hi gorgeous,” he said with a grin.

  Her smile was timid. “Hi.”

  “I’m not done with you yet. Lay back on the bed. I want to hear you beg.”

  She snorted in a very unladylike manner but did as he asked. So, she still didn’t think he would make her beg? His eyes moved to the clock by her bed. There was time.

  “We’ll see if you’re snorting at me when I’m done with you young lady.”

  She giggled, and he scowled. “Are you laughing at me Angel? Do you want to come or not?”

  “I would never laugh at you.” Her expression turned solemn.

  “Hmmm. I don’t appreciate lying either. If you’re not careful, you’ll be going to dinner with no orgasms.”

  She said nothing. He could tell she wasn’t quite sure if he was serious. He was. She would find that out soon enough if she kept it up.

  “Now, where is your vibrator?”

  Chapter 14

  Adara lay on her bed watching Michael walk naked to the bathroom as she recovered from the range of sensations he had put her through. Her body bore claw marks, red spots and felt generally worn out. Was it always going to be like this? Sex with her kinky police officer. She hoped so. Then again, too much more of this and she might die from over stimulation. Michael returned with a washcloth and gently cleaned her up before laying next to her on the bed.

  “How would you feel about playing in the club?”

  His question took her by surprise. “Like in front of other people?”

  “Yeah. I enjoy playing there and would love to do a scene with you.”

  “Can I think about it? Part of me loves the idea but I’m also nervous about people


  “Of course you can think about it. And just know I would take every step I could to make

  you comfortable. There are lots of dark corners where it’s harder for people to see you that

  we could play in.”

  She nodded. “I’ll think about it. I promise.”

  That answer seemed to satisfy him. On his side, he trailed a finger down her arm. “When

  is the filing deadline for the council seat?”

  “Three days.”

  “Well let’s get Leslie Hanover on the phone and get the ball rolling.”

  “I’m not sure. My father is still a terrorist. It’s going to come up in a campaign. I don’t

  know if I’m ready. Maybe next cycle.”

  He flipped over on to his stomach and she tried not to be distracted by his muscular


  “Angel. You’ve wanted this your whole life. You have a group of friends and a network

  of connections who believe in you. I really think you should go for it.”

  She lifted her arm and rested it across her eyes. “I don’t know. I’ll think about it.” He pulled her arm away and looked at her. “You can do this Adara. I know you can. I just

  don’t want you to have to wait another two years.”

  “It just feels so rushed.”

  “Other than knowing who your father is, has anything really changed? You were prepared

  three weeks ago. You should be prepared now. I’m not trying to talk you into something you

  don’t want to do here. I think you really want this and I’m just letting you know you have my

  full support.”

  She considered what he was saying for a moment. “You’re right. What’s the worst that

  can happen right?”

  “That’s the spirit. Now go call Leslie. There’s still a little time before we have to go to


  At the restaurant later that evening, Adara looked around the large table and smiled. She

  was sated from good food and the countless orgasms she had experienced earlier. Her

  friends—and they were all fast becoming close friends—were enjoying friendly conversation

  about everything from the club to the upcoming election. Darci and Michael were in a heated

  conversation about something—it was impossible to tell what—and were bickering like

  siblings. The rest of the table was watching in amusement.

  “Oh fuck off Michael. You’re wrong and you know it,” Darci finally blurted. Adara could

  tell she wasn’t angry at him. Just frustrated that Michael wasn’t agreeing with her. A scowl

  appeared on Bradley’s face.

  “You’re on thin ice, pet. Didn’t we just talk about this? One more time and you’re in

  trouble when we get home.”

  A tornado of emotions passed through Darci’s eyes before she finally lowered her eyes

  and murmured an apology.

  “Sorry Michael. You just frustrate me sometimes.”

  Michael winked at her as he slipped an arm around Adara.

  “I know. I do it on purpose sometimes because you’re fun to piss off.”

  Darci turned to Bradley. “Now can I tell him to fuck off?”

  Bradley laughed as she turned back to Michael. “You get me into trouble. With Bradley’s

  dad running for president I can’t just tell people to fuck off anymore.”

  Then she turned to Adara. “Bradley’s not a dick. I promise he lets me speak freely. I

  asked him to help me not do things like that when I get frustrated. I’m good at it when I’m at

  work because it’s my job to stay poised. But outside of work I tend to get too relaxed, and

  with the media watching us so closely right now I have to behave,” she said with a grin. Adara waved her hand. “It’s fine. It took me back for a minute but I’m starting to get the

  whole D/s thing. Still kind of weird to see my old boss in that role but I get it.” Darci’s grin widened. “That makes me happy. It makes Michael happy too, I can tell.”

  The redhead winked at her friend across the table. Adara swore he was blushing. Bradley rescued the conversation by switching subjects.

  “Speaking of me being your old boss, are we going to have a reversal of roles now that

  your situation is all cleared up?”

  It was Adara’s turn to grin. “Yes. I talked to Leslie before dinner. We’re going to file

  paperwork tomorrow so you have the job if you want it.”

  “Of course he wants it,” Darci blurted. Her face reddened when Bradley turned to her

  with a frown. “Sorry Sir. I’m just excited for you.”

  Bradley chuckled and slid his hand into her hair. “Apparently I was too nice to you on our

  honeymoon,” he said with a wink before planting a hard kiss on her mouth.

  Turning back to Adara he said, “she’s right though. Of course I want it.” Peter who had been quietly observing until now, spoke up. “Since we don’t know exactly

  what your half brother is doing in the states, I would like to advise you to have a strong

  security team in place for your campaign events.”

  “He’s right,” Michael said.

  “I’ll keep that in mind. We’ll have a tight budget at first but we should be able to work

  that in.”

  “I mean, you’re dating a police officer who is friends with the owner of a security firm. I

  think you’ll be plenty secure,” Carrie said. She had a fair point.

  “We do have to be careful that it doesn’t look like we’re accepting gifts in exchange for

  political favors, but we can work it out,” Adara said. “Let’s plan to get together tomorrow

  afternoon and work on all of this.”

  Dessert had just arrived and conversation turned back to Exposure.

bsp; “Will you become a member Adara?” Carrie asked.

  She glanced at Michael. “I think I will. Next time we go, I’ll pay the fee and apply.” Her

  man beamed and Adara felt good about her decision.

  “Excellent. I think you’ll enjoy being a member. It’s such a nice little family there,” Darci


  When dinner was over, the couples agreed to all attend the Saturday play party at

  Exposure that weekend and by the time they were heading to their cars, Peter and Bradley

  were making plans for some kind of dual scene with Carrie and Darci. Adara wasn’t sure

  what it wasthey were planning but from the glee on both women’s faces, it couldn’t be

  anything too terrible.

  In the car, Michael asked, “how was that? Too awkward?”

  “Not at all,” she answered, surprised that she meant it.

  “I’m glad, Angel. Your place or mine?”

  “Can I spend the night at my place alone? I love being with you but I feel like I haven’t

  gotten to just be in my own space in weeks and I need that.”

  Michael gripped her hand. “I want to say yes, Angel because it’s a valid request. But I

  really don’t feel comfortable until we know you’re not being watched anymore. If you want,

  I’ll arrange for security tomorrow night and you can have that then, OK?”

  She sighed. “There you go being reasonable again,” she grumbled. “That’s fine.” “Thank you for not arguing.”

  She laughed, “Would it have done any good? Besides, you have a valid point.” The next day flew by in a whirlwind of activity. After filing paperwork, she met with

  Bradley and Leslie Hanover who had brought along a couple of volunteers. “This is James. He’s been with me for the last year or so. He’s actually the one who

  pointed me in your direction a few months ago,” Leslie said introducing one of the

  volunteers. “We’re going to loan him to your campaign.”

  Adara smiled at the young man. “Well I appreciate your vote of confidence James. I just

  hope I can do you proud and I’m happy to have you on board.”

  “I’m sure you will exceed expectations Miss Kent.”

  “Well, let’s get to work then. I want to announce as soon as possible.”

  At that point, Bradley stepped in with the ideas that he had come up with and Adara let

  the two work out most of the details. In that moment, things felt right, and she was grateful to

  Michael for pushing her to go ahead with this. She sent him a text telling him as much. Thank you for pushing me, Sir.

  She hoped throwing in the sir would make him smile and earn her some brownie points in

  the submissive department.

  Anytime Angel. Having fun?

  Not nearly as much fun as I have with you.

  We’ll have even more fun tonight.

  “Hello over there. Earth to Adara.” It was Bradley.

  “Shit, sorry got lost in thought.”

  “Thought, or flirting with a certain police officer?” he asked with a teasing wink. “Sorry. I’m here now,” she said setting her phone aside.

  “I was saying, we need to pick a show for you to go on to announce your candidacy. I’m

  thinking Jake Holt. I can probably get you on tonight or tomorrow night.” “I like Jake Holt. Set it up.”

  And just like that, she was running for office.

  Chapter 15

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to buy some kind of kinky clothes?” Adara asked for the second time since Michael had brought her to the club. Her insecurities were normal. A lot of the women were wearing corsets, leather pants, or skimpy lingerie—if they were wearing anything at all.

  “I’m positive, Angel. If it’s something you want to get yourself, you can, but don’t do it for me. I couldn’t care less about what you wear because I’m just going to take it off as soon as I can.” He winked, hoping to put her at ease.

  They sat together on the same couch they had occupied last time, watching various scenes unfold around them. Tonight was different though because Adara had agreed to do a scene with him. Her only request was that he not make her go fully naked. Another insecurity that was normal. It was a boundary he had no trouble respecting. Nudity was not required for the things he had in mind.

  “Woah! That’s cool,” Adara suddenly exclaimed. Michael turned his gaze in the direction she was looking. Peter, Carrie, Bradley, and Darci were all playing on a station together. Bradley who was proficient in rope had both girls suspended. It was a beautiful site. The two men were teasing their girls while they squirmed against one another in their bonds.

  “Rope is not something I do often but I know some of the basics,” Michael told her. “But if it interests you, we can as Bradley to show us a few tricks.”

  “Oh god no. We’ll have to find someone else. He was my boss. He’s running my campaign. That would beweird.”

  He understood how she felt. It was something he had overcome, but when he had first joined the club, he had similar feelings about seeing Darci naked or playing with other Doms. Now, it was a normal thing that didn’t faze him. He wondered if Adara would ever get that comfortable with his world. He hoped so because he enjoyed having her here.

  Mistress Leah, one of the clubs more popular female dominants approached their little nest on the couch.

  “Michael. I wondered if I might talk you into showing me some things with your knives. My girl is curious about them but I’m honestly clueless. It’s not something I’ve played with at all.”

  Before Adara, he would have jumped at the opportunity. Now he wondered how she would feel.

  “I have plans with this beautiful angel tonight Leah, but if there’s time later, and she’s OK with it, I’ll be glad to give you some pointers if you’re still around.”

  Lisa nodded, understanding. “Sounds good.”

  “Would it make you uncomfortable, Angel? If I were to show her some things?” Michael asked when Leah walked away.

  “I don’t think so. Then again, I don’t know what that entails. Knives freak me out. Maybe if I saw you showing someone else they wouldn’t scare me so much.”

  “That’s a solid answer, Angel. Have I mentioned I really appreciate your ability to communicate your thoughts with me through all of this. Don’t ever stop doing that.” He planted a soft kiss on her forehead. “Are you ready to play? It might be good to start now while our friends are occupied. I know you’re concerned about them seeing you.”

  She smiled. “Yes Sir. That’s a good plan.”

  “OK. I see an empty station in the corner over there.” He pointed to a wooden cross that was shrouded in shadows. “Let’s go claim it before someone else does.” Rising from the couch, he offered her his hand. With his free hand, he grabbed the handle of his toy bag and dragged it behind him as they made their way across the dungeon.

  As they passed their friends play station he heard Darci holler, “Have fun A!”

  Michael turned and glared at her before turning to Bradley, “Hit her with something for me. She’s going to make my girl nervous.”

  Bradley grinned. “With pleasure brother.”

  Darci stuck her tongue out at him as he walked away. It gave him great satisfaction to hear the redhead yelp as Bradley inflicted some sort of punishment on her.

  He loved this place. He turned to Adara who was looking a bit bewildered. “Sorry about that Angel. I should have taken us a different path.”

  She shook her head. “It’s OK. I’m just still getting used to all of this. I like it here.”

  That relieved him. Putting everything else out of his mind, he focused on the task at hand. Giving Adara the best time he could.

  “Take off your pants and blouse, Angel.”

  As she did what he said, her hands trembled. When she had her blouse off and was just in a tank top and jeans, he pu
t his hands on her hips. “You’re doing great Angel. Take a deep breath for me and try to shut everyone else out.”

  She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply before reaching for the snap on her jeans.

  A broad grin spread across his face as she lowered her pants. He’d asked her to wear a tank top and no bra, and boy short style panties under her pants. His instructions had been followed to the letter. Her nipples were hard pebbles beneath the thin material. He had plans for those later. Per their negotiation, she had agreed that once she relaxed into the scene, he could bare her breasts but the panties had to stay on. Her negotiating skills were honestly better than some ten year veterans of the scene. He stepped close to her again and placed his hands on her hips, pulling her in, so their bodies were touching.

  “Doing OK?”

  His forehead was planted on hers and she tilted her head to plant a soft kiss on his lips. “Yes Sir.”

  “Good. Tonight, we’re going to add a level to your safeword OK? I want to have a solid gauge on where your head is at. So on top of saying red if you want everything to end, you can say yellow if you think things are getting too intense but you’re not ready to stop. This will let me know to slow down or move on to something else. You can also say green if you’re really enjoying something and you want more of it. Or, you can just tell me you’re really enjoying it and wantmore of it,” he said with a grin. The green part of the stoplight safeword system had never made sense to him but he made sure his play partners knew it was an available option anyway.

  “That sounds good. Her voice was quiet but steady. A good sign.

  “I know you said you don’t like being blindfolded, but I would like to blindfold you again tonight. I feel like it will help you block out the fact that you’re in public. If you don’t want to that’s fine. I just want to offer it as an option.”

  “OK. I’ll try it again.”

  “Good girl. And you can always ask me to take it off again and I will. No questions asked.”

  That seemed to please her but then she grew thoughtful.

  “Are you always that easy going on subs?”

  “What do you mean?” he asked, curious about her line of thinking.

  “I mean, it seems like whatever I ask for, I get. Doesn’t seem very… dominant I guess. Not that I’m questioning your dominance,” she added quickly.


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