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Power Reclaimed (D.C. Power Games Book 2)

Page 21

by Ivy Nelson

  There was no need for anymore words. The head of his cock dipped into her opening, teasing at first and then, with no warning, he filled her to the hilt. Her pussy was swollen from the previous orgasms and felt tight around him. A rough groan left his throat as he withdrew and filled her again. After a few slow thrusts, he built up the pace to a punishing rhythm until she was begging him to make her come again.

  “Put your hand between us and get yourself off for me,” he commanded gruffly as he continued to pound into her.

  It only took one brush of her fingers over her now swollen and sensitive clit to send her flying. He wasn’t far behind her as his shoulders tensed and he found his own release.

  “God that was hot,” he mumbled, his face now buried in her neck.

  They lay together catching their breath, his fingers still gently caressing her.

  A yawn broke free despite her attempts to stop it.

  “Oh Angel. I hope you’re not trying to fall asleep on me.”

  “Not at all Sir.” She pressed the back of her hand over her mouth to stifle another yawn.

  “Good. Because I’m not even close to being done with you.”

  Chapter 18

  Michael sat at his desk thinking about last night with Adara. The way she melted under his touch, the way she met every challenge he put in front of her. It was difficult to think about anything else. Which would explain the half finished report staring at him from his computer screen.

  “Silas, my office now.” The booming voice of his boss jerked him out of his daydream. Chief Stanton was standing in the doorway.

  “Right away, Sir,” Michael said, rising quickly.

  In the chiefs office, he found Agent Stephen Miller sitting in one of the two visitors chairs.

  “You know Agent Miller. He’s asking for our help.”

  “What can we help you with Agent?” Michael said not bothering with pleasantries.

  “You can help us catch a terrorist.”

  Michael didn’t like where this was going. “How do you propose we do that?”

  “You seem friendly with Miss Kent. I was hoping—”

  “Out of the question.” Michael cut the agent off. “You want to use her as bait. Absolutely not.”

  The chief frowned at him. “We’re talking about an internationally wanted terrorist Michael.”

  “And we’re talking about putting a civilian in danger. It’s unethical.”

  “If it were anybody but Adara Kent, you would do it Silas. I’ve read up on you,” Miller said.

  Michael scrubbed a hand over his face. They were right, but he didn’t have feelings for anyone but Adara.

  “If they wanted to use your wife as bait would you be so on board with this plan?” he asked the chief.

  “Are you telling me you have feelings for Miss Kent?”

  “It’s not against the law. Yes, I’ve developed feelings for this woman.”

  “You’re in a good spot in your career son. You just got a promotion. You could easily have my job one day. Don’t let something like this get in the way of that.” Michael stared at his boss, bewildered. He knew the man had been married for something like thirty years.

  “I’m not sure. I just don’t think it’s wise. She just put all of this behind her and now you’re asking her to put herself right back into the middle of it.”

  “Just consider it. At the very least, let me talk to her, get her input on the idea. She would be watched the entire time. Never out of our site. We’ll put a tracker and a surveillance team on her.”

  “Not happening. Not in a million fucking years.” Michael balled his fists and took a deep breath.

  “Pretty sure she’s a grown ass woman, Silas.”

  That made him want to put his fists through the smug bastard’s face. It didn’t help that he’d disliked this man since the moment they’d met. He was right though, Adara was an adult. Michael felt certain he could persuade her not to help Agent Miller though.

  “I can’t stop you from talking to her, but she’s not going along with this if I have anything to say about it.”

  Michael didn’t wait for the chief to dismiss him, just turned on his heel and walked back to his own office.

  His finger was hovered over Adara’s name to call her when he got a call out to a crime scene. Talking to her would have to wait.

  When he was finished at the crime scene, he knew it was going to be a late night so he took some time to call Adara.

  “Hey Angel, I’m working late but security will make sure you’re safe at my place tonight,” he said when she answered.

  “Where are you?” she asked

  “I’m over near the beltway.”

  “I just finished a canvas with some volunteers about fifteen minutes away from there. Want to meet in the middle for dinner or something? Just a quick bite.”

  “Miss me do ya?”

  He could almost hear her grin when she said, “Maybe just a little.”

  “I’ve got some time. I’m waiting on a witness who won’t be available for another hour anyway. Text me a spot and I’ll meet you.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Her response surprised him since they had agreed to Sir in the bedroom and at the club.

  “You delight me, Angel.”

  “I try Sir.”

  “You do so much more than try. I’ll see you in a little while.”

  He ended the call and started the engine of his SUV.

  Less than ten minutes later, he pulled up to the deli Adara had directed him to.

  Bradley was waiting with Adara and the two looked deep in conversation. When Michael approached the small table, Bradley stood andshook his hand. “Good to see you again Michael. Adara I’ll see you outside.”

  Michael was grateful when the man left them alone. He needed some time with his girl and he wanted to tell her about Stephen Miller’s visit.

  When she stood, he pulled her into his arms. “It’s good to see you, Angel. I’ve missed you.” He brushed a quick but tender kiss across her lips.

  “How is your day going?” she asked, resting her head on his shoulder.

  “A bit weird. Caught a case that’s going to take some time to unravel. Might mean a few late nights for me.”

  “Don’t worry about me, I’ve got a lot of work to keep me busy.”

  They ordered sandwiches before settling in at their table.

  “I wanted to talk to you about something, Angel. I had a visitor today. I’m not too happy aboutit but I think you deserve to know.”

  He recounted the visit from Agent Miller. Her eyes went wide.

  “They really want to use me as bait? That’s so cool!”

  He scowled at her response. “That is the exact opposite of cool. I desperately want to forbid you to speak to him when he calls to ask—because he’s going to call and ask—but I won’t do that. You’re an adult, but I would really like you to consider not going along with his plan. It’s dangerous and there is no way they can account for every variable in order to keep you safe. There is just so much we don’t know about this guy.”

  “I want to hear him out Michael but I hear you too. I promise.”

  He sighed. That was the best he could ask for right now. If they were more intertwined, if she wore his collar, he wouldn’t have hesitated to forbid her but that wasn’t where their relationship was. He could warn Peter and Bradley that this was coming though and they could help persuade her not to go along with the plan, and help keep her safe if it came to it. God, he hoped it didn’t come to that. He did his best to relax and enjoy the rest of their time together before he needed to get back to work.

  “Do you mind if I turn your living room into campaign headquarters in the evenings? Peter doesn’t like the part of town our office is in and only wants us there during the day.”

  “Of course not, Angel. Do what you need to. I trust Peter. Do we need to find you a new office?”

  “We’re working on it. We just got what was available as q
uickly as we could.”

  With his fork, he poked at the pickle sitting on his plate.

  “I suppose I should get back, Angel. I always hate leaving you.”

  They stood and walked out together to find Peter standing next to his own SUV talking to Bradley.

  “I’m glad you’ve got these two with you,” he said as they approached. “Do you mind if I talk to them alone for a minute?”

  “Telling them to make sure I behave?” She winked.

  “I trust you to behave.” Her smirk told him maybe he shouldn’t, but she was climbing into the SUV with her phone to her ear before he could say anything else.

  When her door was shut, he turned to the two men standing nearby.

  “Homeland wants to use her as bait to catch her bastard father. I’m not OK with this.”

  “Fuck that,” Bradley spit out.

  Good. They agreed with him.

  “I could forbid her to speak to them but that would just cause strife and we’re in a good place. She says she wants to hear them out. Just run interference for me please? Don’t let them get her alone face-to-face. That snake Miller will have her talked into something stupid before we can stop it.”

  Both men agreed and Michael felt better knowing he had them both on his side. Peter and Bradley hopped into the SUV and drove away. They would do their best to keep her safe, but Adara was stubborn and if she wanted to talk to Homeland, she would. He was prepared for that, but he was also prepared to rope two very convincing dominants into helping her see the error of her ways should she decide it would be a good idea to help Homeland out.

  Hopefully it wouldn’t come to that. Twenty minutes later, he was sitting in a coffee shop meeting a witness. He did his best to put the potential danger Adara was in out of his mind.

  ### Adara sat in Michael’s home office listening to Bradley rattle off poll numbers. It seemed crazy to her that the campaign had been going for so short a time and there were already poll numbers to go over.

  “I think if we buy some ad spots and run a few soc ial media ads, we can get your numbers up among younger voters. It’s a presidential election year, we’re going to see a lot more young voters and we need to capitalize on that.”

  Her head bobbed in agreement but she had zoned out and wasn’t actually listening. Bradley leaned back in his chair. “What’s on your mind Adara, you’re clearly not paying attention to me.”

  “Jesus. It’s been there the whole fucking time hasn’t it?”

  Confusion clouded his face. “What has?”

  “Your dominant streak. I use to think you just had good leadership skills when we worked for Atleigh but now that I see it, I can’t un-see it. It’s very unsettling.”

  Laughter shook him. “Sorry. It’s my personality.”

  “I know. It’s still weird. Anyway. No, I wasn’t paying attention. My mind is definitely somewhere else.”

  “So talk to me. I need your full attention if we’re going to win. What’s on your mind?”

  “Homeland Security wants my help to capture my birth father. I want to help them but I don’t think Michael would like it.”

  “And neither would I. Or Peter.”

  “Is this what life is like for Darci and Carrie? So much over protectiveness.”

  “It’s an international terrorist Adara. I don’t think over protective is possible in this situation.” He folded his arms and frowned. “Why is Michael even letting you have a choice in this?”

  “Because I’m a grown woman and we’re still figuring things out. I agreed to be his submissive in the bedroom and at the club and that’s all for now.”

  “Fair enough. Look, I get that you want to help catch this guy. I want to see him caught too. I just don’t want you to get hurt in the process. There is only so much protection that Homeland or the police, or even Peter can provide.”

  “Too many unknowns. I know, that’s what Michael said. I would at least like the opportunity to hear what Homeland has to say.”

  Bradley leaned forward and planted his elbows on his knees, clasping his hands together.

  “That’s fair too. But I’m in charge of your schedule and there is no time for a face-to-face meeting. If you’re going to hear what they have to say it has to be on the phone.”

  “You would let me do that? Let me talk to them?”

  “I can’t control your phone calls.”

  “So Michael didn’t ask you guys to make some kind of Dom pact to keep me away from Homeland?”

  Bradley’s eyebrows rose. “Oh he did, this is my part of that. I’m just letting you know up front. I can’t control your phone calls but I can control your daily schedule and as long as I’m in charge, you’re not meeting with Homeland. They can find another way to catch him.”

  She scowled. “I don’t think I’ve ever been angry at you before boss but I’m getting kind of close.”

  “Tough. I can handle it. Can we get back to work now?”

  She sighed. This was clearly a losing battle. “Fine. We’ll talk more about this later.” The two got back to work pouring over data and making a campaign game plan. It was late by the time they finished and Michael still wasn’t home. An earlier text told her not to wait up for him so they had kept working.

  “I should get going,” Bradley said around midnight. “Darci is probably wondering where I’m at.” They stood and walked to the front door.

  “Adara, I’m sorry if I came across overbearing about the Homeland thing. I just happen to be on Michael’s side about this one.”

  Adara shook her head. “It’s fine. You don’t need to apologize. I get it, I really do. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  Just then, they heard the sound of a key being inserted into the lock, and Michael opened the door looking tired and run down.

  “Didn’t expect you to still be up, Angel. It sure is good to see your face.”

  Nerves overcame her, and she wasn’t sure why. She offered him a shy smile. Michael reached for her hand and turned to Bradley. “You headed home or do you want a beer?”

  “I’m heading home to my girl.”

  “Don’t worry, he stuck to your little Dom bro-pact,” she said with a smirk.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Michael said, winking at Bradley who had opened the front door.

  “Goodnight you two. Don’t fight over this, and if you do, make sure you have makeup sex.”

  “Gross, Bradley. Go home,” Adara said, her nose crinkled in disgust.

  When the door was shut, Michael turned and stalked toward her, pushing her against the now closed door. “Gross? Sex with me is gross?” he asked, his voice taking on a dark, dominant tone that she hoped meant good things for her in the near future.

  “Sex with you is amazing. My campaign manager talking about me having sex with you is the gross part.”

  “He saw your tits last weekend.”

  “Jesus Michael don’t remind me. This is weird enough for me already.”

  Michael buried his face in her neck and laughed. “Sorry, Angel. I’m glad to know you think sex with me is amazing. You should let me show you just how amazing it can be.”

  A grin spread across her face. “I like the sound of that.”

  “Bedroom. Now.”

  He was giving her an order, but she was overcome with the urge to disobey and wasn’t sure why. Amazing sex was high on her list of priorities though so she shoved the urge aside and went to the bedroom. He didn’t follow her though, so she sat on the bed and waited for him to enter, leaving her clothes on.

  It was a full five minutes before he pushed open the door. His reaction was instant, and she suddenly wondered if she had made a mistake.

  “Are you deliberately trying to get me to punish you Angel, or did you forget the rules?”

  She didn’t respond as he prowled toward her. “You have about ten seconds to get your clothes off or you’ll get a spanking and we’ll go to bed. I made my expectations clear, I don’t like them be
ing ignored. We had an agreement, Angel.”

  Guilt washed over her and she stood and began removing her clothes. Now she wasn’t sure if she was supposed to apologize or remain silent but his piercing gaze as he watched her every move was unnerving. When the last stitch of clothing came off, she went with her gut and sank to her knees.

  “I’m sorry, Sir. Not sure what I was thinking. I wanted to push your buttons and I don’t know why.”

  He dropped to one knee and tilted her chin up, forcing her to meet his eyes. “Consider my buttons pushed. Talk to me, Angel.”

  She closed her eyes and willed herself to be as honest as she could be. “I think I was feeling bullied by you and Bradley about this whole Homeland thing. I don’t like that you felt the need to ask them to baby sit me over this. I just needed to get the defiance I’m feeling out of my system.”

  When he exhaled, she shuddered as his warm breath caressed her skin. “That was a very honest answer, Angel. Thank you. Next time though, tell me what you’re feeling. It will save you a sore bottom because now I have to punish you for deliberately breaking my rules instead of having amazing sex with you.”

  “Can’t we do both?” she asked, pouting.

  He pressed a kiss to her lips. “We could, but you’ve been very naughty. I don’t know if you’ve earned amazing sex.”

  She dropped her head again, feeling contrite. “Stand up. Go to the bathroom and get the hairbrush off the counter please.” She stood and hurried to the bathroom to do as she was told, hoping she could salvage the night by being obedient.

  “Into the corner with you,” he said when she returned. “Hands on your head. I need to take a shower. No moving.” The hairbrush landed on the bed with a soft thunk, his arms folded across his chest while he waited for her to comply. He wasn’t playing tonight, and she was beginning to think she had pushed the wrong buttons. Hopefully her bottom didn’t pay too dearly for it, she thought as she lifted her hands to the back of her head.

  Michael took his time in the shower and she swore she heard the fucker singing. It wasn’t her imagination, at least fifteen minutes later, he emerged from the bathroom humming softly. It took all of her willpower not to turn around, hoping to catch a glimpse of a wet, naked Michael. Willpower couldn’t stop a groan from escaping as she pictured it though.


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