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Hungry for Her Mates [Wolf's Pass Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Marla Monroe

  Aaron walked in with three canvas bags that didn’t look very large. They traveled light. Of course, they couldn’t be from too far away since they’d arrived at lunch time. She wondered where they had come from. They acted as if they were sequestered from others and didn’t get out much. Then there was the question of how they had traveled in the first place.

  After making sure they knew where everything was, Gabby backed out of the room to let them rest. There would be time later to ask more questions. She really wanted to know if there was anything they could do about the mating heat problem they had. It was beginning to take its toll on her. She’d hoped that with the return of Levi’s emotions the mating heat would flare to life, but he had them back and still didn’t seem any more affected than before. Gabby was losing hope.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Aaron asked when they’d returned to the kitchen.

  “Nothing. I was just thinking how sad it is that they will never have a chance at children,” she lied. Aaron lifted a brow as if he knew she wasn’t telling the truth. Levi seemed oblivious to it.

  “If there is any way we can help them, we will,” Levi said, squeezing her shoulder. “You need to rest as well. I’ll fix sandwiches and we can eat in the living room so we don’t wake them.”

  “I’m not really very hungry. I think I’ll take a short nap.” Gabby moved from between the two men and headed for her bedroom.

  “Gabby, honey? Are you sure you’re okay?” Aaron asked just before she made it to her door.

  She stopped when he grabbed her hand. She really didn’t want to talk to him right then. She was on the verge of tears. It wouldn’t take much to set her off. She didn’t want to start crying in front of him. He’d demand to know what had her upset.

  “I’m fine. Just tired. I guess I’m not as over being shot as I thought. I just need a short nap.” She didn’t look at him, just squeezed his hand back and pulled from his grip.

  To her relief, he let her go and didn’t try to follow her when she walked into the bedroom and closed the door behind her. She barely made it to the bathroom to turn on the water before she started crying. Shifters had excellent hearing, so she prayed the sound of the water running in the sink would mask her sobs. She couldn’t stop. It was all finally catching up with her, and the hope she’d been carrying was slowly disappearing.

  She loved Levi just as much as she did Aaron, but already the bond was beginning to form between her and Aaron without Levi. She had no doubt that he truly cared for her, but without the mating bond, she would never know for certain that he was hers. Could she live with the knowledge in the back of her mind that he might one day stray? Could she live without him altogether, though?

  Fear and pain made a jumbled mess of her heart as well as her nerves. She didn’t know what to do or how to continue pretending that everything was fine when it wasn’t. She had yet to see or talk to their parents. She was sure they knew what was going on, but how could she keep from breaking down around their mom? She and Andrea Shoewater were friends and often worked together on projects within the pack.

  Gabby washed her face and held a cool cloth to her face before shutting off the water. When she opened the bedroom door, it was to find Levi waiting on her.

  Chapter Eleven

  “I told Aaron I wanted to take a nap. I’m not as over everything as I thought. I’ll be rested again in an hour or so.” Gabby walked around Levi to the bed. She pulled back the covers and slipped off her shoes, planning to climb in fully dressed.

  “Gabrielle, I…”

  She interrupted him, not wanting to hear him say one more time that he was sorry.

  “I’m tired, Levi. I’ll be out in a little while. Turn off the light, please.” She settled on her side, facing away from him.

  She heard him walk over to the door and the light snapped off, but the door didn’t open. Instead, footsteps moved closer to the bed. It dipped when he sat on it next to her. The tears she’d finally managed to stop earlier threatened to fall once again. Why wouldn’t he just leave her alone?

  “Gabrielle, we need to talk, baby. This is killing both of us.”

  She squeezed her eyes closed, hoping he would go away. He didn’t.

  “Talk to me, baby. I can’t stand to know that you are hurting like this,” Levi said in a soft voice.

  She turned over, knowing tears sparkling in her eyes. “That’s just it. You know that I’m hurting, but you don’t feel it. Ariel released your emotions, but the mating heat isn’t there.”

  He winced and looked up at the ceiling for a moment as if finally having those emotions available to him was almost more than he could handle. Only the one emotion she wanted him to feel more than anything wasn’t there.

  “I don’t understand it either, Gabrielle. It doesn’t make sense. Even Harper says that Aaron and I are bond mates, so I should be feeling the heat just like he is. When the Sylphies have rested, we will talk to them about it,” he said looking down at her once again.

  He reached out and brushed away a tear that had escaped with his thumb. That one touch only served to remind her that she would never be able to trust that his touch would be for her alone. Humans didn’t have the mating heat, and look what they dealt with on a daily basis. Sure, there were some who remained loyal to their partners, but they were the minority.

  “What are we going to do if it never fully takes you, Levi? What will it mean for us—for the pack?” she asked.

  “The only thing that it will mean is that I will fall in love with you for you without the heat driving my desires. It means that you have all of me as yours because it’s where I want to be and not where I have to be,” he said in a near whisper. Levi lowered his head to brush a soft kiss at the corner of her mouth. “I’m already falling in love with you. Everything about you pleases me more than you could ever know.”

  When he pressed his lips against hers, she prayed that he meant what he said because Gabby had no choice but to love him. He and Aaron were her everything. She tried to bury the doubt and fears in the deepest recesses of her mind as he deepened the kiss, taking advantage when she parted her lips on a sigh.

  His tongue swept inside her mouth, exploring every inch until he was teasing hers by sliding over it. He nipped at her lower lip then sucked it into his mouth. She moaned as his hands cupped her face, holding her still for his kiss. When he released her so they both could catch their breath, Gabby could still feel the tingle of the kiss in her nipples that had beaded into hard buds. Memories of how he and Aaron had made love to her had her pussy weeping even as she ached to be filled with their thick, hard cocks.

  “God, I can smell you all hot and ready for us. I want to bury my dick in your pussy while I suck on those pretty tits. I can see your nipples through that shirt you have on. Are they as hard as they look, baby?” he asked.

  “God, yes. I want you, Levi.” She didn’t recognize her own voice. It sounded way to husky and sexy.

  Levi cursed and bent over to suck one tight nipple still covered with her shirt into his mouth. Wet heat enveloped it, making her cry out in pleasure. He sucked hard on the peak, then lightly nipped it and moved to the other side. She squirmed beneath him as he treated it to the same torturous pleasures he’d given the first one. Gabby was afraid she’d come and scream out in ecstasy if he didn’t stop soon. She had to clench her hands to keep from shoving them down the front of her pants to rub her clit. She needed them so badly.

  “Please, Levi. I need you. Don’t leave me like this,” she begged.

  “God, baby. Not like this. We can’t.” He stood up and jerked back the covers only to crawl on top of her and cover her with his still clothed body. “I’ll take care of you.”

  He lifted her shirt to bunch beneath her chin and drew in one taut peak before shoving as much of her breast into his mouth as he could manage. Gabby threw back her head and groaned. It still wasn’t enough. Her pussy was empty and needed to be filled. This was pure torture, this need for her mates, and beca
use only one of them was truly with her, neither of them could take her yet.

  Levi adjusted his body until the hard ridge of his cock fit against the notch between her legs. His covered dick rocked over her clothed pussy, pressing on her clit through her pants. The resulting zing it shot through her cunt had her wrapping her legs around him to rock against his hardness. The more she rocked, the more he pressed into her. He rubbed his swollen shaft up and down her cleft, sending her arousal higher and higher as he continued to suck and nibble on her nipples.

  Gabby was embarrassed at how she was acting, like some horny dog humping a man’s leg, but she couldn’t stop. Her need was too great, and while she was high on sexual pleasure, she wasn’t thinking about what the future would hold for her with the incomplete mating.

  Suddenly, her pleasure hit its peak, and she came in a blinding explosion of pleasure as Levi bit down on her nipple with enough force to send her soaring. Her scream of completion never made it past her mouth when he quickly covered it with one hand.

  Reality slowly took back over as she panted around Levi’s hand on her mouth. He moved it so she could breathe easier. Gabby closed her eyes tightly to hold back the tears of shame. No matter what she did, she couldn’t seem to get past crying, and she’d never been one to cry before.

  “Shhh, baby. It’s okay,” Levi whispered next to her ear. “I’ve got you.”

  She realized that he thought she was so overwhelmed with the pleasure that she was crying with it. She nearly started laughing hysterically at that thought. Instead, she pushed at his chest with her hands to get him to move.

  “I need to shower. Let me up, Levi.” Gabby rolled off the bed as soon as he got up.

  She could tell he was about to say something, but Aaron opened the door with a panicked expression on his face.

  “Levi. We’ve got a problem.”

  “What’s wrong?” Levi looked over at where she stood in the bathroom doorway, then back at his brother. It was obvious even in her misery that he was pulled between her and his duty.

  “You need to see what’s wrong, Levi. Go.” She backed out of the door and closed it softly.

  * * * *

  Levi swore under his breath and followed Aaron into the living room. His fathers stood just inside the door, which stood open so that their guards were nearby. His heart sank. Something was seriously wrong.

  “Dad, Father? What is it?” he asked, crossing the room.

  Dimitri, one of their enforcers, stepped into the room and closed the front door, leaving the other two enforcers outside. Levi’s anxiety level swelled. What was going on?

  “One of our guards went missing over an hour ago. We didn’t even realize he was gone until Robert started looking for his mate, Liz. We couldn’t find Terry to see if he had seen her. There are human scents near the area Terry was supposed to be, though,” Phillip told them.

  “What about Liz?” Aaron asked before Levi could.

  “She’s still missing. No, before you say anything, there is no chance they went off somewhere together. She’s very much in love with Robert. Besides, Liz is much older than Terry is. I don’t think there is anything there,” Deland added.

  Levi growled at the idea humans had managed to take two of their pack members. Something had to be done soon. He looked over at Aaron. His brother nodded and walked toward the kitchen and their guests in the other room. He hated to wake them so soon, but they were needed.

  “We will need help. Is there any chance more humans could still be somewhere on pack land?” he asked his fathers.

  “I’d say no since we couldn’t detect their scent anywhere in the area that Terry went missing, but we don’t know the extent of the magic they are using,” Phillip said.

  “Aaron is waking the Sylphies for us. They were very tired when they arrived, but we need them,” Levi told them.

  “We are here. What has happened?” Ariel asked.

  “One of our females and one of our guards are missing. There were human scents found nearby, but we don’t know if they are able to mask their scents enough to hide on pack land or not. Can you help us?” Levi asked.

  Ariel turned to their fathers and nodded her head to them. “Alpha, Beta.” She turned back to Levi and nodded.

  “What do you need?” he asked.

  “Take us to where they went missing. We will sift for changes to nature there and put things back to rights. That will let us know if they are still here,” she said.

  Levi looked at Aaron. “Stay here and protect our mate. I’ll call you and keep you informed of what is going on.”

  “I’ll take care of her. Be careful, Levi. She needs us both,” Aaron said.

  “Dimitri, have one of the others stay here to watch,” Deland said. His guard nodded and walked back outside to confer with the other two who were on guard.

  “Let’s go. Ariel, you and your sisters should stay between us. We don’t know what we are dealing with yet,” Levi said.

  “Once we are there, we will need to move around to be able to set things back to normal, but we will remain between you until then.”

  Levi felt as if he’d been reprimanded but wasn’t sure with the way she had worded it. When he looked over at his father, the older man was smiling.

  “They all had that effect on us as well. It is just their way, son.” Deland and Phillip chuckled and walked out onto the porch.

  Levi clasped Aaron’s hand then turned and followed them outside. Dimitri took point, and the rest of them formed a loose circle around the three Sylphies as they hiked through the trees to where Terry’s post had been. When they arrived, it was to find that two guards were now posted in the area.

  As much as he tried, Levi couldn’t tell that anything had occurred in the area. The ground was essentially unmarred with no sign of a struggle. Ariel cleared her throat, and the three females slipped from between the men to almost glide across the forest floor. Krista and Yvette seemed much more relaxed once they were away from them. Levi realized that Krista had appeared terrified when they’d first started out with them between the males. He couldn’t help but wonder why. And, he wondered how old the three females were. They looked no more than teenagers to him.

  “Levi? Alpha?” Ariel had stopped some distance away from the group.

  “Do you want us to come to you?” Deland asked.

  “Yes. Come closer. Yvette, Krista, this way, sisters,” Ariel said.

  The other women hurried closer to their sister until the three women were standing with their backs pressed together in a slight triangle. Levi and Deland walked closer but stopped when Ariel lifted her hand in a halting motion.

  “We are righting the order of things. Five human males came through here cloaked in magic. They took your guard first, then continued. When they returned this way, they also had a female wolf. All five left pack land. You will be able to scent them in a few moments and track where all they went,” she said.

  Deland looked back at where his brother and Beta stood several feet back. “When you can catch their scent, take Zirik with you and see where all they went.”

  Phillip nodded. “Be careful, Deland.”

  Deland turned back to Ariel. “Can you help us track them to where our wolves are being kept?”

  “Yes. You need more wolves, though. We don’t know how many there will be waiting for us,” she said.

  “Dimitri, gather your men. We are going hunting,” Deland said with a grim smile.

  Levi nodded grimly and pulled his phone out of its holder to call Aaron. He needed to keep his brother informed of what was going on. Aaron would notify the rest of their brothers as well. More than likely, several of them would show up with Dimitri’s men. As long as their mate and Nessa were protected, he welcomed their help.

  Less than fifteen minutes later, Joseph and Lee arrived with fifteen others Dimitri had summoned. He listened as Deland outlined what was going on and what they planned to do.

  “Remember, the Sylphies are to be prot
ected above all else. They are risking their lives for us and ours. Without their help, we have no way to protect our pack or our land from HAS and whoever this witch is,” Deland told them.

  “We will need to be in the lead at least until we locate them, Alpha,” Ariel said.

  “Our wolves will remain close to you, though. I don’t want anything to happen to you. We are in your debt. Your parents would skin me alive if I let anything happen to you three,” Deland said.

  “Are we ready, Alpha?” Dimitri asked.

  “Let’s go,” he said, nodding at his enforcer.

  Levi walked next to his father with Dimitri on the other side of him. Just in front of them were the three Sylphies, and on either side of them walked two wolves, his brothers in their wolf forms. They moved slowly through the trees until the Sylphies had found a pattern and moved faster. Levi couldn’t help but be impressed by their stealth and speed. Despite their size, they were amazingly fast.

  They slowed after nearly twenty minutes of running full out. After another ten minutes of walking, they stopped and turned around. Ariel was breathing hard, but after a few deep breaths, she was able to speak to them in a soft voice.

  “We are about half a mile away from them. We can keep them from knowing we are near by reversing the magic they have in place to alert them when someone approaches, but we can do nothing for their human tricks. If we try to mask your approach, the witch they have might sense the disturbance. We do not know the kind of witch they are using to know if they have this ability. I think you are safer going in naturally and avoiding the human traps.”

  “If the witch could tell if you masked us, why won’t they know that you are undoing what they did?” Levi asked.

  “Because we are merely returning things to their natural order. If we mask you, we are creating a disturbance in the natural order that some witches will sense,” Ariel explained. “We will do whatever you feel is best, though.”

  Deland looked at Levi, then Dimitri. “What do you think is best?”


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