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Marshall's Law

Page 24

by Denise A. Agnew

  When she tried to roll him over, he whispered against her ear. “For you.”

  Not to be denied, she pushed her fingers through the hair on his chest, defining him, enjoying the evidence of a hard male body in the rippling muscles. She gripped his biceps, felt them shift and bunch. He quivered under her touch.

  His fingers traced over her breasts with reverence, lingering over her waist and hips with a gentleness that tightened her throat. Tears stung her eyes and the ache became profound. Dana clasped his wrists and held him in place, glorying in the hardness and hairy roughness of his powerful body pressing against her.

  As he slid down the bed she knew what he intended to do once he reached his destination, and the idea excited her so much she held her breath. As his tongue and lips found tender places, she twisted, maddened by staggering pleasure. He traced and patterned and molded her. Each stroke within and without arched her higher and higher. She almost reached the pinnacle, hanging by a tether, ready to snap.

  He moved back, his breath rasping. Then he arrived again, this time inserting two tormenting fingers. He started a rhythm. His tongue moved.

  Pleasure screamed through her, threatening an imminent flare-up.

  “Marshall. I want—”

  “What do you need? I’d do anything for you.” His voice came hoarse and tight with desire. “Everything.”

  Love me. “I want you.”

  Her husky request was his undoing. He found the condom he’d put in his wallet and quickly sheathed himself in protection. He slid up her body, propping on his elbows as he anchored his hips between her thighs. Insistent hardness touched her heat, and she gasped in reaction. Marshall’s answering groan told her he felt the same way. He cupped her face. In the same instant he pressed forward, slow and deliberate. Dana arched in trembling pleasure as hot man penetrated. He drew out the process, sliding through tight folds to reach the heart of her, pushing so tight and deep she shivered in ecstasy.

  Oh, my God. He’s…oh, my…

  Her eyelids fluttered open in delighted shock.

  Nothing could have prepared her for this. For the forceful heat and amazing power of his total possession. He kissed her as he pressed upward. She whimpered as he thrust that final inch.

  Marshall heard her soft exclamation, and he looked at her through the dim light. “All right?”

  A tentative smile twitched the corner of Dana’s mouth. He speared his hands through her hair and sucked in a breath, as her body seemed to ripple around him, drawing him deeper. He wanted to move, his body quivering with need. Instead he waited, unable to rush this moment.

  A feathery sensation tickled his spine. When her fingers clutched his backside he inhaled sharply. “Don’t.”

  She grinned. “No?”

  Dana’s teasing question, so much like the taunts she’d given him in the past, fueled his need to take her hard and fast. Slow would come later. When his head didn’t feel like it was about to pop off and his loins weren’t screaming for fulfillment.

  “Think I can’t handle it?” he grated out, each word an effort.

  “Show me.”

  He smiled and drew back. The chemical reaction that had existed between them since the first day they’d met set off a chain reaction. Marshall kissed her at the same time he slammed home.

  Dana gasped. She had never felt anything remotely this wonderful.

  Thick. Hot.

  Heaven. This is heaven.

  She shuddered under the onslaught of shattering pleasure and a love so strong she knew she’d never be free of it. A growl issued from him and he arched, as he pumped hard, grinding, moving inside her with powerful, merciless thrusts. Each time he entered she rose against him, answering the wicked torture. She felt the stirrings of climax reach for her, demanding her quick surrender.

  Surely she couldn’t stand much more. Bliss rose inside her like a firestorm. A frantic sound escaped her, hot on the trail of the little moans that issued from her lips.

  She let him know with her whimpers that he was driving her straight out of her mind. Clutching at him, she showed him with hands and lips that she didn’t want him to stop.

  Her love for him grew as he gave her everything he had. His hands went under her buttocks, tilting her just right. Hammering deep and high he forced her up the hill until her passion became an inferno.

  One last thrust hit the mark. Her fingers dug into his back, ripples of overwhelming pleasure radiating outward, tingling through her limbs. As she tensed around him she cried out. Pulsing delight held her suspended, quivering and panting as the climax overtook each muscle, each fiber of her being.

  Marshall felt her release, and male satisfaction blasted him straight to the top. Frenzied, he loved Dana with a wild abandon. His muscles burned with effort, his heart slamming in his chest. He would claim her and no other man would have her. Ever.

  Relentless, he thrust once more. Twice. Again.


  Every muscle in Marshall’s body stiffened. Pure, shattering pleasure hit him.

  Her name roared through his lips. As his body shivered, his mind went blank and rode the pinnacle until the last shudder relented and he sank upon her.

  Chapter Twenty

  “I think we gave the ghosts a run for their money, didn’t we?” Dana asked, snuggling into Marshall’s embrace.

  He’d rolled to the side and gathered her tight in his arms some time ago. Now his hands passed over her hair, her back and her rear as if he couldn’t get enough of touching her.

  He chuckled. “They’re probably still back in the basement trying to finish the deed.”

  “You really think so? I mean it’s ludicrous. Ghosts having sex?”

  “Maybe we should go back to Lucille’s and check out the basement again. You could play the tape you made of the ghosts and see what happens.”

  Her cheeks burned when she thought of the chemical reaction between her and Marshall while they’d listened to the horny ghosts do the nasty. Supernova didn’t quite describe the situation. She traced a delicate pattern on Marshall’s butt with one finger.

  He twitched, his arms tightening around her. “You’re on very dangerous ground.”

  She sighed and slid her hand down, exploring a rock hard thigh muscle. “I really do feel sorry for the ghosts. I mean, at least we got to…um…you know…”


  She smacked his gluteus maximus, and he twitched. “Ow! What was that for?”

  “For being so crude.”

  Marshall cupped her neck and tilted her head up. She couldn’t see his face well, but his dark, dangerous tone sent a shiver slipping through her belly. “Lady, if that’s crude, you haven’t seen nothin’ yet.”

  “There’s more where that came from?”

  He grunted. “Yeah.”

  “I can’t believe…I mean…I never would have guessed that we…”

  Embarrassment reddened her face. Talk much?

  “Go on,” he said, pushing his hands through her hair again and kissing her forehead. “You never would have guessed what?”

  Marshall’s reassurance comforted her and eased her mortification. “That you and I would have ended up like this. I thought you couldn’t stand me and that you believed I had something to do with Aunt Lucille’s predicament, and now here we are recreating the dancing bed.”

  He laughed, and the sound rumbled deep in his chest. “I never disliked you. Not really.”

  “But you were suspicious of me.”

  “At first.”

  “Not anymore?”

  “I wouldn’t be here like this if I didn’t trust you.”

  “So what do we do now?”

  His arms tightened and his hard thighs shifted against her. “What do you want to do?”

  Ignoring his double entendre, she said, “I want this person who tried to run me off the road and apparently tried to kill my cousins, to get out of town. Just leave us all alone.”

  “They won’t do that.”

  She sighed. “I know.”

  “You’re safe,” he whispered into her hair. “I’m not letting you out of my sight again.”

  Silence hung between them for several moments. “Whatever happens I want you to know something.”

  She couldn’t say that she loved him. Not yet. Dana couldn’t leave the last portion of her heart open to him in that way without knowing for sure his feelings.

  “Dana?” he asked when she didn’t speak.

  “I want you to know I’m sorry about all the things I said. The stuff I hurled at you when we first met.”

  Warmth flooded her as he tilted her head up again so he could kiss her nose. “You didn’t trust me.”

  Time to confess a little. “It felt like a hot wire connecting us, and I guess I was so attracted to you I used that bull as a defense mechanism.”

  He nodded, his stubble-roughed jaw rubbing against her cheek. “I’ve never felt anything as crazy as what I feel with you.”

  Despite her languor, their spicy after sex talk kept her fire lit. If he kept it up she might have to attack him here and now.

  She sighed in contentment. Snuggling deep into his arms, she enjoyed the sensations of hard male against her feminine contours. His lips shaped hers, and no doubt the kiss would have led to more if the phone hadn’t rung. He groaned and reached for the bedside table, snapping on the light. He grabbed the phone. She hoped the conversation wouldn’t last long so they could continue where they left off.

  “Mrs. Pizer,” he said.

  Wondering what the woman could want, Dana snuggled up behind him. A wicked idea formed, and she slipped her hand over his hip and downward.

  “Well, I don’t know, Mrs. Pizer, that’s very nice but—” Marshall let out a gasp as Dana reached her destination. “What? No, I’m fine.” His hand trapped hers, but she wiggled her fingers. His muscles—all of them—tensed. “Of course, yes. She knows about it. It isn’t necessary.”

  Dana smiled, glorying in her power. That particular “muscle” hardened under her touch.

  “Oh, but it is necessary,” Dana whispered in his ear.

  He almost dropped the phone when Dana squeezed. “Uh—yeah, all right. Okay. But I’ll have to ask her. She may not be able to attend. Thank you.”

  When he dropped the receiver into the cradle, he rolled toward Dana and pinned her under him. His grim expression was overlaid by mischief in his eyes. “What were you trying to do?” He leaned down until their lips almost touched. “Let the whole world know I’m in bed with a beautiful woman?”

  She inched her hands over his wide shoulders and wallowed in his lascivious look. “I’m shocked, Brennan Marshall. Who is the woman?”

  He nipped her ear, and she let out a yelp. “The woman that better stop squirming.”

  When he tongued her ear she shivered in delight. “Mmm. What did Mrs. Pizer want? It sounded grim.”

  He sobered and loosened his hold. “She wanted to make sure you would attend the ceremony with me tomorrow night for the award presentation.”

  “Of course I will. I was planning on going at least by myself. But it sounds like you want me to be your date.”

  He didn’t smile when he said, “I only want you to be there if you’re comfortable.”

  “Why shouldn’t I be comfortable?”


  Well, that said it all. Sure, she hadn’t thought about the gossip. If everyone in Macon knew she had jumped his bones it wouldn’t bother her a bit. Another idea came to mind. “You never said if your family is going to be there.”

  He rolled off her and put his arm over his eyes. She sensed Marshall’s reluctance to take the commendation, and recalled when he’d taken the gift from Tommy. While she admired his humble pie, she wanted to see the man she’d fallen for receive the kudos he deserved.

  “No, because I didn’t tell them.”

  Surprised, she realized he hadn’t told her everything. “Why?”

  He shook his head. “Because they really don’t have time for it.”

  “You’ve known for a week and a half and they don’t have time?” Exasperated, she made an impatient noise. “I know you love them and they’ll be so disappointed. You deserve to be recognized, Marshall. You saved that boy’s life.”

  He lifted his arm and gave her a gentle grin. “Thanks, sweetheart, but I…it’s my job. I have a problem with people being rewarded extraordinarily for just doing their job.” His husky endearment thrilled her at the same time his self-deprecation bothered her.

  “Yes, but there’s a big difference between reward for doing enough to get by and doing more than most people would. Your parents would want to be there.” Somehow she knew he’d have sickeningly affectionate parents. Marshall’s good upbringing was written all over him with indelible ink. “Brennan Marshall, you’re such a twit. I ought to skin you alive.”

  Instead of looking hacked, he gave her a slow grin designed to set her on fire. When he didn’t speak, she went onward. “Do you have a camera?”


  “Good. I’ll take photos. At least your parents will have that.”

  The phone rang again and Dana jumped, startled. “Grand Central Station around here.”

  Marshall reached for the phone, and Dana decided she’d leave his body alone this time, difficult as that may be. As he spoke he rolled over onto his back. “Lucille. Everything all right?”

  As Marshall’s brows came together in a frown, Dana’s heart thumped with worry.

  Seconds later he said, “That’s good news.” Another lengthy paused followed until he said, “What? Again? All right. We’ll stop by the hospital first, then head over to the house and let you know what we find.” He hung up and turned to Dana. “You’re not going to believe this. Lucille and Logan stopped at the house so Lucille could freshen up and change clothes. They heard noises down in the basement, and when they investigated they discovered the bed is at it again. Full throttle.”

  Dana laughed lightly. “I wonder what Logan thought of that.”

  Marshall’s smile said he couldn’t wait to ask Logan. “He’s so level-headed I’ll bet it freaked him out. Knowing him, he probably tried looking for the source of the noise and found exactly what we did.”

  Dana sighed. “I feel it down deep in my stomach, Marshall. All the crap that’s happened is because I arrived in town.”

  His warm palm slid down over the curve of her breast and to her stomach. She sucked in a breath of excitement. “Down here?”

  She smiled. “Yeah, down there.”

  Groaning, he rolled away from her and got to his feet. “Don’t get me started. I’m having a hard enough time keeping my hands off you as it is.”

  She surveyed his body. Hard definitely described his situation. Raw feminine pleasure filled her. “I see.”

  “Stop looking at me like that or we’ll never get out of here.” As his drop-dead gorgeous body turned and headed for the bathroom, she sighed in appreciation. What a hunk. He turned around again and caught her eyeing his backside. “Last one dressed cooks dinner tonight.”

  She leapt from the bed. “You’re on.”

  Marshall and Dana headed through the automatic doors, and her nose wrinkled as she inhaled the unmistakable odor of eau de hospital. Her stomach rolled, and she knew it wasn’t because she hadn’t eaten for some time. She didn’t like the way she felt now. Uneasy. Exposed. Alert. Could danger lurk around the corner like a nasty beast in a horror movie?

  “Marshall,” she said, not knowing what she wanted to ask or say.

  He glanced down at her, his frown drawn tight. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know. I feel like someone is watching us.”

  “You’re safe.”

  As Marshall put a proprietary arm around her waist, she sank into his protection with welcome. Amazing how this man could wrap her in shelter with his mere presence. She’d always wondered if she’d feel that way around a man once in her lifetime. She’d never experienced
it with Frank, and now Marshall gave her security she’d never thought she’d need.

  She shivered. “I keep thinking I should be able to use this…this feeling in my horror novel.”

  His mouth formed a small smile, half curious, half apprehensive. He spoke softly. “Which part of your experience in Macon are you talking about? The tornado? The wreck? Or…” His voice dropped to a husky whisper. “…our lovemaking.”

  Lovemaking. Her heart did a triple flip and her stomach a sweet tremble. The way he said that word pushed fear straight from her mind. She cleared her throat. “The sense of fear, actually. The unwanted suspense.” When his armed tightened around her, she nestled close. “And the lovemaking…that’s too personal.” A wicked grin touched her lips. “Maybe.”

  He made a sound somewhere between a laugh and a strangle. “Maybe? If I notice something mighty personal showing up in your next novel, I’ll know where you got the idea.”

  She couldn’t help the small snicker that escaped her lips.

  As they reached the ward where Gregory lay, Marshall became all business. Two deputies outside the door let him in. They moved past several beds, and Dana took a deep breath, fighting back the emotions of those around her.

  Logan stood at the foot of Gregory’s bed, while Lucille kept vigil at her stepson’s bedside. After greeting them, Aunt Lucille said, “I think he’s doing better. He’s drifting in and out of consciousness. How are you two?”

  Dana kissed her aunt’s cheek and hugged her tight. “Good.”

  Aunt Lucille’s cagey assessment left Dana feeling as if her aunt had to know what had happened between her and Marshall. Marshall looped his arm around Dana’s waist.

  Aunt Lucille grinned. “I can see that.”

  Dana blushed, and the look Marshall gave her made her melt into her shoes. A combination of heady love and stunning fear mixed into a soup in her mind. She had to admit, she liked that he didn’t mind showing how he felt about her.

  “How is he?” Marshall said, nodding toward the bed.

  “The doctors aren’t sure whether you’ll be able to question him or not. They think he’ll come out of it shortly,” Logan said.


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