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Drakon Unchained (Blood of the Drakon)

Page 4

by N. J. Walters

  She wanted to get closer to him but was afraid to move. The last thing she wanted to do was snap the tenuous connection between them. It was wrong, but she couldn’t make herself leave. Not yet. Surely, if he remembered any of this tomorrow, he’d write it off as pure fantasy. Anything else was too unbelievable.

  She, on the other hand, knew this was real, knew Luther was right now naked on his bed in his apartment.

  His gaze narrowed and sharpened. “I don’t think so. It’s more.”

  He was much too perceptive for her peace of mind. She started to withdraw.

  “Wait.” He patted the bed beside him. “Don’t leave.” There was something in his voice, some longing that tugged at her heart.

  She licked her lips and pulled her robe more tightly around her. “I should go.” This was risky, for both of them.

  He shook his head. “You came here for a reason.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t control where I wander when I sleep.” Why did I tell him that? It was dangerous, even if he thought it was nothing more than an interesting tidbit he’d imagined while he slept.


  “No. My night wanderings take me where they will. Don’t yours?” This was definitely one of the oddest conversations she’d ever had, and she’d talked to a drakon when she was a child. If only she could talk to her friend when she had visions of him, maybe she could find some way to help him.

  “I rarely dream.” His tone was flat, his face grim. “If I do, it’s usually nightmares.” He studied her intently. “This is much better.”

  Something was tugging her toward him. She was aware of the connection whenever she saw him, but tonight, when they were both vulnerable, it seemed stronger than ever.

  She couldn’t afford to feel more for Luther than she already did. He was a paid mercenary, and he worked for Mr. Temple.

  She took a step back. Luther leaned forward and wrapped his fingers around her wrist. The heat from his skin was like a brand, marking her.

  This shouldn’t be happening. She was more real in this vision, tangible in a way she’d never been before.

  She yanked hard and started to fall. He lunged toward her, and she sat upright on her sofa.

  Gasping for breath, she jumped up and looked around. She was in her own living room in her apartment. Heart hammering against her chest, she slowly sat back down and tugged the throw around her.

  The television was still on, the screen showing a woman painting a wall a bright shade of yellow.

  She must have dozed off, and her subconscious had drifted and found its way to Luther. She grasped her wrist, still able to feel the heat from his hand. Or maybe she was just imagining it.

  Of course that was it. There was no way he’d really touched her. Maybe this was a normal dream brought on by fear and sexual frustration.

  Only Victoria never had normal dreams, or at least none she could recall. If she remembered anything, it was her visions, the part of her gift that gave her a glimpse into someone else’s life.

  So Luther had been lying naked on his bed. Timelines were almost always a bit tricky. But she knew she’d been in the present tonight. The scene had been too immediate. Why had he sensed her, seen her? That had never happened before. Had he somehow shared her dream? And why Luther? Was it because she was attracted to him?

  Even when she’d dated in the past, any visions she’d had about the man in her life had been just that—a glimpse of a past happening. Never had she viewed them in the present, and never had they sensed or seen her.

  She grabbed the remote and turned off the television before dragging herself to bed. She crawled under the covers and pulled them tightly around her. Her phone was by her bed, the alarm set for the morning.

  An hour later, she was still staring at the ceiling, reliving each second of the relatively short vision. She couldn’t get her mind off Luther and feared that wouldn’t change anytime soon. The only saving grace was that Luther probably wouldn’t remember her nocturnal visit. When people woke after a dream, they often forgot anything that occurred. If by some chance he did remember, he’d most likely dismiss it immediately, writing it off as a dream since that was the only logical explanation.

  There’s no reason to worry. None at all.

  Sighing, she rolled over onto her side and closed her eyes, determined to get some rest before the alarm went off.


  Luther’s heart slammed into his chest as he bolted upright in bed, hand outstretched. But Victoria was gone, and he was alone.

  “Son of a bitch.” He flopped back onto the mattress, both disappointed and relieved she wasn’t here. He must have dreamed that he’d woken up and seen her. Not surprising considering he’d fantasized about her earlier while he’d jerked off.

  He yanked the sheet over his body, ignoring the way his cock was throbbing once again. He’d already taken care of it once this evening, now he wanted to sleep.

  He inhaled deeply and caught the slightest hint of something sweet. When he inhaled again, he scented nothing.

  Obviously wishful thinking. “Victoria wasn’t here,” he reminded himself. He rolled over onto his side and gazed out the window. The apartment was small, and the sizeable windows made him feel not quite so closed in. He was a large man, used to a lot more space. But spacious apartments in New York cost big money. He could afford one but figured it was a waste of resources since all he did was eat the occasional meal and sleep here.

  He wanted to finish what he’d started and leave the city, but that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. He’d been working for the Knights for two years, and he was no closer to his goal than when he’d started.

  But he had time. He closed his eyes and tried to calm his thoughts. It wasn’t easy, not with the memory of Victoria flashing like a neon sign. His erection still hadn’t gone down.

  Luther cursed and shoved his arm under his pillow. It was going to be a long night.

  Chapter Four

  Luther was at work bright and early the next morning. Not surprisingly, he hadn’t slept well. Not after waking up expecting to find Victoria in his bedroom only to realize it was empty.

  He couldn’t shake the vision of her standing in his bedroom wearing nothing but a silky nightgown and robe. He could explain it all away easily enough with logic and reason. As for the slight whiff of Victoria he’d scented for the briefest of seconds, he’d obviously conjured the delicate fragrance he associated with her because he’d been around her so much yesterday. She didn’t wear perfume, but the lotion she favored had the faintest hint of vanilla. The sweet scent always seemed to linger around her.

  That was all it was. That was all it could be.

  Still, he couldn’t let it go.

  Which was why he was leaning against the wall outside her office. If anyone had the audacity to ask what he was doing here so early, he’d say he was waiting on Temple. He was really waiting for Victoria.

  He had to see her.

  He heard her voice before he saw her. She was saying good morning to the guard at the front entrance. Luther knew security protocols dictated she leave her coat, phone, and purse there until she picked them up at quitting time. She never lingered and only spoke enough to be cordial.

  Anticipation fired his blood, but it also worried him. He couldn’t allow himself to lose sight of his goals, but maybe a momentary distraction wasn’t such a bad thing.

  All work and no play wasn’t good for anyone. He felt more alive this morning than he had in months, maybe years.

  Then she was there, striding down the corridor toward the office. She was wearing another one of those suits that were a staple of her wardrobe. This one was pearly gray, and he caught a hint of pink inside her jacket. She’d removed her boots when she’d turned her outerwear in at the security desk and was wearing a pair of gray heels. He’d liked seeing her in the flowing nightgown and robe she’d worn in his dream. Better yet, just her underwear and bra like she had on in his sexual fantasy.

>   As if sensing his scrutiny, she glanced up and almost stumbled to a halt before she caught herself. Her face registered surprise and something more for a split second before it was buried beneath the blank mask of professionalism.

  She resumed striding down the corridor and gave him a brisk nod. “Are you here to see Mr. Temple?”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  That surprised her. He could tell even though she hid it quickly. He’d been studying her long enough to know her moods. He pushed away from the wall he’d been leaning against and went to stand beside her.

  Her shoulders tensed, but otherwise, she gave no indication that his presence bothered her. She continued into her office and went right to the safe.

  “Then why are you here?”

  He waited until she’d input the combination. She angled her body to block his view. Once it was open, she pulled out her laptop and an old-fashioned datebook.

  “I came to see you.”

  “Me?” There was a note in her voice that intrigued him. He couldn’t quite tell what it was—surprise, pleasure, worry, anger. He wished she would look at him, but she had her back turned.

  “Yes, you.” He stood just inside the door, not getting too close. It frustrated him that her office was monitored and he couldn’t do what he wanted, which was pull her into his arms and taste her sweet mouth. As it was, the guard might report this to Temple. Or maybe not, since Luther was the head of security. The guard might assume he was there for a legitimate reason.

  The phone on her desk rang. She startled slightly, but he didn’t miss the telltale jerk before she caught herself. This was a woman with incredible self-control.

  “Mr. Temple’s office.”

  He tilted his head to one side and listened. It was no trouble for him to hear Temple’s voice. Luther wondered if the man was going slightly deaf since he’d started speaking more loudly these last few weeks.

  “Yes, sir,” Victoria responded. She glanced in Luther’s direction, and he willed her to keep looking at him. A light blush spread across her cheekbones. He’d give anything to know what she was thinking.

  She hung up the phone and licked her lips. It was a nervous gesture, but it had his cock standing at attention. God, she had a beautiful mouth. He wanted to taste it. He wanted to see it wrapped around his cock.

  The silence stretched out between them. Finally, he broke it. “That was Temple?”

  She frowned and nodded. “Yes. He wants to see you as soon as he gets in.” She glanced at her watch. “He’ll be down in about thirty minutes.”

  Temple lived on the upper floor of the building, which made it convenient for his boss, but not so convenient for someone who might want to do a little snooping. Luther had thought about taking the risk many times, but he didn’t dare. There were lives at stake. And Temple was his way into the Knights of the Dragon, his only way to find his missing parents.

  Luther left his post by the doorway and slowly walked toward her. When he was close, he angled his back to the camera to cover his face and block Victoria from view.

  “Do you dream?” He had no idea why he asked. It wasn’t smart. He was taking unnecessary risks with his job and potentially with her life. She couldn’t afford to be seen as a weak link. Temple would order her permanently retired.

  That terrible thought allowed him to keep his distance when all he wanted to do was pull her into his arms and kiss her.

  She visibly paled and began to sway. Her eyes grew wider, and he caught a glimpse of fear in them. “What? What do you mean? Everyone dreams.”

  He reached for her, but she stepped away. Before his very eyes, the color flowed back into her face, and she stiffened her spine. She was beautiful and also keenly intelligent, and she had more control than many of the mercenaries currently employed by Temple. Of course, a case could be made that she had the more difficult position. She dealt with Temple on a daily basis.

  That reminder made him take a step back.

  He caught the slightest hint of vanilla, and it catapulted him back to last night. “I have nightmares.” Shit, what made me say that?

  She didn’t seem surprised. In fact, she nodded slightly, as though she’d already known, which was impossible, unless there was more to last night than he realized.

  Now he was losing it. And all because of a dream. He needed to get a grip on himself before he met with Temple. He needed time and space to regroup. He hadn’t expected to react so deeply to her presence this morning. Nor had he anticipated her extreme reaction to his mere mention of dreams.

  He’d give almost anything to know what was going on in her mind right now.

  “I’m getting coffee. You want one?”

  It was fascinating to watch her collect herself. She sat at her desk and shook her head. “It’s not necessary.”

  It might not be necessary, but he wanted to do it. Her job was dangerous, and no one ever did anything for her. Most people would laugh at the idea that there were any serious risks in an office job. What could go wrong? Paper cut? Or maybe she’d trip in those heels she insisted on wearing?

  Anyone looking in from the outside would see an efficient executive assistant. In truth, she navigated shark-filled waters. And at this point, he had no idea if she was swimming with them or trying to avoid being eaten.

  Not that it mattered. Not anymore. He’d do his best to protect her. But he wasn’t always around. And that suddenly bothered him.

  Protecting Victoria Marshall suddenly felt like his number one priority, the most important thing in his world. And that couldn’t happen. He had plans of his own that had taken him years to implement. He wouldn’t, couldn’t allow a woman to derail them. Finding his parents had to be his only goal. Nothing or no one could be allowed to come before that.

  “I don’t mind,” he told her.

  He was acting totally out of character. He knew he should leave. He needed to get his head back in the game. He was allowing the connection he felt for her because of a dream to influence his actions. That was not only risky, but stupid.

  She studied him for a long minute. It was surprisingly intimate. It was as though she were seeing through the layers of his suit to what he was beneath.

  “Then thank you. I’d love a coffee. As long as it’s hot and strong, I don’t care what kind it is.”

  He gave her a curt nod and headed to the employee lunchroom. He knew he wouldn’t run into any security guards there. They used their own break room. He took his time and made the coffee. When his was done, he took a big sip.

  Victoria was proving to be a problem. She was a puzzle he wanted to solve, but that was a dangerous road to start down. He could look after himself, but she was no match for anyone Temple might send after her if he suspected she might be fraternizing with him. Talking among employees was strictly monitored. It was ostensibly for security reasons, but Luther knew it had more to do with keeping the secrets of the Knights of the Dragon.

  He stared out the window at the quiet street in the expensive and exclusive neighborhood and willed his body back under his control. Finally, after what seemed like hours but was probably only a minute or two, he picked up both coffees and went back to Victoria’s office to wait for Temple.


  Victoria wanted to fan her face. She was lightheaded and slightly nauseated. Why did Luther ask about dreams? Does he suspect I actually visited him last night? Was in his bedroom with him? Not that she’d been there in person, but a part of her had been. It was complicated, and she didn’t totally understand it herself, but that didn’t make it any less real.

  Somehow, he’d touched her. Or at least it felt as though he had. It was all so confusing. It was rare she had a vision like that. Usually, her dreams showed her snippets of people’s pasts. That was uncomfortable enough. What had happened with Luther was totally unique. And that was cause for concern.

  He’d said the same thing last night—that he had more nightmares than dreams. She could only imagine what haunted him i
n his sleep. He’d obviously lived a violent life, or he wouldn’t be working for a man like her boss. Mr. Temple only hired the best when it came to security, men with experience.

  She shivered, opened the laptop, and pretended to look busy.

  Okay, so it made sense that Luther might ask her about dreams if he remembered something about last night. There was no reason for her to get upset. She’d just keep on pretending she had no idea what he was talking about.

  Maybe it’s time to take a vacation.

  She straightened her spine and opened Mr. Temple’s datebook to review his meetings for the day. She could not allow Luther to divert her from her path. Her boss and some of his associates—she hadn’t figured out exactly who all of them were yet—were involved in a very deadly and dangerous game. Her friend, Sergei, was trapped by these people, and she was the only hope he and his wife had.

  God help them.

  If only there was someone she could turn to, someone she could trust.

  Luther walked back into the office with a coffee in each hand. He set one down on the corner of her desk.

  She cleared her throat. “Thank you.”

  He nodded and went to sit in the lone visitor chair. The seat looked too small to contain his large frame. She wondered if it would hold him. He must have wondered the same thing, because he gave a grunt and stood again when the wood creaked.

  For some reason, that made her smile. He caught the small gesture and raised an eyebrow in question. She shook her head, lifted her mug, and took a sip of the coffee he’d brought her. Like the man himself, the brew was hot and slightly bitter, but also bold.

  How am I supposed to work with him watching?

  She took a deep breath and logged on to her desktop computer. Mr. Temple would be expecting a final report on some research he’d requested. And he didn’t like it when he didn’t get what he wanted.

  That thought spurred her to action. Her entire body hummed with a low-level awareness of Luther. It seemed her dream visitation last night had only cemented her interest in him.


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