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All Aboard (Anchored Book 3)

Page 3

by Sophie Stern


  “Truly. There are plenty of people who come here hoping to meet someone, of course, but many couples come here because it’s a safe place to play out fantasies.”

  “I watch myself masturbate in front of my bedroom mirror,” I whisper.

  “I bet you look incredibly sexy doing that, Macie.”

  “It’s embarrassing to say it out loud.”

  “Not at all. You’re a gorgeous woman. I’m sure you look fantastic.” I feel him against my ass, I realize. He’s hard for me, hard thinking about the way I look when I touch myself, and that makes me feel very, very sexy. I’m filled with feminine power, suddenly, and I feel really, really good.

  No wonder people like this whole kink thing.

  “Do you masturbate often, Macie?” His voice is low, quiet in my ear. No one else can hear what he’s saying. We’re surrounded by people, but they’re all focused on the trio on stage. No one is paying any attention to Tony and me or the way we’re getting cozy and close.

  Suddenly, I wonder what it would be like to sleep with Tony. He would be Dominating, of course, but he would be gentle, too. I’m sure of it. Something tells me that a man like Tony isn’t going to leave his submissive wanting. He’s going to show her what it means to be taken care of.

  “Every day,” I admit.

  “Do you read dirty books to turn yourself on?”


  “Watch porn?”


  “Then you must have quite an active imagination, sweetheart. Tell me, what do you think about when you touch that pretty pink pussy of yours?”

  “Holy dragons,” I whisper. “I can’t believe you just said that.”



  “Oh, honey,” he chuckles. “You’re going to hear a lot dirtier words than that come out of my mouth.”

  “I’ve never told anyone what I fantasize about,” I admit. “But then again, no one has ever asked me.”

  “Would you like to tell me what you think about when you touch yourself? When you slide your fingers deep inside?”

  “I want to tell you,” I whisper.

  “Then tell me.”

  “I think about different things, but my favorite fantasy is when I’m in the kitchen baking. I’m a caterer, so I spend a lot of time in my kitchen. It’s a weird fantasy, I know, but I love the idea of being busy at the counter and have someone come up behind me.”

  “And what would they do to you when they come up to you?”

  “Well,” I swallow hard. My mouth has suddenly gone dry. I shouldn’t be telling Tony these things about me. These are secrets I hold close to my heart, secrets I’ve never told anyone, and suddenly, I’m spilling my guts to Tony.

  I’m totally blabbing to a stranger.

  I’m sharing my innermost secrets, but it doesn’t seem wrong.

  Why doesn’t it seem wrong?

  “They would flip up my skirt to find I’m not wearing any panties.”

  “Naughty girl,” Tony murmurs.

  “Very naughty,” I agree, closing my eyes. I rest my head on his shoulder. He’s still behind me, still holding me in place, and I’m slowly grinding my hips against him. I don’t know when I started doing that. Maybe it was a minute ago. Maybe it was after I started talking. All I know is that his cock is so hard against my bottom and my panties? They’re soaked.

  “What happens next, sweetheart?”

  “Next, he slides his hands over my bottom.”

  “I bet your skin feels very smooth.”

  “Yes,” I whisper. “And soft. He grips me, grabbing my hips.”

  “And does he say something to you?”

  “Yes. He tells me I’m beautiful. He grabs my hair and pulls my head back. He kisses me, but it’s not a soft kiss. It’s a hard kiss. He tells me he’s been thinking of me all day and he can’t wait to slide inside of me.”

  “Fuck, Macie, that’s hot as hell.”

  “And then he thrusts into me quickly, hard.” I’m breathing heavily now, unable to stop the fantasy from floating through my head. It’s so vivid, so real. I’ve imagined it a hundred times but never like this.

  Because this time, it’s Tony in my fantasy.

  This time, he’s the one fucking me in my kitchen. He’s the one making me growl. He’s the one making my body sing with pleasure.

  “Are you thinking about it right now?” Tony whispers, and his hands move up and down my sides. We’re still watching the people on stage, and I’m still grinding against him, unable to get enough.

  Suddenly, I’m filled with need, and I really want to rush off to the locker room to get myself off. Having a quick orgasm would give me the fortitude required to get through the rest of the night. Yes, that’s exactly what I need: an orgasm.

  “Yes,” I admit, trying to come up with a way I can sneak off. I wiggle out of Tony’s arms and turn around. He looks surprised.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “I need to pee,” I say bluntly, hoping he won’t see through my ploy, but he just smirks.

  “Is that code for ‘get off’?” He asks.

  “What?” I blink innocently.

  “Should I spank you for lying, sweetheart?” He crosses his arms over his big, broad chest, and I groan. Of course he would see right through that. He’s a lawyer, and a Dom, and to be honest, I’m too horny to be any good at lying.


  “I don’t do well with lies,” Tony says. “And while you’re under my protection, you aren’t going to be slinking off to masturbate in the bathroom of all places. We’re in a sex dungeon, love. In case you haven’t noticed, orgasms are on the menu, and sex club virgins are the specialty.”


  I don’t know what to say or what to do, and I know I’m blushing super hard. It’s just that the fantasy got me so worked up, so excited, so turned on, and I don’t know what to do now.

  He sighs, and then presses his lips to my forehead. “Come here,” he says. “I have an idea.”

  Chapter 6


  I guide Macie out of the crowd at Anchored and bring her over to the bar. June is working tonight, as always, and smiles when I approach.

  “Tony,” she says with a smile. “Drinking tonight?”

  “No,” I shake my head. “I’m accompanying Macie this evening. She’s new. It’s her first night.”

  “I’m aware,” June turns to Macie and offers her hand. “Pleasure to meet you, Macie. I’m June.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Macie looks from June to me and back again. She seems a little confused as to what’s happening.

  “Macie and I are going to step outside for some air,” I tell June.

  “Is that right?” June looks pointedly at the pink “new person” bracelet that’s on Macie’s wrist. “You know she can’t play tonight. She hasn’t had her psych eval.”

  “I know. We’re just going outside to look at the stars,” I say, knowing June isn’t buying even a little of what I’m selling. It’s hypocritical of me, I know. I threatened to spank Macie for lying and now I’m obviously lying to June.

  I give her my most innocent face.

  “Stupid lawyers,” she rolls her eyes finally.

  “If Jaxson or Zack come by, will you please let them know we’ll be back shortly?”

  “Yeah, yeah,” June turns to start making a drink and waves her hand at me. “Whatever, Tony.”

  “Thanks, sweetness.”

  She turns around and winks at me. “Have fun.”

  I take Macie’s hand once more and lead her toward a back door. It’s got an EXIT sign blinking above it.

  “Won’t this set off some sort of alarm?” Macie points nervously at a warning sign posted on the wall.

  “Not that door,” I tell her. “This door.” I point to a door just a few feet down. It’s cleverly hidden behind some large potted plants. We step behind the plants and I swipe my keycard. Then we
go through the door. As soon as it closes behind us, I press Macie against the wall and kiss her.

  “What are you doing?” She asks.

  “Taking what’s mine,” I tell her, kissing her again. Then I stop. “And giving you what you deserve. Come along.”

  I guide her up a narrow staircase, through another door, and then we’re on the upper deck.

  “Wow,” she says, looking out at the beautiful night sky. “This is quite the view.”

  “I agree,” but I’m looking at her. Macie is gorgeous leaning over the rail, looking at the stars like they’re the most interesting thing she’s ever seen.

  “Do you come out here often?”

  “You mean with my submissives?”


  “Never,” I tell her honestly. “The owner has a strict policy about people staying indoors. She doesn’t like people to wander outside in the throes of passion.”

  “I get it,” Macie says. “This place is great because it’s discreet, right? It wouldn’t do anyone any favors to have someone get arrested for public indecency.”

  “Well, no one’s looking right now,” I tell her. “It’s dark. We’re alone. Anything could happen.”

  “Like you giving me the orgasm you denied me?” She asks, raising an eyebrow.

  “Would you like that?”

  She turns to me, keeping one hand on the rail. “I’m not sure.”

  “You aren’t sure if you’d like an orgasm?”

  “I’ve never…you know…with a stranger before.”

  “I’m not a stranger anymore.”

  “You sort of are.”

  “And we’re not going to have sex, Macie.”


  “You look disappointed.” I lift her chin with my finger. “Do you want to have sex with me tonight, Macie?”

  She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. She nods, but doesn’t speak. Brave little thing, isn’t she? I know she’s completely out of her element. I get it. This isn’t the type of thing she normally does. This isn’t the sort of place she typically frequents. Macie is a good girl, through-and-through.

  I don’t mean that she’s innocent or that she isn’t kinky because Macie is definitely, totally kinky. She just hasn’t had the right man to show her the ropes yet. No, I mean that Macie has a good heart. She’s kind, and it shows. She might be new to this whole world, but she’s going to be just fine in it.

  “Trust me, beautiful. I would love to show you exactly what I can make you feel. I would love to be the man in your fantasy bending you over the kitchen counter, making you come all over my cock. I would love that, but it can’t be tonight.”

  “But we’re already breaking the rules being out here,” she whispers. “Why can’t we break them a little bit more?”

  “Not tonight,” I tell her. “Tonight, just let me make you feel. Turn back around.”

  She turns around and faces the water. There are several other boats docked nearby, but no people. It’s too late for that. Anyone docking their vessel here has either gone to bed below deck for the night or gone home. Either way, we’re totally alone in the moonlight, totally alone out here.

  And it’s wonderful.

  I run my hands down her shoulders. She quivers beneath my touch, and I trace her skin gently.

  “Now that you’ve seen a little bit of Anchored, what are your thoughts? Is it different than you expected?” I move my hands to her belly, wrapping my arms around her.

  “A little,” she admits.

  “Tell me how.” Slowly, my hands trace circles on her stomach, and Macie leans back into me.

  “I thought it would be scarier.”

  “Whips and chains?”


  “You watch too many movies,” I say, and move my hands slowly, slowly toward her breasts. I cup them over her shirt, and she lets out a soft little moan.

  “Or maybe not enough.”

  “Has anyone ever touched you like this? Out in the open?”


  “But you enjoy it.” It’s not a question, and she doesn’t respond. She just rests against me and allows me to touch her. I wonder how this girl isn’t married off yet. How could anyone get tired of touching her? She’s funny and interesting, and she’s captured my attention faster than she should have.

  “How did you find out about Anchored?” She asks. Her breathing has deepened, and I slip one of my hands down the top of her tank to play with her nipples. They’re hard and beaded, ready for me.

  “Oh, I’ve been here since the beginning.”

  “Is that right? You’ve known you were a Dom for a long time, huh?”

  “It’s something that’s always interested me, yes.”

  “But you aren’t married.”

  “I’m a divorce attorney,” I whisper in her ear. “Marriage isn’t for me.”

  “Did you get your heart broken?” I don’t want to break the spell of the moment, but she’s so soft and sweet. How can I deny answering this?

  “On the contrary,” I tell her. “I’ve never let anyone close enough to break my heart.”

  “Sounds lonely,” she murmurs.

  “My best friend went through a nasty divorce,” I tell her. “I was there for the whole thing. I saw how someone he cared so deeply for could hurt him so badly. It turned me off to the whole marriage thing, I’m afraid.”

  “That must have been difficult.”

  “It was.”

  I don’t talk about Zack’s divorce very often. There’s not much of a point. His ex isn’t someone I enjoy thinking about or talking about. She’s not the type of person I want to be associated with. She took his heart and crushed it.

  “You know,” Macie suddenly turns around and presses her hands against my chest. “I know what you’re doing. You want to pleasure me out here in the open. You want to make me come. You want to give me the orgasm of a lifetime.”

  “Is there a problem with that?”

  “Yeah,” she bites her lip nervously, and then she drops to her knees and reaches for my pants. “Maybe it’s time you let someone take care of you, Master Tony.”

  Chapter 7


  I’m not this girl.

  I’m not wild or crazy or bold, but the word Master slips out of my mouth like I know what I’m doing, like this isn’t my first time. Somehow, when I’m near Tony, he makes me feel like I’m not completely inexperienced in this.

  So I undo his pants, and I bring his cock to my mouth. I don’t take the time to look at it or appreciate it or oogle it. I’m much too busy sliding it down my throat for any of that. He makes a noise of appreciation and surprise, but he lets me touch him. He lets me play with him.

  Tony doesn’t tell me this isn’t appropriate. He doesn’t say, “You’re too good for this.” He doesn’t tell me our first time together should be special. He just goes with it, and I’m glad. For once in my life, I’m just letting go of everything that holds me back, and I feel free.

  We’re outside of Anchored. We’re on deck, and I know that if anyone looked over at us, we’d be hidden in the shadows, but it’s still a rush. What if the moonlight falls just so, and someone can see me here? What if some random person is walking around the harbor at night and watches us? The idea of being observed, even by a stranger, excites me more than it should.

  There’s a part of me that knows I should be embarrassed of myself. I should be ashamed of this behavior, but I’m not, and when I look up at Tony, I know that he’s not, either.

  “You’re fucking incredible, Macie. Your sweet mouth feels so damn good on me.”

  His dark words just egg me on, making me suck harder, faster. His breathing gets shorter, faster, and I know he’s getting close. Good. He played with me, running his hands all over my body. He awakened something in me I thought didn’t exist, and now I’m getting the chance to make him fall apart under my touch.

  “I’m close,” he murmurs. “You should stop now,” he add
s, but I don’t. I just keep going, and when he comes with a groan, I taste him in my mouth. I feel sexier than I’ve ever felt in my damn life. I feel beautiful here in the moonlight, and when I finish licking Tony, I look up to see him watching me.

  “You are incredible.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  He gives me his hand and brings me to my feet. Then he wraps his arms around me and pulls me close, kissing me tenderly, gently.

  “That was wild,” I tell him after a minute.

  “I agree,” he whispers. “But I still haven’t made you come, sweetheart.”

  “We have plenty of time for that,” I murmur, nuzzling against him, but the door to Anchored opens just then and Zack strides through it like he owns the place.

  “What are you doing out here, rule-breaker?” He glares at Tony.

  “We’re just enjoying the moonlight,” Tony says, blinking innocently.

  Zack sniffs the air. “Then why does it smell like guilt and bad decisions out here?”

  “I’m fine,” I place my hand on Zack’s arm. Christina is right behind him. “We were just talking.”

  “With Tony?” Christina chuckles. “Not likely, but nice try.”

  “Come on, now,” Tony says. “I can be trusted.”

  Zack just scoffs. Then he jerks his head toward the door. “Let’s head back inside. There’s a scene I think you’ll enjoy.”

  “Sounds great,” Tony slides his arm around me. “I want to see, too.”

  “I’ll give you something to see,” Zack mutters under his breath, but we all follow him inside and back to the club. The music is louder than before, if possible, and the crowd has grown in the time we’ve been gone. I’m not sure how long Tony and I were outside, but if the club wasn’t in full swing before, it certainly is now.


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