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Hot Cop Next Door: A Steamy Older Man Younger Woman Romance

Page 7

by Mia Madison

  When his eyes finally cracked open and met mine, the look of pure adoration made my heart pound harder than ever. Was it possible he had come to the same realization? Was I naive for even hoping it was true?

  He brushed the hair from my face—seemingly dumbstruck—before a frown appeared and sullied the moment.

  “Did I hurt you?” he whispered with concern. He pulled out and reached for the key on the nightstand. “How are you feeling?”

  “Like I came so hard I melted into a pile of goo,” I mumbled, laughing softly. “I seriously don’t think I can move.”

  Aaron chuckled and kissed each wrist as he released them from the cuffs before moving to my forehead. He placed a chaste kiss on my sweaty skin and whispered, “Just relax, sweetheart. I’ve got you.”

  I whimpered in protest when he tried to pull away. He chuckled again when I puckered my lips before indulging me with a sweet, lingering kiss. Once I was satisfied, he pulled back and hopped off the bed. The blanket he covered me with was a poor substitute for his warmth, but I appreciated it nonetheless.

  “Be right back.”

  I sighed and rested my eyes, listening to the sounds of his footsteps as he padded through the house. The sound of the plastic bags rustling again made my stomach rumble. My hunger was probably the only thing keeping me from falling asleep.

  Both hands were full when he finally made his way into the room. He was grinning from ear-to-ear as he placed the food bags on the foot of the bed and reached out to hand me a water bottle. I took it with a lopsided smile of my own, laughing when he came over to lift me from the bed so he could prop up more pillows behind me.

  “I could have sat up!” I cried between my laughing fits. “What’s gotten into you?”

  “You said you couldn’t move. I’m just doing my gentlemanly duty.”

  After he sat me back down, I twisted the cap off the water and took a swig while he turned his attention back to the bags. He handed me a container and I opened it immediately—moaning when the scent of teriyaki chicken assaulted my senses. A fork appeared in my eyesight and I snatched it greedily, stuffing a piece of chicken into my mouth and moaning once again.

  I waited for Aaron to get in bed beside me, but he apparently had other plans. He pushed the blanket covering my legs up to my waist and I nearly choked on my food. I chewed hastily so I could question what he was doing.

  He beat me to the punch by clasping my knees and dragging them apart. A warm washcloth brushed against my inner thighs and I let my body relax once more, sighing happily as I did.

  “You’re a dream, you know,” I softly admitted. The urge to turn my face away from his intense gaze was strong. I wasn’t ready to declare my true feelings just yet, but I could at least give him this. “I can’t imagine anyone else taking care of me better than you.”

  What I really meant was: You are the only one I want to take care of me—ever.

  “No one else can,” he said with more than a hint of arrogance. But there was something else there—some twinge of nervousness lurking beneath the surface. “I’ll treat you like a queen every day, for as long as you’ll let me.”

  The message his tone gave off was: I’ll give you everything you want until you’re sick of me.

  I wasn’t sure why I got that impression, but the thought made me frown. Did he really think this was a temporary thing for me or was my imagination creating things that weren’t there?

  His eyes were downcast while he focused on his task. The moment was lost and the only way I’d find out if I was right was if I asked. Something told me that now wasn’t the right time.

  So I ate my chicken in silence and smiled when he finally took his spot beside me. He propped himself up and dragged me to lean against him, curling his muscled arm around my shoulder. He ate with one hand while the other toyed with the ends of my hair.

  It felt like a dream come true. If I imagined it hard enough, I was easily able to pretend that we were a married couple curling up together in our home at the end of a long day. There was nothing I wouldn’t give for my dream to become a reality.

  “I like this.”

  Surprised, I turned my face up to look at Aaron. He had a soft smile on his lips and was giving me another one of those tender looks I was beginning to crave.

  “I like it, too.”

  His body shifted beside me and his head turned until his lips were nuzzling my temple.

  “Is there any chance you might end up wanting this every day?”

  God, I already did. How could I say that without sounding totally desperate? Should I shoot for honest or aloof?

  I went for something in the middle.

  “I could definitely get used to the idea.”

  The answer must have satisfied him because he let out a content hum before kissing me. He returned to eating while I mulled over my choice of phrasing.

  He’d already made a few vague comments about living together, but the real question that plagued my thoughts was—could he get used to it? Aaron had spent how many years living on his own. Were his comments caused by a desire for regular sex or could he truly get accustomed to sharing a home and a life with me? I was dying to ask, yet hesitant to risk spoiling our long weekend.

  Deep down, I knew I wouldn’t be able to make it that long. I decided then and there to risk it all the next day—to voice the questions that could make or break us.

  For tonight though...

  I placed my almost empty tray on the nightstand before turning back and nuzzling my cheek against his chest.

  He seemed surprised by the turn of events, but was more than happy to oblige when I whispered, “Make love to me.”

  By the time we were done, the rest of the food had gone cold.

  We alternated between making love, cuddling, and eating for hours before finally passing out in an exhausted heap of limbs. It wasn’t a shock to either of us that we slept well past the morning and into the day—but it was a surprise to be rudely awakened by the shrill sound of his cell phone.

  “Fuck,” he cursed, his voice hoarse from sleep.

  He detangled himself from me with a murmured apology and was out of the room with his phone before I could even force my eyes to open. I groaned and buried my face in his pillow, breathing in his scent with a sappy smile. After a full-body stretch, I sat up and rubbed my bleary eyes before cracking them open and looking at the clock.

  I had to do a double-take. Did we seriously sleep until one in the afternoon? Thinking back, I remembered collapsing on his chest and turning my head, too worn out to be surprised that it was almost six in the morning.

  Even with the bone-deep exhaustion and the aches I felt in various places—it was without a doubt the best night of my life.

  Aaron trudged back in the room a few minutes later—gloriously naked with a bewildered look on his face. His eyes met mine and I smiled, waiting for the expression to be mirrored back at me.

  Instead, I got a sad, pleading look. My smile faded instantly.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m so sorry, baby. I have to go out for a few hours.”

  “Can I come?”

  He winced and shook his head. “It’s a work thing.”

  “But... It’s our weekend.”

  “I know. Damn it—I’m so sorry. I promise I’ll be as quick as possible. Two hours tops.”

  I sighed as acceptance began to settle in. “You really can’t get out of it?”

  “I can’t.”

  “Okay. Well... I’ll be here when you get back.”

  The smile I wanted to see when he entered the room came to his lips before he leapt onto the bed and smothered me with kisses.

  “You’re really not mad?”

  “It’s only two hours. I think I’ll live,” I teased.

  “Thank you, sweetheart.”

  I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and kissed him back. Very soon, our make-out session was bordering on dangerous territory. He groaned and pulled away, glaring dow
n at his hard-on with a scowl.

  “Damn it.”

  “You want me to take care of that?” I teased, knowing the effect my words would have.

  Sure enough, his cock twitched with interest as he let out a disappointed groan.

  “Why do you torture me, baby?”

  “It’s fun.”

  “I’ll punish you for it later.”

  “That’s fun, too.”

  With a heated growl, he pushed himself off the bed and stalked over to his dresser. It was quite amusing to watch him dress—especially when he had to maneuver his erection around in his boxers in order to get his slacks buttoned. I must have giggled because he shot me a hurt look.

  “You really do take pleasure in this, don’t you? Little sadist.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far, but...” I trailed off and bit my lip before working up the nerve to continue. “I think I’d like to try out a cock ring on you.”

  His eyebrows raised high. “Is my staying power not enough for you or do you just want to find new ways to torment me?”

  One boring evening at the shop had led me to question Mona about a variety of things—including cock rings. Mandy had been very vague with her description, but Mona spelled it out with no hesitation. She explained how to use a cock ring to keep a man on edge until he came so hard he shook the walls. The whole thing just sounded so... interesting.

  “I want to edge you.”

  His hands paused in the middle of buttoning up his shirt. He blinked a few times before turning to me with narrowed eyes.

  “Have you been watching porn in my absence?”

  “No! But I do work in a sex shop, you know.”

  “Ahh, so it was the girl with the piercings. Mona, right?”

  “Yeah. What she described just sounded kind of fun.”

  “Fun for you,” he said darkly. He licked his lips and I didn’t miss the subtle way he adjusted his cock in his pants. After a long stretch of silence, he simply said, “If you want it—it’s yours. I’m down for anything that doesn’t involve penetration on my end.”

  “Oh. I guess that talk about strap-ons was for nothing.”

  Aaron growled and I couldn’t hold back my laughter. He started laughing along with me as he jumped on the bed, covering my body with his.

  “Nothing in my ass, we clear? Now if you’d like something in your ass, I’d be more than happy to oblige.”

  Even after everything we’d done together—my cheeks turned beet red. He chuckled and kissed me again before nuzzling our noses together for an eskimo kiss. We settled into a moment of comfortable silence as we gazed at one another.

  “You make it hard to leave,” he whispered before letting out a heavy sigh. “I’ll be back soon. Don’t go anywhere.”

  “I’m just going next door to feed Sugar and get the mail. I figure I might as well do it now.”

  Aaron groaned in protest. “Noo. Stay here. I want you naked in my bed when I get back.”

  “I won’t even get fully dressed—a quick in and out, that’s all. I promise to be naked and ready for you when you get back.”

  The purr-like noise he let out was way too erotic for my poor body to handle. I shuddered and clung tightly to his uniform, licking my lips when his eyes darkened.

  “Shit,” he whispered as he reached for my wrists and detangled me from his shirt. “If I don’t go now, I never will. Back soon, baby. I l—”

  He froze, eyes wide. I gave him a questioning look and waited, frowning when he shook his head as if to clear it.

  “I’ll stop for food on the way home.”

  He said nothing as he backed off the bed and finished getting ready, nor when he glanced back at me from the doorway with a longing look in his eyes. We had fallen into a weird, tense silence that for some reason reminded me that I swore to ask him some unpleasant questions today.

  My mood dampened by reality, I sighed and dragged my sore body out of bed. Might as well get it over with so I could come back and pace around in the hopes of burning off some of my nervous energy.

  Chapter 12

  As promised, I didn’t bother getting fully dressed. I dug in my bag for a pair of jeans and slipped them on along with a pair of slippers I found sitting beside Aaron’s closet. I almost reached for a top when I was struck by a much better idea.

  I already had a punishment coming my way. Why not ramp it up a little? With a grin, I opened Aaron’s closet and snagged one of his white shirts. Instead of being naked when he came back, he’d find me waiting in the kitchen wearing only his shirt.

  As I slid my arms into the sleeves, I realized the biggest appeal of my idea wasn’t the punishment—it was the delay of the serious talk we needed to have. But was it so wrong to want to cling to the limited time we were spending together this weekend? It was already interrupted once by his work. Surely that bought me a reprieve.

  Satisfied with my reasoning, I grabbed my keys and slipped out of the house, locking his door behind me. I rushed to the mailbox and grabbed what was there, grateful that there was only a thick forest on the other side of the road. Walking from one house to another dressed like this was pretty damning.

  Sugar rubbed against my legs and purred as soon as I entered the house. I flicked the lock—the move already second nature after Aaron’s insistence—before heading into the kitchen. Once she was distracted by wet food, I headed back to the door. I did promise to drop and run, after all.

  The rattling of the doorknob scared me half to death—as did the clattering that came after. Was Aaron already done? I sprinted to the living room windows and pulled back the curtain, my eyes drawn to the black sedan pulling away from the curb.

  What the hell?

  Leaning over the back of the couch, I caught a mere glimpse of blonde hair and a green dress before the front door creaked open.

  Oh no. No, no, no. It couldn’t be. Not now.

  “Jessa? Where are you, honey?”

  They came back early! Panicked, I spun around and raced back toward the kitchen. I needed to get to the back door, but I could only move so fast in the oversized slippers. The sound of rapid footsteps behind me made it clear that I wasn’t going to make a clean getaway.


  “Jessa. What the hell are you doing?”

  I froze with my hand on the doorknob. My eyes started to burn with unshed tears just from the sound of my Dad’s amused voice. As I turned around, I felt like a deer caught in headlights.

  Never mind the fact that I was just coming to terms with how I wanted to tell my parents about my new job, but this? This I hadn’t even had a chance to think about yet. Nothing came to mind for me to say. All I could do was wordlessly splutter as frowns appeared on their faces.

  “You’re a mess, dear. What’s—” Mom stopped as her eyes left my face. They promptly widened in horror as she asked, “Whose shirt is that?”

  “I-It’s not what you think!”

  Funny how that was the first thing that came to mind when I didn’t have the faintest idea what they could possibly be thinking. If anything, my words just multiplied the tension.

  “Jessa? Whose shirt is that?” Mom repeated with a hard edge to her voice.

  “I... I don’t...”

  I didn’t know what to say. Nothing would come out—not even the truth. I was too stunned to react.

  Dad had been eerily silent, so I dared to take a glance at his face. He was staring at my feet with a frown, his lips pursed tightly together. Mom was oblivious to his expression.

  “Answer me! Is there a man here?! Did you—”

  “That son of a bitch,” Dad interrupted with a harsh growl. “I’ll kill him!”

  The shirt was inconspicuous enough, but the slippers apparently weren’t. Mom’s mouth opened and closed a few times before she followed his gaze with a frown.

  “Those look just like the slippers we gave to Aaron for... Oh, God.”

  Without a word, Dad spun around and marched out of the kitchen. The front door slammed
shut and the sound spurred both me and my mom into action—her following behind Dad and me darting out the back door, hoping to cut him off. I took off the slippers as soon as I reached the grass and broke into an outright run.

  “Stop! Dad, stop! He’s not even there!” I shouted as I caught up to him and tried to block his path. “He’s at work.”

  “Then I’ll wait,” he growled, sidestepping my outstretched arms. He continued marching to the door, surprising me when he abruptly stopped and spun around to face me as he yelled, “How long?! How long has this been going on?!”

  “Roger, calm down,” Mom hesitantly said from somewhere behind me.

  “Don’t tell me to calm down! He’s been—he’s been screwing our daughter, Vanessa!”

  “Remember what the doctor said. Your blood pressure...”

  She trailed off and I watched as he made a visible effort to relax. Was there something wrong with Dad? Since when did he have problems with his blood pressure? For that matter—since when did my parents take spontaneous vacations?

  My face drained as the implications began to hit. Something had to be wrong. If everything was fine, his expression wouldn’t be softening as he forced himself to relax.

  “Dad? Are you sick?”

  His jaw clenched. Mom and Dad exchanged a pointed look before he let out a heavy sigh.

  “It’s nothing serious, but now’s not the time for that. Answer my question. How long have you two been—been... damn it!”

  “A few weeks,” I admitted quietly, looking down at the ground and wishing it would open up and swallow me whole. “We ran into each other the day you guys went on vacation.”

  A pair of warm hands gripped my shoulders, drawing my attention up. Dad was staring hard at my face as he said, “Jessa, I need you to be completely honest with me. I need you to tell me if he ever did anything to make you uncomfortable while you were living here.”

  My head tilted to the side, but it took a few long moments for the implication to actually work its way into my mind.

  My eyes widened with horror as I rapidly shook my head and shouted, “God, no! Not once!”


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