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Erins Alien Abductors pdf

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by Becky Wilde

“I do not want this one, she is too small. I will exchange her, for your mate, High Chancellors,” Larn stated. The four men ignored Erin's gasp.

  “You cannot join with our mate, either, Larn. You know it is not possible to break a joined family, by trying to force the female. The joining of a mates is sacred, Larn. Why would you want to try to join with a mated female?”

  “ Your little human female has the most fire of the three. I would tame her and make her submit to me. Nothing would give me greater satisfaction, than breaking your mate.” Erin saw her mate's striding through the great hall doors with Honey's mate's close at their heels. Honey and Rhiannon were bringing up the rear. Erin could tell Rhiannon was communicating to her mate's through their mental link, because every now and then one of them would turn and frown at her.

  They each took turns glaring and shaking their heads until their attention was once more centered on Larn. Rhiannon tried to move closer to her mate's but Honey's mate's intercepted her and surrounded her. Imprisoning Rhiannon within a wall of their three tall muscular bodies.

  HC Adarm began to move closer to the sofa; Erin and Larn were seated on. Larn moved like lightning. He had Erin on his lap before she could blink. He held a small metal cylinder against her neck.

  “Take one more step and I will inject her,” Larn stated.

  They all froze, not daring to move a muscle in case Larn injected Erin with whatever was in the cylinder.

  “You will hand your mate over High Chancellors, or I will kill this small female. You have until the count of sixty secs before I do so.”

  Rhiannon gave a nod of her head, looked from one of her mate's to the other then made her way over to Larn and Erin. She held her hand out to Erin and Larn and waited to see what he would do. Larn pushed Erin from his lap and grabbed at Rhiannon.

  Rhiannon moved like lightning. One minute Larn was pulling her towards him, the next she grasped the thumb of his hand holding the cylinder, bent it back and shoved the cylinder into his neck. He was dead before he hit the floor.

  Erin and Rhiannon were immediately surrounded by their mate's. Honey tried to move towards her friends but her mate's surrounded her, touching her as if she was the one who had been in danger. Honey could hear Rhiannon and Erin crying, their mate's trying to soothe each of their women. Honey heard Rhiannon say how horrible she felt at taking another beings life.

  She heard Erin tell her mate's she was okay, but shaken up over her ordeal. Once the men had calmed their women down, Honey tried to shove her mate's out of the way. She tried to get to her friends until Sven picked her up, slung her over his shoulder, to stride from the great room. His brother's following at his heels.

  Honey looked up at her friends from her upside down position, to see Rhiannon being hauled up and over Adarm's shoulder as he strode towards the exit of the great room. She looked beyond Rhiannon and her mates to realize Erin was in the same predicament. She could hear Erin and Rhiannon cursing their mate's, demanding to be released just as she was.

  It looked like the three friends were in for a night of ravishment. Even though they were all protesting; Honey knew they were protesting on principle, rather than really wanting to escape their mates. She hid her smirk when she saw Cail eying her speculatively and went back to pummeling against Sven's back. She heard Rhiannon cursing Adarm, then give a squeak after he slapped her on the ass. Erin was yelling just as hard as Rhiannon and herself, until the women were nearly eye level and they all burst in to uncontrollable laughter.

  Chapter Ten

  Kurt, Evas, Tack, Nep and Orab Tolv gave a sigh as they finally reached the outer perimeter of Earth. They set the ship to hover with the shields in place so the Earth satellite detectors would not pick their ship up on their equipment. They all moved to the galley for some much needed refreshments and food. They sat around the table and tried to plan the best way to get their mate to agree to come home with them to planet Calt.

  “You know we cannot move amongst the Earthlings, Orab,” stated Kurt. “We would be captured and kept imprisoned.

  I spoke to the mates of the other Earth females; they told me they all coaxed their mates to reach out for them, by showing their women their life's spirits. This seems to have worked each and every time. Why would we want to change what has been faultless so far?”

  “I just thought it would be easier,” answered Orab. “I can see my plan really has no merit. We will need to get our mate to reach out for us and since the showing of the life's spirits has worked for the other Caltese, then we should not deviate from such a successful option.”

  “So are you in agreement of this plan also, Evas, Tack and Nep?” Turk asked.

  “We are,” they each stated with a grin.

  They couldn't wait to send their life's spirits out in search of their mate, Erin's sister. They were becoming restless and wanted her in their arms as soon as possible.

  “Alright, once we have finished our refreshment and food I think we should adjourn to the rec room where we will be more comfortable. Then we can join hands and concentrate on the face of our life's spirit mate and call to her life's spirit,” Kurt stated as he began to eat once more. He couldn't contain his smile as he watched his brother's shove food into their mouths as is they had never eaten before. He was just as eager to find their mate, but since he was the eldest he felt he needed to show some semblance of control. He continued to eat as his brothers sipped at their rata.

  He had asked the mates of the other Earthen females what to expect once they had their mate on board their ship. Dependent on their mates personality he knew it could be a very rough time for them all. He just hoped their mate did not turn out to be as stubborn as the High Chancellor's mate had been when she had first met them.

  Turk pushed his plate away and rose to his feet, he didn't need to tell his brother's to follow they were all at the door to the galley before he had moved away from the table. He followed them down the corridor to the rec room.

  “Let's push the sofa's together into a square so we can join hands,” Turk opined. He had to bite his tongue to keep the laughter bubbling up in his throat from escaping.

  Once they were all seated with their hands joined, the five Tolv brothers closed their eyes and let their life's spirits leave their physical bodies. Their life's spirits seemed to be moving through space faster than the speed of light. They could feel a pulling sensation the closer they came to the planet Earth. They seemed to become one as they sped through the Earth’s atmosphere at a phenomenal rate, until they were hovering above a strange looking square abode. The pulling sensation was so strong they had to slow their pace so they would not scare their mate by arriving too abruptly. They seemed to float right through the walls of the abode and came to a stop when they saw the small Earth female sitting on a strange sofa crying.

  Kurt and his brother's moved their life's spirits closer to the brown haired female and gave a mental gasp at the exquisite features of their mate's green eyes tinged with tiny red lines suddenly rose to look at them.

  Julie felt the hair at the back of her neck stand on end, as she grieved over her missing sister, Erin. When she raised her head she saw five small bright spheres of light hovering just above and in front of her. She jumped over the back of the sofa and moved away from the lights. She gave a whimper as the lights moved closer to her. She quickly edged along the wall until she felt the door jamb at her hip and quickly ducked through the kitchen door, slamming it shut behind her. Her jaw dropped open as the lights seemed to float right through the wall into her kitchen. Only one of the lights moved towards her and hovered directly in front of her face. She studied it for a few moments and felt warmth and peace move through her body.

  Julie relaxed her hip against the edge of the kitchen bench and held her hand up towards the calm light close to her. Her hand tingled as more warmth traveled up her arm; she felt a feeling of love, hope and joy being portrayed to her. She watched as the other lights moved towards her and reached out with her other
hand, hoping to gain more of the warmth and emotions.

  They touched on her arms, hands and head. She gave a laugh as her whole body was warmed from the inside out. The emotions were so strong she wanted to continue holding the lights forever, so she would not have to grieve for her missing sister anymore.

  She hated feeling so sad and empty; these lights made her feel so full of love and hope. She didn't want to let go.

  She closed her eyes as the lights seemed to pulse more brightly. They seemed to be as bright as the sun and she could no longer keep her eyes open. She felt as if the lights were exploding in her head and behind her eyelids, the warmth and emotions they portrayed were too much for her to bear and she slowly slid down to the floor, unconscious.




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