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Tainted Love: Sinful Souls MC #3

Page 4

by Jones, Amo

  “Oh?” I said sarcastically. “What do you do in The Hills?” Sliding my hand down the front of her, and rubbing up her thighs, her chest moved up and down rapidly.

  “I was—I was a…um...a dancer. Shit.” I held my thumb to her clit while sliding two fingers inside her swiftly.

  “Something tells me, you’re not a stripper.”

  “Nope, no way. Street, hip-hop, whatever you want to call it. I dance for my clients in their music videos.” She began grinding against my hand, and a smile pulled at my mouth.

  Atta girl.

  “That’s pretty fucking hot.”

  I slid my fingers out of her and she spun around to look at me, obviously flustered.

  “That’s not fair,” she responded, almost pouting.

  I brought my fingers to my mouth and ran my tongue around them while smiling at her. “Don’t pout, baby.”

  She moved to turn around and lie back on my chest, but I picked her up, spinning her back around to face me. She spread her legs open on either side of me and slowly lowered herself on my dick. I leaned my head back on the bath, bitting down on my lip. She followed the motion before bringing her face down to mine, licking and sucking on my lip. I grasped her hips and slowly guided her into riding my cock. Wrapping her arm around my neck, she got into the motion of things and begun to ride it like a pro. Gripping her hips a little tightly, with every pull of her pussy it brought me closer and closer. I looked up to her, wrapped my hand around the back of her neck and pulled her face back down to mine while licking her lip and pulling her tongue in with mine. I felt her clench around my dick, so I reached up and grasped her neck, pushing hard thrusts into her. In one movement, I felt her pulse all around my cock while it twitched its release inside of her. She let go and slumped all her weight on me. We laid there for a few minutes while catching our breath.

  “The bath’s cold,” she said from on top of me, her voice vibrating through my chest.

  “I know,” I replied a little hoarsely.

  I cough. “Come on.” Tapping her leg.

  She peeled her body off me, stepped out of the bath, wrapping a towel around her body and letting her bun down. I stood there for a few seconds just watching her before I followed suit.

  We both slide into bed, and I pulled her up against me kissing her head. I had this foreign need to take care of this girl, like a delicate flower or something precious.

  What the fuck was that?

  It was a good thing that this would be the last time I’d see her, she made me feel things that a man in my position should never feel.

  Attempting to open my eyes, I fail. They were sticky shut and I couldn’t feel any of my limbs.

  “Holy crap,” I groaned while trying to move myself out of the bed, but I gave up.

  I looked over to Ade and noticed that he was still crashed out. My God he was perfect. I knew girls said that about every man, but this man really was. His hair was dark, sitting messy and perfect up around his head—short, but longish on top. He had the most amazing jaw structure that I’d ever seen. Tilting my head to the side, I looked at his long lashes that flowed out along his face.

  “Oh my God,” I whispered. “You’re out of this world.”

  His nose ring, two lip piercings and the mass off tattoos added to his intrigue. He was the man that every woman wanted. He was worth the danger you knew surrounded him. I blew out my breath, making my hair fluff up and his blue eyes suddenly opened. He took hold of my hips, pulling me over so I was straddling him, and nudged his head into my neck. I squealed out in surprise, slapping his chest. Being extremely ticklish and sensitive, I hated being tickled. I don’t find it funny and I don’t find it cute. I will punch you in the face if you tickle me..

  He wrapped his massive arm around my waist, pulling me down and kissing me briefly.

  “I gotta go, babe. Hate to leave you like this.” My face dropped for a second before I could collect myself. “No, of course, I’ll go wake up Vicky.”

  He paused for a second, his face going serious. “I could take you home, and then I’ll go.”

  I laughed, jumping off him, and beginning to collect my things together. And by things, I meant my panties.

  “Don’t be stupid, they’re only a few doors down.” After putting my clothes back on, I looked over to him on the bed where he was spread out under the white sheet. “Thanks, though, really.” I was confused as to what I was supposed to say to him.

  Should I thank him for accepting my virginity?

  Or thank him for accepting my virginity, then fucking my body into oblivion?

  I just knew that there would be no other man in my life that would match him. He was too perfect. He laughed while getting up and making his way to me.

  “Why are you thanking me Kalie?” he asked while brushing a strand of hair off my face. “For robbing you of you of your virtue?”

  “Hardly, I gave it to you on a silver platter.”

  I laughed and began making my way to the door until I felt my hand hit the door handle and I turned.

  He looked over at me, eyes narrowed and a half smile appeared on his face.

  “Bye Kalie.”

  I smiled at him. “What’s your real name? Is Ade short for something?”

  His eyes darkened for a brief second.

  “Aiden,” he replied coldly.

  “Okay, bye Aiden,” I said, and before he could protest me using his real name, I shut the door behind me.

  Sixteen Years Ago

  “Aidan! Get the fuck in here boy,” my pops yelled at me from the bar in the clubhouse. I always hated it when he’d had too much to drink. But when I came here, I knew I always saw Zane and Blake and I looked forward to that fact.

  “Yeah?” I asked nervously as I ran into the bar.

  My dad was a hard man. He had been known to throw in a beating every now and then.

  “Pincher over here seems to think that you couldn’t take Zane down in the ring.” He laughed, bringing a cigarette up to his mouth to light. He had smoked all his fucking life. Why hadn’t one of those cancer sticks killed him already?

  “I want you to prove him wrong.”

  Pincher looked over to my dad. “I wasn’t meaning to actually put them in the ring. It was just a statement.” My Uncle Pincher and his big mouth—he was harmless, and probably cared more about me than my own father did. I never really bonded with him, I’d never met anyone from his side of the family either, he was like a ghost to me.

  My dad laughed while lighting his smoke. “No such thing as a statement, brother. Go wrap yourself up, Son.”

  I looked over to Zane and nodded my head. I really didn’t want to fucking do that. We fight, yeah, but not each other.

  I hear my Uncle Pincher yell, “He’s just a boy, Frank. They both are.”

  Frank, my dad, laughed. “Thirteen’s not a boy, thirteen is basically a man. After he’s done knocking Zane’s block off, he can take Cindy into one of the back rooms. Break him in right.”

  I looked over to my Uncle Dave and he smiled. Uncle Dave was the president of Sinful Souls MC and Zane’s dad. I knew he wouldn’t do anything to actually hurt one of us, so I thought that this must be okay.

  Walking into the back room I started getting the wraps out when Abby came in with a sad look on her face.

  “Don’t be sad, Abby. I won’t hit him too hard.” I winked at her.

  She shook her head. “Don’t joke about this, Ade.” She walked up to me, taking the wraps out of my hand as she began to pull them out and wrap them around my wrist. I looked into her eyes.

  “What’s wrong, Abby? How’s this any different to the fights we usually have? I love Zane like a brother. There’s no way we could kill each other.” She smirked a little and brought her green eyes up to meet my blue. “I’m not worried about you, bear…” I laughed at her nickname for me in between her pausing, “I’m more concerned about Zane. If you beat him, Uncle Dave will be disappointed. Zane has a lot to live up to in the

  I looked at her, pulling my hand out of her grasp. “Are you asking me to throw it in for him?”

  She sighs. “Yes, Aidan. Look at the bigger picture here. We all know you can beat him with one punch, but there’s more on the line than pride.” She patted my shoulder. “Please just think about it,” she finishes as she spun around and walked out.

  For an eleven-year-old, she sure packed a lot of knowledge. She was street smart, the kind of street smart that only comes to you by living in hell. I ripped off my shirt and warmed up my body. I had always been a buff young fella. When I started walking, Dad had me sparring with him. Continuing out to the ring, I saw Zane standing to the side with a blank look on his face. He knew what my hands could do, he’d seen it firsthand many times. It was at that exact moment that I knew I could not let myself win. Walking up to him and punching fists, I started bouncing around his body, light on my feet.

  “Do it,” I mouthed to him.

  I knew once I let this happen, my dad was going to beat my ass, but I would rather get my ass beaten than let Zane have the shame over his head. He looked at me sideways, narrowing his eyes in confusing.

  “Do. It.” I mouthed again with a little more pronunciation while bouncing around in front of each other.

  Understanding sets in as he drew his hand back, and like every other time this happened, the movement played out in slow-mo in my head, which resulted in me being a lot quicker than your average Joe. I let it hit me, his fist connecting square with my jaw. That was the first time I’d ever been touched in a fight that didn’t include my dad. I was getting back up when I heard Aunt Annabelle yelling while walking up to us.

  “David Mathews! Get those boys out of there now! I don’t care what you do with your club, but if you throw my boys in that ring again, I’ll cut your balls so deep you will be pissing out your mouth for a week. Are we understood?”

  For the first time ever, Uncle David looked like he’d just shat himself. The thought made me laugh. Aunt Annabelle was gentle and graceful. She wore cardigans and had a soft angelic face. Therefore, the words that had just come out of her mouth shocked me.

  “Come here boys. Aidan, come and get cleaned up hon,” she said, dragging us out of the ring.

  She turned her head to my dad and pointed her finger. “Frank Nixon, you should be ashamed of yourself. You may be Sargent at Arms of this club, but he’s your son. You sick, twisted, man.” While storming off with both Zane and me on her heels, it was at that moment that I knew Aunt Annabelle must be an angel. A potty-mouthed angel.

  Present Day

  Pulling my mind out of my brief memory lapse, I make my way back to bed. I don’t know why hearing my full name triggers memories, maybe it’s because my dad always used it—he made it filthy. Up until I was thirteen, I was Aidan Nixon. Now, I’m just Ade Nixon. Stepping into the shower, I let the water run down my head.

  Fuck! Kalie is fucking out-of-this world-beautiful. I’ve never seen a woman with such raw, natural beauty. She doesn’t even realize how bloody outstanding she is. I lean my head against the glass door, rubbing my hands through my hair, and before I know it, I’m stroking myself at the thought of her eyes looking up to me. I squeeze around my dick, thinking about those sweet, plump lips wrapped tightly around my cock. Her head bobbing up and down, and then just as I blow my load all over the glass, I think of those fucking eyes looking right up at me.

  Those fucking eyes, they had me in a second.

  “Fuck,” I groan, turning the shower off.

  What the fuck was that about? I haven’t jacked off since I was thirteen.

  Wrapping a towel around my waist, I walk out to my room and get changed. After throwing on my clothes, I gather my shit, ready to make my way back to Westbeach. I need to put myself under as many bitches as I can to get over this weekend. Kalie is going to haunt me forever—good fucking thing I’ll never have to see her again.

  Present Day

  I wake up to Carter’s annoying fucking alarm going nuts in his room.

  “Carter!” I scream from my bed, trying to put my pillow over my head. I just want to go back to sleep and dream about Ade again. Spewing profanities, I get up out of bed and storm into Carter’s room.

  “Carter! Your fucking alarm is killing me!” I yell, walking to it and smashing it on the ground.

  I look to the bed and see he’s yet again, not alone.

  Rolling my eyes. “Carter, I’m serious about the falling off thing. However, if it doesn’t fall off, I might just cut it off. Sort your fucking alarm out. I don’t shake my ass in front of MTV cameras all night to have to wake up to your psycho ass alarm.” Storming off back to my room, and on my way there, I walk past the bathroom mirror and see my crazy hair all over the place. I groan just as I hear Carter laughing loudly.

  “Shut up, Carter. You have no idea what the struggle is like with thick hair.”

  He laughs again before yelling, “Sorry, baby G, the only thick thing I’m experienced in, is the cock.”

  I slam my door, hard. I love Carter so much it hurts. But right now, I could slice his eyeballs open with a skillet knife.

  What can I say, I love my sleep.

  I slide back into bed, closing my eyes ready to pick up where I was so rudely interrupted. But after tossing and turning and trying to go back to sleep, I realize can’t.

  “Fuck my life,” I moan getting back up out of bed in a little bit of a better mood.

  I know I need to call Vicky, see what’s going on with the wedding. I’ve seen Pipper a few times, but they were all times that she had come to The Hills, I haven’t been to Westbeach in years.

  “Fuck,” I put my head into my hands.

  I should have known that this was bound to happen. I was hoping I would at least have a boyfriend by now.

  Can you hire wedding dates?

  If not, I’m going to start a company.

  You could make a small fortune out of that.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” I say to Gretchen.

  Gretchen is walking pussy. She means less than shit to me, but sometimes she gets her wires crossed.

  “Ade, don’t be mean,” she pouts while placing her arm back across my chest. I scrunch up my face in disgust. I hate pouty, whining bitches.

  I remove her arm and discard it over her side. “Get out, you know how this goes.”

  “I’ve been doing this same song and dance with you for years, Ade.” She rolls her eyes and gets out of the bed. “One of these days, baby, you’ll see that I’m right for you. For this life,” she responds, pulling her long blonde hair into a ponytail before she shimmies her skinny ass back into her tight leather mini skirt.

  I laugh, getting up and throwing on my jeans. “I will never make a whore my old lady. Get that through your over-peroxided head.” I look at her with a glare. “Get out!”

  She storms off, not even bothering to put the rest of her clothes on.

  Making my way down to the bar, I need to find Zane. The last mission he had me on didn’t end well. I pull out a seat next to him at the table.

  “How did it go?” he asks.

  “Not good,” I reply, lighting up a cigarette.

  “He pissed me off. So I cut off his dick and shoved it down his throat, and then I shot him.”

  Zane looks over to me. “It was meant to be a clean kill, Ade. What happened to clean kill.”

  I look at him, blowing out smoke. “That became irrelevant once I found out that he raped a fucking sixteen-year-old girl. Fuck that, he got that shit easy.”

  Zane laughs, shaking his head. “Pull it in brother.”

  I stub my smoke out and look up to Ashley, our barmaid. She’s been working for us for a few years now, no one has touched her, and we won’t. She’s too good a cook and bartender to let her go, but the girl has killer legs, though. She walks up to me in her tight little top and tight skirt. I bite down on my bottom lip and lean back on my seat, tilting my head to try and get a better look.
  “Beer,” I say, slowly dragging my eyes up to meet hers, hooded with need.

  She looks and smiles her broad smile at me. “Hey now, don’t be giving me those ‘come fuck me’ eyes, Ade Nixon. There’s only so much of that I can take before a girl breaks all the rules.” She winks and makes her way back to the bar. I’m still gazing at her with a smirk when Blake comes to sit at the table.

  He laughs. “Bro, can you keep it in your pants for one whole week?”

  I tip the bottle up to my lips. “I have no intention of doing that. Not all of us are whipped, so I don’t need to keep it in my pants,” I say while looking at both him and Zane.

  They both laugh before Zane says, “Really? I seem to recall Alaina whipping you and I both, at the same time.”

  I laugh and shake my head. “Touché. How is my girl?” I ask, smirking at him.

  I love playing this game with him. It’s always been too easy to work him up where Alaina was concerned. He and I have both loved her from day one—which never happens for either of us—but he was in love with her. At first, I wanted to fuck the shit out of her, but that was before I recognized the bond she and I held. It was more of a brother and sister bond. One where the brother will occasionally eye fuck you every now and then. It then turned into one of my favorite things to do when I saw how worked up Zane would get.

  He narrows his eyes, throwing me a disgusted look. “Back down, Ade.” I laugh, tipping my drink to my lips.

  “She’s fine. Landon is keeping her on her toes, though.”

  His face lights up, talking about Landon and Alaina. Landon is Zane and Alaina’s son and he’s one fucking cute little dude. Because he looks like his mother.

  “I’ll come around and see her tonight,” I say taking another pull of my drink.

  Blake shakes his head. “I wouldn’t. Vicky has her on all sorts of duties. She’s turned into a mad woman planning this wedding. I thought that was what bridesmaids were for,” he answers shaking his head. I see his face change, turning into a full Blake smirk.


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