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Tainted Love: Sinful Souls MC #3

Page 7

by Jones, Amo

  I shrug. “Right now, I don’t really care.”

  He grabs onto my hand and pulls me toward the exit door.

  “Ade Nixon, I’m getting real tired of your caveman shit with my bridesmaid,” Vicky yells from the dance floor. Ade turns around and flips her off.

  We move outside and a shiver runs over my body. Why the hell did I not bring a jacket? He takes off his black and white flat cap, pulls his hoodie off, and throws it on me before placing the hat backward onto his head. He’s in his usual, at least I think it’s his usual, white T-shirt with his MC cut over the top, loose fitting jeans that hang off him nicely, and black army combat boots. The flat cap gives him an edge, an edge I’d happily jump off just to view that face on top of me while I’m feeling his dick pushing into me. I bring my drink up to my lips, a smile playing on them. I can be a little naughty when Ade is around.

  “Thanks,” I say, smiling at him while taking another sip of my drink.

  “I finally get you alone,” he replies with a smirk, sitting on the second step and leaning back on his elbow.

  I laugh. “I think that scares me a little,” I say while taking a seat on the second step with him.

  He looks to me and cocks his head back. “Who me? Fuck no! I’m not scary at all.” Sarcasm laced through the tone of his voice.

  I laugh again. “I really was hoping that you wouldn’t remember me.”

  His face falls serious. “Why? I usually don’t. You though? There’s no way I’d forget, that ass is etched into my skull for life,” he replies playfully.

  I smack him on the shoulder. “Stop,” I say laughing and taking another drink while looking out to the dark night.

  “Are you going to ask me if I have a boyfriend before you continue to play caveman with me?” I ask raising an eyebrow.

  He laughs and looks at me, running his pierced tongue over the two rings I’m familiar with on his lip. “Nope, I wouldn’t care if you did.”

  I feel like an idiot, of course, he wouldn’t care. This is Ade we’re talking about here. “Right, sure.”

  I stand from where I’m sitting. “I’m going to call a cab, head back to the hotel.”

  He’s still looking out deep into the backyard, so I turn to walk away, but he grabs onto my hand with his. I look down at him, heart racing and thighs clenched.

  “I’ll take you, Kalie,” he says looking up at me. I sigh out in annoyance. He’s so perfect it hurts.

  I chuckle nervously. “Yeah, have you forgotten? I don’t do the bike thing.”

  He shrugs, getting up from where he’s sitting, still not breaking hold of my hand. “Then we’ll take my car. I’ve been keeping it here until my house is built anyway.” I look to him and he narrows his eyes, smirking at me. Always the mischievous shit, he is.

  “Okay,” I respond quietly. Following him back through the bar I see everyone staring at us.

  I look to Vicky. “He’s going to drop me off at my hotel.”

  Her face drops. “Why don’t you just stay with me?”

  I place my hands on her shoulder. “Because love, I might kill you if I have to live with you for the two weeks leading up to your wedding. I do love you, though.”

  She laughs. “I have been sort of bad, hey? And who told you? It was Blake wasn’t it?” She whips her head around to Blake, and if looks could kill, he’d be dead on the ground.

  I shake my head and laugh, saving him from his future wife’s wrath. “No, but I’m going to go. Text me tomorrow what the plans are. Okay?”

  She nods her head and hugs me before I begin to make my way out the door to where Ade is standing there waiting. When I’m almost at the door, I can feel someone burning holes into my head. Turning to the right I see that same blonde I saw Ade with on my first night here. She’s sitting there looking none too happy. Ade sees that I’ve stopped and looks at who I’m looking at before walking up to me and pulling me in under his arm.

  “Baby, you gotta cut the jealous crap or this is just never going to work,” he says smirking while kissing my head.

  I laugh and shove him away from me. “Shut up.”

  We walk to the garage together, and he punches in a code, making one of the seven garage doors open up and revealing a big, beautiful shiny car. I walk over to it and run my hand over the metallic gloss black paintwork.

  “1970 Dodge Charger RT,” he answers my unspoken question.

  I look up to him and smile. “It’s beautiful.”

  Popping open the door, he gets into the driver’s seat, roaring the beast to life.

  “So, you’re the whole package, huh? Mr. Bad-Boy-Biker, who has tattoos, piercings, and drives a V8? I’m impressed,” I say humorously.

  He laughs, putting it into first gear. “Impressed enough to open those sweet little legs for me again?”

  I snap my head to him in shock, only to see him laughing inwardly.

  Laughing, I shake my head. “You are something else, Mr. Nixon.”

  The drive there is slow, but I learn that Ade’s dad died when he was young, along with Zane and Blake’s dad. A few months after their deaths, his mom died too. He didn’t say how, but I can see it is a touchy subject. As you would expect. Zane’s mom, Annabelle raised him since then, and the rest is history. I can see how much he loves Zane’s mom just by how he talks about her. We pull up to the hotel and I take off my seat belt.

  “Thanks, for the ride.”

  He yanks up the handbrake and turns the car off. “Have you eaten?”

  I shake my head. “Ade, it’s two in the morning. There’s no way I can eat at this time.” I stop briefly before continuing, “You can come up, though if you want. I mean. Shit! Hang on. Give me a minute to rephrase that. I’m not offering sex, but you can come up,” I say, blushing bright beet red.

  I can hear him holding in his laugh, so I look up to him, watching his hand covering his mouth, trying to contain his laughter.

  “Don’t laugh at me. I…oh God. How do I say this without sounding like a complete nerd.”

  He shakes his head, pulling the keys out of the ignition. “Stop begging me, I said I’ll come up. Geez,” he replies playfully, and a little loudly. I widen my eyes at him when I see a few people stare from outside.

  “Ade! Fuck!” A small laugh leaves my mouth. I love how he can be playful with me. Opening my door, I round the car to lead the way to my room. Walking into the lobby, we take the cart to the top floor in silence. When we walk down the hallway, he laughs from behind me.

  “This is all a little similar.”

  Turning around, I catch him smiling. “Yeah, yeah, don’t get any ideas.”

  I also need to keep telling myself this. He tests all my limits.

  Walking in, I turn the light on and flop my jacket over the sofa while taking my shoes off.

  “Want a drink or anything?” I ask him as he makes his way to the sofa.

  “Nah, I’m good. How long are you here for?” he asks.

  Pulling out a bottled water from the fridge I answer, “Two weeks. I came a little earlier for the hen’s party this weekend.”

  I make my way to the sofa and sit down next to him. It’s a little quiet so I turn the television on, leaving it on some stupid infomercial that they have running at this time of the night. Looking to my left, I catch him staring at me. His perfectly pouty lips on that strong, defined jaw, and those eyes? Not just the color, but the shape. They’re so seducing. His stare alone could make me wet. Is—is making me wet.

  I blush. “What?”

  He gives me a half smile. “You’re still the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”

  I cough out my water that I was drinking. “Ade, that was really sweet, if it was true. I told you, no sex.”

  He laughs. “I didn’t say that to get down your pants, Kalie. If I wanted in that pussy again…trust me, I’d be down there.”

  I raise my eyebrows at him. “Oh really.”

  He smiles. “I’m serious. And I promise I will not have sex with y
ou. Yet.” He continues when he sees that my face hasn’t changed, “I’m dead serious. Come here.” Patting the spot next to him, I crawl over and get under his arm. We must stay like that for a while, it’s so warm and cozy, that I fall asleep.

  After a few minutes, I look down at Kalie and see she is sleep. I kiss her head and slowly get my arm back from under her, before standing and picking her up to carry her to her bed. Once she’s tucked in, I write a note for her saying to text me with my number on it. I walk out of the hotel, lighting a cigarette and getting into my car. Roaring her to life, I pull out and make my way to my apartment. It’s temporary until my house has been built, but I can’t have my car and my bike there. One of the two always needs to stay at the clubhouse. I walk into my apartment and throw down my keys, walking into my room, undressing and scrubbing up in the shower before getting into bed. I toss and turn for hours thinking about those bright emerald green eyes, before I drift off to sleep, haunted by the demons of my past.

  Fourteen Years Ago

  The crowd was cheering as I made my way into the ring. I’d thrown myself into fighting, not for status anymore, but for money. Since my dad died, my mom had become a zombie. She never ate or left her room, and I had to regularly check on her to make sure she was still alive. Her soul died the day my dad died.

  I bounced around on the soles of my feet, waiting for the ref to stop talking.

  “To the right, we have the undefeated…Ade ‘The Executioner’ Nixon! He’s known for his one-hitters. So watch out folks, this may be a quick one.”

  The crowd cheered for me and it was fucking pathetic. I got it, I’d been fighting in the ring since I was thirteen, so I was used to it, but I was fighting outside of the ring much, much, earlier than that, though. My opponent smiled at me, probably hoping his poker face stayed strong. I smirked back at him and the whole crowd erupted again. It sounded like the crowd was filled with women, by all the squealing I could hear. This was an underground fight, but there were people of all ages there too.

  “And to the left corner, we have Steven Luger with twelve wins under his belt and one loss. He’s not to be under-estimated folks. He has a mean right hook.”

  Well, I have a mean both hook. So we’ll see how this goes down.

  We punched fists, and then I started walking around him, watching his step. I dodged his hook and placed all my weight into my left jab. My fist connected with his jaw and I could feel the crunch of his jaw under my knuckles.


  His body fell straight to the ground. The crowd went deathly silent briefly before the screaming started again, and when I looked down, Steven looked dead. His coach ran in along with a couple of his other members. I shrugged and walked out of the ring and back to the dressing room to gather my shit. I walked past Tommy, grabbing my earnings from his outstretched hand.

  “You know, Ade, you’re going to need to let them get a hit in soon. Or no one is going to bid against you.”

  I laugh. “Yeah, we’ll see.”

  Walking out into the crisp air I slipped onto my bike. The bike was my dad’s, but when he died, it was handed down to me. I fucking hated him and what he’d put me through as a kid, but I’d keep the fucking bike, it was beautiful.

  I pulled up to our average home that was on the middle-class side of town. Shutting my bike off, I began walking up the steps, opening the front door. I closed it behind me and walked into the kitchen. I flicked the light on and looked to the ground. That was when I saw my mother lying there in a pool of blood with slashes across her wrist, legs, and neck. I ran over to her and checked her pulse.


  I shook her, but she was not responding. I ran to the phone and dialed 911, then I called Zane.

  After making the calls, I dragged myself down the wall and just looked at her. I should have felt sad, but if anything, I was angry. What sort of selfish bitch would take their life when she had a kid? I would never do that to my kid. I stood from where I was sitting, running up to my room and started packing a bag, throwing the things I’d need into the black rucksack.

  Fuck this house! I’d burn it to the ground with my bitch of a mother inside it, I thought to myself. Five minutes later, I heard cars pulling up and knocking on the door. I made my way over and opened the door to the police and ambulance service. I let them in, giving them my statement and then I got onto my bike and rode. I pulled out onto the highway and headed to Abby’s. She was the only person I could stomach to see at that time. I pulled up to her house and shut off my bike before walking to the little cabin she stayed in at the back of her home.

  “Ade? Are you okay?” she asked, opening the door when she saw me walking up.

  I shook my head. “Mom’s dead. She sliced herself up. I found her after my fight tonight.”

  She threw her hands up to her mouth in shock. “Come here.” Pulling me in, she wrapped her hands around me.

  I looked down to her, and she looked back up to me with complete sadness in her eyes. It touched something deep inside to see her hurt for me.

  I wiped the tears away from her eyes. “Don’t cry Abby, she’s not worth it.”

  Abby had a rough life. She was raised in the system after her parents were murdered when she was four. It took someone one whole week to find her and when they did, she wreaked of death, because she was smothered in her parents’ blood. They said that at night, she used to cuddle with them for comfort, not knowing the absolute horrific scene in front of her. Both parents were bludgeoned and stabbed to death. So after that, she was living in all sorts of fucked-up foster homes. That was until she was nine and got a family in Westbeach, who were equally as fucked-up. She ran away one night and my Aunt Shelly found her walking the streets in ripped clothes with dirty hair and skin. She and my Uncle Pincher took her in from then onwards. That was off the record, though, as far as the system knew, she was a runaway who raised herself.

  She sniffed and took off my cut. “Come, you can have a shower. Clean you up.”

  She led me to her shower and began taking off my clothes.

  “Ah, Abby? What are we doing?” I asked, looking down at her.

  “Just, let me take care of you. Okay?” she whispered.

  I thought her statement over for a second, standing still. I brought my eyes back to her and narrowed them slightly. She smiled at the hint of approval from me and took my clothes off before taking off her own. We both stepped into the shower, and I think, that was the first, and only time, that I’d ever had sex with a chick that had some actual feeling behind it. Not enough for it to mean anything, more than exactly what it was, but still some meaning behind it nonetheless. I spun her around so her back was against my front. I grasped her hair in my fist, pulling her head back before running my other hand over her tight torso and down to her pussy. She moaned out and threw her head backward. Pushing her head down roughly, I grasped her hips and lifted her onto my dick, slamming into her in hard deep thrusts until she was spilling herself all over my cock.

  Present Day

  I’m drinking in the bar at the clubhouse when Zane comes through. He pulls out a seat next to me, and orders a drink before looking over at me.

  “Anything you want to tell me?” he asks, taking a sip of his beer.

  I nod my head and tap on the bench. “I followed the high target (HT) to a warehouse, the same warehouse my dad took me to for my first fight to the death.”

  Zane looks to me, eyebrows scrunched together. “So you killed Bruce Peyton. Why? And I really hope you give me a better reason than your anger issues, brother. This has just started a war.”

  I clenched my jaws tightly together. “I’ll handle it. Whoever they get to fill him, I’ll handle him, as I will the next person and the next. Until I can think of something that will end their whole fucking organization.”

  Zane places his drink down and turns to me. “Brother, we’ll handle it together. You, me, and Blake? We were brothers before these cuts bonded us together. We got you.” I s
miled up at him and nodded.

  Walking out of the clubhouse, and lighting my cigarette, I see Phoebe pull up in her Black 2015 Nissan GTR Godzilla. It has all black everything, black rims, black tints, and black lights. It’s fucking immaculate, and so is Phoebe. She’s been a car enthusiast since she could walk. It had driven Blake crazy when she started going to street races, not just attending them, but racing in them also.

  “Hey Phoebs, looking for bridezilla?” I ask, blowing out a smoke ring.

  She coughs and whips the smoke away from her face. “Ade, you need to ditch the smokes. How do you lift and smoke at the same time? I don’t get it.”

  I laugh. “I lift iron Phoebs, and I don’t fuck with cardio.”

  Her heels start clicking as she walks in, before whipping around to look at me. “Ade, do not fuck with Kalie more than you already have. Please. The last thing she needs is drama. Her ex still harasses her phone and I ju—”

  I cut her off, as soon as she said the word “ex,” I see red. “What do you mean, ex? I didn’t know she had an ex?”

  Phoebe’s eyes narrow, as she crosses her arms in front of her and smirks. “Oh? You didn’t think you were the only one, did you? Ade, the girl is tearing up the streets of Hollywood Hills. She’s the latest Louis Vuitton handbag, and everyone wants their hands on it,” I state before walking off to the bar.

  I didn’t realize I was fisting my hands together so tightly, till I feel my nails dig into my palm. Throwing down my smoke and stamping on it, I put on my helmet and ride out to see Drago. There’s no way this fucker is living past this week.

  “Carter!” I scold down the phone line at my best friend’s crassness.

  “Oh, what? I’m just saying if you give him the nookie, it might change.”

  I roll my eyes while pulling bagels out of the toaster.

  “He left last night, and he left a note with his number. I guess, I should text him?” I ask a little unsure.


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