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No Way Out

Page 2

by Ancelli

  “They were fucking bullies.” Perry grimaced. “But you should be thanking my aunt for putting me in boxing at a young age.”

  “I’ll be sure to tell Mrs. Lola when I see her again.” Marco took a sip from his bottle of water. “So, yes I am a little biased when it comes to my sister-in-law, but I am being a professional, too. Your wife doesn’t have the right to abuse you verbally or emotionally, and now it’s turning physical. Just like those bullies in high school,” Marco said sternly. “No one should live not knowing who they are going to come home to. Lorie has a problem, and she doesn’t want help. You can’t help her if she’s not willing to help herself.”

  “I know,” Perry whispered, covering his face with his hands.

  “Talking helps. I get stressed out from time to time, and believe me, I see a therapist too,” Marco said. “So, we have all day. You’re my last client.”

  “So. Back to the story. We’d been working together for almost six months. Alicia and I became friends. My aunt would give her a ride home or her parents would drop me off when my aunt couldn’t pick me up. After closing, I overhead her arguing with her boyfriend or maybe he was already her ex. That night I had my aunt’s car. I should’ve left when Alicia told me to but I couldn’t…”


  “We are done, Patrick!” Alicia raised her voice. “How many times am I supposed to tell you? You cheated on me with that hoe, so leave me the hell alone. My mother warned me about boys like you. All you want is to get in my pants. Well, it isn’t going to happen.” Alicia went to walk away and he stepped in front of her.

  “How many times do I have to say I’m sorry?” he yelled. “Fuck!”

  “Once a cheater, always a cheater.” Alicia crossed her arms over her chest, and raised her eyebrow. “I’m too young to be going through this shit with anyone. I will not deal with a cheater. I”—she pointed to herself—“Am not second best to anyone, especially to that girl.”

  “Look at you!” He pointed at her, getting frustrated. “You want to be number one, but you won’t give it up. I mean you’re sorta cute, but—”

  “But what?” Alicia glared at him. “So now I’m knocked down to ‘sorta cute’ because I won’t have sex with you? I don’t care if you think I’m ugly, because all that matters is what I think of myself, and I am one of a kind, and beautiful in my own way.”

  Overhearing their conversation, Perry gritted his teeth. He was getting pissed at the way Patrick was talking to his friend. He leaned farther down in his seat hoping they wouldn’t see him.

  Patrick smirked. “You haven’t even given me a blowjob yet.”

  She took a deep breath. “And I will never suck your nasty-ass dick. I’m saving myself for someone who’s worthy, and you aren’t. Leave me alone.” Alicia stepped away and he forcefully grabbed her upper arm.

  Perry swung the door open, jumped out of his aunt’s truck, and walked up to them with his right hand balled up, ready for a fight. “Take your fucking hands off her,” he snapped, and Patrick rapidly released her when he realized who Perry was. “Alicia, come on.” Perry gently wrapped his hand around her wrist.

  “Alicia, you know him?” Patrick eyes widened as he stepped back. “I don’t want any trouble, man.”

  “He’s my friend,” she answered.

  “You don’t owe him any explanation.” Perry stared at her and then at her ex. “There won’t be any problems between us unless you hurt Alicia again.”

  “We’re done. Right, Alicia?” Patrick’s nose flared.

  “We’ve been done. You just don’t know how to take no for an answer,” Alicia stated, watching each man in turn.

  “He gets it now, don’t you, Patrick?” Perry cracked his neck waiting for the punk to answer.

  “I get it,” he said, underneath his breath. “She’s not worth my time, she just another bi—”

  “I don’t think you want to finish that sentence.” Perry inched forward to stand face to face with Patrick. “We can finish what we started that night at West Point.”

  “Fuck both of you,” Patrick huffed, thinning his lips and walking away.

  Alicia cocked her eyebrow. Perry assumed she was wondering why Patrick was acting like a punk. But what she didn’t know about Perry was that he’d become known as the young fists of steel in his neighborhood, due to the street fights he fought to make extra money for his aunt. He’d earned the title after his aunt had put him in boxing and karate after he’d been bullied in elementary school. His aunt worked three jobs to provide for them, and she’d made a deal with his trainer, Miko, a very intimidating Afro-Puerto Rican, who stood six feet, four inches tall. Aunt Lola would clean the gym in exchange for teaching Perry how to defend himself. It took him a couple years, but he went from being the shy, tall, skinny kid to what he was now: a built, confident young man. Perry was proud of his six-pack and muscular arms. It had taken lot of discipline but he’d made it, and even now, after giving up fighting for money, he still made time to train.

  But before he’d quit fighting, Patrick’s friend Joey had once been his opponent in the makeshift ring.

  “Alicia…” Perry stared into her brown eyes that were now glossy with unshed tears. “I think you’re beautiful.” He paused. “I mean, you are beautiful.”

  “I know…” Her full lips curled up into an amazing smile. “Yo soy bonita. Is that how you say it?” She watched him.

  “Si.” He chuckled. Alicia’s Spanish was horrible, but at least she tried, and he loved that she was trying to learn to speak his native language. “Tu eres bella.” Perry grasped her hand, entwining his fingers with hers, and kissed her knuckles. “You will find someone who is willing to wait until you are ready.”

  Alicia got up on her tiptoes and gave him a peck on his cheek. “Thank you. How do you know Patrick?” He knew that question would be coming. “He never backs down so easily?”

  “Can I tell you a secret?” Perry squeezed her fingers and she nodded. “I was a street fighter.”

  “Street fighter?” she asked, confused.

  “I used to fight on the streets for money and Patrick’s friend was one of my many opponents.” He released her fingers. “My aunt was down on her luck. It’s been me and her for a long time. The bills were piling up, and one of my trainers asked me if I would consider fighting a couple of matches for money, and I jumped right on it. It was easy money even if I lost a match. Miko would give me some cash as long as I gave it my best. He became like a father to me.”

  “Do you still fight?”

  “Nope.” They walked over to the truck, and he opened the passenger door. “I learned my lesson when I almost ended in juvie because of it. If it wasn’t for my aunt Lola saving my ass, I would’ve done six months to a year for aggravated assault.”

  “How long did you fight for?”

  “A year and a half. It was good money.”

  Alicia jumped in the truck. “How did you keep the fights from your mom?” She buckled herself in.

  “Well, since I’ve never met my mother or my father, I wouldn’t know how to answer that question.” He smirked, being a smart ass. “My aunt raised me since I was a baby.”

  “Do you want to meet them some day?” Her voice was soft.

  “One day.” He sighed. “I just want to ask them why they didn’t want me.”

  “Maybe it’s not that way.” Alicia touched his arm. “What if they did it for your own good?”

  He didn’t answer. His aunt had always said his parents did love him. They just couldn’t raise him, so she stepped up to the plate.

  “So, how did you keep the fights from your aunt, then?” She placed her hands in her lap. “Weren’t you hurt?”

  “I was hurt a few times. Whenever I had a match, I would stay at Miko’s house for a few days. My aunt never questioned it because she trusted him. I would come home bruised but she equated it to me being roughed up at the gym.” Perry closed her door, and walked over to the driver’s side and hopped in. “I visited the E
R a couple of times too, but it was worth seeing the smile on my aunt’s face when I gave her the money.” Perry started the car and drove out of the parking lot.

  “Where did she think the money was coming from?”

  “I lied and told her I was working at a restaurant and Miko was paying me to help train the younger kids, which technically, the money was coming from him.” Perry had hated lying to his aunt but he had no other choice. He would give her enough so she didn’t question where it had come from, and the rest he would save up for when he didn’t have a match, and would give it to her then. “It’s over now. I go to the gym to stay in shape and train, but I promised my aunt I wouldn’t street fight again.”

  “Did you keep your promise?” She stared at him.

  “Yes, that’s why I’m working at McDonald’s.” He chuckled. “But sometimes I use my past to my advantage at times.”

  “Like you just did?” Alicia asked, twisting her body to face him.

  “Yep, and I didn’t even have to lift my fist.” He smiled. “My tia Lola would be proud of me.”

  “Did you want to punch him?”

  “Yes. He had no right to be talk to you like that. You said no, he should’ve kept on moving,” Perry looked over at her for a few seconds and then back at the road. He felt overprotective of Alicia, and he couldn’t quite understand why. Maybe it was because she always stood up for him too, especially at work with their manager. Alicia made sure they always had the same schedule; he wondered why but never asked. He was about to turn eighteen, and find himself a better job.

  “Would you go out on a date with me?” The words were out of Perry’s mouth before he thought to stop them.

  Her lips curled up. “Are you asking me?”

  “I guess I am.” He parked in front of her house.

  “What about Friday? We’re both off…maybe we can catch a movie,” Alicia said, placing her hand on the door handle.

  “Friday it is.” He beamed like a fool. Perry was already thinking about what he would wear to impress her, like they hadn’t been seeing each other almost every day for six months.

  “It was about time you asked me out.” She chuckled. “I thought you weren’t into me.”

  Perry was a bit confused. “Huh?” Alicia had been waiting for him to ask? Why hadn’t she told him? “I didn’t know if you wanted to.”

  “I did— I mean, I do.” She smirked. “P & A.”

  Perry gazed at her.

  “Thank you for waiting for me,” Alicia said and then she surprised him when she caressed his jaw. “It was sweet of you.”

  “Anytime.” He twisted to the side.

  She inched forward and cupped his face. Their lips met for the first time. It was the sweetest kiss he’d ever experienced with a girl. Alicia nipped at his bottom lip, and he obeyed by parting his lips and their tongues entwined…until the light on her parents’ front porch came on. They rapidly moved away from each other.

  “That was nice,” Alicia said, opening the door, and then stepping out.

  He was in shock at what had just happened. He hadn’t been expecting Alicia to kiss him like that. He wanted to open her door, but he wasn’t going to embarrass himself: at that moment, he had a major boner.

  “See you at school tomorrow,” she said.

  He cleared his throat. “I’ll pick you up in the morning, if you’d like?”

  “That would be nice.” She closed the door, and waved as she went up to her house.

  Perry was in heaven as he drove down the road.

  P&A. Perry and Alicia.


  Eight months later.

  Both now eighteen, Perry and Alicia were months away from graduating high school. Perry had quit his job at McDonald’s and started working at a car shop a few miles away from his house, and Alicia’s parents had made her cut down on the days she worked. She’d gone from working four days to two, giving them more time to hang together and make out. He didn’t complain: Alicia was his daily dose of medication.

  Perry was in the ring, training, when Alicia and her friend came in the gym. She was wearing a pair of black tights and a pink sports bra. He couldn’t get enough of her. It was surprising how much his aunt liked Alicia. After repeatedly telling him to keep away from black girls, the woman was planning their future wedding and kids. He was distracted, watching his girl, and his opponent sucker-punched him in the stomach, making him gasp for air. Alicia ran up to the ring.

  “Perry, are you okay?” She climbed up. “Why did you hit him like that?” Alicia raised her voice to Victor.

  “This is part of training,” Victor said, clearing his throat. “It’s the first time I’ve been able to hit him.”

  Looking at Alicia’s face, Perry couldn’t help but chuckle. She was angry. Her nose flared as she pointed at him and then all of a sudden her lips curled up. “Next time you hit him like that, I’m going to beat your ass myself.” Alicia giggled. “After Perry whoops it first.”

  Perry strolled over to where she stood and gave her a kiss on the lips. “Get in,” he held the ropes open for her to step in the ring. Alicia climbed over and he wrapped her soft hands and handed her a pair of boxing gloves. “Do you remember what I taught you last week?”

  “Yes!” She held up her fist and playfully punched him in the stomach three times. “See?” Alicia laughed.

  “Funny.” He started moving around her, watching her as if she were his prey. “Don’t let your opponent see you coming, baby. Keep your elbows in and your hands up,” Perry coached, swiftly evading her jabs. “That’s it, baby…”

  She threw a few punches. He stepped back and started dancing around the ring. “I’m done,” she said, out of breath.

  “Oh come on, mami!” Perry strolled up to her. “It’s only been ten minutes—”

  She sucker punched him in the stomach, just like Victor had.

  Alicia chuckled. “I got you!” She threw her hands in the air.

  “Damn, bro, look at that piece of ass,” a guy said as he passed the ring.

  Perry’s smile immediately turned down. The fools stopped in their tracks and ogled Alicia’s ass like that behavior was a normal thing. “Hey, cutie…”

  Alicia twisted around.

  “I can teach you better than he can.” The man grinned. “And I’m not talking inside the ring. What you doing later tonight?”

  Without thinking, Perry jumped out of the ring and got in the guy’s face. The man’s friend stepped up next to him, too.

  “What the fuck did you say?” Perry raised his voice.

  “Young buck, you don’t want a piece of me.” The guy smirked. He pushed him, and Perry swung his fist, connecting with the man’s jaw, and then hit his friend in his neck. They started wrestling and one of the guys hit him in the stomach. People ran over, trying to separate them.

  “Perry!” Alicia ran out of the ring as others tore them apart.

  “No one disrespects my girl!” Perry said, trying to get away from Miko and Victor. It was impossible for him to get away from the two men holding him; they were both double his size. Looking at them, they appeared African American, but they were actually Puerto Ricans. “Who’s the young buck now?” he hollered, watching the fucker who’d talked about Alicia wiping the blood off his lower lip.

  “Calm the fuck down,” Miko shouted at him. “You’re done for the night.”

  “You’re going to regret what happened tonight.” The guy pointed at Perry.

  “Are you threatening my boy?” Miko asked, glaring at the guy, his nose flaring. “She’s fucking underage.”

  The man stared at Alicia and then at the people gathered around them. “What?”

  “You heard me. They haven’t even graduated high school yet,” Miko continued, holding Perry back. “Alicia, do you want to press harassment charges?”

  “No need for that,” the guy said. “I don’t want no shit.” He rubbed his mouth as he and his friend walked the other way.

  “Perry,” Miko s
ighed, staring at his friend. “You don’t want another fucking record. That fool could’ve pressed charges and your aunt wouldn’t have been able to save you this time. Maybe you need to take a break from this place, find another hobby. You’re a very good boxer, but not worth all the shit you’ve cause me.”

  “I’ve caused you?” Perry closed his eyes. Miko was always getting him out of trouble, but he was also the person who’d almost landed him in jail. He must have felt sorry for Perry, and that was why he’d allowed him to continue training for free, until now. Why did he let that man get to him?

  “You’ve been doing well lately. You’re about to graduate soon. I don’t want you living this life. I see greatness in your future, son.” Miko rubbed his chin. “It’s time for me to let you go.”

  “You’re right, Miko,” Perry said, with regret. Boxing had become his outlet from his life, but now he had Alicia and his grades were better than ever. He could probably even be the first person to graduate college in his family, according to his aunt. Those goals were more important than boxing. “I think it’s time for me to hang up my gloves.” Perry watched Alicia’s shining, dark eyes, and then looked at Miko. “You’ve been like a father to me.” He slowly began taking off his gloves.

  “I’ll still be around if you ever need someone to talk to.” Miko patted his shoulder, and then gave him a bear hug. “Take care of yourself, Perry.”

  Perry gently pushed Miko away. He didn’t like goodbyes and that was what his mentor was suggesting. Perry strolled up to Alicia as she rapidly took off her gloves and threw them on the bench.

  “I thought you said you didn’t fight anymore?” She placed her hand on her hip, and rolled her head. “You said you box because it makes you feel good, a hobby.”

  “I said I don’t fight for money anymore,” he said, through thinned lips. “You don’t have to worry about me boxing anymore.”

  She took Perry’s wrist in her hands. “What’s wrong with you?” Alicia started slowly taking off his wraps.

  He took a deep breath. “Nothing.”


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