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No Way Out

Page 8

by Ancelli

  “Why are you yelling?” Alicia asked sternly. “I did not sleep with Perry,” she added. But not for lack of trying, she thought to herself. She should feel guilty, but she didn’t. Alicia would do whatever it took to save him from the clutches of his wife. She could see it in Perry’s eyes: he was slowly losing his sanity.

  “Then what the hell was this doing on your bed?” He held the lacy material in front of her face.

  “It was on my bed because this is my house, and I can put any of my items where I damn well please,” Alicia said calmly. “I don’t like the tone you’re using with me. So,” she strolled over to the door and pulled it open, “you can see yourself out, and take my lingerie with you.”

  “Alicia…” Byron looked at her. “I’m sorry I overreacted, but I see the way that man looks at you and I don’t miss the way you stare back at him.”

  Alicia didn’t deny it.

  “I want to be the only man you stare at like that.” He placed the garment over the back of her couch. “When will you let go of the past? He’s married to another woman and they have a kid. You weren’t enough for him, but you are enough for me.”

  Byron’s words made her question herself for just a second. She didn’t need to be enough for anyone but herself.

  “You two were in a relationship for over nine years and you gave him a daughter, but did he marry you?” Byron raised his eyebrow. “No, he didn’t, Alicia. He married another woman he knocked up only a few months after.” He stared at her. “You’re not second-best to anyone. Perry used you.”

  “I’m enough for myself…I don’t need a man to make me feel complete.” Alicia’s eyes stung from the tears threatening to roll down her cheeks. She wasn’t going to cry in front of Byron. “Leave.” She opened the door wider.

  “You’re kicking me out for that fool?” Byron clenched his jaw.

  Alicia chuckled. “What fool? The only dumbass I see here at the moment is you. You come to my house without giving me the courtesy of a phone call, and then you search through my things and you talk about shit you know nothing about.” Despite her bravado, Alicia couldn’t shake off the things he’d said about her relationship with Perry.

  Byron stopped. “I’m not saying these things to hurt you. I’m not blind. I know you still love him, but he didn’t love you back the way you deserved. I can love you and give you everything he was too much of coward to give you. I’m sorry, babe, but he couldn’t handle a strong, independent, black woman.”

  “Just leave.” She pointed outside and he didn’t move. “Byron, goodbye!”

  “I’ll call you when you calm down.” He passed by her.

  Alicia closed the door and tears began rolling down her cheeks. Byron didn’t know shit about her past with Perry. She wiped her tears after a couple of minutes of feeling sorry for herself. She was going to keep away from Perry until she decided what she really wanted. Alicia grabbed her purse and keys off the side table and walked out the door. Nothing was better than a good, home-cooked meal by your mommy to make you feel better.

  Chapter Five

  Alicia drove over to her parents’ house and parked behind her daddy’s car, and got out. Coming home always made her feel like a little girl always took away all the bullshit of being an adult. When she entered the home, her parents were eating at the dining room table. She waved, looking around.

  “Hi! Where’s Mia?”

  “She’s out back.” Her mother pointed at a plate on a table.

  Alicia sat down next to her mother. “I thought everyone sits together for dinner?” When it came to Mia, her parents were very lenient, as opposed to when she was younger.

  “Mia ate with her father earlier,” her dad chimed in. “She called him for your mom’s famous spaghetti. Perry came over for about fifteen minutes and had dinner with Mia.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know he was planning on coming over.” Alicia began eating.

  “You know, he had the same look on his face that you do.” Her mom touched her arm. “What’s going on?”

  “Do you guys believe in second chances?”

  Even though she made her own decisions, she’d always respected her parents’ opinions on life. They assumed she didn’t listen, but they were mistaken about that.

  “Are we talking about someone in particular?” Her mother raised her eyebrow. “Because Perry just informed us that he was getting a divorce.”

  “He did?” Alicia continued eating, surprised that Perry had mentioned that fact to her parents. She assumed he hadn’t planned to tell anyone until he finally left that house.

  “Let me ask you this.” Her dad moved back in his chair at the head of the table. “Did he cheat on you?” Alicia shook her head. “Did he hit you or lie to you?”


  “What did he do that was so wrong that you can’t give him a second chance?” Her dad stared at her through eyes that mirrored her own.

  “He married someone else.” She choked on her words. Alicia still couldn’t get over the fact that Perry had married Lorie.

  “A man will only do to you what you allow him to.” Her mom twisted around to face her. “Did you ever tell Perry what you wanted?”

  “He should’ve known.”

  Her mom chuckled. “You two moved in together right after high school, defying both sets of parents. You thought you knew it all. You gave him your cake and allowed him to eat it, too. You never demanded more, Alicia. Perry was content in what you two had because you never told him what you wanted in the first place. He was dumb and young, and baby girl, so were you. He followed suit. Why would any young man marry a woman when she gave him everything a married man had?”

  Alicia took a sip of water.

  “That woman he married is stupid, but she isn’t dumb. She watched Perry from afar, and the one minute you let your guard down, she went after him, guns blazing. Lorie found out what was his kryptonite and used it against him. I believe she purposely got pregnant and then the one thing she knew he wouldn’t turn his back on, she held it over his head. Lorie had a plan from the beginning.” Her mother tapped her fingers on the table. “Lorie gave birth to Tiffany and made sure Perry fell in love with that little girl, and a year later when she knew the time was right, she gave him an ultimatum, something you, my dear, never did.”

  “You two weren’t together,” her dad added. “I know it hurt you that he slept with another woman, but we men can separate feelings from being intimate with a woman. He did ask you to marry him a few times, didn’t he?”

  “He only asked me first because Mom suggested it. Then when he found out I was pregnant, and then when I was leaving with Mia. He didn’t seem to ask because he wanted to walk down the aisle: he did it because he assumed he had to.”

  Her mother stared at her. “And why do you think he asked her?”

  Alicia looked back at her mom.

  “Because the woman he loved, up and took his daughter, leaving him behind, and the woman he knocked up was right in front of him, about to take his other baby away from him, too, if he didn’t do what she asked. Perry is no punk, not by any means, but his daughters are his weakness.”

  Her dad cleared his throat. “I was mad at Perry for not fighting you on leaving, but that boy came over one day and we spoke. That boy is unhappy in that house and he didn’t know what to do. Lorie threatened to keep Tiffany away from him if he even thought about walking out on her. I told him to call her bluff, but he said he couldn’t.”

  “Because he doesn’t want to be his parents,” Alicia said softly. “Perry could never be like them. It’s not in him.”

  “I don’t believe in messing up a marriage, but if that marriage is already crumbling down, then all bets are off,” her mom said.

  “Noreen,” said her dad. “That’s a sin.”

  “We all live in sin, James.” She took Alicia’s hand in hers. “So to answer your question, yes, I do believe in second chances. Sometimes you have to let someone go, and if they were really yours t
o begin with, they will find their way back to you.” She patted Alicia’s hand. “But this time, tell him what you want. Don’t assume he knows.”

  “And stop playing with Byron,” her dad interjected. “I see the way both of them look at you.”

  “One looks at you like you are his world and the other only has lust in his eyes,” her mother stated. “Take a guess who is who?” Playfully, her mom smacked her on the side of her head. “Stop giving away your cookie for free. You are worth so much more than that.”

  Alicia left feeling like a little kid being scolded for doing something she shouldn’t have. What was wrong with her having a little fun? Men did it all the time. Why was there such a double standard in life? If she was the one that had gotten pregnant and married another man, would Perry forgive her? When she’d met Byron, seven months ago, he was getting out of a long-term relationship. The two of them had hit it off because they had many things in common at the time. They were having the same feelings about life. It had started out as friends with benefits, but Byron had crossed those lines, and like her mother said, she’d never told him what she wanted out of their relationship.

  Every time she closed her eyes and allowed herself to dream about the future, she saw Perry. Why couldn’t she shake him off her heart? Because he was her promise from God.

  Her dad stood, grabbing his plate off the table. “If you already made up your mind to give Perry a chance, let Byron go before that relationship turns ugly.”

  “Yes, sir.”


  Perry had to get mentally prepared before entering his home. Whatever words had been exchanged between Alicia and Lorie couldn’t be good: after all, Alicia had then tried to seduce him in an attempt to get him away from Lorie. When he’d heard the way Byron spoke to Alicia, he’d been about to turn around and confront the man, but instead, he’d quickly gotten in his car and driven off. He knew himself. The old Perry would rear his head and then there would be no turning back from that point: Perry would release his entire pent-up aggression on Byron.

  He took out his cell and texted Alicia.

  Is everything okay?


  Perry stared at the screen. Just that single word. Yes. No sarcasm, no emojis.

  What’s wrong?

  Nothing. Have a good evening.

  Damn, what the hell had Byron done? He removed his keys from his pocket as he walked up the path, and heard tiny footsteps running toward the door.

  “Daddy!” Tiffany yelled, opening the door.

  Perry placed his cell in his pocket. “Hey, honey bunches!” He picked her up and showered her with kisses. “How was your day?”

  “Fun!” She giggled as he tickled her tummy. “I played hide and seek.”

  “You did?” He closed the door behind him.

  “Yes.” She kissed his nose. “I want to see Mia.”

  “Okay.” Perry placed her on the ground. “Do you want to talk to her?”

  “Yes!” Her eyes sparkled.

  “You won’t be seeing Mia for a while,” Lorie said, coming out the bedroom in a naughty, blue chemise taking the steps one by one.

  “Why are you dressed like that in front of Tiffany?” Perry asked, shaking his head. “Cover yourself up.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with how I’m dressed.” She smoothed her hands down her body. “I thought you would like this. Or am I not dark enough for your liking?”

  “You’re really going to do this in front of a three-year-old?” he asked sternly, pulling his cell phone out of his pocket. Perry dialed Mr. James number.

  “You don’t want your daughter seeing you reject her mother.” Lorie smirked. “You see, Tiffany? Your dad doesn’t want me.”

  “Why?” Tiffany looked at him.

  “Lorie, I’m warning you.” he glared at her. “Princess, I’m calling your sister.”

  “Why are you calling her?” Lorie asked, moving closer to him.

  “Hello?” James answered.

  “Hey, James, is Mia still there?” Perry turned away from Lorie.

  “Yes, let me get her.” Perry could hear him calling Mia. “Here, it’s your daddy.”

  “Daddy!” Mia cried, excited. “Did you give Tiffany some food?”

  “Not yet. Tiffany wants to talk to you.” He handed over the phone. This would serve as a distraction for his little girls. “Hey, princess, go talk to your sister in your room.”

  Tiffany began talking and strolled up the stairs to her room.

  “Close the door!” Perry raised his voice.

  He heard the room door gently click closed.

  Without warning, Lorie smacked him in the middle of his back, causing a bit of pain. “You begged that bitch to take you back. Alicia didn’t want you—that’s why she walked away from you. You weren’t man enough for her.”

  Perry turned around. “I’m warning you, Lorie.” He cracked his neck. “Keep your fucking hands to yourself.”

  “Or what, you punk? You went crying to her that I abuse you?” She raised her voice. “You are a pathetic excuse of a man. Look at you, all buff, and still a wimp.”

  He glared at her. “Do you want me to hit you, Lorie?” Now it was him yelling. “Is that it? Would it give you satisfaction if I treated you the same way you treat me? Do you want me to beat your ass the way your fucking daddy used to beat your mother?” He knew that was a low blow, but at the moment he could give a shit. “You’re just like your fucking father.”

  Lorie just stared at him, clearly not expecting the bite of his words. “I’d rather be like my father than as weak as my mother was. She took it, every time he hit her.”

  “And that’s what you think I should do.” He closed his fists. “You’re making me pay because your mother didn’t fight. Your mother was a victim. Lorie, if I was to ever hit you I would fucking knock the shit out of you.”

  “You told her I trapped you into marrying me?” She spat the words out, trying to change the subject.

  He sighed. “You didn’t give me another choice, did you? It was either marry you and keep my daughter near, or you’d take her away. Your words, not mine. Didn’t you say your daddy had the money to make that possible? I was in a lose-lose situation. Did I want to marry you? The answer is no.”

  Her face turned a hue of red. “But—”

  “But what?” Perry slipped off his jacket, and placed it on a coat hanger. “I’ve tried to be a husband to you. Do you see the way you act in front of our daughter? What man would want to live under these conditions? I never know who I’m coming home to. I’ve tried, and I’m done trying to stick it out.”

  “You can’t leave me—”

  “I’m done with all your threats. Do what you have to and I will do what I have to do.” He went to walk away and she grabbed his hand.

  “Please, baby.” She stood in front of him. “I’m so sorry. I’ll behave, and do whatever you want me to. Please don’t walk out on me. I love you.”

  Perry smirked. “You need to get checked, because I think you’re bipolar.”

  Her eyes widened. “I’m not fucking crazy!”

  “Being bipolar doesn’t make you crazy. It’s a disease, and you need to get checked.” He side-stepped her.

  “I’ll get it checked if you stay with me.” Her voice softened again.

  “Like the multiple times you said you were going to therapy?” He shook his head. “Our days as husband and wife are counting down.” He moved away going upstairs to his daughter’s room. He should’ve told her he’d filed divorce papers, but he decided against it. Lorie would find out when she was served. More than once, he’d warned her it was coming.

  “That’s what you think,” she shouted. “If you leave me. I’ll kill you!”

  Perry twisted back, looking down. “Give it your best shot.” He continued to Tiffany’s room and placed his hand on the doorknob. “I’m not afraid of you, Lorie. You think I’ve stayed in this house because of your threats?” He glared at her. “I’ve controlle
d my inner demons for my daughter, and now not even that can hold me back. No matter what you say or do, I’m out.”

  “It’s because of her, isn’t it?” Tears rolled down her cheeks. “What does that black bitch have that I don’t?” She knocked the vase off the coffee table. “What!” Lorie yelled at the top of her lungs.

  He stared at her with sadness, deciding to be truly honest. The truth shall set me free, he thought. “What does she have? My heart.”

  Lorie’s chest heaved up and down. “I swear…I will kill that bitch.”

  Perry ambled back down into the living room and pointed his index finger at Lorie, making her take a step back. “Shut the fuck up!” Now it was him roaring. “I’m tired of you threatening Alicia or anyone I love. If you touch a hair on Alicia’s or my daughters’ heads…” The veins in his neck throbbed. “I promise you will live to regret it.” He glared at her wide eyes, daring her to say another word or lift her hand. “There is a side of me you don’t want to meet, Lorie. Please don’t tempt me.” He’d tried to keep that side of him locked away but he could slowly feel it rearing its head. Perry walked away before he said or did something he would live to regret. He took a deep breath and shook off the effect Lorie had on him before entering his baby girl’s room, and then he locked the door behind him. Mia and Tiffany were laughing on the phone. Their laughter always made his spirit rise. For so long, it had made living in this hellhole worthwhile. “Hey, girls.”

  “Daddy, I asked Mommy to ask you for a baby!” Mia giggled.

  Perry lay on the bed with Tiffany. “What did she say?”

  “Not much.” Mia sighed. “Would you ask her?”

  “Yes, Daddy! Ask Alicia for a baby brother!” Tiffany beamed.

  If Lorie heard their conversation she would flip out.

  “Please?” Tiffany placed her hands together, making a sweet, pouty face.

  “Daddy, don’t you want a son?” Mia asked.

  “One day.” He kicked off his shoes.


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