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No Way Out

Page 19

by Ancelli

  “Lorie committed suicide?” Alicia wiped her nose as Lola shook her head. “No!” she cried out. “Perry won’t have justice!” Alicia’s chest heaved up and down. “She took the cowardly way out instead of facing what she’d done. Did she even think about the madness she caused her baby?”

  “I don’t care about her or where her soul ends up. Perry and Tiffany will be safe without her,” Lola said sternly. “She is no longer a threat to my…” She glanced over at Perry. “Don’t give her a second thought. Keep all your positive energy on him.” Lola pointed at Perry.

  Alicia didn’t say anything, just tried calming down. She inhaled and exhaled slowly. “All that matters is that Perry feels our love.”

  Lola took off her jacket, throwing it in the trash. “Can you give us a moment alone with Perry?”

  “Okay,” she said, walking over to Perry and combing his hair back with her fingers. “I’m not leaving. I’ll be right outside.” she kissed his lips. “I love you, papi.” Lola could tell she didn’t want to leave.

  “I’m not fucking burying you; do you hear me, Perry?” Miko whispered in his ear. “I taught you better than this. Fight!”

  Lola sat on the bed next to Perry and held his hand as Miko wiped his eyes, stepping away. “My sweet, sweet boy, you have such a promising future ahead. You had so much that you still wanted to do.” Tears rolled down her cheeks. “I swore I would tell you the truth before I died and here you are about to leave me. They say you’re not going to make it. That bitch took you away from me and your girls,” she sobbed. “Why didn’t you listen to me when I told you to let her leave? You would still have a beautiful future ahead of you with Alicia and Mia. I would’ve moved mountains for you to see Tiffany…” Tears dropped onto Perry’s fingers. “I hope you know how much I love you, son. And everything we’ve done has been for you.”

  Lola wiped her tears and took a deep breath. “Perry…” She inhaled and exhaled. “I’m your mother.” Lola caressed the bruise on his face. “Your father and I were young, and going down a very dark path in life in Puerto Rico. We owed some gangsters some money, and we couldn’t pay them back in time. They were ruthless. If they knew about you, they would’ve kidnapped or even killed you to prove a point. Abortion was never an option for me; neither was running away because they would have hunted us down. I did the next best thing. I hid my pregnancy from everyone until I couldn’t anymore. If they knew I was pregnant, they would have hurt you to get to us. I went away for the last couple of months to a Catholic home for women who didn’t want their unborn child. I had you, and when I laid my eyes on you I knew I couldn’t give you up for adoption, but I needed a plan. I left you with the nuns in San Juan for a few months and went back home so they could see me.” She wiped her tears. “Your dad and I came up with a plan. He would work on the streets for them until he paid off both our debts. They didn’t accept the deal, and they almost killed both of us.”

  “Lola.” Miko placed his hand on her shoulder.

  “All I could think about when I was lying in that hospital bed was my baby. I couldn’t live that life and raise you, but they couldn’t know I had a baby. We couldn’t trust our families or friends, so I made the choice I never regretted: I washed my hands of the underworld.” Lola stared at Miko for a few seconds and then back at Perry. “I went against your father’s wishes and I did what I had to do. I turned the whole organization in to the police and they placed us in the witness protection here in the States and your father and I, were made to go our separate ways. It was for the best, until years later, he found us.”

  “She loved you more than anything,” Miko added.

  “Before we were removed from everything we knew, I went back to the Catholic home to get you and from then on I raised you as my nephew. I had to give you a gringo’s name.” She laughed, covering her mouth. “Your name was supposed to be Miguel Angel, after my grandfather.” Lola gazed at her only son. “You and I were left with nothing but the clothes on our backs, but we had each other. We survived, and by the time all those motherfuckers were in jail, you were already calling me Tia Lola.” Lola swallowed. “I know you’ll hate me for keeping this from you, but your safety was our only concern at the moment. I had you by my side and that’s all that mattered to me. You even got to know your father during the years and you didn’t even know it.” She kissed his hand. “Miko loved you from afar until he put you in harm’s way.” She clenched her jaw, narrowing her eyes at the man who’d fathered her only son. “How dare he put you in a match for illegal money? That’s what put us in trouble in the first place. I forbid him to see you after you ended up in the ER.” Lola clenched her jaw. “Our real names are Lourdes and Emilio Escobar. You kept my maiden name, Ortiz.”

  Miko placed his hand over Perry’s. “My son…”

  The beeping on the machine connected to Perry began making a really weird noise, and her cries got louder. “No…” she sobbed. “No!”

  “Hijo,” Miko’s eyes widened. “Don’t you dare fucking give up!”

  Alicia ran in the room and jumped on the bed, giving him CPR. “Don’t you dare leave me!” she cried. “Perry! Come back to me!” She pumped her palms against his chest as she cried in agony. “Perry!”

  The nurses and doctors ran into the room. It was like slow motion after that. They yanked Alicia off him and proceeded to try to save his life, but it was too late. She felt when his spirit gave up.

  Alicia touched her chest as it heaved up and down. “I can’t live…” She ended up on the ground. “No!” She banged the floor with her fist. “No! You can’t take him from me… God please don’t take him!” Alicia continued hitting the floor. “She took him from me!” She sobbed, holding her chest. “It hurts…Oh God please…”

  Lola couldn’t breathe. All the sacrifices to give him life were for nothing. She bent down and wrapped her arms around her daughter-in-law and chanted. “My boy loved you.” Everything ceased to exist: in that moment, her heart was gone. Miko’s cries could be heard over the sounds of the doctors and nurses.

  “I loved him,” were Alicia’s last words before she took a deep breath, releasing all her sorrows before blacking out.


  Alicia sat down behind her mahogany desk; her back and feet were killing her from all the walking she’d been doing lately. She needed to slow down a bit, and give thanks for her many blessings, even with everything that had happened in the last year. The beeping of her cell phone startled her, making her heart race a bit. She closed her eyes, and the image of Perry lying in his own pool of blood resurfaced again. Her heart started pounding against her chest as she rapidly opened her eyes, looking up at the ceiling and willing herself to calm down and not shed another tear. Alicia could still hear the beeping sound of the machine when Perry had died. It had been eight months, and her therapist kept telling her to give it time, that everyone healed at their own pace.

  She’d placed her house on the market a month later. Alicia couldn’t handle walking in and out of the front door where her heart had been left to die. Her eyes stung, and then one single tear ran down her cheek. She wiped it with the back of her hand. Now they were back in Chicago, starting over. Mia hated it here, being away from her family, but with time, she would eventually get over it. She’d made the best choice she could, but this time Alicia listened to her loved ones, and they’d agreed.

  That dreadful night, months ago, Perry had given her a little gift, another piece of him. She rubbed her round protruding stomach, a big baby boy. Mia and Tiffany finally got their wish of having a baby brother. Perry had kept his promise. With her fingertips, she wiped the tears rolling down her cheeks as she remembered the words he’d whispered in her ear that night. “I hope it’s a boy this time around,” and then he’d devoured her lips as he’d come, deep inside her.

  “Oh…” She gasped, sobbing, placing her hands on the wood and pushing herself up. “I promise to keep you safe, no matter the cost.” His last words before leaving that m
orning before he’d kissed her one more time. “I can’t take back the wasted time, but I can make it up with amazing memories. I love you, mami…”

  “I love you too papi,” Alicia said out loud, looking at the sky out the window. Their baby kicked, making her giggle. “Hey, little one.” She tapped her tummy. “It’s time to call it a day don’t you think?” He moved again. “You’re very active today.” Alicia watched her unborn baby move his arms. “My miracle baby.” She kissed her hand and then pressed it on her tummy. “Let’s go home,” she said, powering off her computer and grabbing her purse.

  Someone wrapped their strong arms around her waist and kissed her neck, making her chuckle. She knew his woodsy scent anywhere. “You’re back so soon!”

  “Surprise,” he whispered in her ear. “I can’t stand being away from you.” His husky voice made her entire body tingle. “Did you miss me?” He traced her ear with the tip of his tongue, making her shiver in delight.

  “Yes.” Alicia wiped her tears before turning around to face him.

  “Why are you crying?” He cupped her face with his rough, strong hands. “Mami.” He kissed her yearning lips. “I’m here… I’m not ever leaving you again…” Perry placed his forehead on hers, and pressed his lips against her ring finger. “I don’t have to travel anymore without you again.” He smiled.

  “Really?” Her lips slanted to a half-smile.

  “I was awarded full custody of Tiffany,” he enthusiastically revealed. Alicia had missed seeing his lopsided smile. “Lorie’s parents threw everything in the book at me. They even blamed me for Lorie committing suicide.” He looked away from her. “I never meant her any harm.”

  “I know,” Alicia took his hands in hers.


  Eight months ago

  Alicia woke up on a small hospital bed after passing out in Perry’s room when he’d flatlined. She still couldn’t breathe. Her throat and chest hurt every time she cried. Alicia screamed at the top of her lungs for the love of her life. She stared up at the ceiling, not being able to contain her sobs of agony. Two nurses entered the room and tried to calm her, but she wouldn’t let them touch her. “You couldn’t save him!” She yelled at them. “Don’t touch me.”

  “Ma’am, calm down, please calm down,” the younger nurse said.

  “How could you tell me to calm down?” Alicia spoke angrily.

  “He’s alive!” The nurse raised her voice. “He’s alive, and I bet he’s waiting for you.”

  Alicia jumped off the bed and ran as fast as she could down the corridor, straight into his room. Lola was sitting next to Perry when Alicia stormed in. Perry was still hooked up to the machines, but he was still breathing. “Oh God!” She rushed in almost dropping to the floor with so many emotions coming over her. She caressed his five-o’clock shadow, and kissed his lips. “I love you…”

  Lola touched the arch in her back, startling her. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m better now.” She gazed at his bruised face. “She didn’t win the battle. He will make it.” Alicia combed back his hair. “Right, baby? You’re not leaving me—”

  “He heard you,” Lola said, making her look back at her. “As soon as you passed out, his heart started beating. It was like you gave him life when you banged your fist against the floor. You took a deep breath before fainting and he inhaled it.”

  The doctors had given him less than twenty-four hours, but God proved them wrong. It wasn’t time for Perry to leave his loved ones. God worked in mysterious ways, and a few days later, Perry opened his eyes, alive, but in excruciating pain. Alicia was the first person he laid eyes on. “Hey papi…”

  Perry gasped around the tube down his throat and then winked at her.



  “I’m so happy for you. Was Mia ecstatic when she learned her baby sister is moving in with us?” Perry had been flying back and forth, fighting for custody of his little girl. Due to her pregnancy, Alicia couldn’t join him like she had before. Lorie’s parents had been given temporary custody while Perry was still in the hospital. Months later, when he was released, they didn’t want to hand Tiffany back over to Perry. He had no other choice but to take them to court, requesting full custody. Mia went home with Perry this time around and also spent time with Alicia’s parents.

  “Mia said Chicago will be tolerable, now that Tiffany will be there.” He placed his hands on her hips. “I missed you.” He pinched her skin.

  “Not at much as I did. Two weeks is a long time.” She combed her fingers through his messy hair. Alicia stared at her sparkling ring. They had been through so much to get where they were. They weren’t perfect but they were each other’s blessing from God. This time around, they hadn’t waited. As soon as Perry recovered and was released, they’d gotten married in an intimate wedding ceremony.

  “My aunt said she’s coming to help out with the girls when you have the baby.” Perry rested his ass on her desk.

  “That would be great.” Alicia rubbed her back with her palms.

  “I took the girls to see Miko. I wish you could have seen the expression on his face when I knocked on his door and Mia and Tiffany were with me.” He smiled, replacing her hands with his. “He gave me some papers on an account he opened for each of them, and Junior.”

  “When are you going to tell your parents you know the truth?” Alicia stood in between his legs. Miko and Lola had never left his bedside; she didn’t know of their revelation until Perry had told her their secret, shocking the hell out of her.

  Perry moved a strand of her hair behind her ear. “They don’t know I heard their confession, and I think it’s better to keep it that way. If I wasn’t lying in that bed they wouldn’t have told me the truth until they were on their deathbeds.” Perry gently dug his fingers into her aching back, soothing her. “At first, I was in shock. I think that’s why my heart stopped beating.” He chuckled.

  “Not funny.” She thinned her lips, remembering that moment.

  “I’m sorry. You’re right.” He stopped laughing. “It was you who pulled me back from the abyss.”

  She wrapped her arms around him, her stomach pressing against his torso.

  “I’m not mad at my tia Lola, or Miko. They did what they had to in order to protect their child. I get it.” With the swell of his palms, he massaged the middle of her back down to her ass. “Maybe someday they’ll tell me when I’m sound and heathy.”

  “She didn’t want to give you up.” Alicia pushed away from him. With age, Perry got sexier in her eyes. “I could feel the love your parents have for each other when they walked into your room, but I couldn’t explain it because I thought they hardly knew each other. It was in the way they stared at each other, and then the way Miko spoke to you, but never in a million years would I have put two and two together.”

  Perry chuckled. “They did a great job, because I never saw it. Enough of the past. How is my little man doing?” Alicia knew Perry was happy deep inside, because that meant he hadn’t been abandoned. His parents had loved him enough to keep him safe and near, even if it was a lie.

  She placed his palm against her stomach. “He knew you were coming home.”

  “I love feeling him move.” He gently pushed down, and then he gazed at her with bright eyes. “I love us…” Perry inched closer and began gently kissing her and it soon turned into his devouring her mouth. He slowly moved back, catching his breath. “You know, this is how I saw us when we were younger.”

  “Did you?”

  “Yes.” He pulled her in closer. “Like my tia Lola always said, God gave me a gift and I didn’t honor you, so he took you from me so I could see the blessing that you truly are in my life. We’ve been through thick and thin, but we weathered the storm with two and a half beautiful children.” Perry rubbed her stomach.

  “Mommy!” Mia ran into her office with Tiffany following behind her. “I missed you and Junior so much!” She wrapped her arms around Alicia, and Tiffany stood behind her. Af
ter Lorie’s death, Tiffany had been withdrawn with everyone, even Perry, except with Alicia. She found comfort in the arms of Alicia; she would tell her how much her mommy loved her and that she was in a better place. Tiffany was too young to know the truth, and maybe she should never learn what her mother had done, and why. They set the girls up with a therapist, too. Sometimes they attended as a family, and other times they each went in separately.

  “Tiff, you’re not going to hug me?” Alicia smiled, making Tiffany giggle. She ran up to Alicia, kissing her stomach.

  “Hi, Junior,” she whispered. “I love you to the moon and back. I missed you, Mrs. Alicia.”

  “I missed you too.” Alicia was so content. Who would’ve thought she would soon be the mother of three, and married to the love of her life. God was a God of second chances. She stared at her family with tears of joy in her eyes. This was what life was all about: loving and being loved.


  A few months later…

  Perry chuckled, staring at his son smiling back at him. “Hey, papito!” He traced his button nose with the tip of his index finger. “Mommy got you full and fat.” Angel just stared at him. “Miko and Aunty Lola are coming to see you. We haven’t told them your full name yet.”

  Angel’s eyes were heavy. They fluttered a few times until he let sleep take over.

  Perry’s heart was overwhelmed with happiness. His kids were healthy and happy even though Mia and Tiffany complained about Angel’s crying all the time. He finally had his own family with the woman he’d always dreamed of. They weren’t perfect; however, they had each other and that was all that mattered. They argued from time to time, but always came to a compromise, which meant he gave in.

  Deep down, Perry felt sorry for Lorie. He wished he could’ve done more. Why did she think killing him and taking her own life would solve their problems? Did she even stop and think about their daughter? Lorie had almost succeeded in leaving Tiffany an orphan. She didn’t think of the consequences her actions caused Tiffany. It had been difficult for Tiffany to adjust being without her mother and father, until he was well enough for the girls to see him. Lola managed to convince Lorie’s parents to let Tiffany visit him at the hospital. She would cry when it was time to go back to those people. Her parents tried to turn his daughter against him, but thank God it hadn’t worked. Tiffany’s bond with him and Mia was too strong to be broken overnight.


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