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Unlocked 8.5 (Keeper of the Lost Cities)

Page 18

by Shannon Messenger


  (Proper name: suldreen)

  A rare species of bird with long legs like a crane, sweeping silver tail feathers like a peacock, and a curved neck like a swan. Their heads are crested with wispy feathers, and their beaks are rounded bills. Moonlarks are best known for laying their eggs in the ocean—so only the strongest make it to shore—and leaving the babies to survive on their own (though the parents often nest close enough for the hatchlings to hear their songs).


  Small underwater creatures that look like mini kittens covered in colorful scales. Although they have venomous fangs, murcats can be sweet once trained—though few choose them as a pet. (Linh Song adopted one recently, named Princess Purryfins.)


  Froglike creatures that burp stinky gas when frightened—which makes muskogs a popular choice for pranksters.


  Bluish-gray freshwater mosasaurs that look like a combination of sharks, alligators, and eels. Pannoniasaurs have beady eyes and extra-long snouts, as well as an abundance of needle-sharp teeth. Lady Cadence sometimes uses them to pull her floating houseboat (Riverdrift).


  Winged equines that differ from alicorns by their smaller, huskier bodies—and their lack of a horn. They’re also more common than unicorns and have deep blue spots and midnight blue manes.


  Eagle-size reddish birds with flame-resistant feathers, best known for their strange way of reproducing (which is likely the source of many human myths). Phoenixes are only able to conceive at the end of their lives, and they do not lay eggs like other birds. Instead, the baby develops inside the mother, who sheds her feathers as the pregnancy progresses. And when the last feather falls, she steps into fire, sacrificing herself for the new life that rises from her ashes and is cared for by the father, whose sweat provides a food source for the first few weeks.


  A small aquatic creature that’s a cross between a toad and a salamander, best known for the large pustules that form on its greenish-yellow skin. Pooka pus serves a number of medicinal uses.


  Large red-orange cats with huge fangs and claws, believed to be extinct by humans. Saber-toothed tigers are used as the mascot for Level Five at Foxfire.


  Giant insects that look like a combination of a roach and a mosquito.


  Tall, green, shaggy creatures with beady eyes, beaklike noses, and big feet (like the human legends). Sasquatches walk bipedally and live in dens in the forest. They’re also avid climbers who can travel by treetop. And they’re absurdly smelly.


  Sleek black creatures with whiskered faces and long, coiled bodies, making them look part seal, part snake. They routinely shed their skin, which liquifies into an oily black puddle swirled with iridescent blue. Many selkies live in the Sanctuary, but some live free on Inktide Island.


  Small, water-dwelling creatures that look a little like otters—only much less adorable. Their black fur is matted, their gray faces are scaled with long whiskers like a catfish, and their oversize mouths are always open, letting out shrill, earsplitting whines that some consider to be musical.


  Majestic yellow birds with long, wispy tail feathers that curl out behind them in wide coils. Suncatchers are best known for their tremendous wingspan and the sheen on their bodies, which can make them painful to look at when they stand in direct sunlight.


  Absolutely enormous snakes that humans think are extinct. Titanoboas live so deep underground that they don’t necessarily need protection, but the elves still monitor them. The most famous Titanoboa is Twinkle, who pulls the goblin queen’s royal carriage through the Imperial Pathways to and from Gildingham.


  Small, fluffy creatures that look like a cute cross between a kitten and a hedgehog—until they turn over and display their six spindly, cockroachlike legs. Tomples feed on dust, which makes them useful to keep in labs—though many elvin homes have them as well. And the Council chose tomples as a mascot for Dex Dizznee when he joined Team Valiant.


  Gigantic sand crabs with squirming legs and antennae, iridescent claws, and a glowing opalescent shell. Tredgeons tunnel underground like dwarves, which is why the dwarves value their carapace above any gem (and even use it for their leader’s crown).


  Rare horned equines with black manes and tails, silvery bodies, and no wings. Only one pair of unicorns lives at the Sanctuary. The rest are with various members of the Heks family, who’ve mastered unicorn care and breeding. Unicorns are the mascot for Level Eight at Foxfire.


  Rottweiler-size hamsterlike beasts with purple fur, glassy black eyes, constantly growing fangs, and pouchy cheeks where they store their “food”—including small animals they’ve hunted.


  Large elephantine creatures similar to mastodons, only they’re larger and have longer horns. Humans believe them to be extinct, but there is a thriving herd at the Sanctuary.


  Huge winged lizards with a ridge of spikes down their back—similar to a dragon. But they only have two legs and two much smaller arms, like a T. rex. Wyverns were chosen by the Council as a mascot for Wylie Endal when he joined Team Valiant.


  Large bipedal creatures with bushy white fur and tiny eyes. Yetis are the source of the human myths about the abominable snowman, and they serve as the mascot for Level Six at Foxfire.


  NO ONE KNEW ALICORNS EXISTED until a male was discovered by accident—and the Lost Cities were then faced with a bleak new reality. Unless a mate could be found for Greyfell before his life ended, the alicorn would become the first creature to go extinct. And for centuries, an extensive search for a female alicorn turned up nothing.

  But a chance encounter led Sophie Foster to discover Silveny in the Forbidden Cities, and Sophie was able to bring her safely to Havenfield. The Council left Silveny in Sophie’s care—but after the Neverseen tried to steal the precious creature, Sophie moved Silveny to the Sanctuary to be with Greyfell. Not long after, Silveny informed Sophie that she was pregnant. And when the Neverseen tried to capture the alicorns again, Sophie convinced the Council to set Silveny and Greyfell free so that the alicorns could hide from their enemies.

  Sophie stayed in regular contact with Silveny and Greyfell—which was how she was able to get Silveny help when she went into early labor. The pregnancy turned out to be twins, and only with the help of the trolls—as well as Vika and Stina Heks—were both babies delivered safely. Silveny survived the birth as well, effectively resetting the Timeline to Extinction. But it’s only been a cautious improvement.

  Four alicorns are better than one—but the species remains severely vulnerable.

  Still, for now, the elves celebrate babies Wynn and Luna.


  THE ELVES FOLLOW A PLANT-BASED diet, but it isn’t the least bit limiting, because the gnomes cultivate an abundance of unique fruits and vegetables that are both healthy and delicious (even if the colors and textures may appear strange at times). Some gnomish plants taste like meat or various other human delicacies. Others are perfect for baking, which is why the Lost Cities are famous for their desserts (and their candies!).

  There’s also a variety of flavored beverages to enjoy in the Lost Cities, but the most essential staple is called Youth (and rumored to be the source of human myths about a mysterious Fountain of Youth, which grants eternal health). Given its unique properties, this cool, slightly sweet water is often used medicinally—but that doesn’t mean it’s not also seen as a refreshing way to stay hydrated throughout the day.

  Starkflower stew will never taste as good without Calla—but it’s a perfect way to re
member her!

  The candy is delicious—but everyone knows the best part about Prattles are the collectible pins inside!

  Any flavor anytime—custard bursts are always AMAZING!!


  The secret Mentors’ cafeteria at Foxfire always has butterblasts available—it’s not fair that they don’t share!

  Lushberry juice is the perfect blend of sweet and tart!

  Mallowmelt is always a good idea—and one gooey slice is never enough!



  Petite cakes that melt like butter when bitten into, filled with tart berries that fizz and pop on the tongue.


  Tuber-style plants (shaped a bit like cattails) that are served roasted, and taste like the sausages that humans eat.


  Round, golden pastries topped with giant sugar crystals. They’re chewy like doughnuts, but taste like hot pancakes filled with a maple-flavored cream.


  A hot, thick beverage that tastes like melted snickerdoodles.


  Square puffs that look like marshmallows but are crunchy on the outside and gooey on the inside. They come in tons of flavors, but some of the most popular are chocolate, butterscotch, lushberry, chocolate-cherry, and caramel.


  Dark purple fruits grown from special seeds created by Calla. They taste warm, sweet, and tingly, like little slices of sunshine.


  A bubbly, sweet beverage mulled from fizzleberries. It isn’t technically alcoholic, but its effect is similar, so the elves reserve it for adults.


  A truly unique type of candy that turns breathing into a delicious experience. Flavored air comes in a wide variety of flavors and keeps the air sweet and mouthwatering for several minutes after popping open the can.


  A delicious flaky pastry filled with a cloud of honey, cinnamon, and butter. Perfect for dessert, a snack, or breakfast—or all of the above!


  A messy, blue, bite-size candy cluster filled with sweet fruity juice that dribbles everywhere when eaten—which is half the fun of the experience.


  By far the most popular beverage in the Lost Cities. Lushberry juice manages to be both perfectly sweet and delightfully tart and tastes amazing with everything.


  A gooey cake covered in frosting and butterscotch, that tastes like freshly baked chocolate chip cookies soaked in ice cream.


  These silver-wrapped treats look like hard candies, and their dark color and squishy texture is reminiscent of a dead bug. But don’t be fooled—noirssels are so sweet and cinnamon-y and delicious that they can even take away the flavor of unpleasant medicines (which Sophie knows very well!).


  This surprisingly healthy pie is often served for breakfast. And while its strange purple color may seem unappealing, it tastes like bacon covered in gooey melted cheese.


  These chewy, peanut-butter-and-caramel-flavored candies are filled with cream and taste delicious. But everyone would buy them even if they were gross, because every box of Prattles contains an awesome collectible pin based on the protected species. Everyone collects and trades Prattles pins.


  Fudgey squares that taste like a mix of warm apple pie and melted vanilla ice cream.


  Buttery, fudgey desserts that are part cupcake, part brownie, with a candy surprise sunken into the center. They can be made in many flavors, but two of the most popular are butter toffee and chocolate mint.


  These round yellow nuts have shells that turn orange as they roast, and their centers melt into a warm goo that tastes like butter, vanilla, and honey—with a dash of cinnamon and a hint of caramel.


  A rich, earthy stew made with a variety of gnomish spices, herbs, and vegetables—but the secret ingredient is the starkflower, which adds a dark, smoky flavor. Calla invented the recipe and kept it secret for millennia. But she decided to share it with Sophie—and even though Sophie’s stew never tastes quite the same, she makes it often to remember her friend.


  Flaky, croissant-like pastries filled with a rich brown-sugar custard.


  A rare, spicy, tangy fruit that’s eaten by pulling off the juicy pink strings.


  Wide black leaves best served dried and cut into strips. Their chickenlike flavor makes them both a delicious meal—and an excellent way to train animals to become vegetarians.


  ELVES DO THEIR BEST TO care for nature—but they cannot cultivate gnomish plants on their own. (The Neverseen try, and the result is not delicious, according to Keefe Sencen.) So the elves are very grateful that the gnomes choose to remain in the Lost Cities (particularly after the hard truths that were uncovered during the gnomish plague), and elves would never present themselves as authorities on plant life. The subject should always be covered by a gnome—even the agriculture session at Foxfire has gnomish Mentors. As a result, Flori—one of the gnomes who resides at Havenfield (and Sophie Foster’s gnomish bodyguard)—will cover this lesson.


  Only gnomes can understand the language of nature (though the moonlark comes close!). Still, it's vital that everyone understand the potential inside each growing thing. They can heal or harm or nourish or provide beauty or freshen the air or enrich the soil. And sometimes, in the right hands, they can become something incredible. —Flori

  The songs of these night-blooming plants inspired the precious lyrics that banish darkness and silenced Sophie's echoes when nothing else could.


  The Panakes tree healed my people from a deadly plague—and we're forever grateful for its blossoms. But we'll always miss the Brave One who sacrificed herself to save us.


  Created to help the moonlark chase away her nightmares



  Chosen for their night whispers


  Chosen for their sweet scent


  Chosen for their soft song



  Also known as the “Brave Ones,” Panakes trees only exist if a gnome shifts their form while life remains within their body. That sacrificed life energy then pours out through the Panakes’s abundance of blossoms, giving the petals a powerful healing quality. Only one Panakes exists—and only because of Calla’s incredible sacrifice. It grows in the pastures at Havenfield—a vision in pink, blue, and purple, with weeping willow–like tendrils and coarsely braided bark.


  These towering palmlike trees are officially named Purfoliage palmae—but everyone in the Lost Cities calls them “the Pures.” And while the Pures may be the most common trees in the Lost Cities (every house has at least one, and every city has several), their fan-shaped leaves are nothing short of incredible. Each frond has a clothlike texture, allowing them to serve as filters for pollutants and impurities drifting through the air. As a result, the Lost Cities have perfectly fresh, clean air—despite the fact that the elves must share their planet with humans (and their abundance of pollution).


  This unique tree in the main courtyard at Lumenaria may at first appear to be nothing more than a marvel of nature—and with its limbs growing in four sections (each a manifestation of what the tree would look like during summer, winter, spring, and fall), it truly is a sight to behold. But until recently, few realized the tree’s tragic history, or mourne
d for the four brave Ancient gnomes who were cruelly infected with the plague and used the last of their energy to be reborn as this striking memorial.



  Similar to a Venus flytrap—but with much sharper teeth. And as their name suggests, these strange, carnivorous plants feed off spiders. They also bloom with bell-shaped flowers that release a particularly fragrant perfume—which is why some elves consider them to be a unique gift (albeit slightly gruesome).


  A rare species of plant that requires a great deal of specialized care in order to survive. Splendors only bloom once every year with purple flowers that are both beautiful and pungent. Their scent—and the unearthly glow from their freshly bloomed petals—draw the flickerwings, which is why splendors are used for Foxfire’s Opening Ceremonies. Every elite prodigy must cultivate a splendor throughout the course of Level Seven in order for it to bloom before they enter Level Eight.


  The petals of this shimmery, star-shaped flower drip with a unique nectar that’s used to produce somnalene—a special type of eye drop known for its “midnighting” effect (which is described as feeling like there’s a twinkling universe inside the mind).


  These unattractive flowers have curled, shriveled black petals with gray speckles—and contain shadowvapor inside them. But once that darkness is removed, they turn lush, plump, and gleaming white—and even the shadowvapor serves a use, providing a smoky flavor to Calla’s legendary starkflower stew.


  Despite their name, the nectar from these pink flowers is anything but sweet. But sugarbelles have potent healing qualities that make their awful taste well worth utilizing.


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