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Breaking Leather: Lone Star Lovers, Book 4

Page 8

by Delilah Devlin

  She wasn’t scared. Those last few feet to the door, she leaned up and wiggled her calves. “You can let me down.”

  Josh set her on her feet at the door, and she stepped across the threshold, straightened her shoulders and stalked away.

  “Where’s she off to now?” Josh said.

  “She’s mine,” Ezra ground out.

  She heard his feet slap the wooden floor behind her, but she pretended she wasn’t intimidated. She headed through the living room straight to the master bedroom. Before she made it to the hallway, her arm was grabbed, and she was turned and folded over Ezra’s broad shoulder. Her clamped nipples hit his back.

  Her breath left her, but she didn’t fight his hold. She was exactly where she wanted to be, being manhandled by the one man who could go caveman on her ass any time he wanted because she loved how primal he got with her, how desperate he got when he couldn’t find the right words to tell her how he felt.

  He dumped her onto the bed, then climbed right over her, his hands snagging her wrists to push them above her head, his knees digging between her legs to make her spread them.

  When he settled, his big frame pressing her into the mattress so hard she could barely draw a breath, only then did the tension in his face ease.

  Chrissi didn’t wait for him to say a word, she lifted her head and kissed him. Words weren’t what they both needed now. Right now, they both needed reassurance they were doing the right thing.

  When she fell back, his eyes gleamed. “You can fight me now.”

  She scoffed. “You have me pinned to the bed. How’m I gonna do that?”

  “You can tell me all the reasons why this won’t work. You can talk and talk, and I’ll listen. But you’ll wear down. Eventually. And when you run out of reasons why it won’t work, I’ll show you again all the reasons why it will.”

  “Show me?”

  His hips ground crudely against hers. “Again. And again. As many times as it takes.”

  “You’re gonna fuck me into submission.”

  “I’ll do whatever it takes.”

  She shook her head, then pressed her lips together. But the shaking of her body gave her away.

  “Are you laughing at me?”

  “If I am?”

  “Chrissi, I’m dead serious.”

  “I know, she said, snickering. “That’s what makes this so damn hysterical.”

  Chapter Eight

  Ezra glared down at Chrissi. Didn’t she know how close to the edge he was? “You think this is funny?”

  “Yes!” Chrissi’s laughter bubbled over. Her whole body vibrated with it.

  Pulling back his hips, he centered his cock between her folds and drove straight up her sweet, tight cunt.

  Her laughter faded, but her smile didn’t. She waggled her eyebrows. “Did you think I was mockin’ your manhood or something?”

  “We have to talk,” he ground out.

  “I’d rather you did something with the tree trunk you just shoved up inside me.” She wriggled beneath him, but he lowered his body, crushing her beneath him.

  “Dammit, I have to know.” He clenched his jaws, and waited for her to settle down.

  Chrissi fell back, eyeing him with a hint of wariness, at last. “You said I had until Sunday—which is tomorrow.”

  He gave her another hard stroke. Masculine satisfaction eased over him as her mouth rounded and she gasped. “I’m not gonna sleep a wink until you give me an answer.”

  “You never asked a question, cowboy,” she said breathlessly.

  “Are you gonna stay?”

  “How long do you see this lastin’?”

  “All our lives.”

  “Doesn’t seem like enough to me.”

  He stroked to a standstill. “You want more men?”

  A wicked gleam entered her gaze. “Would you give that to me? The freedom to have anyone I want?”

  This was not going the way he’d expected, and her stubborn chin was tightening, jutting out at him.

  “Chrissi, are you serious?”

  She snorted. “Course not. When I said it didn’t seem enough, I meant, a lifetime didn’t seem enough. I’m a greedy, horny woman. I don’t want just a lifetime, I want forever.”

  Ezra blew out a deep breath and felt his whole body relax. “You’ll stay?”

  She arched an eyebrow and strummed her fingers across his shoulder. “I do have a house to sell.”

  “We’ll pack up everything you want to bring.”

  Another strum and that damned arch curved higher. “I have a job.”

  “You can quit—” He paused when he saw both brows shoot straight up. “Or not. I’ll make space for you in my office so you can work from home, if you like.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t think I’ll have enough energy to work outside the home. You’re gonna have to support me.”

  Ezra felt his mouth twitch. “I thought you were bein’ a little ambitious. We’re a lusty bunch.”

  Her smile slid across her face again, softer this time. “You’re gonna have to be my whole world. You know that, right? People won’t be so accepting of me once they get wind of how we live.”

  “You’ll have friends.”

  “Gonna find some for me?”

  “You already have three. Right here in this house.”

  She tilted her head. “I do, don’t I? I missed that, Ezra. I missed you all so much.”

  He released her wrists and came up on his elbows.

  Her breath billowed out of her chest. “Wasn’t gonna say it, but you’ve gained some weight.” She wriggled beneath him again, but this time it was to free her legs and wrap them around his hips. “You can move anytime.”

  “Maybe I don’t want it to end just yet. I like where I am.”

  Her fingers pinched his chest. “I’ll let you sleep like this, your dick snuggled up inside me, but you have to move now.”

  “I do?”

  “Yeah. And I want you to do it like you mean it.”

  “Don’t I always?” he drawled, liking how her desperation was rising.

  “No holdin’ back. No tryin’ to make it perfect. I want you there with me.”

  “I’m right here,” he said, flexing his ass to pull out, then stroking deep again. “You get bossy when you’re horny.”

  “I know what I want. At last.”

  “You’ve known all along or you would have found someone else, sweetheart.”

  Her eyes grew misty. But her smile didn’t dim.

  As he began to rock against her, he gave her everything he had, his passion and his heart. With her brown eyes watching him come unraveled, he felt like a much more powerful man. Complete. Chrissi Page belonged to them at last.

  Late afternoon on Sunday, a door slammed in the distance. Chrissi stirred in the chaise where she’d been lying in the shade nude, a margarita on the table beside her and a man painting her toenails.

  Josh glanced up and grinned. “Looks like we’ve got company.”

  She lifted her foot to admire her pedicure. “You missed your callin’.”

  “Always liked red toenails.”

  “As long as you paint ’em, it’ll be my favorite color too.”

  Setting aside the bottle, he stood and stretched, then reached for the terry cloth robe beside her.

  “Maybe I should get dressed,” she said, beginning to worry about being caught like this—naked in the middle of the day.

  “Maybe you should remember who’s in charge,” he growled.

  She gave a snort. “It isn’t you. Besides, I can’t greet anyone in my birthday suit.”

  “Bet they wouldn’t mind a bit,” he said under his breath, but held out the robe for her to slide into it.

  She belted the waist and pulled her hair from under the collar, then headed into the house in a hurry, or as fast as she could hobble walking on her heels to protect her toenail polish. She was determined to slide into the bedroom before whoever came inside.

  But she was
only three steps inside the living room when the door was flung open. Bo Crenshaw stepped inside.

  Her back stiffened. Her toes dropped to the floor. Lord, would she ever be able to look at him and not feel ashamed?

  Bo’s glance narrowed on her, sweeping briefly from her hair to her red toenails. He gave her a swift nod. “Afternoon, Chrissi.”

  She returned the nod. “Bo.”

  Ezra and Cade came in behind him, their chests rising and falling swiftly. They’d run from the barn where they’d been mucking out stalls.

  Ezra fisted his hands on his hips. “Bo, thought I told you I’d pick up the keys from you later.”

  Bo’s gaze didn’t leave her. He tucked his fingers into the front pocket of his Wranglers and pulled out her key ring. “A girl has a right to a choice, Ezra. Even if it’s a bad one.” He stepped closer and held them out. “If you like, I’ll give you a ride back to town.”

  Chrissi couldn’t let go of what he’d said. That she had a right to a choice, even a bad one. He was talking about that night. Her cheeks burned with the memory of what he’d witnessed. She wrapped her fingers tightly around the keys, at a loss for what to say when he was staring so intently.

  A throat cleared. A surprisingly feminine sound. Chrissi peered around Bo’s shoulder. A small hand shoved at Ezra’s arm to push him aside. Shanna Davies stepped up beside Bo.

  He glanced down, giving her a frown. “I thought I told you to wait in the truck.”

  “Four against one,” she said to him, while she stared Chrissi up and down. “I don’t think so.”

  Chrissi raised a brow. “You think he’s gonna have to fight his way out of here?”

  Shanna rolled her eyes. “No, I mean four cowboys full of testosterone. Hardly seemed fair to let you face them all alone.”

  Chrissi sighed. “Is there anyone in Two Mule who doesn’t know what went down this weekend?” Even though she complained, for the first time, she didn’t feel the horrible shame she would have just a couple of days ago. Had she changed that much? Bo’s dogged willingness to be her champion, if she needed one, took the bite right out of that particular bone.

  Shanna gave a little chuckle. “Bo doesn’t keep secrets from me. We’re engaged, you know. Thanks in no small part to your three beaus.”

  Chrissi’s gaze snapped to Ezra. “Your little practice session?” she bit out.

  Shanna’s mouth dropped, then snapped shut. “You don’t have to worry. Or be jealous. I’m crazy about Bo. We’re gettin’ married in a month.”

  Chrissi gave her deadly glare. “Josh always thought you had killer legs.”

  Shanna blushed. “Well, I guess he should know.”

  Chrissi stepped closer and raised her hand to wrap her fingers around Shanna’s wrist. “You boys have your little talk. Shanna and I are gonna get to know each other.” She turned and goose-stepped Shanna toward the doors leading out onto the patio. She stifled a tight grin when she heard Ezra cuss softly behind her.

  Ezra turned on Bo. “What the hell were you thinkin’?

  “That Chrissi might need rescuin’.”

  “Did she look like she was unhappy? Did she look like we’ve abused her?”

  Bo shrugged, his expression neutral. “I didn’t do right by her all those years ago. I should have said something to stop the three of you. If I’d known how things would turn out—”

  “They’ve turned out just fine,” Cade ground out. “She was comin’ around.”

  “Well, maybe she should have some space. I don’t imagine the three of you have left her time to think since Friday, have you?”

  Ezra raked a hand through his hair, and pulled away a piece of hay. Damn, he didn’t need this. Not now. “We don’t need your interference, Bo. Chrissi’s stayin’. Said so last night.”

  “Well, I’ll want to hear it from her. Without you hoverin’ over her.”

  “I didn’t know Chrissi could be so jealous,” Josh drawled, as though there wasn’t enough tension in the room to pressure cook a stew. “It’s kinda sexy.”

  Cade gave him a baleful glare. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to leave those two alone too long. Chrissi’s got a twenty-five pound advantage.”

  Ezra stepped around Bo and stalked toward the French doors, the other three on his heels.

  When he stepped out on the patio, his gaze swept it, then slammed into a sight that made him stumble.

  Josh barreled into his back. “What…? Oh, hell.”

  Ezra felt the corners of his mouth twitch into a grin. The girls were seated at the edge of the pool. Their backs to the door. Their very naked backs.

  Ezra noted the differences. One slender as a reed. The other curved. The dimples riding the upper curves of Shanna’s ass were deep as her bare bottom hugged the concrete.

  Chrissi glanced over her shoulder. “Didn’t seem fair, you know. The fact you’ve had her. That she’s had all four of you, and I don’t even know what Bo looks like nekkid.”

  “Thought you were fine with just the three of us?” Ezra groused, although he wasn’t really that perturbed with her. Chrissi was being Chrissi. Smart-mouthed. Savagely witty. Her eyes sparked with challenge. Lord, he’d missed that look.

  “It’s natural, you know,” she said, her voice filled with lazy amusement. “Skinny-dippin’ with friends.”

  She emphasized the last word, and Ezra’s gaze cut to Shanna who gave him a winsome smile. “It was all her idea.”

  “I never doubted it, Shanna.” Ezra walked to a chaise and sat on the edge, then bent to tug off his dusty boots. “I hope you know,” he said, giving Chrissi a glare, “I’m gonna paddle that sweet ass of yours later.”

  “I’m countin’ on it, cowboy.”

  “Just how far are you willin’ to let this go?”

  Chrissi rolled her eyes. “As you’ve told me repeatedly, I don’t get to make those decisions.”

  Shanna groaned. “Bo, what’s keepin’ you, honey?”

  Bo’s chuckle was low and dirty. Then Josh’s joined in. And Cade’s.

  Ezra held Chrissi’s gaze while he stripped off the rest of his clothes. He shoved up off the lounger and strode to the pool, not the least embarrassed that his cock was hard and bouncing between his legs.

  “Mmm-mm,” Shanna said, turning to Chrissi. “You do know how lucky you are, right?”

  “I do indeed.”

  “Most of the women in Two Mule are gonna hate your guts,” Shanna said grinning wickedly.

  “I figured that would happen.” But Chrissi didn’t sound like she cared.

  “They’ll all be jealous as hell.”

  “You won’t be?”

  Shanna grinned. “I had ’em. It was a present from Bo. Best present I ever had.”

  “What about that ring I gave you?” Bo asked, his voice deepening with displeasure.

  Shanna giggled and held up her hand. “Ever see anything that pretty?”

  The ring caught the sunlight and sparkled. Ezra eyed the large stone, then arched a brow at Bo.

  “So it’ll set me back a bit,” Bo said. “She deserves to be spoiled.”

  Chrissi held Shanna’s hand and oohed over the sparkling gem. Ezra gave Cade and Josh a pointed glance. Tomorrow, they’d head to San Angelo to rectify that little oversight.

  Ezra dove into the water and swam beneath the surface to the far end, made a quick turn and returned. When he reached Chrissi’s dangling feet, he wrapped his hands around her ankles and pulled.

  She toppled into the water and sputtered when she came up for air. But a wide smile curved her lush mouth.

  He bent and kissed her, snuggling his dick against her belly. Her appreciative groan was everything he could have asked. He broke the kiss. “You don’t wanna watch, you’d better get the hell out of here,” he said, not looking up to see how his warning was received.

  Chrissi gripped the tops of his shoulders and gave a little jump. His hands cupped her butt while she wrapped her long, sleek legs around his waist.

  “Shanna and I are gonna be real good friends,” Chrissi said slyly. “We’ve decided.”

  He gave her a hard kiss. “How good?”

  Chrissi lifted her chin, pointing to the side of the pool. A naked Bo was sliding into the water next to his girl and holding out his arms. Shanna laughed and reached for him, her legs closing quickly around his waist.

  “Damn, seems a little crowded,” Josh complained.

  “Never stopped you before,” Chrissi said, a wicked glint in her eyes.

  Josh tore at his clothes. Cade laughed and settled onto a lounger, his gaze taking in the scene as he leaned back.

  When Josh surfaced behind Chrissi, Ezra didn’t feel the least bit crowded or annoyed at the intrusion. The light of happiness glowing in Chrissi’s eyes was everything he’d ever hoped for. He kissed her mouth. Josh cupped her shoulders and glided his lips along the top curve.

  “Slide down my cock, Chrissi,” Ezra said.

  “You tellin’ or askin’.”

  “Which do you prefer?”

  “I love it when you make me, cowboy.”

  He growled again and gripped her ass hard, centered his cock between her folds and shoved her all the way down.

  Her eyelids fluttered, then slowly closed. “Oh my,” she breathed.

  Ezra caught Shanna’s glance from the corner of his eye. She was peering over Bo’s shoulder. Shanna’s eyes glittered with delight, then she gave a wink. But it wasn’t directed at him. He looked down to catch Chrissi’s sly wink before she looked up and shrugged.

  “We didn’t leave you two alone that long. What did you two hatch up between you?”

  Chrissi gave him a look that was all innocence. “I told her as how it didn’t seem fair that she’d had all of you.”

  “Uh huh?”

  “And we decided, seeing as how we’re all gonna be such close friends, that we’d better even things up, just so I wouldn’t feel so awkward around Bo. There’s something about watchin’ a man come that levels the field.”

  “That what she said?”

  “I might have said that.”

  “That all you two have planned?”

  “I’m never gonna tell.”

  Shanna laughed, then squealed until Bo pushed her head beneath the water.


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