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Hiero Desteen: 02 - The Unforsaken Hiero

Page 28

by Sterling E. Lanier

  His lids half-lowered against the glare, Hiero watched, well content. The orders were "No Quarter." What the enemy would have done in its place was well known. This at least was a clean death. For long years, the attempt of normal and reviving humanity, who wished only to live in peace and happiness, had been frustrated and constricted by these creatures who had been spawned by the Ultimate Dark. This was their reward. They had embraced the Darkness, and that to which they had given their souls was now upon them. Under the high, golden glow of the sun, let them perish. Forever!

  The horns of the mounted men of the Republic sounded the charge for the last time. Lances in place, the crescent went in for the kill. It was slaughter. Pierced and ground underfoot in the marsh, the Unclean died if they took to the water. Should any manage to escape by diving under the line of waiting ships, a second and even more alert line of smaller craft waited for them. There were no survivors. Nor were there meant to be any.

  Hiero had turned away when the end became inevitable. He looked now both around him and also at the line of morse riders who watched their backs and fronted the green wall of the forest.

  He remembered to return his long sword to the saddle sheath. Both of his colonels were now beside him and looking at him in a way he found disconcerting. Why should they look at me this way? These men both taught me! At his stirrup, M'reen tied a piece of rag around the forearm of Za'reekh, while Ch'uirsh tried to scrape mud off his pelt. They looked at him the same way. The brothers Mantan, apparently unharmed, sat their mounts in their usual stolid fashion at the rear, but their eyes were also aglow!

  I did nothing, he told himself. A little planning, but it was mostly Kulase Demero. Maybe I helped a little. But I didn't earn this adulation! He fell back on prayer, looking off into the distance.

  Father, preserve the least of Thy servants from the dreadful sin of pride! Besides, he added in a lower key, I really don't deserve it!

  God, or someone deputizing, brought a most welcome interruption. A mud-spattered morse rider pulled up beside them and handed a dispatch to Saclare. He wasted no time in tearing it apart.

  "Hah! What is left of those scum is fighting for its life in the forest. They are being driven—driven, mark you—back on our lines! Your plans, sir, are working beyond all belief. I congratulate you. Who else would have had troops that no one knew about waiting to pounce, once they were beaten back? Do you realize, General, we have won everywhere?" His native emotion took over. "By the blood of Christ, Hiero, there are none of them left. We have blotted them out!" He withdrew at once, conscious of a gaffe. "Your pardon, General. I forgot myself in the excitement."

  "Troops that no one knew about," Hiero said in low tones, almost to himself. "We met the main attack here, but what of the lower lake and the eastern, rivers down to Namcush? What of them, Colonel?"

  "I have dispatches, sir." This was a young man, one of Saclare's mounted aides. Hiero noted that the boy had one arm in a sling. He had been to the wars.

  "Let's hear it, lad." The Metz hated to see that glow in the boy's eyes. How many had died for the cause this morning?

  "Sir, the lower crossings were hurled back completely. Our ships and the Dam People stopped every attempt to pass. We had one big warship there. It was enough. The Dam People killed the rest. The enemy sent no more than a light wing in that direction."

  "So none crossed. Good news." Hiero was physically exhausted, but the second task was unfinished. The Unclean mind shields ought to have been either taken or dispersed. Then where was S'duna?

  He brought himself back to what the young officer had said. The Dam People! How many of Charoo's young males and females had died? The lower lake and the upper reaches of the outflow rivers had cost lives. Which kittens would not see their father or mother come back to the lodge? He wept inwardly, then swept the feeling aside.

  Something else, something more important, had been told to him! "Troops no one knew about." Least of all himself! But he could guess.

  "Colonels! Parade the troops!" His voice blared, and he could see the faces wince as he yelled. He tried to become calmer, new allies are coming from the north. I want them received with all courtesy, all honors. The Unclean scum are driven into the water. I want all the troops available in line to receive our guests."

  Funny, The Unclean mind shields were gone, totally gone. He would have thought S'duna would have guarded himself. No, was nothing of the kind. It was nice to know Gorm was coming, though. Even nicer to feel that emptiness in the rear!

  The Metz lances, many still bloody, dipped in salute as three figures came out of the forest and advanced in Hiero's direction. M'reen knelt, her furry arms outthrust, and her two males followed suit. The Children of the Wind had never done this for Hiero, but he didn't blame them.

  Gorm was barely visible behind the other two presences. Huge and ambling, the two emissaries of the bear people who led were larger even than ancient Kodiak or Kamchatkan brown bears.

  Only the high foreheads and the longer, more egg-shaped skulls behind the small, furry ears might have set them apart, Their ambling, rolling gait carried them through the muck of the swamp at an amazing pace.

  The leader—there was no mistaking his importance—-reared up on his hind legs at Klootz' side. Absently, Hiero noted that the morse showed not the slightest sign of disturbance at the titanic proximity. A rank scent came from his silver fur. I have no name, the huge creature sent. At least until I see more of you men-things. The men you call the Eleventh brothers brought us to war, those creatures of peace. What is peace? Being let alone. Yet we came to fight, and I think not mistakenly.

  His fellow Brobdingnagian had simply lain down in a wallow and was rolling. Hiero carefully avoided looking at the smallest of the trio. The Metz cavalry still stood at salute, lances raised.

  I gather, the ponderous but powerful mind which lowered down at him went on, that these mentalities are standing thus to do us honor? Such is not necessary. You are the one who took our little cousin to the South. We are in your debt. Your march coincides with that of the Great Dens. What we can bring to the mutual contest, that we shall Produce the gift, little one.

  Gorm moved forward. Around his neck and slung over his back had been a sack of some bark derivative. Now he spilled out the contents.

  The two shining skins, the two bald pates, the two hating faces, rolled through the surface of the wet grass to Klootz's feet. One was unknown, but the other could never be forgotten. Obviously torn roughly from the torso, S'duna's head lay before Hiero, the lips drawn back in the agony of death.

  The leader of the bear people was still sending. We thought such vermin should be removed from the world. And we owed you a debt. These are the leaders you sought, Red and Blue. Their Circles are both destroyed. We think you had much to do with that, and our young and, unlicked cub agrees. Someday he may attain wisdom. That is up to him and to you. The enormous head swiveled down to stare at him again. You are flighty by our standards. Never mind. You may be the first of your kind to find enlightenment.

  'When Hiero could concentrate next, the two great bodies were vanishing into the woods. He looked down, and Gorm was still there.

  They said I could stay, the young bear sent. This is not over. Hiero, where is Luchare?

  The unexpected question cut through all Hiero's fatigue, crumbling the barriers he had forced himself to erect. His brain seemed to gather itself, then to launch a single, explosive thought.




  Under her, Luchare felt the exhausted hopper stumble and come to a halt, unable to continue. For a moment, she sat there numbly, before forcing herself to dismount. Her legs were shaking with fatigue, and she; had to lean against the heaving sides of the beast for support. Vaguely, she was aware that one of the three men of her guard was offering help. She shook him off and stood there, trying to gather her energy to survey her surroundings.

  Three men—only three now! How long had it been since
the count took the others and turned back to protect her rear? Time was a jumble of confusion in her head. How long since they had turned into the forest, trying to lose themselves in its vastness? And to what end? What had all the weeks of endless flight gained them?

  She forced her mind back to the present and looked about. Before her, the little trail they had been following came to an end, and the colossal trees of the forest gave way to a moss-floored clearing. The day must be ending, with the sun already far down in the west; but after the dimness under the great trees, the light from the open sky seemed glaringly bright. She stared about her, suddenly conscious of a curious sense of familiarity. It was as if she had been here before in some other, far happier life.

  She saw that the weary men were trying to make camp for the night, gathering moss for their beds and wood to build a fire. Supper, she knew, would be what remained of yesterday's kill. One man was working with flint and steel to kindle a small mound of twigs. Under him, the ground was blackened with evidence of some previous campfire. Again, familiarity tugged at her mind.

  As she stood there, a feeling of something wrong grew in her. Then she realized that the forest had become strangely silent. Even the cries and chattering of the birds were stilled. She strained her ears to listen and her senses to reach out ...


  Faintly, at the very edge of her awareness, the call came through to her, demanding the answer that welled up in her mind. Then it was gone.

  Night had fallen hours before, but torchlight showed a bustle of activity around the dock where the warship lay. Inside the captain's cabin, a single candle revealed two white-bearded men sitting at a small table. They looked up as the door opened to admit a younger man.

  "They said I'd find you here, Father Abbot," Hiero began. Then he stopped, and a surprised smile crossed his face as Brother Aldo rose to greet him.

  "I've been hearing about your winning the battle," the Elevener said. "Too bad I was just too late to witness it. Hiero, you look as if you need a week of sleep!"

  "Later. I don't have time now," Hiero told him.

  Demero indicated a third chair. "Sit down, my boy. Aldo has returned with news from the South—terrible news, but I swore you should have the truth. D'alwah City is lost, the army has been totally beaten. Luchare and the king fled, nobody knows where. And no one knows whether she lives ..."

  "She's alive," Hiero stated. "And I'm pretty sure I know where."

  "She is near enough for you to contact?" Aldo's voice was filled with doubt.

  Hiero shook his head slowly. "No, she's impossibly far away. Yet for one instant, I know I made contact with her mind. That's why I've come here to find you, Father Demero—to ask your permission to leave and go south to find her. Klootz, Gorm, and the cat people will come with me. And a few others have volunteered. They also ask permission."

  "How far south will you go?" Aldo asked, before Demero had a chance to reply. "After you find your Luchare—if you do, as I pray you will—are you willing to go on to where only a man of your proven ability to defy the Unclean can go? Will you go far south of D'alwah into the reeking jungles where Amibale's accursed witch of a mother took that young traitor and Unclean ally to learn his evil? Because it is there, from the slender bits of evidence we have, that my Brotherhood and I believe the evil source of the Unclean may lie."

  Hiero considered, remembering that Solitaire had also warned of a great and evil mind far to the south. But there was only one possible decision. "If I have permission, I will go."

  "Very well." Abbot Demero stood up, as if the meeting were ended. "You shall have permission—but only after I see you tucked firmly in bed and about to get the sleep you need."

  "There isn't time!" Hiero protested. "The trip around the Inland Sea may take too long, even if we have nothing but good luck —which seems improbable. We should leave at once."

  Aldo began, chuckling, and the abbot was smiling as he laid one around Hiero's shoulder.

  "My boy," Demero asked, "did you really think I wouldn't know what was going on when you went around making preparations? Or did you think it an idle whim of mine to refuel this ship and load it with supplies for you?" He snorted with mock indignation. "Hiero, ships can be used for better purposes than destruction. Now give me the names of your volunteers, in case I missed one. Then well put you to bed in a cabin here. When you awake, you and your band will already be well on the way to your princess."

  The princess was lying on a bed of moss, far to the southeast, but she was not asleep. There was too much on her mind.

  Hiero was alive and well and free! All the doubts that had come to haunt her were gone, erased by the certainty of her brief contact with his mind. He would come for her. And she would be here, waiting for him.

  She let her eyes rove about the clearing, now lighted by the nearly full moon above. She knew it now—this place where they had all camped on the long road south, just before they met the strange women who lived in these giant trees. She listened to the silence of the forest, remembering that the same silence had first heralded the coming of Vilah-ree and the others. They would remember her and provide a haven of safety for her and for the three men—most certainly for the men!—in their tree nests.

  She turned on her side, smiling. And finally, she slept.

  The End


  Abbeys, the: Theocratic structure of the Kandan Confederacy, comprising the Metz republic in the west and the Otwah League in the east. Each Abbey has a military-political infrastructure, and the Abbey Council functions much as the House of Lords in eighteenth-century England, with all science and religion also as its prerogatives.

  Batwah: Trade Lingua franca; an artificial language used throughout the areas bordering the Inland Sea, and well beyond in some places.

  Buffer: Giant bovines, probably mutated bison, which migrate in vast herds through the western Kandan regions on an annual basis.

  Chespek: Small kingdom on the Lantik Sea, often allied to D'alwah and equally often at war with its immediate neighbor.

  Children of the Night Wind: An intelligent, bipedal species of mutated, man-sized feline; runners of unbelievable speed. Bred by the Unclean for warfare, they managed to escape their masters and establish themselves in a far country. Proud and volatile, they are in no sense Leemutes.

  Circles: Administrative areas, named by color, of the Unclean and its Masters of the Dark Brotherhood. Hiero passed through three, the Red, Blue, and Yellow, as he went south and east. Until his journey, their existence was unknown.

  D'alwah: Largest and most developed of the east coast states on the Lantik Sea. A kingdom, organized as a benevolent despotism, but where commoners have few rights. A debased branch of the Universal Church exists.

  Dam People: Aquatic rodents of human intelligence and more than human bulk, who live on artificial lakes in the Metz Republic, under terms of mutual toleration; probably mutated beaver.

  Dark Brotherhood: Their own name for the Masters of the Unclean. The fact that they use the word "dark" indicates that they sought universal conquest and, more important, gloried in it and realized that they were, in fact, basically evil. Modern Satanism, in its real sense, is a parallel. (See Circles; Unclean.)

  Davids: Similar to the Mu'amans in that they follow a quite different monotheism from that taught by the church and one which they claim to be far older. Found in D'alwah, Chespek, and perhaps elsewhere, they occupy positions in all levels of society. (See Mu'amans.)

  Death, The: The atomic and biologic blight which destroyed the major population centers and most of humanity some thousand years in the past. Still a name of dread and ultimate menace in Hiero's day. "All evil came with The Death" is a proverb.

  Deserts of The Death: Patches of ancient atomic blight where there is little or no water and scant or no vegetation. Yet life exists in these horrible places, though most of it is inimical and strange, bred from hard radiation and a ferocious struggle to survive. Some of the Des
erts are hundreds of square miles in size and, in Hiero's day, are avoided like The Death itself. They are rare in Kanda, but many exist in the South. Blue, radioactive glows mark the worst of them at night.

  Eleveners: The Brotherhood of the Eleventh Commandment. ("Thou shalt not destroy the Earth nor the life thereon.") A group of social scientists who banded together after The Death to preserve human culture, love for all life, and knowledge thereof. This group permeates all human societal life and, though opposing violence, battles the Unclean, often in hidden ways.

  Forty Symbols: The tiny wooden signs that a trained priest-exorcist carries on his person. By putting himself (or herself; there are priestesses of great power) in a trance state, the priest can forelock, or to some extent see the future, using the symbols.

  Frontier Guards: The army or embodied forces of the Metz Republic. The Otwah League has a similar group. There are sixteen legions, self-contained units, in the Metz Republic. They are under, not the Republic's orders, but those of the Abbey Council, which, in turn, reports to the Lower House (Assembly) on its decisions, which are always approved. Priests usually lead and direct the Frontier Guards.

  Glith: A recent form of Leemute, possibly bred from a reptile by the Unclean. A humanoid, scaled and very strong physically, utterly the slave of the Dark Masters.

  Grokon: Giant descendants of our present-day hogs, which roam the northern forests. They are much-sought-for as meat but are very dangerous to hunt, being clever and the size of extant oxen when adult.

  Hairy Howlers: One of the commonest and most dangerous varieties of Leemute. They are great, fur-covered, tailless primates, highly intelligent and used as soldiery by the Unclean. They hate all humans, save their Dark Masters. They resemble huge, upright baboons as much as anything.


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