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One Taste of Love (A One Taste Novel Book 2)

Page 6

by Amanda Siegrist

  “I ruined my chances. You’re too good for me.”

  “I think that’s the other way around. You’re beautiful. You’re amazing. And you’re perfect for me.” He smiled at her, yet she saw the worry line his face. “Will you do me the honor of letting me take you out on a date? Cup of coffee, maybe?”

  Her heart, that had shattered into pieces thinking she lost her chance, lifted instantly. “I would love to. Why wait? Stay for a while. Watch a movie with me.”

  “I love watching movies. Can we act like teenagers and make out some?” he asked with a silly grin.

  She giggled. “I never made out as a teenager. What does it entail?”

  He grabbed her hand and led her out of the kitchen. “Oh boy, I can’t wait to show you. It involves a lot of kissing, touching, maybe even some exploring, like hunting for treasure.”

  Another giggle escaped. Happy for the first time ever. She knew her father would eventually ruin this beautiful thing with Ben. But for the moment, she would soak up every minute with him as if it was the last time. Which it just might be.

  “I should go change. My movies are in the little cubby beneath the TV.” Her fingers slipped from his as she backed up a step.


  His eyes slowly took in her appearance. The gorgeous way her hair was swept to the side, giving her face the attention it deserved. The dress showed more of her than he had ever seen. A small rage started to boil inside that she wore this dress for Anthony. He could only imagine how much that man ogled her throughout the night. The dress hugged her body like a silk glove, showing her cleavage in a way that had him wishing he could touch. Her legs ran for miles as the dress stopped just short mid-thigh. Too short. He didn’t want anyone else to see her like this. Only him.

  To his horror, he was doing exactly what he hated Anthony for probably doing. Ogling her! She knew it, too, as she stood waiting for him to say something. Words left his brain. He didn’t know what to say. This was the first time he took a good long look at what she actually had on. The only thing occupying his mind outside had been how not to punch Anthony in the face and shove him off her property.

  “Ben?” she whispered delicately.


  “I’m going to go change. I’m just making sure you’re okay. You looked a little bit lost there,” she said with a small laugh.

  “I’m definitely not lost.” He took a step toward the living room, needing to escape from the temptation standing in front of him. He needed to go slow, not push her away by rushing whatever was forming between them. Suddenly, a small grin formed on his face. “Do you need help changing?”

  He just couldn’t help himself.

  A brief flash of panic crossed her face. “No…I think I can manage.”

  “You think? So, you’re not exactly sure.” Ben suddenly remembered something Zeke once said to him concerning Zoe. She gets weak by my touch. Can’t resist me. I use any weapon necessary to get my way. Wise words. Very wise. With slow, deliberate steps, he walked toward Rina instead of heading to the living room.

  He grabbed her hands, weaving his fingers through hers, and pulled her closer. “I would love to help you change.”

  Her heart started to pound in tune with his as a light blush tinged her cheeks. Good to know she was just as nervous as him.

  “I think I should change by myself.”

  He lightly touched her lips, gaining a soft moan from her. “You sound so unsure. You keep saying you think. Trust me, I know. I’m very good at changing clothes. I’ve mastered it very well.”

  She chuckled, then rested her head against his chest as he squeezed her hands a little harder. “It might seem like I’m experienced, like I know what I’m doing when it comes to guys…but I’m not. I’ve perfected how to brush them off because it wouldn’t do well anyway, not with how I know my father would react. I’ve dated before, very small, fleeting relationships. Really, only ones approved by my father. This, right here, with you, is new. This banter back and forth. I want you, Ben, but I’m scared.”

  She shivered in his arms. Not in a good way either. It broke his heart to know what sort of hell Rina had been living in. To think she couldn’t even date whom she wanted because her father might not approve. He couldn’t imagine ever dealing with that.

  His sister Erin dated a loser a few years ago. His parents never liked the guy, but they didn’t interfere. Maybe they should have. Maybe she wouldn’t have gotten pregnant. Yet, he wouldn’t wish his little niece away for anything. Little Isabella was too precious.

  Ben lifted her head. The sorrow and slight fear he saw broke his heart a little more. “Rina, I’d never hurt you. I’d never force you. I was just teasing a bit. We can take this as slow as you need it to go. I care about you too much to screw this up. You’re giving me a chance and I want it to stay that way.”

  “I feel like the one screwing up. Since the beginning. I don’t want to lose you. And the worst part is I already have.”

  “I’m right here. You didn’t lose me.” He kissed her lightly just to show her as well.

  “Not for long. You’ll see,” she whispered, burying her face into his chest again.

  “No, Rina, you’ll see. If you think I’m going to give up easily, you’re wrong. I know how wonderful you feel in my arms. I’m never giving that up. I’ll fight for you. You better get used to the idea right now. You’re mine. Nothing in this world is going to change my mind. Absolutely nothing.”

  Chapter 5

  Ben looked up as a pencil bounced off his chest, rolled toward him and fell onto his lap. “Why did I earn a pencil thrown at me?”

  Zeke leaned back in his chair, shoving his hands behind his head. “You’ve been quiet all morning. I hate it when you’re quiet. Are you still pissed at me?”

  “Did you talk to the captain?” Ben countered.

  Zeke dropped his hands, almost as if he was going to slam them on the desk. “Geez, man, I’m not going to talk to the damn captain.”

  Ben twirled the pencil he picked up from his lap. “I like the relationship you have with Zoe. That you tell her everything. Isn’t there some sort of bro code, though?”

  Zeke sighed heavily. “I’m sorry she went to Rina. Whatever you say from now on about her stays between us. I swear.”

  A small smile emerged on Ben’s face. To tell or not to tell? Everything with Rina was so new. Would telling Zeke what happened last night jinx him?

  “What’s with the smirk?”

  “I stopped by Rina’s house last night. I just…I needed to see her. These cases…” Ben whipped his hand at the papers covering his desk regarding the two recent murders. “They’re messing with my head. Her date was dropping her off. A real jerk. A damn lawyer.”

  Zeke groaned, running a hand over his face. “I tried to tell you, buddy.”

  Ben shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. He won’t be bothering her again. I know why she doesn’t want to date me. No…why she felt scared to date me.”

  Zeke leaned forward, the confusion marring his face. “Why in the hell would she be scared?”

  A muscle started to tick in his jaw as he clenched his teeth. “Her father. By the few words she spoke, he’s pretty demanding and controlling. She seems to think as soon as he finds out we’re dating that he’ll put a stop to it. I don’t know. Buy me off, or hell, even threaten me. She said he’s never physically harmed her, but I could see how scared she was. Her own father, man.”

  Zeke slowly grinned. “Dating? So, she changed her mind?”

  Ben grinned back. “Until her father talks her out of it. She’s worth any fight. I just hate to think of her getting hurt through the process.”

  “Makes some sense now.”

  “What makes sense?”

  “Her demeanor. Her soft words. Never hollering or raising her voice.” Zeke shrugged. “She probably learned at an early age how not to upset her father. He sounds like someone who wouldn’t tolerate any backtalk.”

  Ben blew
out a breath. Damn. What sort of childhood did she have? She always appeared happy that he hoped it hadn’t been that horrible. “Oh, yeah, I threw your dad out there. Anthony, the jackass lawyer, muttered something about his dad being the best criminal lawyer out there. I said your dad thought of me as a son and he’s the best judge out there.”

  Zeke busted out laughing. “Oh, he’ll love to hear that. What is it with these damn lawyers?”

  Ben turned around as Zeke’s eyes trailed behind him. “Oh man, what is she doing here?”

  “This is going to be fun. She’s going to rip your balls off like she did to me every single time when I first started dating Zoe. If she knows about you and Rina, that is,” Zeke said with a laugh as Dee made her way over to them.

  Dee stopped in front of them and glanced back and forth, her lips pursed in a harsh look.

  “Rina seemed much happier today, Ben. She didn’t tell me much. Just that she decided to give you a chance. I was very happy to hear that,” Dee said, changing her look with a genuine smile.

  Ben started to smile wide when Zeke busted in with an annoyed tone. “Wait? What the hell is this? You’re happy to hear that. Why aren’t you threatening him? You never let up on me.”

  She brought her smile from Ben’s face, dropping back into a scowl as she landed on Zeke. “Buddy, you still haven’t worked your way into my good graces. Especially when I heard you wanted to return that lovely red dress I bought for Zee-Zee. Ben has always been a gentleman, never acting the way you do. He fell off the douche list a long time ago.”

  Ben chuckled softly as Zeke tried to keep an amiable expression on his face. Dee had been brutal to Zeke when he started dating Zoe. Ben had expected the same kind of treatment. That’s just how Dee operated. She never made anything easy for anyone.

  “That’s just not right. And damn right, I wanted to return that dress. Only my wife gets to wear red dresses. Stop buying Brina dresses. She has enough. And what’s with calling her Zee-Zee?”

  Dee threw a hand to her hip. “You call her Brina all the time. Which, when you think about it, sounds close to Rina. There’s no reason she can’t be close to her other auntie. It’s only fair. I will buy her dresses until the day I die. Get over it.”

  Zeke leaned over his desk, getting closer to her. “Get over it? I’m her dad. I have the last say.”

  “If it makes you feel better to think that…” Dee said with a wicked smile.

  Ben chuckled again, interrupting the byplay between them. “I needed this good laugh. Thanks, Dee. What brings you by? Or was it just to say Rina’s happy? She didn’t say anything to…anything about…”

  Dee placed a hand on his shoulder. “You’re a nervous little nelly. How cute. I’m here about Zoe’s surprise party on Sunday. We were going to have it at the bar downtown, but after we realized Zee-Zee would be in attendance we decided to change it. Last minute, I know, but it was more Rina’s idea. She’s starting to get a little bolder. I didn’t want to test the waters and tell her no.”

  “Zabrina’s not coming. My parents will have her,” Zeke said, confused.

  “Wrong. We invited your parents as well, so they’re going to bring her. You know how your mom hates to be left out of anything. Geez, Zeke, get it together,” Dee said, priming her hair a bit.

  Ben tried to hold in his laugh as he could tell Zeke’s irritation rise with each word Dee spoke. “So, you’re here…for what?”

  “Rina wants to have it at her house. We already started to spread the word at the change of location. I’m getting the cake and a few little gifts. Rina’s going to take care of the rest of the food and hang up some decorations. I thought she could use a little bit more help. Water, pop, beer, those things can get heavy,” Dee said with a devilish smile on her face.

  His brows dipped into confusion. Why was she looking at him like that?

  “You’re practically playing matchmaker here. Yet, not once did you have a nice thing to say about me. Still don’t sometimes,” Zeke said with a grumble as he slumped back into his chair.

  Dee rolled her eyes. “This, whatever it is, jealousy, maybe. Just stop it, Zeke. You’re only adding to my enjoyment. That’s me being nice and telling you that.” She smiled. “I’m not doing this for Ben. I’m doing this for Rina because she’s a little too shy. I might give you a lot of crap, but I know you’re good for Zoe. I only do it because it’s so easy. I also know that Ben is good for Rina. So, what do you say, Ben?”

  “What am I supposed to say?”

  “Are you still in shock?” Zeke slapped his hand on the desk as he chuckled. “She wants you to help Rina set up the party. Basically, give you time with her without trying to find another excuse. Am I right, Dee?” Zeke said, leaning back in his chair as if he was the king.

  “Right,” Dee replied dryly. She switched her focus to Ben. “You can handle that, can’t ya?”

  “Most definitely.” He couldn’t be happier that she thought of him, or even considered helping him out. He got along fine with her, but never really thought she would go out of her way to help him win Rina’s heart. “I’ll call her then.”

  “No. Don’t give her a chance to decline your help. Just show up. Trust me. I know what I’m talking about here.” Dee gave him a wink. “Gotta go, boys. Have a pleasant day.”

  She turned around, took a few steps, then whipped back toward him. “I see the way her eyes light up when she talks about you, even when she’s trying to hide it. Just keep doing whatever you did last night. By the way, don’t bother surprising her tonight. I have plans with her.”

  Zeke waited until Dee left, then pinned his gaze on Ben. “That’s just not fair.”

  “Jealous?” Ben asked, the joy still plastered on his face that he was making headway with Rina.

  “She never let up on me.”

  Ben laughed. “What can I say? I guess I’m cooler than you.”

  “Whatever. Her opinion doesn’t matter that much,” Zeke grumbled, even though his eyes said it did.

  Another laugh escaped as he stood up and grabbed his jacket from behind his chair. “Come on. Let’s go talk to some of Ashley’s co-workers. Maybe they can give us some insight on her relationship with her husband. Not that I think he did it.”

  “I hate to agree, but I think you’re right.” Zeke stood up and grabbed his jacket as well. “How soon until the next body pops up? Because if we don’t solve this today, we’ll have another body.”

  There were no words to respond with, except he wouldn’t let it be Rina. She matched the description of the two victims so well. A bad feeling had already started to worm its way inside, festering, building, staking claim. It wouldn’t be going away until they solved this case. He couldn’t lose her—to anyone.

  An hour later, Ben was losing his patience as they tried to wrap up an interview with Donna, the office manager, at the doctor’s office where Ashley had worked.

  “No problems…with patients, other co-workers? Anything?” Zeke reiterated for what seemed like the twentieth time.

  Donna shook her head. “No, Detective. She was a nice woman, great worker. Sure, we get a few uppity or grumpy patients, but nothing that sticks in my mind worth mentioning. Ashley had a nice way about her. She was pleasant to everyone, even when they were acting like jerks.”

  “How about her husband, Gene, she ever say anything about their relationship? Do you know why they were fighting?” Ben tried not to frown, but he couldn’t help himself. Frustration at every corner.

  “Look, I know they had some issues to work out, but I seriously don’t think Gene killed Ashley. He loves her.” Donna put a hand on her hip, her irritation prominent at the question Ben asked.

  “What issues did they need to work out? Why can’t you just say it?” Ben didn’t keep the annoyance out of his voice this time. He refused to be jerked around.

  “He loves her.” Donna fiddled her fingers on her hip, her lips pierced tightly. “He made a mistake. He slept with another woman. He told her himself.
She wanted space from him, to think things through. But he loves her.”

  Zeke snorted with disgust. “Do you know who he slept with?”

  “He would have never harmed her in any way,” Donna insisted.

  “Yet, he did. Emotionally. Why can’t people figure this shit out?” Ben snapped. “Just because he didn’t touch her physically doesn’t mean he didn’t hurt her emotionally.”

  Zeke glanced at Ben. “Ms. Delvine, do you know who he slept with? Clearly, Ashley trusted you enough to confide in you about her marital problems.”

  Donna glared at Ben for a moment longer before shifting her attention to Zeke. “Her sister, Caroline. She had lunch with her sister just yesterday. She came back appearing happy. They talked it out. She was going to let Gene back into the house, into her life.”

  “Wow…” Ben muttered.

  “We need a list of everyone Ashley had contact with yesterday. Do you by chance know where she went to lunch with her sister?” Zeke asked.

  “The café down the street…a little mom and pop place. Ashley worked with some patients. She also handled the front desk for a while, like normal. We all take turns doing things in the office. She spoke to a few consultants that came in with different products. And she signed for a package that came in with the mail.”

  “Well, we’ll need names to go with that list.” Zeke gave her a thousand-watt smile.

  The same smile he used to use when he flirted with a woman. Now he just used it to get his way. Ben didn’t have time for that crap. Why couldn’t people understand emotional pain?

  “I’m not sure I can give patients’ names out to you without a warrant.” Donna smiled back.

  This woman was a pain in the ass. Ben couldn’t stand it. “So does that mean you won’t divulge this information without a warrant?”

  “Yes, Detective.”

  “Be back in an hour.” Ben turned around without another word.

  An hour later, he walked back into the office just like he said. With a smile, the sort Zeke liked to give in doses when he really wanted something, he barely contained the urge to slam the warrant on the desk.


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