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One Taste of Love (A One Taste Novel Book 2)

Page 10

by Amanda Siegrist

  Screw Reginald. He wasn’t letting Rina go.

  “Just what sort of demands? What the hell is going on? I had the chief of police calling me at home, telling me to get my ass into work to talk to you about your attitude. Apparently, you also had an altercation with Anthony Tollhorn, Attorney at Law,” Ganderson said, with a drip of sarcasm on the last part. “Start talking, Stoyer. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what the problem is.”

  “You could call it an altercation alright. He put his hands on one of my friends. Rina. You’ve met her. Not enough to where I could consider it an assault, but enough for me to tell him to back the hell off. Their date didn’t end well. She’s now dating me. Her father, Reginald Chastain, doesn’t like that. He showed up at my house last night, and he didn’t come right out and say it, but he said enough that he would make problems with my job if I didn’t stop seeing his daughter. Not gonna happen, Cap. She’s too important to me. Take my job away. No one’s taking Rina away unless that’s what she wants.”

  Ganderson leaned back in his chair and sighed. “That’s a helluva mess, Stoyer. You’re a great detective. Try to make peace with him. I’ll do my best to ignore any demands coming my way, but I can only do so much.”

  “I appreciate it, sir. It is what it is. I tried telling the man last night what his daughter meant to me, but his ears were clogged. Zeke and I have an appointment with a potential witness. Are we done here?”

  Ganderson waved his hand toward the door. “Try not to make any more waves. I don’t like coming into the office on a Saturday.”

  “Will do, Cap.” Ben stood up and walked out. It took all his willpower not to slam the door. It wasn’t the captain’s fault. He was just following orders.

  Zeke stood up as he neared their desks, but a simple hand in his face halted any words from leaving his mouth.

  “Let’s go. I need some air. We’ll talk in the car.”

  Zeke nodded, grabbed his jacket, and threw it on. The minute they got in the car, Zeke was on him. “What the hell was that about?”

  “Rina tried to warn me that her father would be relentless. That he’d do everything in his power to make me stop dating her. That’s one of the main reasons she would never give me a chance…her damn father.” A vicious curse slipped out as he ran a hand through his hair.

  “What did the captain say to you? I don’t understand.”

  “Her father came over to my house last night. He threatened my job if I didn’t stop seeing her. The words exchanged between us weren’t pleasant. He just followed through with his threat. I got questioned about being rude to Susan, which the captain didn’t hear from Susan herself, so how the hell did Rina’s father even know about that? I was questioned about that damn attorney, Tollhorn. I was told to be on my best behavior, or bye-bye job, basically.”

  “You’re shitting me?”

  “I wish I was.”

  The scenery passed by in a blur as his mind whirled everything like a tornado on a rampage. Should he tell Rina about this? Would she leave him just to save his job? That seemed like a very Rina-like thing she would do. Screw his job. He could find work somewhere else. But, boy, he would miss it.

  “I don’t know what to say. I can’t believe her father is that crazy. Or has that much influence.”

  “Let’s focus on the case.”

  The rest of the drive remained silent, except where Zeke told him he called the other consultant and delivery driver. They could get each meeting knocked out within two hours.

  Not particularly thirsty, but needing something to occupy his hands, he ordered a coffee with Zeke and sat down at a table to wait for Claradessa. Two minutes later, she walked in.

  Dressed in high, high heels, the back heel so thin Ben almost worried she would fall. She wore a black pencil skirt with a red suede coat wrapped tightly around her. A white, delicate hat covered her hair as long blonde curls rested onto her shoulders. Simply beautiful. He knew she knew it as she walked up to them with a bright smile and almost a come-hither look in her eyes.

  Regardless of her beauty, she didn’t hold a candle to his beautiful Rina. Especially when she opened her mouth.

  “Detectives? You have to be the ones waiting for me. You’re the only two dashing devils in this place. Wonderful coffee, don’t you think?” she said with her high-pitched voice, her eyes trailing to their coffees, then up their bodies slowly.

  “Coffee’s great. We just have a few questions about Ashley Patterson. You interacted with her at Dr. Conway’s office on Wednesday morning. She was murdered later that night.” Zeke gestured for her to take a seat.

  She pulled a chair out and smoothed her skirt as she sat down. “I heard. Just horrible. Such a nice woman. We always had a little girl talk on the side before I left. She loved my scarf I was wearing that day. I told her I bought it at Little Red’s Boutique, on clearance, too. Can you believe that?”

  Try not to make any more waves. Words to live by lately. But damn if he didn’t want to roll his eyes and answer with sarcasm. “What sort of scarf?”

  “Oh, a green silk one that went just delightful with the white coat I wore that day. I wish I was wearing it today to show you, but it would clash horribly with this coat.”

  “Did Ashley make a comment as if she was going to go there after work?” Zeke asked.

  “Well, she did ask where I got it from. Yeah, I think she made a comment how she wanted to stop there, but wasn’t sure if she would have time. She said she already had other plans.”

  “Do you know what they were? Or if she was meeting someone?” Zeke asked.

  “Oh, no, she didn’t get that detailed. She just gushed over my scarf, we talked a little about that, and then I did my business and left.”

  “Where were you that evening? Any particular plans you had around ten o’clock that night?” Ben asked.

  “Are you asking, as in, am I available? Or, as in, an alibi?” Claradessa asked, her eyebrow rising in wishful anticipation.

  Ben cleared his throat. “An alibi, Ms. Phantosia. Just doing my job and being thorough.”

  “Of course, you look like a man who is very thorough in everything.” Claradessa bit her lip, her eyes trailing up and down in a very blatant sexual way.

  “Right. So, where were you?” Time to go. This woman scared the hell out of him.

  “I was home alone. I had a very busy day at the office and I put my feet up before going to bed at…well, ten o’clock.”

  “Is there anything else that sticks out to you about Ashley?” Zeke asked.

  “No. She seemed like her normal self. Happy, friendly, and just anxious for her plans that night.” Claradessa stood up. “Is that all?”

  “Yes, thank you.” Zeke stood up as well. “We appreciate your time.”

  “Any time.” Claradessa gave Ben one more secretive smile and left the place.

  “She is one scary ass woman.” Ben stood up, shrugging his jacket on.

  “Very. She sure wasn’t holding back on you.” Zeke snickered as they walked outside.

  “Shut the hell up. I have Rina now. I don’t need that woman.” Ben turned around and shoved his finger in Zeke’s face. “Not that I want her. She was too much of…everything. And her voice…”

  “I know. Screeching, high pitch, just nauseating.” Zeke patted him on the back. “So, you have Rina now? How does it feel to say that? Details. Lots and lots of details.”

  Ben shrugged him off his shoulder. “Don’t go there.”

  “Oh, but I am.”

  Chapter 8

  Erin bounded off his porch with agitated footsteps. Slamming his car door did nothing to dispel the hole in his stomach from growing larger. His sister never called him in a panic. Never. Not even when she found out she was pregnant with the loser she dated for far too long.

  “You have to fix this, Ben. I’m scared.” Erin stopped just short of giving him a hug.

  Normally she gave him a hug in greeting. Having four sisters, he was comfortable wi
th affection. His family was a tight-knit group. They shared everything. Maybe he didn’t as much as his sisters did, but he shared enough. Erin refusing to give him a quick hug did not bode well. He definitely saw it as refusing. She always flung her arms around him in zealous energy. It could get annoying at times. Now it just unnerved him further.

  What had put her in a panic, demanding he meet her at his house? Telling Zeke he had to leave didn’t sit well with him. These cases needed to be solved. Especially for his peace of mind. Zeke completing the interviews on his own made it seem like he was avoiding his job.

  “What’s the matter? Is Isabella okay?” Ben reached out to grab a hug. He needed that hug.

  Erin took a step back. “Some man came around from child services. Child services, Ben! He said he received a report of child neglect. I’m a good mother, damn it.”

  “That makes no damn sense.” Rubbing his jaw, he took a step toward her. “Why do I get the feeling you’re mad at me?”

  “He mentioned your name. And not in a good way. Why am I on the verge of losing my little girl because of you?” Erin slapped her hands on her hips, the anger clear in her eyes, as well as the fear.

  “I would never do anything to hurt you or Isabella. Seriously, Erin, do you think I would do anything to jeopardize your family? It hurts that you do.”

  “What’s going on?”

  Ben ran a hand through his hair, pulling on the ends, then shoved a hand toward the house. “Let’s go inside.”

  He walked past her without another word. He generally wasn’t abrupt to any of his sisters. He knew the wrath they would dish out for such rudeness, but he didn’t give a shit right now. Enough was enough.

  Damn, Reginald Chastain! Because he was the exact reason why Erin was suddenly getting visits from child services. She was a good mother. She would never hurt Isabella, or neglect her in any way.

  He unlocked his door, disarmed the alarm, then closed it with more force than necessary when Erin stepped inside. He stared at the door. Erin stood behind him waiting for answers that he didn’t know how to explain. Losing Rina would be unbearable. He also couldn’t live with himself if Erin lost Isabella.

  A small hand clasped his shoulder. His anger, irritation, and fear slowly dissipated with that light touch. Maybe she would finally give him the hug he wanted when he first laid eyes on her.

  “Talk to me. That man said someone reported Isabella was left alone for several hours while you were watching her. That you left her alone. That, as her mother, that neglect fell on me. You watched her two weeks ago for me. They—”

  He punched the door. “I would never leave Isabella alone. I didn’t leave her alone. Never have and never will. She’s only four years old.” He whirled around to look at Erin, his hand stinging from the blow to the door.

  “I know that. I even told the man to talk to Isabella, who told him everything you two did that day. He seemed satisfied after that, but he said he would be keeping a close eye on the case. He said they take matters like this very seriously.”

  “I’m sorry, Erin. Shit. I’m so sorry.”

  He hung his head as he walked past her to the living room and sat down on the couch. Pulling on the ends of his hair again did nothing to ignore the pain in his heart, or the pain in his hand. Why couldn’t life go right for him just once? Was that too much to ask?

  The couch dipped. Familiar arms wrapped around him. Erin rested her head against his shoulder. “Why would someone lie? I’m sorry for acting pissed at you. I’m just scared to lose Isabella.”

  “It’s complicated. It’s bullshit. And, I guess he knew right where to hit me.”

  She lifted her head from his shoulder. “Who?”

  “Rina’s father.” He glanced at her, then went back to staring at his clasped hands. The pain in his hand was slowly ebbing away. He wished the same could be said about his heart. “I asked her out. She turned me down. That was three months ago. She turned me down because she knew her father would never approve. Clearly, he doesn’t.”

  “You’re a great guy. Any woman would be lucky to snag you.”

  He tilted his head toward her. “Thanks, Erin. I guess not everyone agrees.”

  “She turned you down. I don’t get it. Why would her father bother you?”

  “Because she just decided to give me a chance regardless of what her father thought. He came here yesterday and threatened my job if I didn’t stop seeing her. Looks like he’s also threatening you. I will never let you lose Isabella. Never.”

  She slapped the back of his head, a normal action she committed whenever she thought he was acting like an idiot. As the youngest in the family, she thought that a lot. In her mind, the youngest one was always right.

  “What the hell, Erin? So you’re still pissed,” Ben mumbled, rubbing his head, even though the slap hadn’t hurt.

  “You’re going to break it off with Rina, aren’t you? Because of what happened today.”

  “I don’t want to. Isabella doesn’t deserve any pain from this. If they took her away from you for even an hour that would be painful. I don’t know what to do. He got to my job this morning, and now this. He’s relentless. Rina said he would be. What’s the big deal I’m dating her? Why is he so vicious?”

  “Is she worth it? I have this strange feeling she is. Out of everyone in the family, I’ve dated the most. I like to consider myself an expert when it comes to dating, besides Damon, I don’t know what happened there.”

  “Momentary lapse of judgment that created the best thing in your life.” Ben nudged her shoulder with a grin.

  “He did give me Isabella, you’re right.” She nudged him back. “Any time you talked about Rina, just a simple thing like she was at Zeke’s with you guys, I heard the longing in your voice. You hid it well, just not from me. I don’t want you to lose her.”

  “Well, we have a problem then. I don’t want you to lose Isabella because of me.”

  “So fight back. Since when is my big brother afraid of someone? Since when would my big brother ever let anyone get the better of him? I like Rina. I don’t know her that well, since I’ve only been around her a few times. But, I’ll ask again. Is she worth it? Because I just can’t imagine my big brother backing down.”

  “I love her. I want to tell her so badly. I don’t want her to be hurt either. I’m a wedge between her and her father. That hurts her. But she’s worth any fight in the world.”

  “Then forget I ever came over here mad. You didn’t leave Isabella alone. In the end, we would win that fight. He’s being vicious, but he’s also lying. Everyone has dirt. He obviously can’t find any on you, so he lies to get his way. Don’t let her go. I’ll be mad at you.”

  Ben laughed lightly. “You were mad about what happened. Now you’ll be mad if I let Rina go. I can never win with you.”

  “Geez, why would you? I’m the queen of everything. Listen, learn, obey. I’m the youngest, which makes me the wisest.”

  “So you’ve always said.” He grinned and pulled her into his arms. “Love you, brat. I really am sorry for the scare today.”

  “I love you, too, knucklehead. Go back to work. I’m sorry for pulling you away. Dad said you’re working a tough case when I talked to him yesterday.”

  “Yeah, it’s a rough one. Make sure you’re always aware of your surroundings and all your doors and windows are locked.”

  “Ten-four.” Erin stood up. “Isabella wants to see you now. You’re front and center in her mind since that guy showed up. You know how she acts when she gets something in her head.”

  He chuckled as he stood up as well. “Yeah, just like her mother. A nuisance until you get your way.”

  “I’ll pretend you never said that. When are you going to come over?”

  “How about tomorrow morning? I have a ton to do today. Zoe’s party is tomorrow evening. Tell her we’ll have a tea party. I’ll bring the cookies.”

  “You’re the best brother ever. She likes—”

  “Yeah, y
eah, chocolate chip are her favorite. I’ll never forget that, especially when she freaked out the one time I brought peanut butter cookies over. I love peanut butter cookies. I can’t believe she doesn’t.”

  “She loves everything else you love.” She grabbed a quick hug, kissed him on the cheek, and opened the door. “See you tomorrow.”

  Ben set the alarm and walked out behind her. He waved goodbye as she pulled out of his driveway.

  Back to work. Solve this case. Solve the issue about Reginald. So much to solve. Grabbing his phone to call Zeke felt like an anchor pulling him down. Not yet. He couldn’t call him yet.

  It was time to fight dirty. Not that he wanted to, but it was time.

  Twenty minutes later, he pulled into a driveway. His sister was right. When in the hell did he ever back down from something? Reginald Chastain thought he could threaten him, threaten his job, threaten his family, and he would just put his hands up and walk away. Think again. He would fight until the end.

  Rina getting hurt was inevitable. She would be hurt if he walked away, because while she didn’t profess her love, he felt a strong connection last night. She would also be hurt if he stayed, her father remaining angry with that fact. He’d rather her be hurt that way, at least she would be in his arms where he could help soothe the pain away.

  He knocked on the door before he lost his nerve and waited patiently. Without warning, all of his nerves suddenly washed away. This was the right decision. The minute the door opened, he knew.

  “Ben, what a surprise? Is Zeke with you?” Richard, Zeke’s dad, said as he smiled wide.

  “No, Your Honor, it’s just me. It’s sort of a personal matter. Do you mind if I come in?”

  Richard opened the door wider, curiosity written on his face. “Of course. Lose the ‘Your Honor’. I’m not in the office. You know that, Ben.”

  Richard closed the door, nodding his head down the hallway toward his study. “You’re lucky Deborah isn’t home. She’d want to whip you up something to eat and be curious as hell why you’re here without Zeke.”

  “Well, I do enjoy her meals. I’m sort of disappointed she’s not here.”


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