One Taste of Love (A One Taste Novel Book 2)

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One Taste of Love (A One Taste Novel Book 2) Page 13

by Amanda Siegrist

He closed the door quietly, then spoke loudly. “Honey, I’m home.”

  Zoe popped her head out of the bedroom, her face stern with annoyance. She shuffled down the hallway with quick footsteps.

  “Mister, you’re in trouble. If I hear one peep from our little girl because you’re too loud, well, big trouble. That’s all I’m going to say.”

  He chuckled and pulled her into his arms. “I like being in trouble. Will you spank me?”

  She laughed, pressing her face into his chest to keep her laughter down. She lifted her head back up when she could manage it. “No. Your punishment will be no spanking.”

  “That is punishment. Let’s go to the bedroom. Food can wait. Your body under mine can’t.”

  She held her feet steady as he tried to walk her backwards to the bedroom. “We can’t right now.”

  “I don’t care what things you need to get done. They can wait. I can’t. I hate being deprived. If I start crying like Brina, will I get my way?”

  “Nice try, but no.”

  “Is it because I’m late? I’m sorry we had to work so long on a Saturday. We’re getting closer. Sort of.”

  She brushed a hand across his cheek. “It’s not that. You can’t have your wicked way with me because your father is here, in the kitchen. I don’t think he wants to wait while we engage in that sort of activity.”

  She smiled brightly as his eyebrows rose in surprise. “Why didn’t you say that to begin with? I guess I didn’t see his car parked outside. Shit, sure hope he didn’t hear anything I said.”

  She laughed, walking out of his arms. “Since when are you shy about that?”

  “Umm...since it’s my dad.” He pulled her back to him, kissing her hungrily on the lips. “Get naked and wait for me in bed. Wait, not naked, put on my favorite dress. I’ll make it quick with my dad. No arguments. Or I’m going to spank you for not listening.”

  “I haven’t lost all my baby fat, Zeke. I don’t think that dress is going to fit me.”

  Zeke twirled her out of his arms, holding her hand outstretched as he looked her up and down with a sensual eye. “It’ll fit, honey, trust me. The best part is peeling it off you. The tighter it fits, the harder it makes me. I love seeing all your delicious curves. Now quit arguing with me and just do it.”

  She winked, let go of his hand, and turned toward the bedroom. “I like arguing with you. We shall see who wins this argument.”

  Zeke groaned as she walked away, swaying her hips in an enticing way. Torturing him. This visit with his dad would be short. He wanted his wife so much he was almost tempted to make his dad wait while he had his way with her. So tempted, he found himself moving his feet toward the bedroom until he heard Zoe lock the bedroom door.

  A laugh escaped. His wife knew him so well.

  He headed toward the kitchen where his dad sat on a stool at the kitchen counter, drinking from a coffee mug.

  “Hey, Dad, what’s up?”

  “I won’t keep you long,” Richard said with a grin and gestured his head toward the coffeepot. “Join me for a cup.”

  “I drank way too much of that today. I’m good. I might heat up some leftover food while we talk.” Zeke opened the fridge, rummaging around until he found a container of the chicken dinner Zoe made a few days ago. “So, what’s the visit for?” He moved closer to his dad, whispering, “Can’t you watch Brina tomorrow? The party was moved to Rina’s, you know.”

  “Heat up your food, it’s not about that.” Richard nodded to the microwave and waited until Zeke shoved the container inside the machine and hit the start button. “Tell me about the progress on your case.”

  Zeke turned around and leaned against the counter. “What for? I haven’t asked you for anything.”

  “I know. Don’t know why.”

  Zeke groaned. “Dad, you know. I just hate coming to you for work-related stuff. I hate that critical look you always give me.”

  “You think you’d be over that by now.” Richard laughed. “How’s Ben?”

  “Okay, I guess. He told me he paid you a visit. He’s really worried about Rina. He was heading over to her house tonight to talk to her about everything. I’m hoping I don’t get a call that he needs my shoulder or anything. It’ll break his heart if she turns him away. I haven’t helped with the way I goad him about her.”

  “I’m glad he told you about seeing me, I don’t feel as bad coming here.”

  The microwave beeped loudly behind him. Instead of pulling out the food, he stood up. “Something I should know?”

  “After his visit, I made a few calls. Ben’s name has been thrown around the courthouse. Judge Deiters said he heard a complaint or two on how Ben arranges his warrants. As in sketchy, maybe even false information thrown in there.”

  “That’s bullshit.”

  Richard threw his hand up, waving it up and down. “Calm down, Zeke. I know that. So does Judge Deiters. He was quite surprised when he heard that. For the time being, though, until things are settled, I think it’s best if you come to me.”

  “Like that won’t look suspicious. Who made the complaint?”

  “I don’t care what it looks like. Ben’s a damn good detective and has never crossed the line. I know who made the complaint. I’ll take care of it.”

  “Dad, I want to know,” Zeke said as he advanced toward the counter.

  “Trust me to handle this my way. Ben came to me for assistance and I’m going to help him. I already started looking into Reginald Chastain’s life. I haven’t found much. I was thinking a one-on-one with him would be better.”

  Zeke shook his head. “I don’t know, Dad. Ben probably wouldn’t like that.”

  “I’ll think about it, but if I think it’s the best route, I’m taking it. Now, update me on this case. No arguments.”

  Zeke ran a hand through his hair. “No suspects at this time. We ran through Beth and Ashley’s life and we’re not seeing anything that links them together. They’re as different as can be except for their temperament. Everyone we talk to says they were nice, sweet, soft spoken.”

  Zeke fell against the counter and released a heavy sigh. “Shit. No wonder why Ben’s been on edge lately. He always thinks of Rina when we work on these cases. She fits the profile.”

  “But you have no idea how he chooses his victims?”

  “No. I keep telling him there’s nothing to worry about when it comes to her. He still worries like crazy. You know how we joke around. It’s our way of staying sane while we work. We haven’t been doing that lately.”

  “What else do you have?”

  “We interviewed two consultants today that Ashley dealt with the day of her death. One wasn’t helpful at all. The other, Claradessa Phantosia, she gave us a small lead. She wore a scarf that day and Ashley made a comment about it. She informed her where she purchased it, a small boutique, Little Red’s Boutique.”

  Richard’s face perked up. “Ah, yes. I know the place. I’ve purchased a few things for your mother. A little high-end. They aren’t cheap.”

  “No, they aren’t. We called Susan, who met us there with the two scarves used to strangle the women. They came from that store. The tags on the scarf hold a unique design, marking them as a Little Red’s Boutique item. A small red hat, fedora looking, with a black feather sticking out from behind. I’m sure with that identifying mark we would’ve figured it out sooner or later, but Ms. Phantosia did help us make that connection faster.”

  “I’m getting the impression it didn’t matter.”

  “Yeah, they sell a lot of scarves. An array of colors, like a damn rainbow. The store manager, Shawn Pitts, was nice enough to give us a list of their employees. We ran out of time today, so we still need to check everyone out on that list.”

  Zeke sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “We also interviewed a delivery guy that interacted with Ashley the day of her death. Jones Maverick. He was definitely weird. No alibi for either murder. He didn’t seem like our guy, but we’re not discrediting him yet. We
ran his record. A few marijuana possessions, thefts, and one burglary back when he was twenty. I’m still wondering how he was hired for the delivery job. Who’s to say he won’t steal any of the packages he delivers? He’s definitely weird.”

  “How about Ashley’s husband? She was married, wasn’t she?”

  “Clean. His brother is his alibi the night of her murder. No record, no problems other than cheating on his wife.”

  “Keep me posted. Let me know if you need a warrant for the boutique. Perhaps pulling credit card records of everyone who purchased a scarf will help. It’ll probably be a helluva list, but it’s somewhere to start. You can cross reference the names on the list to possible names associated with Beth and Ashley.”

  Zeke grinned. “We thought of that. Makes me think we’ll have a warrant to you in no time. That list will be a bitch to go through.”

  Richard stood up. “I’ll leave you to eat and enjoy the rest of the evening with your beautiful wife. I’ll let myself out. See you tomorrow.”

  “Bye, Dad. Thanks.” Zeke waved as his dad nodded at him and walked out of the room.

  Zeke grabbed his food and gobbled it down in record speed. He tossed the dirty dishes in the sink, leaving to clean it later. Now to devour his wife in the most delicious way. He was dying to see her in that dress.

  Zoe was nowhere to be seen when he walked inside the room. He frowned, stepping into the bathroom that also remained Zoe free. He walked out of the bathroom, figuring she went to Brina’s room when he stopped dead in his tracks. Zoe stood leaning against the wall near the door in the delicious red dress that always made him salivate with desire.

  “I guess it does fit. It feels really tight, though,” she whispered, smoothing her hands down her sides to her thighs.

  “You look perfect.” He advanced at her, pinning her body against the wall. “I can’t wait to peel it off you.”

  “What are you waiting for?” She ran her hands up his chest, grabbing his face. She kissed him, gliding her tongue in with ease.

  He pressed into her, his hard shaft craving to be inside her. He yanked his mouth away. “I hope Brina’s sleeping well because I’m going to devour you from head to toe. But first, I’m going to love you against this wall in this dress. I love this damn dress.”


  Ben inhaled, letting Rina’s sweet aroma fill his senses. He wrapped his arms tighter around her, grateful the night had ended in his favor. The way the day had gone, he didn’t have high hopes it would.

  “Thanks for helping. I appreciate it,” Rina said softly, tracing a finger around his chest.

  “No problem. Sorry it took so long. I just couldn’t help myself.”

  He smiled. She distracted him easily. It had taken quite a while to set up the party. She would reach high to grab something from the cupboard, a hint of skin showing as she did. That small view was enough to make him forget what they were doing and taking her into his arms instead.

  Or how she bent down to grab napkins hiding in her cupboard near the floor and her little bottom swaying in the air. He couldn’t help but come up behind her and loop his arm around her, which led to more than that.

  His favorite distraction had been when she asked him to carry her extra folding chairs from the spare bedroom to the living room. He heard her holler from the bedroom to come help. He walked in prepared to use his muscles to carry the chairs, only to find her struggling to grab them from the closet, her body waggling in his face in the most delicious way. He couldn’t help himself. He grabbed her from behind, scooped her into his arms, and carried her to the daybed where he lost all train of thought. It took a long time before the chairs were carried into the living room.

  “I don’t care it took so long. You can help me anytime.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “I will always help you.”

  “I’m looking forward to the tea party tomorrow. I can’t wait to meet Isabella. Are you sure your sister will want me there? It’s my fault that—”

  “Stop.” He squeezed her tightly, then rolled her to her back and leaned above her. “Nothing is your fault. Whatever your father does is on him, not you. Erin likes you. She said she’d be mad at me if I walked away from you. You have nothing to worry about.”

  “I don’t want her to hate me.”

  “She doesn’t. Isabella will love you. She’s a little pistol, so watch out. She likes to play tricks and make silly jokes.”

  She chuckled. “Sounds like you.”

  He gave a wounded look, although his eyes shined with laughter. “Me? Never.”

  He touched her cheek, rubbing his thumb back and forth. He held her gaze as he brushed his hand down her neck to the center of her chest. Smooth. Soft. And his for the taking. Back and forth between both breasts, he teased, caressed, trying to decide which one to give his full attention to.


  He twirled a finger around her left nipple, lightly blowing. “Yes.”

  “I thought we were going to bed.”

  He took her nipple into his mouth, sucking hard, then tenderly swirled his tongue to soothe. Lifting his head, a sly grin formed. “We are…as soon as I’m done here.”

  “Okay,” she whispered breathlessly as his mouth continued the sweet torture on her body.

  Thirty minutes later, pleasured minutes later, they curled together and fell asleep. Ben normally liked his space, sprawling out as he slept. But the feel of Rina in his arms trumped that. He couldn’t get enough of her soft body cradled next to him. It secured the knowledge that she was in his arms and she couldn’t walk away. Perhaps after the drama settled down, he wouldn’t feel that way.

  As she turned slightly to her left, he didn’t think so. He turned with her, curling an arm around her stomach. Every time she moved, he moved with her. His body subconsciously knew when she moved, needing to move with her. It didn’t matter if it was a simple hand touching one part of her body, he needed contact. He needed the reassurance she was right next to him.

  Bolting upright, his heart pounding, he glanced around the dark room. Damn, was that a nightmare? Yet, he couldn’t remember what he had been dreaming. Nothing in the bedroom looked out of place. The bedroom door was still securely closed. His hand touched Rina’s arm. His heart started to calm a fraction, knowing she was perfectly safe.

  Perhaps that was it. He hadn’t been touching her while he slept. Damn the fear that overwhelmed him at the thought of her leaving him.

  He slowly laid down, his hand still resting on her arm. A strange muffled noise bounced around the room. Eyebrow cocked, his eyes shifted to the wall to the left where the kitchen was. This wasn’t about Rina then. He must’ve heard the noise in his sleep.

  He shoved the covers off, reached down for his pants and quickly scrambled into them, grabbing for his gun next. He looked over at Rina as she sat up with a confused expression. Before she could ask what he was doing, he put a finger to his mouth.

  Leaning onto the bed, he cupped her cheek. “I heard a noise. Lock the bedroom door behind me and don’t open it until you hear my voice. Understand?”

  She shook her head as the fear in her eyes poured out in waves. He kissed her hard, then headed for the door and slowly made his way down the hallway. The minute he heard the lock click on the door, he moved a little faster.

  A quick peek into the spare bedroom noted nothing off. The bathroom came next, still noticing nothing astray. Gun clenched firmly, he continued down the hallway. At the end of the hallway, another noise filtered through the air. Definitely coming from the kitchen. It sounded like scraping, as if someone was trying to get in via the window above the sink.

  Dashing around the corner, he moved lightly through the dining room. A dark figure stood outside the window jimmying the lock. He didn’t make a sound, but somehow the person instinctively knew they weren’t alone. The person looked at Ben, disappearing in a flash.

  Ben cursed, running for the front door. He unlocked the door quickly and took an extra second
to close it before he dashed down the steps and ran to the left side of the house. Shit! Nobody was there. Running back the way he came, he sprinted toward the road just in time to see the person jump into a dark colored medium-sized car and drive away.

  Cursing viciously, the words swirling into the dark night air, he clenched his gun tightly. It was impossible to make out a face. The person had worn a black mask. Even more irritating, he couldn’t identify the make and model of the car. It was parked too far away, which made it impossible to get a look at the plates.

  The window. The bastard had tried to break into her house. As he neared the window, he froze. Lying precariously on the branches of a bush near the window was a green colored scarf. His worst nightmare finally came true. The potential intruder went from a punk breaking and entering, to his sadistic killer he was searching for. His steps back to the house were slow and measured.

  How? Why?

  It suddenly seemed too crazy that Rina would become a victim. Was the killer watching him and Zeke? Did the killer see how much Rina meant to him? How she matched the description of the other victims?

  He opened the front door and flipped the light on, needing the darkness to disappear. It wasn’t helping to keep the nasty scenarios out of his mind. He walked to the bedroom and knocked lightly on the door.

  “Rina, sweetheart, let me in.”

  A second later she whipped open the door and fell into his arms.

  “What was the noise?” she asked in a tiny whisper.

  “Someone tried to break in.” He pulled her tighter to his body when shivers overtook her. “They got away from me, but don’t worry. I’m here and I don’t plan on leaving.”

  He wanted to crawl back in bed and hold her tight, let the dreadful night disappear as if it never happened. He kissed the top of her head and shifted her away. “I need you to get dressed. I have to call Zeke and Susan.”

  “Why? They didn’t get in.”

  “Get dressed. I’ll make the calls and we’ll talk.”

  He guided her into the room and snatched his shirt from the floor. Without one word, unsure of what he’d say anyway, he grabbed his phone and headed out to the living room. Both calls were made quickly, berating himself when Rina, who had taken a seat on the couch, overheard the last part of his call with Susan.


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