One Taste of Love (A One Taste Novel Book 2)

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One Taste of Love (A One Taste Novel Book 2) Page 14

by Amanda Siegrist

  “What’s going on, Ben?”

  He ran a tired hand across his chin. “I found a scarf on the bush near the kitchen window where the person tried to break in. He dropped it, or maybe left it on purpose. I don’t know.”

  She grabbed his hand when he wouldn’t stop rubbing his chin. “He? You saw the man?”

  “No, he was wearing a mask. I didn’t get a good look at a damn thing.”

  “Then how do you know it was a man?”

  “Rina…” He paused, trying to formulate the right words. Her eyes were filled with worry. “The scarf outside, it’s a sign that it’s tied to the murder cases Zeke and I have been working on.”

  She shook her head in confusion, her eyes swimming with concern. “I don’t understand.”

  “Remember when I came over that night, just needing to see you, to make sure you were okay?”

  She nodded, but didn’t say a word.

  He squeezed her hand. “I was worried and going out of my mind because…because you look like the victims. Same body type, same hair color. The first victim Beth, when her hair covered her face, for a moment, it reminded me of you.”

  Rina gasped.

  “I pictured so many things in my mind, but I never thought it would touch your life. Do you know how many women match that description? Tall, slender, auburn hair. Too many.”

  “Then how is it possible? Are you sure?”

  “I’m positive.”

  “But, Ben, how can you be sure? It’s a scarf. It’s cold out. Maybe—”

  “There’s no doubt in my mind. He used a scarf to…to kill both women. It’s his signature.”

  “Oh my God, if you hadn’t been here. If I had been alone. If I—”

  He let go of her hand and grabbed her face fiercely. “Don’t go there. I was here. I am here. I’m not leaving you.”

  A kiss wouldn’t erase the terror, but he had to try. She resisted at first, her nerves unable to let him in. But he refused to let her hold him back. He pushed his tongue through, opening her mouth wide. She sunk into him, finally kissing him back. He took his time to explore, to coax out the tremors taking over her body.

  When he felt her body relax, the trembles cease to exist, he pulled away, his mouth mere inches away from her. “Zeke and I will figure this out. Until we do, I’m not leaving you. Consider me your new roommate. Nothing will happen to you, I swear.”

  He claimed her lips again, wiping out the renewed fear that came back from his words. Images of scooping her into his arms and taking her back to bed swamped his mind. He wanted to kiss away each tremble that touched her body. It would take all night to vanish each one. He felt them everywhere. In her arms, her legs, her hands. The frustration that he couldn’t do anything to stop it made his veins boil with anger. He couldn’t even kiss her longer. The doorbell went off.

  A groan escaped as he pulled away. “It’s probably Zeke. Be right back.”

  He checked the peephole, then unlocked the door and stepped back to let Zeke in.

  Zeke didn’t pretend to make the situation better. He didn’t joke. He didn’t tease. He didn’t even offer a smile. “You okay?”

  “I screwed up. He was right there. I saw him. We looked at each other. And I let him get away.”

  Zeke clapped a hand on his shoulder. “No, you didn’t. You tried. He had a head start running. Don’t think about it, man. How’s Rina?”

  “She’s scared, but holding it together. You got here quickly.”

  “It concerns Rina, so of course I moved my ass. I didn’t even stop to tell Zoe the reason. She’ll freak when she finds out.”

  “Come on.” Ben tossed his head toward the living room. He walked quickly to the couch and sat down next to Rina. The need for any sort of connection had him grabbing her hand.

  Zeke took a seat on the chair next to the couch. He sat on the edge, his hands clamped together as he leaned forward. “I talked to Susan on the way. She’ll knock on the door when she’s done processing outside. She said she’d head to the window right away. Did he get the window open at all?”

  “No. He was still trying to jimmy it open when I walked into the kitchen. The minute he saw me, he ran.”

  “How did you hear anything? We had the bedroom door closed. I didn’t hear anything,” Rina said quietly.

  “Light sleeper, I guess. I don’t know. I woke up and just felt…panic. I looked around the bedroom wondering what the hell woke me up. That’s when I heard something,” Ben replied, kissing her hand. He blew out a breath, gathering the energy to go down the road he wished to avoid. “You said you had errands to run today. What kind?”

  “Why does that matter?”

  “Rina, we need to figure out how you connect with the other victims. Anything you can tell us will help,” Zeke said.

  “You could be wrong. Maybe it was just some kid. You’re wrong. You have to be,” Rina whispered with a tremble in each word. “Why would someone want to hurt me, Ben?”

  He cradled her body into his, bending his head to rest on hers. “I don’t know, sweetheart. That’s what we’re trying to figure out. We have no idea how he picks his victims, or why. We’ve been trying to find a connection between Beth and Ashley. That’s why we need to know your habits, places you frequent. I swear I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “Me, too, Rina. Nobody is touching you. I can’t handle the hospital. I hated seeing Zoe there every single time. I sure in the hell don’t want to see you there,” Zeke replied.

  She sat up straighter, took a deep breath, and nodded. “Okay. What do you want to know?”

  Zeke smiled, sharing a look with Ben. Pure relief. She wasn’t falling apart like it appeared she was about to do.

  “Let’s start with today. Ben said you ran some errands. What kind? Every place you went,” Zeke said.

  “I ran to the grocery store, Racker’s, off Division Street.”

  “Is that where you always go?” Ben asked.

  “Yes. They always have good sales. The pop and water I bought for the party was a steal.” Rina rubbed her finger against the back of his hand. “I ran to the bank, not far from Racker’s. I almost ran to the party store, but remembered that I had napkins, plates, and plastic utensils in my cupboards at home. So I passed that. I need my haircut, so I called my stylist. She was booked for the day, but I made an appointment for next week.”

  Ben’s hand became stiff. “Where do you get your hair done?”

  Rina stared at their hands, then glanced up to the worry etched on his face. “Style Me Salon. I always go there.”

  “Shit. When’s the last time you had your hair done?” Zeke asked.

  “A month or two, maybe. Why? What’s wrong?” Rina asked as the fear returned full force, oozing out in each word.

  “Our first victim Beth Darlington worked there. Do you know her?” Ben asked, loosening the death grip he had on her hand. Stay in control. He couldn’t afford for both of them to lose it.

  “I always have Tina Beckers as my stylist. I’ve never heard of Beth. Is that the connection?” she asked breathlessly.

  “Don’t know, maybe. We can’t connect Ashley there, but I don’t like it that you go there to get your hair done and then this happens,” Ben said, releasing a heavy sigh. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, taking care not to let go of her hand as he did. He scrolled through a few pictures until he landed on the one he wanted. “Do you recognize her?”

  Rina glanced at his phone. Her eyes went round with shock. “No. Wow, we don’t look alike in the face, but her hair…I don’t remember ever seeing her at the salon. I’m not always focused on my surroundings.”

  “Start to be. Take note of everyone around you. If you get a funny feeling, take an extra look to see who’s around you. Every little detail counts,” Zeke piped in. “Show her some more pics.”

  Ben scrolled through his phone showing Rina pictures of Jones Maverick, the delivery guy, Claradessa Phantosia, the consultant, Steven, Beth’s ex-boyfriend, and
Ashley Patterson, the second victim. Rina recognized none of them.

  “Well, it was worth a try. Any other places you went, Rina?” Zeke asked.

  “Um…well, just one more place. It’ll be no help to the case,” she replied in a whisper.

  “Let us determine that. Where else did you go?” Ben asked with a delicacy he never displayed. He didn’t like the way she whispered, the fear that escaped in each syllable.

  Rina turned her head to the side, her eyes screaming of sadness and pain. “I went to visit my father. It was my first stop, actually. Like I said, it doesn’t really pertain to the case.”

  “It didn’t go well?” Ben asked, even though he meant it more as a rhetorical question. Of course, it didn’t go well. “You didn’t tell me.”

  “What can I say? I asked him to leave you alone, and clearly, he disregarded my wishes. You had a horrible day because of my father…and me. I just hate thinking about it all.”

  Her fingers became loose in his hands as she tried to pull away physically, and to his horror, emotionally. The way her eyes shifted, her posture, the way she bent her body back away from him. He refused to allow her to push him away. They had an uphill battle, thanks to her father, and he would fight every step of the way. She loved him. He knew her true feelings and he wouldn’t let her forget that.

  He grasped her hand tighter, clinging to it desperately as he tossed his phone beside him. He grabbed her waist to turn her more toward him, his fingers splayed as if he was digging in like a stake to the ground. Claiming his possession, his strength in the love he felt for her. He was never letting her go.

  “My day wasn’t horrible because of you. None of this is your fault. He’s your father, but the blame isn’t transferred to you. We’ll get through this together. I promise. If you visit him again, perhaps I should come with. We didn’t exactly have a pleasant conversation the last time we talked, but I’m willing to try again.”

  A smile tinged her face, snuffing out a hint of her sadness. “I’d like that. That means a lot to me. I’m afraid that visit wouldn’t go well, though. I know my father.”

  “And I know Ben. If he wants to try and talk it out, he’ll try his damndest. He can have a way with words, on occasion. Not very often. Not like me. I’m a master at words. I could help him with some pointers,” Zeke said. Two heads turned towards him, almost as if they forgot he was still in the room. “Just my two cents on the situation, that’s all.”

  “Yeah, a real way with words there, partner,” Ben said dryly. Although, the small ticking in his cheek near the corner of his mouth said he was trying not to smile.

  “That’s a nice offer, Zeke,” Rina said softly. “Let’s not worry about it right now. I believe we have more pressing matters at hand.”

  “You’re right, Rina. We’ll have to dig deeper into the other places you frequent. It’s pretty damn late, though. Let’s talk more tomorrow. You need sleep, you look exhausted,” Zeke said, a hint of a smile in his eyes. Only Ben noticed.

  “I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep. I don’t know how I’ll get any of this out of my mind.” Rina shivered.

  “Oh, I don’t know, I think you will,” Zeke said, a small smirk forming this time on his lips.

  “Knock it off,” Ben muttered quietly to Zeke.

  “Knock what off? I didn’t do anything.”

  “You know what you’re doing.”

  “What am I doing? I didn’t do anything,” Zeke said, holding in his laughter as he placed a hand on his chest, feigning innocence.

  “You are too doing something and you know exactly what you’re doing. You’re purposely doing it to get on my nerves like I always did to you. Knock it off.” Ben lifted his eyebrows, displaying a look that said he’d pop Zeke a good one if he didn’t.

  “Yeah, buddy, ol’ pal, that’s not happening. I’m going to torture you until the end of time, and even then, for a little bit longer.” Zeke smiled wide, turning his attention to Rina, who looked confused as she glanced between the two of them. “Don’t worry, Rina, you’ll be able to sleep. Ben will make sure of it. Won’t you, Ben? Or do I need to give you tips on how—”

  “I’m good, Zeke. Knock it off,” Ben said, smiling this time, enjoying the triumph in interrupting him when Zeke glared.

  “Tips?” Rina asked with her soft, lovely voice. A small smile hid behind the worry lining her face. “Are you talking about what I think you’re talking about?”

  “Probably, unless you have a dirty mind, Rina,” Zeke said jokingly. “I was talking about unwinding with a glass of wine, or maybe even a strong shot of whiskey. Get you relaxed a bit. Then a bedtime story to get your mind off everything. Bedtime stories do the trick. I read Brina bedtime stories all the time.”

  A bout of laughter escaped from her lips. “You’re so full of it. I can say that Ben doesn’t need any tips from you, Zeke. He tells bedtime stories just fine.”

  Ben coughed, trying to clear the embarrassment. He looked over at Zeke, who looked stunned that Rina said something so bold. She never spoke like that. He went from embarrassment to pride.

  “Yeah, Zeke, I tell wonderful bedtime stories. Maybe I need to give you tips on telling a few good stories to Zoe.” Ben wrapped his arms around Rina, snuggling her against his body.

  “Nope, I tell wonderful stories as well. I bet mine are better,” Zeke shot back.

  “Highly doubtful. I can weave a wonderful tale, any time, any place.”

  Rina laughed louder. “Okay, boys, enough with the tales of glory. Thank you, Zeke.”

  “For what?”

  Rina bit her lip, yet the happiness still lingered. “For making me feel better. I always enjoy listening to you two banter back and forth. It always brings a smile to my face. You’re right, I’m sure I will sleep fine tonight, as long as Ben is by my side.”

  “I’m never leaving your side,” Ben rushed in.

  “I’m fine, both of you, really, I’m fine. You both made me feel better.”

  “We’ll figure this out. We have a few things to do tomorrow instead of waiting until Monday, but you have nothing to worry about, Rina,” Zeke said.

  “Then I’ll try not to.” Rina turned her head toward the door when a loud knock sounded.

  “That’s probably Susan. We’ll be right back,” Ben said, kissing the top of her head and stood up.

  “I’ll wait here.” Rina didn’t need to be told that he didn’t want her to follow.

  Ben and Zeke walked to the door and let Susan in, who held an evidence bag. Ben nodded his head for them to follow him into the dining room.

  “Did you find anything useful?” he asked the minute they all converged in the room. As his hand rested on the table, the sudden image of Rina laid out on the table pierced his mind, her passion filling the room. What a delicious image. He removed his hand to help dispel the image. It only helped a fraction.

  “Besides this nasty scarf? No. There were scrapes on the windowsill, but no prints. Did you catch if he was wearing gloves? I’m assuming he did,” Susan said as she handed the bag to Ben. “Same identifying tag on this scarf, indicating it came from Little Red’s Boutique. Maybe I can find something on the scarf itself, but don’t hold your breath.”

  He looked the scarf over, resisting the urge to flee the room and throw up. “Did you happen to find a note?”

  “Nope. Just the scarf.” Susan shrugged. “Does your friend match the description of the other victims?”

  Ben nodded, but didn’t say anything.

  “I understand now why you were so upset. We’ll get this bastard, Ben,” Susan said confidently.

  “I’m sorry about that, Susan. I never meant to take any anger out on you. I actually got a firm talk from my captain about that,” Ben said, fishing for any sort of clue how Reginald found out about the incident. Maybe Susan did go to the captain herself, the captain withholding that information from him.

  Although, the surprise was evident on her face. “I never said anything. I might’
ve made a passing comment to Jill another co-worker about how you acted. I thought it was strange. You never act like that. I can’t imagine Jill would go behind my back and make a complaint against you on my behalf.”

  “Well, my captain found out somehow. Don’t worry about it, Susan. I was in the wrong. I apologize again,” Ben said.

  “Apology accepted. I understand.” She smiled, nudging Zeke in the shoulder. “You don’t look like you got enough beauty sleep.”

  Zeke gave a strained laugh. “That’ll be difficult until we solve these cases and Brina learns how to sleep through the night.”

  “Well, I’ll get this scarf to the lab. We’ve been busy as hell. I’ll try to move everything from these cases up, but I can’t make any promises. Does Rina have an alarm?” Susan asked, taking the evidence bag back from Ben.

  “No. I’ll talk to her about it,” Ben replied.

  “You do. She could just stay with you for a while. It could take a few days for an alarm company to come out,” Zeke said.

  “I’ll talk to her. Thanks, both of you, for coming so quickly. What the hell is with the different colors of scarves? What is this sick bastard doing? I feel like he’s now playing games with us. I feel like he’s targeting Rina because of me. You think he’s been following us, Zeke?” Ben finally decided to throw it out there, what he’d been thinking from the beginning since he eyed the scarf.

  “Well, shit, I certainly hope not. Zoe doesn’t have auburn hair, but now that you said it, she’s going on lock down. I refuse for her to get hurt. I can’t go through that again.”

  “If that’s the case, maybe you’re getting closer than you thought. Maybe you came across him during your investigation,” Susan said.

  “Maybe we have come across him. Slick son of a bitch. I can’t wait to get this bastard. Damn it, I let him get away!” Ben slammed his hand on the table.

  “I told you to not think like that. It’s not going to help. Tomorrow I’ll get a warrant for the credit card records at Little Red’s Boutique. It’ll be a damn long list, but we’ll get this asshole sooner or later. My dad said he would already sign the warrant.”


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