One Taste of Love (A One Taste Novel Book 2)

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One Taste of Love (A One Taste Novel Book 2) Page 22

by Amanda Siegrist

  “Oh, yeah, Anthony. You better call your dad. I hear he’s the best defense lawyer in town. You’re going to need him.”

  “Screw you, Detective,” Anthony screamed as Ben walked back toward the house.

  Ben held up his middle finger, then swooped Rina into his side and opened the door. “Thanks for your help, Spencer. Make sure Anthony gets the best treatment down at the precinct.” Ben winked at him and closed the door.

  “What are you charging him with?” Rina asked, leaning her head against his chest.

  “Harassment, trespassing, attempted breaking and entering. I could think of more if I really wanted to. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I am. I remembered Officer Spencer saying you had a big lead on the murder cases. When I heard Anthony pounding on the door to get in, I thought maybe he was the killer. It scared me.”

  “It’s definitely not him. It’s a guy who knew the first victim. Apparently, he had issues as a child. He was on a lot of meds to help regulate his behavior. His mother and sister thought he was on his meds. Zeke and I don’t think so. We didn’t find any in his house, but we did find lots of evidence to tie him to all three murders.”

  Rina grabbed his hand, weaving her fingers through his. “Why did he do it?”

  He squeezed her hand. “I have no idea. Maybe Zeke got him to talk after I left, but he wasn’t saying anything when I was there. He wouldn’t admit to anything. I wouldn’t be surprised if he claims his innocence through the entire trial. Hell, his lawyer could probably even go for insanity. He didn’t seem right in his mind. But enough of that. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m fine. Are you okay? Do you have to go back to work?”

  “I should.”

  “Then go. I’ll be okay. I was just making dinner. I’ll have it ready for you when you get back.”

  He kissed her as he lifted her around his waist, wishing he could take her to the bedroom instead of going back to the precinct and finishing up with a lunatic. “I could get used to this. Don’t spoil me too much.” He kissed her again before releasing her. Too much temptation if he kept holding her.

  “You should get used to this. I was acting silly last night. I’m sorry for the way I acted. I love you.”

  “What are you saying?”

  She placed a hand over his heart with a sweet smile. “I want to move in with you. We should take this relationship to the next level. I’m ready. Does the offer still stand?”

  He picked her up and twirled her, his lips connecting with hers, the passion loud and clear. “That offer never left the table.”

  She wrapped her legs tightly around his waist when he stopped spinning. No hesitation. No decision-making. He knew exactly what he wanted.

  She giggled into his mouth when he started walking down the hallway. “What are you doing, Ben? You said you had to go back to work.”

  He kicked the bedroom door shut. “Screw work. This, right here, is more important. You’re more important. Loving you in our bed is way more important right now.”

  He gently laid her onto the bed, moving slowly over her body. “I’m going to love you all night long. I’m going to mark every spot in this house with your presence. I’m going to make it impossible for you to ever leave me.”

  “I can’t wait,” she said softly.

  He laughed. “That’s the only time I want to hear you say the word can’t.” He claimed her lips with a searing kiss, drowning out everything else around them.

  Chapter 18

  He took a right, trying to concentrate on the road. It was difficult when he dreaded the destination. A smile touched his lips when a small, soft hand curled around his.

  “Are you okay, Ben? You haven’t said much. Did you have a bad day at work?” Rina asked quietly.

  He lifted her hand, lightly kissing it. “Work was fine. The DNA results came back today. Confirms everything we suspected. He’s going to prison for a very long time.”

  “Did you doubt it? You sound surprised.”

  “No, I didn’t doubt it, but it’s always nice to have the confirmation. I’m surprised it came back so soon.”

  “Did he confess to why he killed those women?”

  “No. I don’t think he ever will. He’s still maintaining his innocence. He says he loved Beth. He never says he would never hurt her. He just says he loved her. Most people would also add in, they would never hurt the person they love. Beth’s ex-boyfriend, Steven, brought us a box of her things that she never grabbed after they broke up. There was a journal. I’m surprised she would leave that at his house for so long. Maybe they didn’t break up as amicably as he said, or maybe she just didn’t care, but I thought that was strange.”

  “That is strange. I’m sure most women would keep that close to them. Maybe she just had a lot going on in her life that she forgot.”

  “Have you ever kept a journal?” Ben glanced at her. Beth had written some pretty private, powerful stuff. He didn’t think Rina would keep a journal.

  “No. You know me. I keep my emotions hidden inside fairly well. Writing them down would feel like I wasn’t hiding them well enough.”

  “Don’t be afraid to share with me.”

  She shyly smiled. “I won’t be afraid anymore. What did she write?”

  “Plenty. The most important parts that concerned us was about Timothy. Before she started dating Steven, about eight months ago, Timothy asked her out for the first time. She always suspected he liked her, but he never did anything about it. She turned him down gently and told him it was because she was best friends with his sister and it didn’t feel right. What she didn’t tell him was that she didn’t trust him. She knew the sort of problems he had. On the outside, he could pretend he was fine. On the inside, there was just too much turmoil waiting to escape.”

  “He obviously took that badly. What compels someone to take another life?”

  “Actually, he took her rejection fine. She said everything was still normal after that. She met Steven and life went on. She still saw Timothy now and again. She wrote her suspicions that he went off his meds, but she didn’t tell his sister. She didn’t think it was her place to tell. Maybe she should’ve.” Ben took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “He had multiple issues going on since childhood. He was prescribed so many different medications to stabilize his moods and behavior that I’m not surprised he stopped taking them. He doesn’t think anything is wrong with him. He’s refusing to take his meds right now in jail. I honestly can’t tell you what possesses someone to kill another person.”

  “That must be frustrating not knowing why he killed them.”

  “A little, but we have our suspicions. He’s not on his meds. He’s not thinking clearly. Beth breaks up with Steven and he thinks he has another chance. She rejects him again and he kills her. That’s our thought. When it comes to Carol and Ashley, the other two victims, we’re not exactly sure. He worked at a sports store. We spoke to his manager who remembered Ashley coming in to purchase golf clubs for her husband. Timothy helped her. His manager said he was always good with the ladies. He zoomed in right away to always help the women. His manager never complained because he made sales like crazy. Ashley purchased several items, some having to be ordered. That’s where he was able to get her address. We don’t know why he attached to her like he did. Maybe because she looked so much like Beth, the one he truly loved.”

  “And Carol?”

  “That’s still a mystery. Anthony,” Ben paused, glancing at Rina, whose smile never wavered at his name, “he said he recognized Timothy when we showed him a picture. He saw him at the country club a few times. He never suspected that Timothy had the issues he did. He always acted normal. He also said that Carol did stop by the country club a few times to drop off paperwork that needed to be signed. Timothy probably saw her there. But until he talks, we won’t ever really know.”

  “And Anthony? Did anything else happen between you two? I didn’t realize you talked to him again.”

  “No. We were cordial. He seemed more amicable to talk. He reiterated that he only came by the house that day to apologize. Of course, he was drinking that day. I was so upset when I got there, I really didn’t process the alcohol on his breath. He’s taking Carol’s death hard. He said that day he was thinking about Carol, then thinking about you and the date you two had and he felt guilty. He wanted to apologize for the way the date went, and for letting it happen in the first place. He always wanted Carol, but was too afraid to go for what he really wanted. So he says.”

  “You don’t believe anything he says? Why didn’t you tell me this?”

  “I can’t stand the man, so it’s hard to believe him. What he said sounded real. I thought I even smelled alcohol on his breath this last time we talked to him, and we talked to him at work. Like I said, he’s taking her death hard. I don’t know why I didn’t tell you. I guess I was putting it off. I don’t like talking about him.”

  “I understand. Let’s not keep secrets, though.”

  “Never. I’m sorry.” He lifted her hand and kissed it.

  “Well, I’m glad you two arrested Timothy and got him off the streets. He can’t hurt anybody anymore.” She smiled as Ben pulled into her father’s driveway and drove through the gates that opened automatically.

  “You distracted me. Making me talk about the case so I wouldn’t think about this dinner.” He kissed her hand again. “Keep the details about the case to yourself.”

  “I won’t say anything to anybody. You seemed nervous driving. Everything will go great. I promise. My father seemed eager to have this dinner.”

  “Yeah, eager, huh? That surprises me.”

  “He’s trying. Thank you for trying as well.”

  “Anything for you.” He parked the car, then leaned across the seat and kissed her sweetly on the lips before backing away with a small sigh. “Ready?”

  “I am. Come on, you’ll love the inside of the house. It’s gorgeous. Remember I told you that the last time we were here. You never saw it.”

  “I promise not to arrest Thomas this time.”

  “That’s not funny, Ben,” she said, looking at him as he rounded the car and grabbed her hand.

  “You’re right. Forgive me?”

  “Yes. For a kiss.” She displayed her cheek, waiting for a peck.

  “Please…for a kiss means on the lips, sweetheart.” He cupped her chin, making her turn her face. He kissed her deeply, but not for too long. He had no idea if cameras were positioned outside the front door like they were near the gate. Not the greatest way to impress her father. “So he was eager. Does that mean he doesn’t hate me anymore?”

  “I don’t think he hates you. He’s coming around. He wasn’t too happy about the thought of us moving in together. He needs some time to process that.”

  Ben grabbed her hand as they walked to the front door. “Would he feel better if we were engaged?”

  Rina stopped in her tracks as her jaw dropped. “Are you asking me to marry you, Ben?”

  “Well, think about it. Technically, we should’ve been dating for almost a year, which means we would’ve moved in a couple months ago instead of just a week ago. So technically nearing the time when I would ask you to marry me. I respect your father enough to ask him for his permission. What do you think my odds are?”

  Her hand trembled. “I have no idea. Like you said, it’s been only a week since we moved in together. Are you sure about marriage?”

  “I haven’t asked yet. Don’t worry about it. But I’m always sure when it comes to you.” He grinned wide, kissing her hand. “Let’s have dinner.”

  “You are a devious man, Benjamin.”

  “Does that mean I’m in trouble now? I always feel like I’m in trouble when you call me Benjamin.”

  “Yes, you might be in some trouble. I will think of your punishment before we get home.”

  “Does it involve handcuffs? I might be up for that.” He laughed when she blushed and playfully slapped his shoulder. “I should’ve said that quieter, huh?”

  They walked up the remaining steps. Rina held her hand up to knock when the door swung open. There had to be cameras out here. Ben glanced around, yet didn’t see anything remotely close to a camera.

  “Still wanting to knock. Will that ever change, Rina?” Thomas asked with a warm smile.

  “I don’t think so, Thomas.” She kissed him on the cheek and pulled Ben inside when Thomas stepped back.

  Thomas closed the door, holding his hand out to Ben. “Good to see you again, Detective.”

  Ben shook hands with him. “You, too, Thomas. Call me Ben, though. We’re past the formalities.”

  “Agreed. Welcome to the Chastain home. I hope your stay is longer than last time. No ideas to arrest me again, I hope.”

  “Not yet,” Ben said with a chuckle. “I never had the idea the last time until I saw your car. You should’ve parked it somewhere else until I left.”

  “Well, I know to be on my toes next time. You are a smart man. I will never underestimate you again.”

  “Please tell me there won’t be a next time, Thomas. For Rina’s sake.” His smile dipped a fraction. Just what he didn’t need. More tension between him and Rina. Because he would arrest Thomas without hesitation again.

  “Of course not. Welcome to the family.”

  “Thank you, I think.” Ben leaned closer. “So, between me and you, if I ask Reginald to marry his daughter, will he say yes?”

  “Are you asking me, Detective Stoyer?” Reginald said, suddenly appearing out of nowhere. He walked over to Rina, kissing her cheek lightly. “Well, then, Detective, are you?”

  “You’re like a cat. Stealth-like. I didn’t even hear or see you coming,” Ben said, backing away from Thomas, who shrugged in answer. Whether to his previous question, or to Reginald appearing out of nowhere.

  “I always like to keep my opponents on their toes,” Reginald said stone-faced.

  “And I’m an opponent? So the answer is no.” Ben tried to keep a smile on his face, but found it difficult to do.

  “You didn’t ask me a question.” Reginald looked at Rina. “How are you? You’re early. Dinner isn’t quite ready.”

  “We worried about traffic and didn’t want to be late. I’m good, Father. I finally have everything moved into Ben’s house,” Rina said confidently.

  “Ah, yes, moving in already. A little fast, I must say.” Reginald held Ben’s gaze as he spoke to Rina.

  “I love your daughter. I will until the day I die. May I have your permission to marry her?” Desperation swirled around his gut, wanting the man to say yes. Praying he would. If only to make Rina happy.

  “And if I say no?” Reginald’s uneasy stare never wavered from Ben.

  “I guess you’ll find out if you say no. Is that your answer?”

  “Father, I love Ben. He loves me. Can’t you be happy for me for once?” Rina said quietly, yet her sweet voice echoed around the house as if she bellowed in despair. Couldn’t he hear the love in her voice? The fear as well. She thought her father was going to say no, just like he did.

  “Perhaps you don’t see it, but all I ever want is for you to be happy. Is this the right man to make you happy? I’m not so sure,” Reginald replied, looking at her as he did.

  “What makes you so unsure? What did I ever do to make you dislike me?” Ben asked. He really wanted to know. If he did something wrong, truly something wrong, he’d do everything in his power to make it right.

  “You don’t have to do anything. I don’t have to like you. Rina’s my daughter. It’s my responsibility to protect her, even when she doesn’t think she needs it.” Reginald tilted his head as he eyed Ben carefully. “You had Anthony arrested.”

  “Forgive me if I don’t appreciate someone coming to my house and threatening Rina to open the door. I think you have your signals crossed a little. You practically pushed that man into her arms while trying to shove me out of the way. All I want to do is love Rina and protect her.
Protecting her is also my responsibility.”

  “Thomas said you’re a good man, an honorable one. He said I should give you a chance.” Reginald glimpsed at Thomas, a smile emerging slowly. “I respect and value his opinion. I will also expect him to help me get rid of you if you ever hurt my daughter in any way.”

  Ben raised his brows. He had a feeling Reginald didn’t just mean making his life a living hell. “So that was a yes?”

  “You have audacity. I’ll give you that, Detective. That is a yes,” Reginald said, gesturing his hand toward the right. “Dinner will be ready soon. Shall we?”

  “Of course. Just one thing first.” Ben cleared his throat, pulled a box from his pocket, and got down on one knee in front of Rina. Opening the box revealed a small diamond encircled by several tiny diamonds. Her eyes went wide with shock as Ben grabbed her hand. Good shock, he hoped.

  “Rina, I love you. I have since the moment I met you. Maybe that seems impossible. When it comes to you, I find everything possible. Will you marry me?”

  She bit her lip as tears touched the corner of her eyes. “Yes.”

  Ben slipped the ring on her finger and stood up. Wrapping her tightly in his arms, he kissed her deeply, although made it quick even though he wanted to take his time treasuring the beauty in his arms. “I love you,” he whispered against her lips.

  “I love you.”

  Reginald cleared his throat. “You couldn’t wait?”

  Ben pulled Rina into his side and turned toward Reginald. “Honestly? No. I didn’t want to give you a chance to take back your permission. And why wait when I know what I want. I want Rina as my wife. I knew that a long time ago.”

  “Congratulations! I’ll pull a bottle of champagne from the cellar,” Thomas said, shaking hands with Ben and kissing Rina on the cheek.

  “Set it up in the library, Thomas. We’ll have a celebratory drink before dinner. Also grab a bottle of wine for when we eat,” Reginald said before Thomas walked away.

  “Well, you’ll be a beautiful bride. Just like your mother.” Reginald smiled brightly, grabbing a hug from Rina. “I do miss her every day. I see her every time I look at you.”


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