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Broken Fae

Page 3

by Caroline Peckham

  “Fuck,” he gasped at the blissful feeling of our power merging, heightening the ecstasy in our bodies to a level that was almost unbearable.

  I cried out as the feeling of him filling every single piece of my flesh overwhelmed me and the most intense sense of euphoria spilled through me. My orgasm crashed through my body and my limbs lost all strength as I drowned in it.

  Leon roared at the sound of me coming apart beneath him, his pace increasing as he continued to drive himself into me at a punishing pace. My head was spinning, my hands fisting in the sheets and my body trembling as he wrung every single inch of pleasure from my flesh before using me to take his own.

  I writhed beneath him, aching to take back control as he pushed my body to its limits, but he wouldn’t release his grip on me. He had taken possession of me entirely and I had to admit that being owned by him wasn’t the worst fate a girl could have.

  There was something sinfully thrilling about being dominated like this, falling prey to the powerful creature on top of me and letting him use my body in the most exquisite way.

  Leon slammed into me one last time, his dick swelling inside me and the growl that escaped his lips as he came was all animal as he kept himself buried deep within me, filling me with the proof of his desire. My flesh hummed with pleasure as he fell over me, crushing me down into the sheets as our slick bodies were pressed together and we rode out the last waves of our climax together.

  Leon groaned in satisfaction, nuzzling into my hair as he slowly rolled off of me, letting me roll onto my side as I panted to catch my breath.

  His hooded gaze captured mine as he fell back against the pillows, his fingers tracing lazy circles around my breast and over my nipple.

  “That’s it, little monster,” he purred. “You’re mine in every way Faely possible.”

  I smiled down at him as I leaned on his chest, touching my fingers to his jaw as I studied the silver ring which surrounded his golden pupils.

  “Good,” I replied in a soft voice. “Because I’m never going to let you go.”


  I woke in the middle of the enormous bed to the warmth of the sun tumbling over my skin and a soft breeze caressing the tender curves of my body. Leon’s arms were curled around me and his dick was already hard against my ass despite the fact that he was asleep, if his heavy breathing was anything to judge by.

  There was a tender ache between my thighs, my lips were puffy and my jaw scratched raw from the scrape of his stubble on my soft skin. It was the most delicious kind of pain and it told a story of a whole night filled with so much sex that I’d lost count of how many times we’d claimed one another. I’d thought I’d been hooked on my Lion before, but something about the mate bond between us made my hunger for him insatiable. That or I’d been seriously holding back up until now, and considering the fact that we’d never really had this kind of space to ourselves before or as much time as we wanted together, then maybe we had been. The bond between us had either heightened my appetite for him or maybe we were just giving in to the desire we’d always felt for each other to its fullest extent.

  “Leo?” I murmured, twisting in his arms with some difficulty as his grip only tightened when I moved. “Leo, we’ve slept half the day away,” I said, reaching up to cup his cheek as I glanced at the clock on the nightstand. It was almost two in the afternoon and I was feeling hungry.

  He purred, a smile touching his lips, but there was no sign of him actually waking.

  I gave him a shake, calling his name again and shoving him in the chest, but it was like waking the damn dead. He inhaled deeply and didn’t so much as crack an eyelid for me.

  With a huff of frustration, I glanced about the huge room, looking over at the white curtains which kept billowing before the patio doors in the breeze. I hadn’t even noticed they’d been left open last night but the kiss of the warm air on my naked flesh was so nice that I didn’t mind. It was peaceful out here, the sound of birdsong the only noise to be heard from outside and for a moment I just let myself enjoy it. No thudding of a neighbour moving about nearby, no city traffic or students out and about, just quiet. I could get used to that.

  I glanced over at the door, wondering if I should just go look for food myself before remembering I didn’t have any clothes here. I just had a small, silk robe and no underwear. And after all the noise we’d been making last night, I wasn’t sure I could face his family wearing that little scrap of silk without blushing like a virgin the whole damn time. And a virgin I certainly was not.

  I managed to wriggle out of Leon’s arms with some difficulty and I chewed on my lip as I looked down at the glorious creature sprawled out in the white sheets beneath me.

  His golden skin was utterly flawless and the way his hair spilled around him on the pillows, all messed up and fully showing off exactly what we’d been up to all night had my pulse racing. His broad shoulders and sculpted muscles had me aching with desire despite the pleasure he’d wrung from me all night and I couldn’t help but trace the perfect lines of his abs lower and lower until I was staring at his hard cock and remembering all the ways he’d used it to bring me to ruin last night.

  He’d definitely enjoyed being dominant all night, calling the shots over and over until I was too breathless to protest, and it was more than a little tempting to return the favour now. After all, it wouldn’t do to have him believe that he suddenly had the upper hand now that we were mated.

  I trailed my fingertips down the solid ridges of his abs, smiling to myself as he groaned sleepily, goosebumps pebbling his flesh in the wake of my touch.

  “Wakey, wakey, Leo,” I called, running my hands down his thighs and biting my lip as his cock twitched. At least one part of him appreciated my efforts.

  The second time I ran my fingertips down his body, I let my nails bite into his skin a little too, but it still wasn’t enough to rouse him from his lion slumber.

  I smirked to myself as I leaned down, wrapping my hand around the base of his cock before dragging my tongue up the full length of his shaft. He groaned a little louder that time, but he still didn’t wake up properly.

  Well, in for a penny, in for a pound...

  I drew a circle around the head of his dick with my tongue then took him into my mouth. I pushed my lips all the way down his shaft, taking him in to the back of my throat and moaning softly as I drew back again.

  Leon’s hips bucked beneath me as I repeated the move, my tongue swirling over him as the taste of his desire filled my mouth and my skin heated at the feeling of him falling apart for me like this.

  I kept going, my lips dragging up and down the full length of him as he began to murmur and his hands slowly shifted into my hair. His fingers slid over my head and shoulders in slow, encouraging movements as a growl escaped him and I continued my sweet torture.

  My head bobbed in his lap, and the touch of his hands in my hair got a little firmer a moment before I brought him to ruin. A deep growl escaped him and he lurched upright, his hands pushing the back of my head down hard just as his cum spilled into my mouth.

  “Holy fuck,” Leon gasped as I tipped my head back and looked up at him with a predatory smirk on my lips. “Did you just give me wake up head, little monster?”

  “Nothing else would work,” I teased and his fingers moved to clasp my chin as he tugged me up for a kiss.

  “I never wanna leave this bed,” he growled against my lips, his hands moving to caress my breasts and tease my nipples while his silver-rimed eyes danced with a promise of reciprocation.

  His right hand slid lower, slipping between my thighs just as a heavy knock sounded at the door.

  “Sorry, lovebirds, but Elise has a visitor,” Roary’s voice came from beyond the door and Leon cursed as he withdrew his hand.

  “How does anyone even know I’m here?” I asked Leon in a low tone, my brows pulling together. Up until he’d thrown that stardust over my head and whisked me way to his family home, I’d had zero intention of stay
ing here over the summer and yet someone had figured it out. But that was impossible, because the only people who even knew that I was with Leon were-

  A gasp of excitement flooded me as I realised who it must be. Who it had to be. One of my kings had come to see me, to talk, to figure out what the hell this Elysian Mates thing meant for all of us. I didn’t know how we’d work it out, but most importantly of all, they were here, so at least we could try.

  I scrambled out of the bed and hunted the floor for my robe as Leon chuckled and followed me. I eventually found it and Leon retrieved his fancy grey pants from somewhere, buttoning his fly but not bothering with the shoes or shirt to match.

  “I’ve just realised that I left all of my shit at the academy,” I said, huffing out a breath as I thought of my carefully packed bag which had been sitting at the foot of my bunk. It wasn’t like I owned a whole lot of stuff, but everything I did have had been earned through my work for the Kiplings. Not to mention the important things I had there - Gareth’s ashes, his sketches and journal too. “I need to go get my bag today. Before they start cleaning the rooms or whatever they do over the summer.”

  “I’ll get a Mindy on it. And in the meantime you can share the stuff from my moms’ closet. It’s huge and communal, all the Lionesses of the house share everything in it anyway so they’ll be expecting you to,” Leon said casually, ignoring my frown of protest over the use of a Mindy as he headed for the door and pulled it open.

  “Couldn't have cast a silencing bubble, huh?” Roary teased, arching an eyebrow at his brother with a smirk on his face.

  “You could have cast one if you didn’t wanna listen in, asshole,” Leon complained. “I was obviously too caught up with my girl to remember.”

  “Dad had to cast one that blocked off this whole wing and told the servants not to come over here until you reappeared.” Roary laughed and cut his eyes my way, holding out a folded pile of clothes. “Mom said you’ve got free run of the closet now, but as you’re in a hurry, she grabbed this out for you.”

  I didn’t know which one of his moms he was referring to but as I accepted the folded fabric, I offered him a grin. Leon tugged the door shut as he remained out in the corridor with his brother so that I could get changed and with a rush of Vampire speed, I quickly threw on the long, floral dress and pulled my lilac hair up into a messy bun on the top of my head. I glanced at the mirror and snorted a laugh at the pretty, girlish fabric I was now wrapped in. It was beautiful and the material felt damn expensive, but it really wasn’t me. It was still a clear improvement on the thin robe though so I shot back to the door and pulled it open, smiling as I found Leon and Roary laughing together.

  I hated the fact that they didn’t usually get along so well and seeing them smile at each other made my chest lighten, even while it delivered a pang of pained longing through me over Gareth.

  “So which one of them is it?” I asked as I moved to walk between the two of them and Roary gave me a confused glance.

  Though as I thought about it, I realised it had to be Dante. Ryder just wasn’t the type to put himself out there emotionally like that, especially by showing up here and introducing himself to Leon’s family. He’d just sneak in to find me alone in Basilisk form if he wanted to see me. And Gabriel was too hurt by what had happened to want to face it so soon. Dante was the one who would hear me out, he was the one who would put his own feelings on the line and risk his own heartache in his search for the truth.

  “Have you had enough run-ins with the cops to be on first name terms with them, little Vampire?” Roary chuckled, his gaze falling over me in the floral dress as his eyes sparkled with amusement.

  “The cops?” I asked in confusion, falling still in the middle of the lavish hallway, my toes cold on the tiles. “What do you mean, the cops?”

  “You know the drill, they won’t tell us why they’re after you. They’re officially here to ‘ask you a few questions about an incident you may have been involved in’.”

  I licked my lips and looked to Leon nervously. I hadn’t had a whole lot of experience with the FIB and I wasn’t looking to get any better acquainted with them either.

  Leon took my hand and gave my fingers a quick squeeze. “Don’t worry, little monster, we got you,” he said, his words a promise that encompassed Roary and maybe even the rest of his family too as if it was totally normal for me to have so much backing.

  “You have the right to refuse to answer their questions,” Roary said, knocking his elbow against my side. “But you know how it goes. Easier to indulge them and fob them off now than have their suspicions on you any longer than necessary.”

  Leon gently tugged me into motion again and I had no choice but to follow as my mind whirled with all of the fucked up, definitely illegal shit I’d been taking part in over the last six months. Did I leave a trail somewhere? Did I get sloppy?

  We made it into an enormous conservatory where Reginald was reclined in a huge chair, casually reading a broadsheet like he had nothing in the world better to do with his time despite the two agents sitting opposite him. Chitchat clearly wasn’t his thing, especially with law enforcement.

  The two of them sat ramrod straight, their dark blue uniforms marked with their Officer IDs and little symbols denoting their Orders. A Manticore and a Centaur, so at least I didn’t have to worry about a Siren or Cyclops prying into my head for this.

  “Ah, Miss Callisto,” the first officer said, pushing to his feet and offering me a hand. He was probably around Reginald’s age with silver marking the edges of his black hair. His brown eyes were calculating as he assessed me and I offered up my hand with a slight frown. “Yes, I...” He trailed off suddenly as his gaze met mine and his lips parted as he spotted the silver ringing my irises. “Sorry, but I didn’t realise you were mated. It’s not on your file...” His gaze cut to Leon’s and my Lion dropped his arm around my shoulders, tugging me close with a purr.

  “It only just happened,” I explained.

  “They will of course be registering it at the earliest convenience,” Reginald added mildly as he folded his paper and placed it on the arm of his chair. “But last night they needed to seal their bond in the Lion way. I’m sure you understand.”

  It seemed the second agent definitely understood as he cleared his throat and looked between me and Leon. As my Lion was still half naked and hadn’t made any attempt to heal the fingernail marks which adorned his skin or even the bite on his neck, not to mention the fact that his mane kinda screamed just-fucked, it didn’t take the first agent long to catch on too.

  Sex had always been so present in my life with the way I’d grown up that it always amused me to see people getting uncomfortable over it. It was only natural after all. Especially with someone as irresistible as Leon.

  “Oh, well...congratulations,” the first agent said, clearly trying to wipe those mental images from his brain as he continued. “I’m agent Carver, this is agent Dubeck, we were hoping we could just ask you a few questions about an incident you might have been involved in.”

  “Oh?” I asked with a frown, letting the second agent take my hand next and eying his red hair and blue eyes for a moment before pulling away.

  There was a couch opposite the seats the two of them had been sitting in and Leon pulled me to sit in it beside him while Roary moved to perch on the arm, leaning close to me in a way that said we were all in this together. I guessed it was a pride thing but I had to admit, it felt kinda awesome to have these three powerful Lions at my back.

  “We were hoping to speak to Miss Callisto alone,” Carver said slowly, casting glances at the men in the room and Leon growled low in his throat while Reginald answered before I could say a word.

  “She’s not under arrest or even under suspicion, I’ve allowed you into my home so that she can assist you with your questions, but I have no intention of leaving you alone with her to start up an interrogation,” Reginald replied lazily and the FIB agents nodded like they’d expected that.
  “You said you were mated last night?” Carver asked, looking to me as Dubeck pulled out an Atlas and began typing.

  “That’s not a crime,” Roary cut in. “Ask the questions you came to ask. Her personal life isn’t your concern.”

  Leon squeezed me gently and I glanced at him, finding an amused smile on his lips. They were clearly more than used to having these kinds of discussions with the FIB and my racing heart was beginning to slow at the casual way the Lions were responding to them. I just needed to hear where they were going with this so that I could figure out if they actually knew anything or not.

  “Okay. Last night, we received a panicked phone call from a student at your academy, claiming that someone had drugged him and tried to kill him. He said that you’d been trying to help him, but then you were kidnapped by the school’s Counsellor, Miss Nightshade...” He trailed off at the blank look on my face.

  “Kidnapped?” I asked slowly.

  “Was the kid high by any chance?” Leon asked, snorting a laugh. “Sounds like a crock of shit to me.”

  Agent Dubeck cleared his throat and I bit my lip against my guilt. Eugene had obviously called the FIB because he’d been worried for me but after what we’d done to Nightshade, there was no way we could back up his story. I mean, sure, we could have begged self-defence, but there was no way in hell Dante and Ryder would ever admit to being in the same place at once, fighting on the same side of something like that. Plus we had no real proof of any of it. I wasn’t going to risk my neck or any of the kings’ on trying to explain the shit storm that had taken place last night.

  “He was very convincing in his statement,” Carver replied. “And when we went to interview you and found all of your possessions abandoned at the academy, we thought it warranted a visit to make sure you’re alright.”

  “I’m gonna go back for my shit later,” I said with a shrug. “But after we were mated last night, it just sort of slipped my mind.”


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