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Broken Fae

Page 20

by Caroline Peckham

  “I’ve always wished Alestria could be like that,” I replied honestly, because it really did feel like we were forgotten here sometimes, abandoned to gang rule because the Councillors who ran the kingdom just didn’t care enough to do anything about it.

  “Good. As of now you will find yourself more able to make choices for yourself that serve the interest of our group. And I need you to use that power to help me gather lost souls.”

  “I don’t unders-”

  “You will receive a name and a photograph each month and I need you to find that person and bring them to meet with me. Ideally, I want them to come willingly. I want them to understand that what they’re doing will help everyone in the long term and for them to be ready to accept what fate has planned for them.”

  “Okay...” I replied, not really understanding what it was I was being asked to do.

  “Be patient, Gareth.” King’s hand landed on my shoulder again and I sucked in a breath as some of the fog in my mind lifted, some of the shackles on my heart falling away, though others seemed to lock even tighter. “You will come to understand everything in time. Do you agree to help me?”

  “Yes,” I replied instantly, because I could already breathe a little easier. This had been what I’d hoped. With his trust came more freedom. And I needed to gain more of both if I ever wanted to get Ella out of here and away from this place. “I’ll do whatever you want.”

  I startled awake with a vision clinging to my mind, swirling darkly through my head like a fog. Today, I would be asked to join the Black Card and now I'd come this far, I couldn't refuse. I needed to get close to King, unravel their secrets, expose who they were and hand them over to Elise for revenge. It was my driving force every day. All the worries of my past lay forgotten in lieu of that.

  Instead of asking Bill to seek information on where I came from, I directed his attention to this. He reported any strange activity in the city, sent me police reports of anyone caught dealing dark artefacts or were rumoured to be in the Black Card. But all of it led to dead end after dead end. And I was surer than ever that joining them was my only way forward. But there was just one problem with that; the stars had shown me that joining them meant facing the Dark Coercion of King, of losing my free will and following in the path of those amongst the cult's ranks, growing distant from the world, detached. I couldn't risk that. And though I'd been spending hours in the library both on campus and in the centre of town hunting for an answer to this fear, I'd found nothing. And now it was too late.

  The vision had shown me surrounded by the Card, standing on a stone altar as they chanted some dark incantation at me. My mind had drowned in a haze of shadow and I'd lost control of my body as their power invaded me. When it was done, I'd stood as one of them, wanting to do their bidding, speaking the words I'd heard in my mind, prompted by a disembodied voice that had no gender. A voice that must have belonged to King.

  Between working to get close to Karla and hunting the library for answers, I was spending most evenings with Mystice practising honing The Sight. I had already gained far more control over it than I’d had before and was fast learning how to notice the clues given in my visions, the gut feelings that told me how to act. And I was even getting better at having visions more intentionally, but it was often exhausting and left me depleted afterwards.

  Orion hadn’t yet found anything on the Magicae Mortuorum, but he was working hard to try and find any mention of it amongst the dark tomes he had access to. Until one of us came up with something that gave a clue to its whereabouts, I had no idea where to start looking for it. But the stars had shown me it a few times since that first vision so I was sure it was important.

  I sat amongst the pile of blankets in my tent, a cool breeze slipping in from outside and chilling me through. Fall was on its way and I'd need to get a few more heat crystals if I was going to remain comfortable sleeping up here during it. I'd put water repellent spells in place on the exterior of the tent too. I'd considered returning to my dorm, but every time I did, I got a vision of Elise finding me there and thought better of it. Avoiding her was the only way to ensure my heart didn't spend the whole day in pieces. At least when I was alone, I wasn't reminded of her, the way her lips had felt against mine, the way her hair was as silken soft as rose petals, the way - dammit.

  I got up, rolling my shoulders and using my water magic to clean myself before pulling on some black jeans and tucking a shirt into the back of them. It was a Saturday and I knew I only had a few hours before Karla called to let me know the Black Card wanted to initiate me. So I needed to head to the library and figure out a way to stop the dark magic affecting me or this plan was about to fall apart. There was no way I’d be joining unless I had a solution. Fuck having my mind controlled by some cultist assholes. But I really didn't want the time I'd put in with Karla and her friends to be wasted. Frankly, she freaked the shit out of me. And it was even worse now that there were rumours spiralling around campus that I was dating her. Ergh.

  Sometimes she spoke about how she enjoyed spending her nights out by the lake and when she'd invited me along a few days ago, I'd gotten a vision of her sprawled out naked on the pebbles within a ring of dead frogs. No fucking thank you. I’d told her I had extra classes with Mystice in the evenings, which was true anyway so she wouldn’t be badgering me to join her again. I'd headed down to the water a day after that and placed a repellent spell on the shore which would keep all small animals away from the area. It wasn't in my nature to let that shit go unpunished either, so I also left an illusion there of a fake frog which masked a simple Faetrap. The moment she reached down to touch the frog, it would snap a few fingers off. She'd be in the nurse's office for a full day fixing that shit. Which would at least give me a bit of a reprieve from her incessant whining. She was the most negative person I'd ever met. And it made me wonder if I'd spent far too much of my life being unhappy with my lot.

  Losing Elise may have shattered my heart, but at least I still had a chance to hand her the revenge she was hunting for. And if I was ever going to get through this pain and find a way to let her go...I needed to start focusing on the good in life. And the thought of King begging for mercy on his knees in front of Elise was something that brought a smile to my lips. So that was my aim. I wanted him ruined for trying to hurt her and for hurting countless others. And maybe it would give her some peace that she had one less demon in the world to worry about. I wish I could have destroyed all of her nightmares, but I couldn't change the course of time and bring her brother back. If I could, I'd have done it in a heartbeat even if that meant I'd have never met Elise. A reality without her was a crushing thought, but she would have had her brother. And I could give her up if it meant her soul was healed and she had her family back. I'd sacrifice anything for that.

  I headed out of my tent and strode to the edge of the wall as the sunrise soaked into my flesh and fuelled my magic reserves. I lifted my chin to the colourful sky and let the sun's power gild my soul and remind me I had an important path to keep following. The sun was the closest star of all and I was linked to it deeply through my Order. It was always guiding my footsteps and I had to have full faith in the strange ways it worked, just like Mystice had said.

  I pulled my Atlas from my pocket, bringing up my horoscope and hunting for any clues that might help me to navigate this day and succeed in my plan.

  Good morning Scorpio.

  The stars have spoken about your day!

  The heavens are rife with change, the world is shifting before your very eyes. You may feel a positivity in your soul that has long since been missing in your life. Despite the weight of your suffering over a beloved Libra, you are learning to bear that burden. Listen to the messages from the stars and tune your senses to their guidance. This is a time to walk into their embrace as only there will you find the answers you seek. Have courage, Scorpio, you are on the right path so long as you believe it is so.

  My heart warmed as I read those words. Sinc
e I'd surrendered my fate to the stars, I couldn't deny how much easier things had been. I'd been fighting them for so long and had never realised how truly difficult I'd made life on myself. Giving myself up to their guidance meant I didn't need to worry anymore, and as I did so, I found that making decisions became easier. Instinctual. There was peace in that, even if it hadn't been the peace I'd been hoping for with Elise.

  Now when I thought about it, I was sure I was missing something when it came to her. Maybe Leon fulfilled what I couldn't. Maybe she was happier with him than she ever could have been with me. And maybe that was okay, even if I never stopped pining for her. At least I knew she was in the hands of someone who adored her like she deserved to be adored. I'd seen her smile far more with him than she ever had with me. And maybe that was another reminder to search for the good in all things, because I wasn't going to make anyone happy unless I knew how to be happy myself.

  I tucked my Atlas away and stepped off of the roof, about to release my wings when a vision snatched me away. A shout of alarm died in my throat as I was lost to what the stars were showing me. A dark cave far away from here set deep in a forest, dropping down into the endless black. I saw myself walking into its depths in the same clothes I wore now, passing ancient inscriptions on the walls which glinted silver in the shadows. I brushed my fingers over them and tingles rushed up my skin as the runes searched for my power. I let it have what it wanted and the ancient runes lit up all across the walls, rushing away from me deep into the tunnel ahead. I felt a sense of urgency, a need to go here in real life and in the depths of my bones, I felt sure this was the answer I needed to face the initiation today.

  I hurried forward, guided by the stars, my heart pulling me down into this long forgotten place, passing through twists and turns as the runes glimmered along the tunnel, leading the way. I kept going and found a dead end, the silver writing on the walls illuminating the space in shimmering tones. Two skeletons lay there between piles of gleaming artefacts, intertwined with one another, their hands clasped together. A ring glinted on one of their fingers, flaring like a fire lived within the metal. It grew brighter and brighter until the vision faded and my heart lurched into my throat as I found myself just a few feet from the ground, tumbling through the air.

  I cried out, releasing my wings and catching an updraft just in time to stop myself from meeting the concrete below. Adrenaline pounded through my veins and a laugh of exhilaration ripped from my throat as I soared upwards and over campus, sailing towards the azure sky. The wind carried me higher and I let myself twist and dance on the breeze, enjoying the kiss of it against my cheeks and the way it ruffled the feathers of my wings.

  I reached into my pocket, taking out the stardust I'd stolen from Dante all those weeks ago. I'd been carrying it out of habit, wanting the knowledge that a quick escape was always within my grasp. Especially since we'd started targeting King.

  I tossed a handful into the air, focusing on the place the stars had shown me and I was wrenched into the space between worlds, pulled along and taking in the beauty of the shining constellations around me. My heart lifted as I landed on my feet in a forest with trees taller than buildings and trunks wider than cars. Birdsong filled my ears and the ground beneath my feet was thick with moss. Wherever this place was, it seemed to have been untouched by Fae for the longest time.

  The cave mouth stood before me beneath a wide lip of stone that jutted over the top of it. I stepped into it without fear, trailing my fingers across the wall the moment I did so. As soon as I touched the runes, they ignited like they had in my vision and I was soon following them deep underground, the air cool around me and a scent of damp filling my nose. Magic tingled my senses, power seeming to whirl in the air around me, radiating from this place.

  It wasn't long before I found the pair of bodies amongst piles of treasures, and the walls hummed with the energy of their lasting power. These two Fae must have laid this trail long ago, but the stars only knew who it had been for. Now, the heavens had offered it to me.

  The Sight showed me a vision of me taking the ring and my gut squeezed with the need to do it right now.

  I crouched down, my shoes crunching in the dirt as I gently lifted the ring from the finger of the dead Fae. The moment I released their hand, it automatically clasped with the other body’s hand again, binding them together once more. My heart filled with sorrow as I looked at them, but I didn't know why. Something told me they were lovers and I wondered how many lifetimes they'd laid here together. And how many more they would remain here for.

  As I pushed the ring onto my finger, I saw two Phoenixes dancing before my eyes. The Order was long extinct, but I could feel the heat of their blue and red fire in that moment as intensely as if they were right before me. It was beautiful. The ring hummed against my flesh and I gasped as flames seemed to burn right into my blood. I stared in wonder as the ring dissolved into my flesh on my middle finger and left a mark there like a tattoo of two wings joining at the base and wrapping around to create an almost complete circle. Heat flooded through my veins and blazed there like a living flame beneath my skin. A flash of a vision told me this would stop King from being able to control me and a laugh fell from my lungs. The runes were beginning to dim around me on the walls and I was sure I wouldn't find my way out of this place without their guidance. So I turned and ran, chasing the light as darkness fell behind me, winding left and right through the caverns.

  The tunnel floor rose beneath my feet and daylight called to me up ahead as I made it back to the entrance and into the forest with a breath of relief. I took the pouch of stardust from my pocket, a ringing in my ears as the magic of this forest surrounded me. I didn't know what this place was, but I sensed the power I'd taken from it was exactly what I needed to face King. I'd embraced the stars and they'd helped me in my moment of need.

  It was enough to make me grin as I tossed the stardust into the air and transported myself back to Aurora Academy, my feet landing softly on the rooftop of the Vega Dorms. And as I left the stars behind, I heard a whisper in my ear that could only have come from them. Two flames, one anchor. You'll find them when they need you most.

  I didn't know what it meant, but the words sent a shiver tumbling down my spine and flames skittering through my veins from the ring's power. Whatever had just happened was important, I just didn't know why.

  My Atlas buzzed in my pocket and I took it out, finding a message from Karla.

  Frog Murderer:

  It's time for your initiation. We want you to join us for good.

  I shot back a reply to say I was ready to join, feeling the fire blazing in my veins from the ring and the stars encouraging my actions. Wherever this was leading, it was surely the right path. But I was still apprehensive as Karla sent me a message telling me where to meet her and I flew across campus to Altair Halls.

  I landed in front of the entrance, tugging the shirt from the back of my jeans and pulling it on as I let my wings shift away.

  As I walked inside, I spotted Karla waiting for me on the large staircase that wound up to the next level in all black clothes, sporting a sour look on her face.

  "Hey," I said, folding my arms.

  She stood, walking toward me and dragging her feet. "Is the sun still shining?"

  "Yeah," I said.

  She sighed. "I hate the sun."


  "So where are we going?" I asked, not wanting to share idle chit-chat with her. Especially as it always circled back around to gutting frogs.

  She smiled darkly and the look in her eyes made me uneasy as she reached for my hand and wound her fingers between mine. She turned and pulled me up the stairs and I left my hand in her grip as she towed me along the corridor and up another set of stairs to the second floor. The halls were quiet and the hairs on the back of my neck prickled as she drew me to a halt beside a darkened stretch of the wall.

  Karla used her earth magic to create a sharp wooden dagger in her hand and I frowned as
she cut a line along her thumb and smeared her blood on the wall. I noticed a small symbol there highlighted by her blood; it looked like a circular maze.

  A door slid open in the wall and my throat thickened as she gestured for me to follow her.

  "Hurry, they're waiting," she hissed as I slipped inside and the door shut behind me.

  We were in a dark stairwell which wound steeply down beneath my feet and I followed Karla closely as we descended, my heart hammering out a violent beat. I called on the heat of the flames living in my veins from the ring and felt their power sweep keenly through me. It was comforting and I dug deep for my confidence in the stars for me to face this ritual without falling under King's control. Don’t let me down now you sparkly bastards.

  A low chanting reached me as we made it to the last steps and my breathing hitched as I took in the crowd of Black Card members in dark robes with hoods pulled up over their heads. Karla took one from her bag and wrapped it around her, pointing me to a raised stone altar at the front of the crowd with a creepy smile as she tugged her hood up.

  I kept my expression neutral as I moved into the throng of bodies and they parted for me, their chanting growing louder as I made it to the altar. I climbed up onto it, turning back to face the cult, swallowing the ball rising in my throat. They looked like a bunch of fucking psychos and I had to make a good effort at seeming like I really wanted to become one of them.

  Their chanting grew louder and they raised their arms into the air. A flash of this morning's vision flared through my mind and I recalled how I'd seen my body react to this spell, my muscles bunching and a fierce power rolling through my bones. But all I felt was the press of their spells, trying to take root in my body only to be burned away by the ring’s power. And as their chanting became deafening, I felt the fire curling along my veins and keeping it at bay. I tipped my head back, hurrying to act as if I could feel it, mimicking the way the stars had shown me. I even managed to make my limbs tremble and released a gasp.


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