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Sweet Sins

Page 11

by E. L. Todd

“No.” My voice sliced through the air. “Mike is the one. He’ll never hurt you—ever. Don’t be scared, Cassandra.”

  “I guess I’m just nervous…”

  “You’re making the right decision. I promise.”

  She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “I love Mike very much.”

  “Then marry him.”

  She nodded. “Is it normal—to get cold feet?”

  “I did. I ran out on my wedding.” Everyone knew it and I didn’t hide the knowledge. “But I know Mike doesn’t have any doubts.”

  “He doesn’t?”

  “No. And you’re the one who hurt him before. If anyone should have doubts, it’s him. After all, your ex tried to kill him.” I wasn’t saying it to make her feel bad. It was just the truth. “Mike has faith in this relationship. Don’t lose yours.”

  She finally stopped squirming. “You’re right. I was just thinking too much.”

  “It’s never good to think.” I smiled. “At least that’s what my husband says.”

  “Thanks, Scarlet. I feel better.”

  “What are maid of honors for?”

  “Alright. Let’s do this.”



  When the music finally played, my heart jumped into my throat. The moment was here. It finally arrived.

  The guests stayed in their seats and watched my groomsmen walk their ladies down the aisle. Sean held Scarlet’s arm in his and walked her down the aisle. He kept staring at her, his eyes glued to her face. When they reached the end, he kissed her on the cheek before he stood beside me.

  Seeing them together reminded me how much I wanted this. I wanted a marriage like my brother had, a partner who would always be on my side through the thick and thin. Someone I could tell every secret to, someone who would love me unconditionally. I never thought I would get my happily ever after because I fucked up too much and wasted so much time. I threw aside girls and never gave them a real chance, finding something about them I didn’t like. I never thought I’d be marrying the coolest chick, hands down, in the world. She was perfect for me. It was like she was specially made to complete me. She was mine since birth.

  Cortland came down the aisle with Monnique’s arm hooked through his. She was smiling, beaming at Cortland, while he walked her down the sand. Whenever her heel wobbled, Cortland held her steady and got her to the end. He kissed her on the cheek before he finally let her go. Then he took his place beside Sean.

  Ryan came next with Janice on his arm. I saw the matching tattoo rings they wore. Every person I knew had a unique and different relationship. There was no single way to be committed to someone. Janice and Ryan had an unorthodox relationship, but it worked for them. Cassandra and I were the same way. Ryan kissed Janice on the lips before he joined the line growing beside me.

  Flynn walked Hazel down the aisle, a wide smirk on his lips. Hazel leaned in close to him, whispering something. He listened to her and kept walking forward. When they got to the end, Flynn suddenly dipped her and gave her a hot kiss. I rolled my eyes and the crowd laughed at their affection. Flynn pulled her back up and gave her a pat on her backside before he joined my line. Hazel was red in the face, and the other girls gave her their smiles.

  Cameron escorted Zeal down the aisle, catching glimpses of her cleavage. I wasn’t sure why all my friends were perverts. I slept with Zeal a long time ago but now it was a thing of the past. I didn’t even think about it. Cameron let her go reluctantly before he joined my line. Dateless, Kirk walked alone. I was doing the girls a favor by not letting them get stuck with the biggest pervert I knew.

  The music ended and a new song played. I knew this was it because everyone stood up, waiting for the bride to make her appearance. When I finally caught a glimpse of her, I saw the sparkling white dress, highlighted by the setting sun in the distance. The music suddenly vanished in my ears. The ocean was behind me but I couldn’t hear the waves. Everything stopped for a moment in time. I was never someone who had great moments of revelation or emotion, but I was certain I was feeling one now.

  Her father held her arm as he led her closer to me. As she came near, I saw the sparkle in her eyes. They leapt in dancing flames as she stared at me, the emotions matching the feeling in her heart. Her blonde hair was curled and hung around her shoulder, framing her face and making her look like a goddess. Every day, she looked beautiful and stunning. It surprised me when I could be surprised more. But today, she really shined. Her make up was light but it highlighted her eyes and her lips. Perfect porcelain skin and red ruby lips caught my eye.

  The dress was simple and sleek. Her stomach was obvious in the dress, making a noticeable bulge due to the tightness. I’m glad she didn’t try to hide it, because she looked even more beautiful showing it to the world. She was my whole world, my family. She was giving me everything I ever wanted.

  She messed up and broke my heart, but all that pain was worth it for this moment. I wouldn’t trade anything for it. Our relationship had its shortcomings and we weren’t perfect like Sean and Scarlet, but we would get there. They didn’t get it right in the beginning.

  Her father watched her face as they moved further up the aisle. I saw the smile on her lips and the gleam in her eyes. She was as just in a rush to get to me as I wanted to go to her. I had to control myself from snatching her from her father’s hands prematurely.

  Her father stopped when he reached me and I stepped down, ready to take her away. “Take care of my baby girl. She’s the only one I got.”

  “I will.” I kept my eyes glued to Cassandra’s, ready to take her.

  He placed her hand in mine. “And have a wonderful life together.”

  As soon as I felt her warmth, my heart skipped a beat. I tried not to get emotional because this was supposed to be a happy moment, but I was struggling. I led her to the platform then faced her, unable to believe that this beautiful woman wanted to marry me.

  She smiled at me, tears in her eyes.

  I forgot about everyone else staring at us. I faintly heard my mom blubber in the background but it was insignificant. I pressed my head to hers, taking a deep breath. Our hands were linked together, gripping tightly.

  The pastor started the ceremony. I tried to concentrate but I was too busy staring at my fiancé, the woman who would be my wife in just a minute or two. My eyes burned with building tears, and I saw the same feeling in her eyes.

  When the pastor asked Cassandra to say her vows, she took her notes from Scarlet and took a deep breath. “When I first met you, I wanted to stay clear of you. I admit it. You were a world-renowned playboy, with heartbreaker written all over you. But, of course, I fell for that charming smile and that carefree attitude. But little did I know I just met the most amazing, gentle, and caring man in the world. Right from the beginning, you treated me with respect and behaved like a perfect gentleman, as hard as that is for everyone to believe.” She had a playful look in her eyes as a few people in the crowd laughed. “But, after we had our first date, I realized I had fallen in love with Mike Preston. It happened so quick and so sudden, I didn’t understand how to process it. It was a love I’d never known, and that scared me a little bit. I kept waiting for you to push me away or break my heart, but you never did. You treated me like a princess, making me feel like I was the only woman in the entire world.

  “I’ve been married before, and in the short time we’ve been together in comparison made me realize it wasn’t a marriage. It wasn’t love. It was barely friendship. I was destined for you all along. It’s just the timing wasn’t right. I finally found my soul mate when we were both ready to recognize each other.

  “I’ve made mistakes and I’ve hurt you, and I will forever be sorry for what I did, but in the end, those dark times have only made us stronger. And honestly, I wouldn’t trade it for anything because I got an amazing gift because of it.

  “You’re going to be a wonderful father and an even better husband. There’s never a time in my life where I wonder what
you’re really doing, if you lied to me, or if you really love me. You’re the gift I don’t deserve, but I’m going to treasure you and keep you anyway.”

  She folded the paper then handed it back to Scarlet. “And thank you for making me happy.”

  I took a deep breath and tried not to cry. Hearing her declaration of love made my spine shiver. I already knew she loved me, wanted me forever, but hearing her say it so eloquently made me want to kiss her then and there. But I held back.

  Sean handed me my notes and I fidgeted them with my hand. I spent weeks trying to articulate what I wanted to say to her on our wedding day. I even tried to write a poem, but it was an epic fail. When Sean read it, he laughed. I was never good with words or knew how to express myself. I just said what was in my heart. I handed it back to him. Sean cocked an eyebrow but took it with no argument.

  “A long time ago, I had a girlfriend I really cared about. But when Sean slept with her, that relationship fell apart. Instead of being mad at her, the woman who stabbed me in the back, I was mad at my brother. Now I realize how mistaken I was. I pushed people away and turned my back on love and meaningful relationships. I just wanted to do whatever I wanted, when I wanted, and not giving a damn who I hurt in the process.

  “Honestly, I was happy with my life. I had money, good friends, and plenty of entertainment. I didn’t lose any sleep over it and I had no regrets. But when my brother got married, I started to realize how empty my life was. They teased each other, bickered, and argued until they were screaming at each other, but the love and trust they shared was undeniable. I envied it so much my heart hurt.

  “It occurred to me how little meaning I had in my life. I’d never been in a serious relationship and I was almost thirty. It was just pathetic. So I tried seeing other girls, giving them a serious chance. They were either boring, annoying, not hot enough or not my taste. I knew then I was doomed to die alone. All the good girls had been taken and I was stuck with the girls no one wanted.

  “Until you.” I took a deep breath while I memorized the features of her face. I wanted to remember this moment forever. “The first time I saw you, I was tongue-tied and acted like a damn idiot. I was surprised you didn’t think I was stupid.”

  “I did,” she teased.

  The crowd chuckled at her words.

  I smiled at her and kept going. “I’d never seen such a beautiful woman. I immediately noticed your legs under your desk, your beautiful hair, and your perfect face. But I noticed more. You held yourself like a queen and carried yourself with confidence. You weren’t nervous around me. You weren’t even affected by me. I was obsessed at that very moment, wanting to get to know you.

  “And when I saw you at the gym, your smokin’ body and your strength, I was hooked. I’d never seen such a strong woman. You didn’t eat salads and pick at pieces of fruit. You ate like a real woman and took care of yourself, building muscle instead of losing fat. My jaw dropped because you were so damn hot.”

  A few guys chuckled at my vulgar words.

  “But when I asked you out, you rejected me. And that was the end of my world. Never in my life had I been turned down, and the one girl that actually made my heart beat was the exception. I was devastated. But I didn’t give up.

  “If I don’t get laid within the first few hours, I lose interest. But that didn’t happen with you. When I had dinner with you, I loved listening to you talk. I wanted to know everything about you, every detail and every word. I thought you were beautiful but I never pictured you naked. I loved the classy clothes you wore, none of the short dress with heels crap. You were a million bucks, a woman who actually respected herself, and I fell in love so quickly I couldn’t even tell you when it happened. Never in my life had I waited that long for a girl, but I was glad you were the first woman to make me wait.

  “In just a few months, I was a different person. I had a best friend, a confidant. I had a woman I would sacrifice my life for to protect. I actually had something to live for. You’ve made me a better man, changing my life in so many wonderful ways, and now you’ve given me the greatest gift of all.”

  Cassandra’s eyes watered and the tears started to fall. She sniffed and tried to blink them away. My eyes grew heavy and the moisture could no longer be contained.

  “I don’t care if people judge us for having this baby before marriage. We’re already a family, and a very happy one. And I’m not marrying you just because I knocked you up. I’m marrying you because I love you and want you every day for the rest of my life. Without you, I have no purpose. Without you, I have no reason. I never want to feel like that again. You’re the only woman I want until the day I die. I promise to love you and be the best father I can possibly be. I vow to be a husband you deserve, someone who works their ass off to make you smile and laugh every day. I will be whatever you need—forever.”

  “Mike…” She wiped a few tears away but I leaned in and kissed them. The crowd awed at our affection, and my mom continued to cry hysterically.

  The pastor gave us a moment before he continued. “Do you accept this man as your hus—”

  “I do,” she blurted. “I do.”

  I smirked. “Baby, you need to let people finish.”

  She chuckled. “I’m sorry. I just want to marry you.”

  The pastor seemed amused. “Do you accept this woman to be your—”

  “Hell yes.”

  Cassandra laughed then sniffed.

  The pastor smiled. “Now you may kiss the bride.”

  I let him finish before I cupped her face and gave her a fierce kiss, telling her how much I loved her with the movement of my lips. She wrapped her arms around my neck and returned the affection.

  The crowd clapped and cheered. I heard Ryan whistle and Sean complain about our over-the-top affection.

  When I pulled away, I rubbed my nose against hers. “Ready?”

  “For what?”

  “For the rest of our lives.”

  “I’ve been ready.”

  I took her hand and pulled her down the aisle, feeling the flowers rain on us as we passed. She was mine and I was hers. The rest is history.



  “Is it too soon to renew our vows?”

  Scarlet stood beside me while Mike and Cassandra took pictures together on the beach. “We haven’t even had our year anniversary.”

  “But it’s coming up…and this wedding makes me want to marry you again.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yes, it’s too soon.”

  The green dress she wore was tight on her chest, making her tits look irresistible. They were slightly bigger than they used to be, which was great for me. Her brown hair was pulled back, revealing her shoulders and back. I planted a kiss on her neck. “You look beautiful in that.”

  “Thank you.” She gave me a light smirk.

  I read her mind. “You don’t look fat. You look hot.”

  She didn’t argue with me. I rested my hand on the back of her neck and rubbed her gently. Today was supposed to be about my brother, but I was too obsessed with Scarlet to think about anything else. It was the first time I noticed two faint circles on the skin where her shoulder and neck joined. Since she wore her hair down all the time, I never noticed it.

  “What are these scars from?”

  She stilled at my touch. “The dick of my necklace.”

  I wasn’t so certain.

  “Look how happy Mike and Cassandra are,” she said quickly, looking at them kissing on the beach.

  “Yeah…” My mind was whirling a thousand miles an hour. I had a suspicion she was lying to me, even though she never did.

  Monnique was pressing herself into Cortland, about to pounce on him. “So beautiful.”

  “It was.” He pressed his head to hers and stared at her for a long time. No words were said, but the emotion they both felt for each other filled the enclosure. If someone didn’t feel it, they were clueless to their surroundings.

  Scarlet stared at my b
rother and new sister, lost in their moment.



  “Tell me the truth.”

  She sighed then looked at me. “Not today, okay?” Her eyes held her determination. “I won’t let my past ruin my happiness.”

  She confirmed what I suspected. And there was no point in discussing it. While it made me livid, there was nothing I could about it. And expressing my anger would damper the day. I didn’t want that. I leaned in and kissed her gently. “Okay.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Isn’t it weird to think that Mike wouldn’t be married if it weren’t for us?”

  “I don’t believe that,” she said simply. “He would have met Cassandra anyway and this day would still be happening.”

  “You really think so?”

  “I know so.”

  We took a few pictures with the bride and groom, and my parents joined in.

  “So proud of you, baby.” My mom hugged Mike and got teary-eyed again.

  “Thanks, Mom.” He rubbed her back then pulled away, back to Cassandra, like usual.

  My dad turned to Cassandra. “Call me Dad.”

  “Okay.” Cassandra smiled at him. “I can do that.”

  We took a few more pictures before the bridesmaids and other groomsmen joined.

  “Any names yet?” my mom asked.

  If they chosen a name, Scarlet and I didn’t know what it was.

  Mike and Cassandra shared a look before Mike spoke for both of them. “Not yet.”

  “Take your time,” my dad said. “A strong name is important.”

  “How about Mufasa?” Ryan asked. “That’s cool.”

  “From the Lion King?” I asked incredulously.

  “Oh, it is?” Ryan asked. “Whatever. It’s still cool.”

  “Do you think my brother and sister hate their kid or something?” I asked.

  “What?” Ryan shrugged his shoulders. “It’s a cool name.”

  Janice’s eyes were wide with fear. “Oh no. You’re going to give our kids weird names, aren’t you?”

  “We can save Mufasa for us,” Ryan said.


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