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Winter's Guardian (Her Guardian's Series Book 1)

Page 3

by G. Bailey

“That was in the past and nothing to with Winter,” Atti says. A sad look on his face, as I know he feels sorry for me. I have to remind myself not to punch him because he is like a brother to me and I don’t want to destroy my apartment by fighting with him.

  “Doesn’t matter. He would kill her first and ask questions later.” I tell him.

  “Fine. Just for now, until we tell Winter who she is, but you know D likely knows about her by now.” Atti says. Dabriel is an angel also a prince. Angels have the power to tell the future, among other things.

  “He doesn’t see everything and his council won’t let him go near her anyway.” I remind Atti again about all the stupid fucking rules.

  “The prophecy says,” Atti starts, but I cut him off.

  “It says a hell of a lot but no one believes it anymore. Our births were deemed as miracles and not the work of the goddess. We are on our own and it’s best we keep this a secret. I don’t want my father finding out about Winter.” I tell him and he nods.

  “It’s best my coven doesn’t find out yet, they are still planning this stupid marriage between me and the leader of the dark witches,” Atti says his face looking like his is sucking lemons.

  “Then we are in agreement. I'll get to know her and eventually introduce you.” I tell him. I may have to get Alex to help me. I think I was a bit rude and maybe scary tonight. It just took me by surprise to see her there. I expected a pretty girl for the night and instead, this stunning girl walks up to me, looking perfect and smelling like sin. I just wanted to taste her right then; I had to drink four bags of blood tonight to stop me chasing after her.

  “I can’t see her for a few weeks, there’s a meeting between our kind and I have to be there constantly. The amount of stupid fights I'll have to break up in two weeks is bloody stupid.” Atti grumbles.

  “That’s what happens when all your council are women and you’re the only male allowed in.” I tell him. I don’t want to swap places with him when he has to deal with their cat fights. Atti once told me that he had to put to sleep ten women when a fight broke out over him. Every woman in his coven would die for a chance to mate with him. He is lucky his mother still protects him and as queen, most of them are terrified of her. They should be, she is very powerful.

  “I had to be the first royal male witch born alive in thousands of years.” Atti grumbles.

  “Yes you unlucky fucker, hordes of hot witches throwing themselves at you.” I smirk at him.

  “Well I’m going to be without a bed mate for a long time, now we have found her.” He tells me.

  “Aren’t we all, honestly after seeing her, I couldn’t touch anyone else.” I tell him.

  “She must be something.” Atti says before standing. I don’t want to admit how much of a something she is. She is the first girl I’ve felt anything for since I lost Demi. Demi was my childhood friend and we only had a year together romantically, before she was killed. I thought I’d never get over her but I always knew she wasn’t meant to be my mate. I knew since I was a child that another was destined for me but I was young and stubborn. I never tried to mate with her and she never asked me too. She knew I was meant for another but she said she wanted what little time she could have. I try to ignore the sharp pain of guilt in my heart at the fact I’m moving on.

  “I can’t stay. A word of warning for a friend, your father has met with my mother, he wants her help for something but she won’t tell me what it is. Do you think he knows where the pack is?” Atti asks.

  “No, I keep them safe. That’s why I still stay around this small town.” I say, not meaning to sound as hostile as it comes out. Atti ignores or is used to my curt tone, because he doesn’t show any response.

  “Something is changing. The witches are feeling it, be careful brother.” Atti pats my shoulder as he passes.

  “I will.” I reply, watching the fireplace.

  “Keep her safe and no sleeping with her. Not yet.” Atti tells me.

  “No promises. She is going to be my mate after all.” I tell him, trying to keep the grin from my face.

  “Mine too.” Atti says before he disappears.

  Chapter Five

  "Hey lady, wake up." A voice says as I groan mentally, I open my eyes to see the boy from last night kneeling in front of the sofa with his face close to mine. With his eyes open I can see they are a very bright shade of brown and I quickly sit up as he leans back holding that blanket tight around his waist.

  "Hi." I say feeling awkward and I look him over. I was right thinking he can’t be more than eight as he has a young face, with messy black hair that looks like he dyed the tips blonde and a skinny frame.

  "Thanks for helping me. I would be dead now if you didn't.” He tells me looking down at the floor and I just stare in silence.

  “I'm guessing you know I'm a shifter. My uncle J is going to go ape when he finds me with a human." The boy drops his head down into his one hand and I hear a few sobs as he wipes away his tears.

  "Hey, don't get upset. Look what's your name?" He looks up at me in confusion and I can see how truly upset he is. I have no idea if he has rules about telling humans, I mean me, about shifters.

  "It's Freddy. You?" he says carefully, like I’m going to start screaming or attacking him like a crazy person. I guess a normal person might have that reaction to a shifter but honestly I don’t know why I’m not that shocked that’s there’s more than humans on earth.

  "Winter. Right wolf boy or not, you need some clothes and food." I say as I get up, moving around him to my room while he watches me. I grab my old boyfriend’s shorts and top, I was going to throw out. I know they are going to be too big for him but the shorts have strings that he can tie up.

  "Here, change into these while I cook. Is bacon and eggs alright?" I ask coming back into the room and handing him the clothes as he watches me carefully.

  "Yes." He mutters, blushing a little, which makes me smile.

  "How's the leg by the way? It looked almost fully healed last night." I comment waving a hand towards the boy’s leg.

  "It's all healed look." He says showing me his leg quickly. I watch in mild curiosity as he pulls the bandage off and shows me his unharmed leg. My mouth must have dropped open because Freddy laughs.

  "I can tell you some cool stuff about wolves, if you want, like healing. I’m a little different because I can heal quicker than most wolves and I am immune to silver, so I won’t get ill.” He tells me, looking very proud of that fact. I can’t help the little smile I give him. I have to admit the kid is cute and I bet he is used to being spoilt.

  "Why would you have died, if you can heal like that?" I ask a little confused about last night.

  "Silver is poisonous to us and I would be dead if I didn’t have the immunity, the longer we are in contact with it, the more in poisons us. When the dagger was inside my leg, I would have just bleed out. My wolf wouldn't let me shift back when I'm in danger and I couldn’t run home." He comments with a pained look.

  "Right, that's interesting, and a lot to take in so I’m going to cook, then we can call someone to come and get you." I tell him, feeling tired. The clock in the room says it’s only four in the morning so I didn’t get much sleep.

  "My pack will find me soon anyway, don't worry." He grins back at me, as he carry’s the blanket and clothes into my room. I must stand staring at the closed bedroom door for a few minutes, as I think about what he said. What will his pack think when they find him here with me? I don’t get the impression they will hurt me for knowing about shifters because Freddy seems so relaxed. I mentally sigh to myself, as I go into the kitchen and start pulling out food from the fridge.

  I’m half-way through cooking when my front door is banged loudly three times, followed by a man’s voice, with a slight Scottish accent shouting,

  "I know you’re in there lad and you have some explaining to do." The voice sounds gruff and deep, enough for me to know it’s an older man.

  I turn off the cooker with slightly
shaking hands, before opening the door to a younger man than I expected from his voice. The only thought that comes to mind is how good-looking he is. I look down at his leather boots, black jeans, leather jacket that's stretched across his impressive chest and finally to his frowning face. He has a freshly shaven face with dark brown hair cut short on the sides and bits of it fall on his forehead at the top. His bright green eyes, as bright as Freddy’s brown ones, are glaring at me. He maybe be attractive but clearly not friendly. I just smile back and that seems to confuse him.

  "Where's my nephew and why the hell can I smell his blood lass? Don't make me hurt you to find out." He says in a growling voice, which makes me shiver, and want to tell him anything he wants out of fear. I shiver a little, as he moves closer and looks at me. I don’t lose eye contact, as we both stare at each other. I don’t say anything because I can’t back down and I try to ignore the fact he smells amazing this close. The man looks like he wants to kill me and I’m focusing on what he smells like and not telling him his nephew is fine, what is wrong with me?

  "Don't you dare hurt her; I owe her my life uncle Jaxson." Freddie's voice comes from right behind me. I feel his hand press onto my shoulder in comfort, and that finally makes me look away from Jaxson, who is now growling at me with glowing green eyes. The man looks close to killing me but he seems annoyed that he can’t. So his name is Jaxson, it kind of suits him.

  "Why don't you come in and less of the growling." I tut at him in a nervous voice and walk past Freddy, who follow’s me into the kitchen. I can hear Jaxson’s loud boots as he walks in and the slam of the door tells me he isn’t happy.

  "Now you go and sit back down. Your uncle won't hurt me and I will finish your food while I explain last night to him." I tell Freddy and I lay a hand on his shoulder. He looks so worried that I want to protect him, even from his uncle. I don’t care who the hot guy is, Freddy has had a rough night and needs to rest. Wolf boy or not.

  "No, Freddy will explain it to me, not some human." he says with a disgusted look at my hand on Freddy’s shoulder. What bugs me more is how he talks like it’s a fact; no discussion is going to be had. He has another thing coming if he thinks I’m going to be spoken to like that, before I’ve even had a coffee this morning.

  "No he won't. He is a child and has had a long night. I don’t care who you are wolfman but Freddy needs to rest. So shut it." I tell him and I try to ignore the loud growling that I hear him do. I turn to look at Freddy, who is looking at us both, smiling like he has won a prize.

  "Go and sit." I say waving towards the lounge and he nods walking off. I don’t bother to turn and look at Jaxson as I go back to my cooking. I finish off the bacon and eggs and then putting them on a plate in the weird silence of the kitchen. He may not say anything but I can feel his hot gaze on me as I move around the kitchen. After I make myself a coffee and don’t bother offering him one. I turn to him.

  "Come on wolfman, let’s have a long chat.” I tell him. I hear him mutter something under his breath but I can’t hear what he said.

  “Fair warning, if you try to hurt me you will regret it." I turn to glare at him and he smirks at me as he crosses his arms and nods. I know what he could shift into, I’m guessing a wolf like Freddy, but I won't go down quietly. My mom always taught me how to look after myself and made me go to self-defence lessons for years. Jaxson hasn’t moved from the middle of the kitchen and has been silent, watching me cook until he comes to stand in front of me, way to close, and blocking me in between the counter and him. Jaxson is much taller than me and causes me to look way up, just so I can see him, I watch as his eyes lower to my neck before moving up to my eyes.

  "Aye lass, now how will you do that? If you hurt my nephew you will pay for it." He whispers the end part in my ear, before sniffing my hair I think.

  "Back off." I shout at him with a shove to his shoulders and his eyebrows rise, before he backs away with a smirk.

  He is clearly a class A jerk.

  "I have a call to make to my pack, feed him." He points at the lounge where Freddy is. I have every urge to throw the food in his face but I take deep breath and swallow back the need to. No point poking the beast.

  "Fine." I say through gritted teeth and walk past the annoying man.

  I walk into my lounge to see Freddy in the oversized clothes, the shirt arms are rolled up and the shirt is tucked into the shorts that aren’t too big on him. I smile a little inside at the fact that he has covered the blood stain on the floor up with a spare blanket. The little gesture makes me want to hug him.

  "Here you go." I pass him the plate and sit next to him with my coffee. I take a deep drink before putting in on the small wooden table next to sofa.

  "Thanks, this looks awesome." He smiles happily as he digs in to the food. The wolfman walks back in a few minutes later and sits on the edge of my coffee table, right in front of me. What is with this guy and personal space? To be honest with myself, I feel like drooling over him and most girls would die to be close to a hot guy like him. What’s worse is that I like him being close because what girl wouldn’t. But then he opens his mouth, ruining my good thoughts about him.

  "So, what the fuck happened last night?" He glares at me, crossing his muscular arms across his large chest.

  "I found Freddy in the car park, with a dagger in his lower leg. He was a wolf at the start and I couldn’t leave him. Once I got him inside, he turned into the boy next to me and back again. I have the dagger in my bag, if you want it." I tell him calmly, noticing how his face tightens and goes a little pale as he releases a breath.

  "Freddy what happened?" He asks, clearly trying to stay calm as he tightens his fists. I can see how tense he is from how he looks like he wants to kill something. I’m glad he isn’t looking at me now.

  "A group of young vamps hunted me when I went to the shops. I ran but there were around five and they were fast. Someone stopped them from following me but not before the dagger got me. I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have been out late but I wanted to get away for a bit." He says as he stops eating, putting the plate to the side. Jax releases a long growl and I watch as Freddy does a weird turn with his head, showing his uncle his neck before looking down.

  "We will talk about how you’re going to fix this later but I’m glad you’re alive.” He tells Freddy who nods, looking sad.

  “You do realise your wolf owes this women its life and as your guardian, I have to take the responsibility. I'll have to tell the alpha and she will have to be looked after." Jax says getting up to pace near my window. I can tell he isn’t happy by the idea of owing me anything by the way he spits out the sentence.

  "I'm sorry Jax. I like her; she won't tell anyone and didn't freak out. It's not like she is going to get herself in a life or death situation anytime soon." Freddy rolls his eyes at me and I can't help but smile at the cheeky lad.

  "Don't encourage him." I hear the growl of the words from Jaxson by the window.

  "What's your name?" he asks in a rude snapping voice, I ignore my need to give him a sarcastic answer; I just decide not to answer instead because I might shout at him.

  "Well I’m Jaxson, what is yours lass?" He says in a tired but more polite voice as he comes to stand next to the sofa and looks down at Freddy.

  "Winter, its nice meeting you both of you. Well maybe not you wolfman.” I point at him and he smirks back, it’s not even funny that I seem to be amusing him.

  “I want to get some sleep, so you should leave." I say as I wave my hand to the door of the lounge.

  I jump when Freddie turns into his wolf, ripping all the clothes, and then trots happily over to me nudging my hand with his wet nose. I don’t know what to do other than back away a little but he just follows, nudging my hand again.

  "Alright, one stroke." I mutter, stroking his head.

  "Freddy’s wolf doesn't want to leave you because he thinks you’re in some kind of danger and he thinks you are part of his pack now.” Jaxson growls and shakes his head a
t Freddy, who is pushed closely to my side.

  “His wolf won't leave you in any potential danger and I won’t make him, I’m not his alpha. You're going to have to come back to the pack with me." He groans, looking like it’s the worst thing that could happen. Freddy nods his head up and down in happiness.

  “I’m not happy with you Fred, the pack won’t like having a human in it.” Jax says to Freddy gently.

  "There is no way I am going with you. I had a bad night and then came home to carry a heavy wolf in my apartment. I got maybe, two hours sleep.” I tell Jax who watches me as I carry on talking and move to stand in front of him.

  “I'm tired so you can leave, Freddy is welcome. You are not." I say poking my finger into his hard chest.

  "You are one annoying female lass," he says.

  "My name is Winter, W-I-N-T-E-R, not lass." I nearly shout, poking him again.

  "Winter, you’re coming back to my pack with us. I don't care if you want to but it's safer for Freddy." He says as he tries to guilt trip me.

  “No,” I tell him firmly and cross my arms as I glare up at him.

  “Fine, you can have a wolf follow you everywhere you go. It will save me feeding him.” Jaxson smirks and I have a strange urge to hit him.

  "Fine but I'm having a shower and then we can go." I say stomping off to my room hearing his chuckle as I go. Freddie's wolf sits outside my room as guard, which makes me smile. I take deep breath in the shower as the reality hits me; I’m going to meet a lot of wolves soon.

  Chapter Six

  I run my fingers through Freddy’s black fur as I sit in the back of Jaxson large jeep. To say Jaxson isn’t a good driver, would be an understatement, I’m hoping the drive doesn’t last too much longer. At least I can let go of my seat now we are out-of-town and there aren’t that many turns. Jaxson drives us straight towards the large mountain to the left of the town and into the massive forest that lies before it. We hit the start of the trees and then the roads all look the same for around half an hour. So far it’s taken at least an hour to get to this point.


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