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Winter's Guardian (Her Guardian's Series Book 1)

Page 5

by G. Bailey

  "Right, no answer," I murmur under my breath but I know he heard me by the twitch of his lips.

  "I can pick you up on Monday at four, give me your phone," he asks holding out his hand.

  "No," I say.

  "No?" He questions with a quick glare at me before looking back at the road.

  "You do know what no means right? You’re not having my number unless you ask nicely because so far all you have done is demand stuff." I tell him and cross my arms staring him down as he drives.

  "You are unbelievable lass. I don't ask anything nicely but fine." he groans before saying tensely.

  "Please may I have your number?" He asks with his hands clenching the steering wheel so tight I’m afraid he might break it. I can't help but laugh my head off at how tense he sounds, which even makes him smile then eventually laugh with me.

  "Sure," I say wiping my tears away and smiling back at him.

  "You should smile more lass; you look lovely when you do." I blush under his gaze before turning to look at the window. I watch as he puts his number on my phone while still driving like a crazy person down thankfully empty roads. We don’t talk for the rest of the drive and I find myself drifting off to sleep as we pass lots of trees.

  "We're here." Jaxson’s voice drifts through my mind and a large hand is shaking me gently by my shoulder to wake me up, I open my eyes to see his close to mine. He has really bright eyes that draw you in; I find it hard to look away as I wake up.

  "I don't have to go over the whole 'you can't tell anyone about us' thing right?" He says with a small grin at me as he hands my phone. I notice how it really suits him, looking less angry and happier for once.

  "Yeah I get it, plus anyone would think I'm mad." I laugh and hop out the car before I shut the door I say,

  "You look nice when you smile too Jaxson."

  I see his shocked face before I turn and walk back to my apartment that seems really empty without that annoying wolf around.

  Chapter Seven


  “Another one.” I hold up my empty beer glass and the bartender, a very hot blond human woman, winks at me as she goes to fill it up. The pub is full tonight of unsuspecting humans, humans I don’t usually like to be around but I don’t have a choice now. Fucking Dabriel. Angels are all the same. Dabriel used to my friend but he isn’t now if things were different then,

  My phone rings stopping that thought, I pull my gaze from the bartender as I answer.

  “Uncle J, when you coming home? Anna is being annoying.” Freddy’s voice fills my phone and I hold back a grin. I hate the uncle J nickname but I love Freddy. I have to admit taking on a young child wasn’t easy but we made it work with the help of my brother’s mate.

  “Why? What is she doing?” I ask.

  “Just making me clean my room, it’s not that bad as she is making it out to be. I think she said it looked like mini demons had trashed the place and had an after party.” He mutters. I can hear the annoyance in his voice. I try not to laugh at my sister in-laws use of words but she isn’t far from the truth. Mini demons are pests you don’t want in your home and they love to make a mess, I mean huge fucking messes that take days to clean. We had them once, and thankfully they left after they had fun.

  “How about I bring you a pizza back? You know that hot one from Pizza Hut?” I say, knowing it’s his favourite and I feel bad for him. The last few days he has had more training than he has ever had but he needs it. My chest still feels tight at the thought of how close I had come to losing him. When I came back from my job to find he wasn’t home, I alerted the pack and we searched everywhere. I finally tracked his scent into town and thankfully found him alive. I took the dagger out of Winters kitchen and I plan to return it into the fucking vampire’s chests that hurt my nephew. I feel the hard silver dagger in my boot now and the thought makes me relax a tad.

  “With a bottle of Coke and brownies?” He finally replies after thinking about it.

  “Yes but the second boxes of brownies are mine. No trying to eat them like last time.” I tell him and I hear his chuckle.

  “Deal,” Freddy says and I can hear the smile this time.

  “Make sure the room is tidy, Anna is right, the room looked like a bomb went off the last time I was in there,” I tell him and I hear his groan.

  “Fine, you’re getting old and boring uncle J. You won’t get a girl like Winter if you act old.” He tells me like I need dating advice from an eight year old. Not that I would ever touch Winter, she is a human.

  “I’m not old, and Winter isn’t my type. I prefer blondes.” I tell him, only slightly lying. The blonde bartender is my type and I could easily take her home tonight but something is stopping me. A beautiful brown haired girl with sparkling blue eyes is the cause of my issues tonight.

  “Whatever, you were following her around like a puppy. She is pretty, shame I’m not older. Hey did she mention any sisters?” He asks. When did he start liking girls, I swear it was only five minutes ago that he was playing with action figures.

  “No sisters, I’ve got to go. I'll be back in an hour.” I tell him.

  “Cool, I'll get the Harry Potter movies out for us. Also, I saw this new Harry Potter mug that when you add hot water, the Marauder’s map appears. Totally cool.” He mumbles on excitedly.

  “Why do I need to watch those again? And why did I need to hear about the mug?” I ask, mentally thinking of a way to get out of film night. I don’t enjoy these films but I’ve watched them ten times now over the years. Thank god the last one finally came out, I’d hoped he would move on from film series by now but he hasn’t.

  “You like them Uncle J, although they got witches wrong. There are no wands, but it would be so cool if they did have one.” He tells me and I try not think about Atti. I haven’t seen him or any of my friends in years. I’m about to see Dabriel for the first time in seven years, and not for a good reason.

  “Oh, and it’s my birthday soon. Just dropping some hints.” He laughs and I’ll have to remember to order that mug now.

  “Fine. Later Fred's,” I say to him.

  “Later uncle J.” he says and puts the phone down.

  “Getting drunk? Doesn’t suit you Jax.” Dabriel takes a seat next to me. A few people turn to stare at him, he ignores them but he would stand out anywhere. His white long hair and massive build kind of attract attention.

  “I want to know,” I tell him, cutting straight to the point.

  “You already know, I’ve seen it. I’ve seen you and her.” He smirks, leaning back on the bar. The bartender hands me my drink but I don’t find it the slight bit interesting.

  “Why the fuck didn’t you warn me? Keep her the fuck away from me? I came close to killing her.” I shout at him and just smiles back at me. My wolf growls in my mind that he is challenging me and that I should bite him. I don’t listen to him; thankfully, despite the fact that my wolf isn’t trying to kill him is annoying me. My wolf loves him like a brother and despite everything, I still think of him as one.

  “This was always going to happen. Don’t pretend you didn’t feel it. I haven’t met her but I’m watching.” He tells me.

  “Yeah, but you can’t get involved right?” I smirk at him when he tenses.

  “I would have stopped her death, if I could. No matter what I did, the ending didn’t change.” He says calmly and I lose it. I grab him by the neck and throw him across the bar. The bottles smash into pieces as people scream, scrambling to get out. I jump over the bar and walk over to him, as he gets up. His cuts on his face healing straight away.

  “Don’t fucking pretend you couldn’t have saved my sister. I don’t want anything to do with the prophecy and no human girl is going to change my mind.” I warn him. I try to ignore my wolf inter whine at the thought of Winter. I’ve been with girls, countless one night stands but Winter calls to my wolf more than anyone else ever has. I’ve tried to listen to the witches and mate with Esta but my wolf is just as turned off by her
as I am. Winter has the perfect fucking body, a body that I could spend hours with but her sassy mouth was what turned me on the most. She didn’t seem to give two fucks about how I spoke to her, my general dislike for her. I can’t even walk away from her now, I feel her in my blood and my wolf thinks she is pack.

  “I would have saved her, Wyatt would have too.” He says holding up his hands, the runes of angel language appearing on his skin. They are for protection, among different things and the more an angel has, the more powerful they are. When Dabriel is showing his, entire not an inch of his body doesn’t have them. Not that I’ve checked but the fucker likes to brag.

  “Like fuck, you would have, we were friends all our lives and you were my pack. I don’t want anything to with this or her.” I slam my hand on the bar, trying to control my anger but it’s not working.

  “Isn’t it too late? She is yours to protect now and I know she will need it soon.” Dabriel tells me, taking a step closer.

  “Are you going to let her die too?” I mutter and he punches me. I don’t lose my footing but its close; he can fire a heavy blow when he wants.

  “You don’t deserve her Jax,” Dabriel says and jumps over the bar. I watch him leave as I grab a bottle of whisky off the floor. I leave a wad of cash on the side of the bar before I leave, taking a deep drink. I need to find a way to get rid of Winter and I need to do it fast. I can’t let her close because I can’t be who she needs. I’m too fucked up, I’m too broken and I need to be alone. Pulling the dagger out my boot and leaving the bottle of whisky on a chair, I grin. I know a perfect way to get rid of some anger.

  Chapter Eight

  The only thought that happens when I know I'm dreaming is how real these dreams are. They don't happen very often but they scare me all the same. I open my eyes to see the same girl sitting on the floor with her legs crossed. We are in the middle of some woods I don't recognise, and she is wearing the same white simple dress she always is. It’s the middle of the night and the only light is the fire burning in front of her, the moon and stars shining high in the sky.

  "There will be a time, a time you will understand," she says in a whisper to the raging fire in front of her, her voice sounds like heaven and makes me feel safe. The girl who looks around my age stands, turning towards me, her blue glowing eyes staring out at me. It always has shocked me how beautiful she is, how innocent. I always feel safe and scared of her at the same time. I try to move away but I can't, I never can move as she walks over to stand right in front of me, her very bright shining eyes locked with mine.

  The girl’s long black hair flows with the wind, as she says in a deep whisper that fills my head instead of her lips moving.

  "There will be a time, a time you will understand." her hand reaches for me, as I feel the darkness creeping in.

  "Sexy cake, where are you?" Alex shouts through the apartment as I hear the door slam shut. I groan to myself at her happy tone, after a long day and night of little sleep, I’m feeling tired. I keep running over everything that happened with the wolves in my head, the dream is the last thing I need now. The one person I couldn't get out of my thoughts was Jaxson, and then when I did fall asleep I had one of those weird dreams again. My thoughts flutter back to Jaxson again, as I remember everything about him that draws me in, and at the same time, I want to run away from him. My door is slammed open by a pale looking Alex, who is wearing a tight green maxi dress with her long red hair up in a high ponytail.

  "Was it a long night again?" I ask seeing my kindle on my pillow and I shut it off. I must fallen asleep reading and it is annoying as I was getting to a good part in a romance story, which had me only thinking of Jaxson’s hard body and not the characters.

  "Something like that, but we are going out for dinner. There's this new place called Ladino that’s opened in town and we have to go," she smirks leaning against the doorway. I have a feeling like I'm falling into one of her traps but I relent saying,

  "Sure but you can pay. You owe me for that horrible date." I tell her with a slight glare, as I get out of bed and start stretching.

  Alex raises her perfect eyebrows at me,

  "What happened? Wyatt said he had a good night with you but he is an idiot apparently," she replies as she jumps on my bed and gets comfy. I shake my head at her and how relaxed she is.

  "He is weird and scared me Alex. I'm not seeing him again," I tell her and go through my clothes for something to wear.

  "He isn't that bad, maybe you just got off on the wrong foot. Drake said he is having a hard time with his father at the moment," she says.

  I want to listen but all I can remember is how he demanded I dance with him. I know when I'm around him, I feel wrong and scared. No matter how hot someone is, you can’t ignore feelings like that.

  "I don't think so. No more blind dates." I wag a finger at her and she laughs.

  "You have to admit that he is hot and if he is anything like Drake in bed, then wow," she winks at me with a laugh and I can't help but laugh a little with her.

  "Give me an hour to shower and dress," I say getting up and Alex nods, shutting my door on her way out. My phone rings as I'm choosing my jeans and a purple hater top.

  "Hey mum," I answer, actually looking forward to hearing her voice. It reminds me that things can be normal in my life.

  "Hey, honey. How is everything going?" She asks in her usual bright and cheery voice. You wouldn't ever guess that Daniella is my mum, with her white blonde dyed hair and sparkling brown eyes. She always told me I look more like my dad but I have a little of her personality. My mum is like a ray of sunshine constantly and is worse than I am at helping everyone she meets. My mum runs a local food bank and helps out at many charities in her spare time, Alex and me have always agreed that you couldn’t find some better than her for a mum.

  "It's all good but I miss you and you’re cooking,” I smile when I hear her laughter.

  “You are eating ok, right? I can send more money if you need it,” she says in her worried mum tone.

  “Yes we are eating fine but nothing beats your home cooking mum,” I say with a big smile.

  “Ok I'll leave you be so any plans for tonight?” she asks.

  “Me and Alex are going out for dinner tonight," I tell her and she laughs again.

  "Well honey, I did try and teach you how to cook before you left for university. You'll be home in two months right?" She asks referring to the summer holidays coming up.

  "Yes and I honestly can't wait," I tell her, I need the normality of waking up to my mum’s cooking, and Alex is hoping for a hot summer’s day to sunbathe on the local beach. My mum lives in Cornwall and the beaches are lovely if you can find the ones without all the tourists around.

  "Well have fun tonight honey; I just wanted to check on you." She says.

  "I will," I say twisting my wavy brown hair around my finger, wishing I did inherit her blonde hair, mine is such a dull brown colour and I don’t want to dye it. She used to dye her hair brown, she told me once, when she was in college but now she just adds highlights to her natural blonde.

  "I love you and tell Alex I love her too, and to answer her phone." she chuckles.

  "She has a new boyfriend, so I’ll remind her to when I see her." I chuckle back. My mum loves Alex as much as me, Alex doesn’t have good parents and was always around ours for a cooked meal. Her own parents were too busy getting drunk to notice she was even missing.

  "Ah that explains it, talk to you next week honey, bye," she says and hanging up after I say bye. I leave my things on my bed and walk into my en suite. It's the typical whitewash wet room, I make quick work of showering and drying my hair. I plait it tightly down my back, leaving a few curls to shape my face before getting changed. I know I won't need a coat, it’s warm enough not to need one.

  "Hey, you ready Win?" Alex asks sitting on the couch and looking at my outfit, as I find my purse and phone, putting them in a small bag. I watch as she nods her head at what I’m wearing, she should
like it considering she bought me it. She quickly does something on her phone before getting up. We were lucky that my father left me a large amount of money for college. My mum refused to use it so I used it to pay for mine and Alex’s college. We have enough left over for rent and bills for the next few years. Alex swears she is paying me back but I wouldn’t let her.

  "Sure," I say following her out. We take Alex's red Volvo to the restaurant, chatting about the university on the way, and I ask what I really want to know.

  "How serious are you and Drake? I mean I've never seen you date anyone this long before." I ask watching how her face lights up at his name.

  "I love him Win," she sighs with her cheeks blushing.

  "Wow, that's great Alex," I say honestly. I have never seen Alex this happy before, even if he seems quiet and strange, he makes her smile. That’s all I could want for her, I ignore the slight jealously of her having someone when I don’t. My best friend being in love is something to be happy about not envy.

  "He told me he loves me too, I can't get enough of him and I don't mean just sex. I love talking to him and," she stops mumbling and blushing more when I smile at her. She turns back to the road, tapping her fingers on the wheel.

  "I get it," I say softly, causing us both to start laughing.

  "I didn't plan on a serious relationship, while I am still at uni, but I feel like he's the one, you know?" she asks me. My thoughts go to Jaxson for a second, before I mentally shake myself and answering her.

  "I don't but I'm really happy for you," I say and she reaches over to squeeze my hand.

  “It will happen for you, one day you will just know and there will be no going back.” She says.

  “It won’t. I have bad luck with guys and I just don’t want anything now.” I say, ignoring how my thoughts betray me by thinking of Jaxson and Wyatt.

  We don't talk much more on the way and about twenty minutes later we pull up at the restaurant. It's really cute, with the outside looking like an old English pub but it’s been redone so it gives a more rustic theme, there’s a large glowing sign with the name on above the door. We walk in and I don't hear what Alex says, as the man asks if we need a table, because my eyes are drawn to Drake and Wyatt sitting at a table in the corner. My eyes don't leave Wyatt’s as he turns, somehow noticing me come in. We enter a silent staring contest, while my anger rises, with neither one of us giving in. His lips pull up into a smile as Alex pulls me away, linking my arm with hers and whispering,


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