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Let Me In-Dragan's Tale: The Mikhailov Brothers

Page 8

by Amanda Hough

  Reluctantly I snapped out of it and gazed into her face. Grinning, she gave my hand a pat and pushed off my lap. “I think the pizza’s on fire.”



  I tried to reposition myself on the sofa. It was no use. There was no way I was going to sleep tonight. I’d insisted upon staying the night at Toni’s house, like the utter fucking fool that I was. So, I had to try to sleep on a hard sofa, half the length of my body. And I had a hard-on again. Being around that woman is like being fifteen. Perpetually horny.

  It was well after two am when we’d gotten the house aired out from all the burnt pizza smoke. By then, we were both tired and Toni had to be at the bar in a few hours to open up for Rosa.

  Once I’d convinced her that it was practical for me to stay and not an attempt, as she put it to ‘protect the helpless damsel,’ she had relented and offered her mother’s bed. I declined. It didn’t seem right somehow when her mom was sick in a hospital.

  Taking a deep breath I waited for sleep to take me. Closing my eyes, I imagined the feel of Toni’s skin. Soft. Her legs slender and firm. My fingers had been so close to reaching what I wanted. What would I had found? Cotton? Lace? I groaned at the thought of thin lace covering her.

  “Dragan,” a voice call from the kitchen. It was Toni. Bending down, I retrieved my shirt and put it on. I didn’t recall taking it off. I always made a point to keep the ink and the scars hidden.

  “Antonina?” I called back.

  “Dragan, please” she answered. A whispered desperation in the expression.

  I sat up straight and knifed off the couch. The matchbox of a house had heated exponentially. Beads of sweat trailed down the slope of my nose and plopped at my feet.

  “Dragan, oh God, Dragan. Please,” she called out again. My skin crawled at the sound. The house was so quiet, except for her voice. My breath was coming out in short bursts now. My heart knocked hard against my bones. Bending I extracted the compact nine millimeter from my ankle strap and disengaged the safety. When what sounded like a whimper came from the room in front of me, a sinking sense of foreboding nestled at the bottom of my stomach. My arms and legs felt leaden. With effort I reached for the light switch and illuminated the kitchen. As my pupils contracted to the influx of light, I noticed Toni standing in the middle of the room. Dressed in a thin white camisole and silky white underwear. I fought the urge to study her breasts and brought my gaze to her face.

  Her eyes were rimmed red, her cheeks streaked with tears. When I started to speak again I finally noticed the man standing behind her.

  Only a few inches taller than Toni, he wore all black. His face covered in a knit mask. He’d snaked his forearm around Toni’s neck. A four and a half inch double-edged boot knife pressed against her throat.

  I instantly raised my hands in surrender. The gun remained in my hand. “What do you need my man?” I asked.

  The assailant grunted and tucked the knife under Toni’s chin. “You weren’t supposed to be here,” he replied.

  I hissed. I knew that voice. A voice that had haunted me for decades.

  “Turn around and walk away. Let me do what I have to do.”

  I stared. All the years of training. The countless lives I’d taken and I was powerless against this one man.

  “Do it, goddamn it!” The man barked. “Get the fuck out of here. NOW!”

  Reluctantly I started to turn on my heel but stopped when I caught Toni’s eyes. So blue, so despondent.

  “Dragan, please don’t leave… ” Her words were cut by the blade of the knife as its edge cut a thin red line across her throat. Her eyes grew wide with shock as the forearm, holding her immobile, disappeared. Her body folding to the floor.

  “Toni,” I screamed, a sound so shrill, foreign, I didn’t recognize it as coming from me. I rushed to her, dropping to my knees. “Oh, God, Toni. Hold on,” I croaked. Pressing one hand to her throat, I watched as blood gushed threw my fingers.

  Falling on my ass, I pulled her onto my lap. One hand staying at her throat. The other holding her head up. Her lovely blonde hair streaked in red.

  “Everything is alright,” she said with a smile.

  “No, my beauty. It’s not, I confessed. “Fucking useless. I’m fucking useless,” I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut.

  “No, you’re not. Dragan, you’re not useless,” she fussed softly. Bringing her hand up to stroke my hair. “Everything is fine. You’re safe. Dragan. Just open your eyes for me, ok?” I couldn’t do it. I didn’t want to see the blood. I couldn’t watch her die in my arms.




  We stopped by the hospital before Dragan drove me to the bar. I’d needed to check on Mom and talk with the outgoing nursing staff before shifts change. A little trick I’d learned years ago. Be there to talk with the nurses. You could die of old age waiting for a doctor to return a phone call.

  While eating breakfast I’d tried, without success, to get Dragan to talk about the nightmare he had last night. In truth he’d scared the crap out of me because I forgot he was on the sofa. When my alarm went off, I was reaching out to slap the snooze button when I heard him calling my name.

  When I’d finally woke him and got him off the couch, he was soaked in sweat. He kept touching my face, tracing my throat. He looked... haunted.

  Characteristically male, he denied the severity of the dream. Even though I saw it in his face. He looked lost. And for the first time in my life, I wanted to be the kind of woman to make it all better. I just didn’t have that thing Evie had. That softness. But when I offered, he stared at me like I had two heads. On the plus side, he made me breakfast. So, I ate and tried not to get jealous at the thought that he would probably call Evie and tell her about his feelings. But, since, I apparently love rejection from this man; I tried again in the car. Still nothing.

  So, I got to The Booth and started getting ready for the day.

  The Booth was famous for a few different things. The music, the burgers and my muffins. And no, I was not referring to my tits.

  I got through one year of college before my mom got sick enough that I needed to drop out to focus on her. She was not happy but there was no way in hell I was going to be in New Orleans at Tulane when she was alone in Austin. And being a stupid nineteen-year-old I’d convinced myself that I would go back to college, but I didn’t. Honestly, I didn’t care. I missed Austin and Evie and David. And I really missed my momma. So, I came home and David hooked me up at The Booth. He’d been playing gigs and was in real good with Rosa and Lenny. Within a year, he’d taught me all I needed to know to manage the place and I found that I loved it. I’d developed a true affection for a lot of the regulars. I got to hear the live bands and even sang every now and again.

  Sundays, however, were special. On Sundays, I came in early to bake sweet breads and muffins. And whatever I sold, Rosa let me keep the profits. That was at least an extra two hundred bucks in my pocket a week. And all that extra went into my Booth fund.

  In addition to my job at the bar, I worked a few mornings for Benny. Plus, I cleaned about fifteen businesses a week. Every extra dime I made, with the exception of the occasional pedicure, went to the fund.

  Rosa had been itching to go back home to Oklahoma since her husband died. And she and I had an agreement. When she was ready to sell, I got first crack at The Booth. It was my place and I wanted it. Rosa just didn’t have the heart to make changes, but I did. A bigger stage and a better kitchen was just the start. The place was already legendary; I was going to make it epic.

  So I started on dry ingredients, ignored that fact that my car was still dead at the side of the road and started baking.

  The Dragan

  After dropping Toni off at the bar, I went to my apartment, stripped and jumped in the shower. My mind turning over the fucked up dream from the night before. I’d scared the hell out of Antonina. No woman should wake up to some jackass sc
reaming on her sofa. I’d been having those nightmares more often since I was back in Austin. I’d also had my fair share of erotic dreams since I’d first laid eyes on Toni. I would have preferred a wet dream to what I got this morning. Christ, just thinking about waking up to that beautiful face looking down at me got me hard. Fuck, the erection I immediately sprouted was enough to drive the images of the nightmare death from my mind. Then she had to go and be nice to me. That just fucked with my head more. And I was a prick to her. She kept pushing me to talk to her. Hearing her voice, husky with sleep, offering to help just made me harder. The woman was a flat knockout. Just wakin’ up to that. I didn’t deserve it with the way I’d been treating her but I wanted it.

  But, today was the day. No more games. The call I just got clinched it.

  When I’d approached Rosa about selling The Booth to me six months ago, she’d initially refused. Equivocated back and forth on why, but the answer was always no. I knew I was going to retire once the shit was done with Irina and the Drobski case. I just didn’t know how long I’d be working it in Austin.

  Imbedded agents had brought east coast operations of the syndicate to a screeching halt right around the time I’d reappeared to my brother and sisters. I thought I was going to find a family unit, tight and dirty. Instead I discovered Sergey only really had a relationship with Brenna. And that was predicated on keeping Irina and the rest of the family at a distance. My brother was a good cop. And a righteous man. They’d asked him to do a favor that wasn’t on the up and up and he cut them loose. In truth, I was fucking relieved. I needed him as a professional ally. And in truth, I missed him. I had great memories of Sergey. He was a great big brother. And then I met Evelyn Snow. Lovely Evie made me her mission. She was going to save me. I hated lying to her. I needed her to think, I was a bad dude. Shit, I could be a bad guy but she wouldn’t hear of it. She was going to save me. I loved that woman instantly. She was soft and warm. Considerate and funny. Evelyn was a big reason I was ready to make Austin home again.

  On New Year’s Eve, I went to a party at The Booth. It was a celebration. Not only of the New Year but that afternoon Rosa Sabin verbally accepted my offer to buy the bar. Hell, she’d agreed to sell the whole damn building. I had the block and I had big plans. She just had one stipulation. Stay away from Toni Hume. No mention of the sale in the bar. She didn’t want anyone to know yet. So, I’ve been vague with Sergey and Evie. Just let them know I was ready to retire and make a life in Austin.

  At the time, I thought nothing of it. I’d seen Toni at the bar. She seemed like a typical Texan beauty queen. All looks and no substance. She was also rude, pushy, opinionated and self-absorbed. Rosa asked me to stay clear. I thought it would be easy. It didn’t take long to figure out that Toni was not easy to ignore. And then at that New Year’s party she walked right up to me and offered herself. And I had to say no! I had to look into that face and decline the honor of getting between those legs. Fucking torture. And the only way to keep from falling to my knees and begging for another chance was to be a dick.

  But now, finally after weeks, I got a call from my attorney saying Rosa had signed on the dotted line last night. The contract was in his hands and ready for me. The Booth was mine. I’d been so worried she was going to back out of the deal. She’d started refusing to meet at the bar to talk. She kept asking about keeping staff on when I took over. There was no way in hell people would be fired. She wanted my assurances that Toni’s job was safe. Of course it fucking was. I didn’t want to blow shit up. I just wanted something clean for me to have. I was coming back into the fold. I was coming back solid. And Antonina Hume was going to be mine.

  Standing there in the crappy little shower, holding my cock once again at the thought of Antonina, I decided this was the last time I’d jack it in the shower because of the state of perma-hard on that woman kept me in.




  I woke up to find myself alone in bed. From down the hall I could hear muted male voices and the tinkling of spoons to cups. Coffee was ready! The smell made me mildly sick to my stomach but I knew I just needed the first cup of java and I would be okay.

  After Brenna and Boris left, a wave of nausea hit me. I’d fell asleep on the sofa with the boys. Sergey had put me to bed last night. I hadn’t even brushed my teeth. They felt hairy. I crawled out from between the covers, a little ache between my eyes reminding me not to drink red wine and I got in the shower.

  I threw on a pair of my second favorite pair of yoga pants (Sergey had ripped my first favorite pair off me last week), a bra, a lavender short-sleeved T-shirt and fuzzy socks and made my way into the kitchen.

  At the table was a knot of sexy. My Sergey, still in his workout gear. His hair curling and damp from the sweat. Nico in nothing but a pair of silky looking blue basketball shorts and running shoes. Yep. The body was every bit as impressive as the face. Tanned, lean and strong. God is good.

  “Morning baby,” Sergey purred, hooking his finger into my waistband to get me close. “How you feel, this morning?”

  Morning, honey. “I feel better,” I lied, kissing him. He tasted like coffee and my nipples went hard immediately. He had that effect on me.

  I went to Nico who stood and folded his arms around me. “Did you sleep well?’ I asked. He kissed my cheek and smiled.

  “Like a baby, Evie. Thanks. You sit and I will make you a cup of coffee.”

  I grinned. “No you won’t. I got it.” I turned and went to the coffee maker, doctored a mug for myself and went back to the table.

  “So, what are you boys talking about this morning?” I asked through a yawn.

  Sergey answered. “Antonina’s car wouldn’t start last night. Tow truck picked it up a few minutes ago. He just called.”

  I frowned. “How’d she get home?” Toni’s car was crap but just like me she didn’t want to part with it.

  “Dragan took her home.” Sergey answered.

  Oh, did he?” I asked. This got me a laugh from the brothers.

  “Yep,” the brothers said in unison.

  I raised a brow and contemplated Toni’s reaction to the cost of a tow truck.

  Sergey took a drink of coffee and plowed head first into the rest of the story. “Babe, Dragan says Toni’s mom had some trouble last night. He ended up with Toni at the ER.”

  “What kind of trouble,” I asked.

  Sergey shook his head. “Don’t know details, baby. Just that he got Toni home and cops and a squad were there. They admitted her mom. Dragan took Toni to work this morning.”

  I rolled my eyes. Toni and her damn secrets. “What the hell?” I groaned and went to my phone on the counter. This was classic Toni. Crap falls down around her ears and she won’t reach out. It’d been like this for a couple years now and I was done.

  I poked out her number on the keypad and waited.

  “Sup?” was her reply.

  “What the hell’s going on with your mom, Toni?” I replied.

  There was a silence and a deep exhale before she spoke. “Evie, everything is cool. She took a tumble. I told Mikhailov not to—”

  I interrupted. “I don’t care what you told Dragan. You should have called me. What’s happened? Is she out of remission? Talk to me Toni!”

  “Mikhailov came. You were sick. And I don’t want to get into this on the phone. I have everything under control. And right now I got customers waitin’ for me.”

  Shit, it was Sunday so Toni was at the Booth early. “Well, I will be there in 30 minutes. In between customers you are going to tell me what’s up with Patsy. What time is Rosa in today?”

  Toni groaned. “She just walked in with Dragan. She looks upset. Let me call you back, okay?”

  Standing, I walked out of the kitchen. “Don’t bother. I’m on the way to the bar now,” I answered and disconnected before she could reply.

  I went into the bedroom and got my socks and shoes on. I was brushing my teeth again when Se
rgey came up behind me.

  “Baby,” he said into my neck. “What’s up?”

  I rinsed, spit and replied, “I don’t know Sergey. I knew something was going on with her and I assumed it was about Dragan.” I turned into his chest and enfolded my arms around his middle. “I’m so damn wrapped up in my own life; I didn’t consider it was Patsy.”

  He kissed the top of my head. “Dragan said her mom got a pretty deep cut to the arm. And she broke her leg in a fall. He said the doctor at the ER wasn’t optimistic.”

  “I bet you anything the MS is out of remission.”

  “Dragan said Toni wouldn’t share details.”

  “That’s Toni,” I replied and took his face into my hands. “I’m sorry to mess up our first Sunday with Nico. But I need to go to her.”

  He kissed me then. “You’re not messing anything up, baby. Let’s go to your girl. Do what you gotta do to help her. I’ll be right there with you if you need me.”

  “Oh, honey… you don’t have to come with me.”

  “Oh no!” He shook his head. “Babe, you were sick last night. I’m with you today. Now get those fucking tight pants off. I don’t want other men looking at that ass.” He wrapped his arms around my middle and slid his hands down to cup my butt cheeks. Squeezing them, he groaned. “This ass is mine, Evie.”

  I smiled and kissed his jaw, his chin. “Yes, sweet pea, it is.” I rubbed my face into his chest. “Love you honey.”

  He grinned, his eyes sparkling emerald green. “I love you, baby,” he whispered into my hair.



  The Dragan

  Something smelled amazing.

  Rosa and I had just come from my attorney’s office. It was done. I was a business owner.

  It was eleven in the morning and the Booth had at least five dozen people scattered around tables and at the bar. An odd combination of drinkers and caffeine fanatics. Toni had a pot of coffee, pouring the hot liquid into a mug in front of an elderly man. His back to me.


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