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1635: The Eastern Front (assiti shards)

Page 38

by Eric Flint

  As he walked down the corridor to the very large chamber that had served the electors of Brandenburg for a reception room, Axel mused on his long relationship with Gustav Adolf. His father had died when he was sixteen-too young to rule by Swedish law and custom. At the same time, his capabilities were obvious and no one wanted a long regency with all of its attendant problems.

  Axel himself had been only twenty-eight at the time. But he was a scion of one of the great noble families and already very influential. He had been the principal engineer of the arrangement that had enabled Gustav Adolf to come to the throne on January 4, 1612. He'd been only seventeen years old at the time.

  Part of the arrangement had required the young king to sign a charter of guarantees that restored most of the rights and privileges of the nobility that previous Vasa rulers had stripped away from them.

  Twenty-three years had gone by since then; almost twenty-four. For most of those years, Gustav Adolf had scrupulously abided by the charter of guarantees. In letter, at least. Inevitably, a monarch as capable and forceful as he would overshadow any nobility. But no one could reasonably ask for more. A weak and incapable monarch was far worse.

  Then the Americans had come through the Ring of Fire. Within a year, their alliance with Gustav Adolf had begun to take shape. It had first crystallized in the formation of the Confederated Principalities of Europe, in the fall of 1632. A year later, under the impact of the war launched by the League of Ostend, the CPE's ramshackle structure had been swept away and replaced with the much more powerful United States of Europe-a true federation, now, with real national power.

  Oxenstierna had had misgivings from the start. Still, the advantages had been obvious; hard to resist, even for a nobleman, much less a king. For all his dislike of the Americans-their ways and customs and attitudes; he did not dislike all of them as people; some, he even liked-Axel was neither stupid nor blind. There was no doubt that it was the alliance with Grantville-even with Michael Stearns, the man-that had enabled Gustav Adolf to rise so quickly to the prominence he now held in European affairs. Soon enough, Axel didn't doubt, in world affairs.

  On the day of the Ring of Fire, Gustav Adolf had been the "Lion of the North." The king of Sweden, merely, but a king whose own innate abilities had made Sweden a much greater power than its population and resources would normally have warranted.

  Four and a half years had gone by. Today, Gustav Adolf was still king of Sweden-and a considerably richer Sweden. He was also the emperor of the United States of Europe, a position which, despite the many republican absurdities and aggravations attendant upon it, still gave Gustav Adolf unmatched military power. Power which he'd used, among other things, to resurrect the Union of Kalmar-on a Swedish foundation this time, not a Danish one-and reunite Scandinavia for the first time since the middle ages.

  All well and good. But as time went on-it was obvious, even if the king himself had been blind to it-the American elixir had become a poison. The higher the king rose, the weaker became the foundations of his rule. Before much longer, if this went on, it would all be swept away.

  Axel thought the hand of God had been at work, that day on the shores of Lake Bledno. A king's life had been saved, yes, by a valiant hero. But perhaps just as important-here lay the subtlety of the Lord's work-was that the king fell into a swoon. A swoon that now looked to last for quite some time. Months, almost certainly. Possibly years. (Possibly forever, too; but the chancellor's mind shied away from that.)

  Oxenstierna knew well the workings of his friend's mind. Gustav Adolf would remain loyal to a fault. He'd made his agreements with Michael Stearns, and would keep to them, even if those agreements were draining the lifeblood out of his realms.

  So, Axel thought, God's hand. Let the king sleep while his faithful servitors did what had to be done.

  He'd reached the door to the reception hall. Quickly, two servants opened it for him.

  He stepped through. Wilhelm Wettin was waiting there.

  A weak and slender reed, Wettin. A decent man, yes. Too decent, perhaps, for what had to be done. But between Oxenstierna's pressure from above and the pressure brought by his many followers from below, he'd finally acquiesced.

  Again, God's hand at work. Had Gustav Adolf still been in full command of his senses, the chancellor would not have been able to bring the prime minister to this point. He was quite sure of it.

  Wettin was looking pale; his face drawn; close to haggard, even.

  Oxenstierna took him by the shoulder and swung him to face the crowd that was packed into the great reception hall.

  "Have faith, Wilhelm," he said.

  The crowd roared. Oxenstierna released his grip from the prime minister's shoulder and took two steps forward. Then, raised his hands high.

  "It is time to end the anarchy! Are you with us?"

  The roar was deafening.

  Cast of Characters

  Ableidinger, Constantin Member of USE Parliament; leader of the Ram movement.

  Abrabanel, Rebecca Leader of the Fourth of July Party; wife of Mike Stearns.

  Achterhof, Gunther Leader of the Committees of Correspondence.

  Adamczyk, Lubomir Polish hussar.

  Ancelin, Gui French Huguenot fanatic; part of Delerue-Ducos organization.

  Baner, Johan Gustafsson Swedish general.

  Bartley, David Supply officer in Third Division; also a financier.

  Beasley, Denise Teenage girl employed as an agent by Francisco Nasi; informally betrothed to Eddie Junker.

  Bose, Carl Colonel in the Saxon army.

  Brillard, Mathurin French Huguenot fanatic; part of Delerue-Ducos organization.

  Brunswick-Luneburg, Major general in command of the 1st

  George, duke of Division, USE Army.

  Christian IV King of Denmark.

  Christoph, Georg, Brigadier, 3rd Division, USE Army.

  von Taupadel

  Delerue, Antoine French Huguenot fanatic; part of Delerue-Ducos organization.

  Derfflinger, George Brigadier, 3rd Division, USE Army.

  Donner, Agathe "Tata" Daughter of Reichard Donner, leader of the Mainz CoC; now a CoC organizer in Dresden.

  Dreeson, Henry Former mayor of Grantville; assassinated by Huguenot fanatics.

  Drugeth, Janos Hungarian nobleman; friend and adviser of Ferdinand III.

  Ducos, Michel Assassin; leader of Huguenot fanatic organization.

  Duerr, Ulbrecht Officer, USE Army; aide to Mike Stearns.

  Engler, Thorsten Captain in USE Army; fiance of Caroline Platzer; also the imperial count of Narnia.

  Ferdinand III Emperor of Austria.

  George William Elector of Brandenburg; Gustav Adolf's brother-in-law.

  Gundelfinger, Helene Vice-President of the State of Thuringia-Franconia; leader of the Fourth of July Party.

  Hans Georg, von Arnim Commanding general of the Saxon army.

  Hesse-Kassel, Noblewoman, wife of Wilhelm V of

  Amalie Elizabeth, Hesse-Kassel.

  landgravine of

  Hesse-Kassel, Ruler of Hesse-Kassel.

  Wilhelm V,

  landgrave of

  Higgins, Jeffrey ("Jeff") Officer, USE Army; husband of Gretchen Richter.

  Hugelmair, Minnie Teenage girl employed as an agent by Francisco Nasi; friend of Denise Beasley; adopted daughter of Benny Pierce.

  John George I Elector of Saxony.

  Junker, Egidius "Eddie" Former agent of the SoTF government, now employed as an agent and pilot by Francisco Nasi; informally betrothed to Denise Beasley.

  Knyphausen, Dodo Major general in command of the 2nd Division, USE Army.

  Koniecpolski, Stanislaw Grand hetman of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

  Krenz, Eric Lieutenant, USE Army.

  Kresse, Georg Leader of guerrilla movement in the Vogtland.

  Kuefer, Wilhelm Guerrilla fighter in the Vogtland; Kresse's assistant.

  Leebrick, Anthony Officer, USE Army; aide to Mike Stearns.
/>   Levasseur, Abraham French Huguenot fanatic; part of Delerue-Ducos organization.

  Linn, Jason Soldier in flying artillery unit attached to the 3rd Division.

  Locquifier, Guillaume French Huguenot fanatic; part of Delerue-Ducos organization.

  Long, Christopher Officer, USE Army; aide to Mike Stearns.

  Mademann, Charles French Huguenot fanatic; part of Delerue-Ducos organization.

  Mailey, Melissa Adviser to Mike Stearns; leader of the Fourth of July Party.

  Maria Eleonora of Queen of Sweden; wife of Gustav Adolf;

  Brandenburg mother of Kristina.

  Nasi, Francisco Former head of intelligence for Mike Stearns; now operates a private intelligence agency.

  Norddahl, Baldur Norwegian adventurer and engineer in Danish service; friend and assistant of Prince Ulrik.

  Opalinski, Lukasz Polish hussar.

  Ouvrard, Robert French Huguenot fanatic; part of Delerue-Ducos organization.

  Oxenstierna, Axel Swedish chancellor, chief advisor of Gustav II Adolf

  Piazza, Edward ("Ed") President of the State of Thuringia-Franconia; leader of the Fourth of July Party.

  Piesel, Anna Guerrilla fighter in the Vogtland; betrothed to Georg Kresse.

  Platzer, Caroline Ann Social worker in Magdeburg; companion for Princess Kristina; betrothed to Thorsten Engler

  Richelieu, Armand Jean Cardinal; first minister of Louis XIII; the

  du Plessis de effective head of the French government.

  Richter, Anna Elisabetha Gretchen Richter's younger sister.


  Richter, Leader of the Committees of

  Maria Margaretha Correspondence; wife of Jeff Higgins.


  Saxe-Weimar, Brother of Wilhelm Wettin; regent for

  Ernst, duke of Gustav Adolf in the Oberpfalz (Upper Palatinate).

  Saxe-Weimar, See: Wilhelm Wettin.

  Wilhelm IV, duke of

  Schuster, Ludwig Brigadier, 3rd Division, USE Army.

  Short, Andrew Former Yeoman Warder, Tower of London; now the head of security for Rebecca Abrabanel.

  Stearns, Michael "Mike" Former prime minister of the United States of Europe; now a major general in command of the 3rd Division, USE Army; husband of Rebecca Abrabanel.

  Strigel, Matthias Governor of Magdeburg province; leader of the Fourth of July Party.

  Stull, Noelle Former agent for the SoTF government, now employed by Francisco Nasi; is being courted by Janos Drugeth.

  Thierbach, Joachim von Leader of the Committees of

  "Spartacus" Correspondence.

  Torstensson, Lennart Commanding general of the USE army.

  Tourneau, Andre French Huguenot fanatic; part of Delerue-Ducos organization.

  Towson, Richard Officer, USE Army.

  Ulrik Prince of Denmark; youngest son of Christian IV in the line of succession; betrothed to Princess Kristina of Sweden.

  Vasa, Gustav II Adolf King of Sweden; emperor of the United States of Europe; also known as Gustavus Adolphus.

  Vasa, Kristina Daughter and heir of Gustav II Adolf.

  Vasa, Wladyslaw IV King of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

  Welch, Patrick Officer, USE Army.

  Wettin, Wilhelm Prime Minister of the USE; leader of the Crown Loyalist Party (formerly Wilhelm IV, duke of Saxe-Weimar).

  Wojtowicz, Jozef Nephew of Grand Hetman Koniecpolski; head of Polish intelligence in the USE.

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