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In the Light of the Moon (Dark War Chronicles)

Page 10

by Kessler, A. L.

He watched as she disappeared back into her room. Before he could get into any more trouble he ran out of the mansion and into the woods, shifting in mid stride once he was out of view. Running in this form was the quickest way back to his home. He needed to get cleaned up and see Kassity. His panther begged to see her to make sure she hadn’t been harmed. An ache formed in his chest when he thought about his conversation with Lucius, maybe she would be willing to listen to reason. As a mercenary he never asked questions about his mission, maybe he should start now. Especially if this blew up in his face. In the mist of a war, he was going to try and prove that fate was real and that Kass was his mate. One of the last panther females. The other one he knew wasn't his mate, he couldn't calm the beast when she came after him. He was starting to wonder how Kass could be related to that nut job of a family.

  Kass walked into the club and tried to ignore the pulsing music beating around her. Her beast paced below the surface as it felt trapped by the pounding beats. Scents mingled in the air. The scent of a couple male panthers tickled her nose and teased her senses, but she pushed it off. Even if her brothers were here she knew they wouldn't be stupid enough to attack in a club this full. She got behind the bar giving a little wave to a glowering Coran as she went to work fixing drinks.

  With each beat of the music her stomach churned and her head felt like it wanted to explode. She should have told Lucius that she couldn’t come in. Derrik came up and whispered something into the other female bartender's ear and then walked away. The girl came up to Kass. "Hey sweetie, you should take a break. You're looking kind of pale."

  Without an argument Kass stepped out of the bar, going towards the break room. She had all intentions of going to the bathroom, but only made it a few feet before her stomach revolted and she rushed to the trash can. She held her hair back as she threw up again until she was dry heaving. Gentle hands came and took the place of her hands, holding her hair out of the way. She pulled back up and turned around to see who had come to keep to her rescue. Derrik stood there, arms crossed as his eyes studied her.

  "Too much to drink?"

  She shook her head. "I'm sorry, I'm just not feeling well."

  "You shouldn't have come in."

  "I know, but I didn't want to go against Lucius' orders."


  "I'm sorry?"

  "You heard me, sit." He motioned to the chair. "There's something interesting on the news that I want you to see." He clicked on the little tv in the room as Kass sat down and swallowed. As the box flickered to life as Derrik handed her a can of lemon lime soda and then moved the trash can closer to them.

  Kass saw the news lady look at her notes and then look up on the screen. "Our next story tonight, is a tragic one. A young boy caught his mother's death on a camera last night." Kass’ stomach dropped as images of her killing the woman appeared on the screen. "The boy said that his mother had handed him her cell phone to play with and the camera was one of his favorite features on it. He managed to catch this horrible footage of her death. The police report that he was questioned about the animal. The boy was too scared to comment on camera." The ear splitting scream of the child came across the speakers and Kass reached for the trash can again as her beast paced in her as if to say 'I should have killed him'.

  "I know that was you, Kass."

  She nodded, but wouldn't look at him.

  "What is going on?"

  She shook her head as she came up from dry heaving. "Can't say. Can't really control it." She mumbled as she tried to get the images out of her head. She realized what Lucius did to protect her human side, now she wished she hadn’t begged for her control back.

  "Kassity, you're killing people. That isn't normal for a panther. What is going on? I'm worried about you." Derrik put a hand on her shoulder. "Take a few more sips of the soda."

  She did as he suggested and sighed. "Lucius is having me kill people in human politics so supernatural supporters or supernaturals can take their place. That's all I know. This is the only kill that I can truly remember as a human. He stripped me completely of my control, but the other night he returned part of it."


  Kass looked up at him. "I'm not bonded with my panther. He took that from me a couple years ago.”

  "You haven't tried to get it back?"

  She hesitated for a moment. "The original way that I was able to gain control wasn't normal, it was forced and it was get control or die. I'm unable to use the same method, I don't know how else to do it." She hated the fact her voice sounded so helpless as she explained this.

  "This is so going to get me in trouble." He groaned, but pulled a chair up in front of her. "I want you to come to me the next full moon."


  "I can help you. Lucius may want you stripped of your control, but it puts my people and humans in harms way. I refuse to have that." He touched her cheek so she would look at him. "War is upon us, and we need you to have control so you can protect yourself and help us if needed."

  She shook her head. "I have no part in this war. I'm Lucius tool. No one really cares about the panthers, they leave us alone."

  "You think that's true? The Black Moon clan is already starting to ally with other cruel rogue groups."

  She froze at the name of the clan. "How do you know this?"

  "They were in here talking to members the other night. Why do you look so worried about that?"

  "I don't know what you mean."

  He chuckled. “You’re entire body tensed, your eyes widened, your heart skipped a few beats at the name. Why?”

  “That’s my family. I used to belong to that clan. I…I need to go home.” She shook her head and stood. “I’m not feeling well and I shouldn’t be around people right now.”

  He nodded. “I was going to suggest you going home anyways. Get some rest. I’ll see you in a few nights and remember Kass. Night of the full moon I want you here. Understood?”

  “Yes.” She grabbed her jacket off the hook by the break room door and ran out of the club.

  Chapter Eleven

  Kass woke with a jump from her nightmare. Sweat poured down her face, her sheets trapped her limbs in a tangled mess and her body hung half off the mattress. With a sigh she freed herself and sat up. The day had brought nothing on but nightmares and now she knew the sun was sinking and it was time to start her night.

  “Fuck.” She groaned rubbing her eyes as the door opened.

  Lucius walked in. “Fuck indeed. I could hear you screaming out in your sleep from down the hall all day. I thought the bad dreams had faded over the years.”

  “Yeah, so did I, but it seems that recent events have brought them back up.” She ran her hand through her nest of hair and tugged at it until the knots broke apart. “Derrik told me something interesting last night.”

  Lucius leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. “Oh?”

  “My clan is trying to gather rogues.”

  “So they are in town for another purpose.”

  Kass glanced up. “What is that supposed to mean?

  “You’re their other purpose, Kass. You know it was Garret who attacked you.” He raised a brow. “It didn’t occur to you that they were in town for you?”

  She shook her head. “I thought it was just a coincidence that they found me here.”

  “You don’t honestly believe that.” He laughed. “Look deep in your heart, we’ve already talked about how someone could have known you were here. Someone had to have told them.”

  Kass swallowed. “Mae didn’t tell anyone and Josh is dead. So unless you told them, not many other people know where I’m from.”

  “Don’t you think that it’s strange that someone else has come into your life at the same time?” He asked as he stalked towards her.

  Her heart fell at the thought of Jax betraying her. Lying to her about why he was there. “No, I don’t think Jax has anything to do with this.” She met his eyes. “I’m scared. I don’t want to go back, b
ut I know I can’t fight them without my control.”

  “I won’t let them get you. You just have to follow my rules for you, believe it or not I want to protect you.” He nodded. “You are mine. And I protect what is mine.”

  She nodded and took a deep breath. “I smelt them at the club and I know that I’ve scented them in the bar. So they are after me too, but why would they be gathering rogues? The war doesn’t really include them, does it?”

  “The war is among all supernatural creatures now, they may not choose a side, but they want to protect themselves just as much and form alliances.” He shrugged. “Tegan said you came by to talk to her.”

  Kass nodded at the sudden change of conversation. “Yeah, got what I think is an address that I’m going to check out. I got her to write it down for me before she freaked out. How she’s doing?”

  “As strange as ever, as long as I don’t mention it she seems to be returning back to normal.” He shrugged. “Seems like there’s not going to be a dull moment around here for a while.” He smirked. “Have a good night, and think about what I said.”

  The door closed behind him and she rubbed her eyes again, trying to push all doubt away. Jax was supposed to be her mate, but he hadn’t been around in a couple days. There was no sign of fate except for him being able to calm her beast and it was strange for him to appear the same time the attacks started. She shook her head. “No. He wouldn’t have a reason to tell them. I hadn’t told him until recently where I came from.” She spoke to the nagging voice in the back of her head before getting up and going to her closet.

  Jax pushed his way to the bar. Ignoring how his body was still protesting in places from his fight, he shoved his way through the dance floor. He hadn’t tried to visit Kass tonight and she wasn’t here when he tried the night before. Someone had said she was sick, but he wasn’t so sure. He recalled her long red hair in the moon light, and the way the beams played off her pale skin and her oh so blue eyes. His panther twitched as his cock stirred. Yeah, he needed a drink tonight. No doubt about it. He looked up at the bar tender. “Oh it’s you.”

  Coran sneered at Jax. “Yeah, it’s me. Kassity hasn’t shown up yet, but with the way she stormed out last night I’m not expecting her to show up. What are you doing around?”

  “Why don’t you pour me something strong?” Jax drummed his fingers on the wood of the bar.

  “You look like you’ve been through a fight and you’re trying to forget about a girl. What happen? She beat you up?” Coran laughed and poured Jax a whiskey shot. “Down it goes.” He slid the small glass over to the panther.

  Jax shook his head. “No, got beat up by my employers for backing out of a job. Worth it though, so worth it.” He laughed and closed his eyes. “Now if only I could be with her.”

  “Yeah, I don’t like soap opera’s, let me go get one of the girls.”

  “Her family hired me to bring her back to them. Turns out, it wasn’t going to be a happy reunion.” He shook his head. “I thought all the rumors about the Black Moon clan were just that, rumors.”

  Coran turned back around. “Fuck, you really took a job from them? If that’s the case, I’d stay away from Kass.”

  “Yeah, so I’ve been told. There’s one problem though.” Jax downed the whiskey and motioned for another one.

  Coran poured him one and leaned against the bar. “She’s a woman, go find another one to fuck.”

  “I think she’s my mate, and Lucius is hiding something about her. I know he is.” Jax slammed back the second drink. “He came barging in on us, looking her over for something after we had slept with each other.” He waved to the empty shot glass.

  Coran’s face went blank as he poured another shot. “Yeah, that could be a problem. You tell her this?”

  “She’s suspects the same. I’m the only thing that has been able to calm her wayward beast.” Jax played with the glass for a second. “Lucius threatened to tell her if I didn’t stay away. I haven’t decided what to do about it yet.”

  The bartender shrugged and put the whiskey away. “Honestly man, try to stay away from her, but if you are fated, you won’t be apart for long. Fates are cruel.”

  “No shit.” He downed the drink and looked down. “I need to get out of here if she’s coming in tonight. I really don’t want to cause problems.”

  “Don’t blame you, get going before you get hammered. I’ll take care of the girl for you, for now. I know she’s all sorts of on edge.”

  “She say why?”

  “No, but did you see the news last night? I’m guessing that has something to do with it.”

  “The killing, the one the kid caught on camera, yeah, I bet that’s got her a mess. Hopefully she wasn’t conscious enough to remember it.”

  Coran laughed. “I doubt that was the case. Talked to Derrik about it, she was throwing up everywhere and freaked out at the news.”

  “Not good.” Her scent hit Jax’s nose and he stood. “Catch you later immortal.”

  “See you, cat.”

  Jax weaved his way through the crowd to avoid her and hoped she didn’t scent him or spot him in the crowd.

  Kass came up to the bar and glanced at Coran who kept staring at her. “Got a problem, pup?”

  “Not at all, kitty, just watching you. You look tired.” He grabbed a rag off the bar top and threw it in the sink behind the bar as a customer came up.

  Kass rolled her eyes and went up to the customer. “What can I get you?”

  “Sex on the beach, with you.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

  She snarled and snatched the front of his shirt pulling him close. “Want to try that again?”

  He tried to pull away, but couldn’t escape her grip. “Fuck woman, you’re nuts. I was just passing you a line.”

  Kass shoved him away and he tripped over his own feet, falling to the floor. She jumped over the bar with swift movements and landed in front of him. “You might want to think twice before shooting another comment like that out of your mouth.”

  “Kass.” Coran’s voice sounded far away as she stalked up towards the man on the floor. Her panther wanted to play and he smelt of fear.

  A cruel smile twisted on her lips. “Now you’re speechless.” She took confident steps towards him, her body moving with the grace of her panther.

  “Kassity.” Derrik’s voice echoed around her, making her and her panther freeze as they recognized his dominance. “Office. Now.” Kass spun on the spot and headed towards his office.

  He slammed the door behind them. “What the hell was that all about?”

  “He made a pass at me.”

  “Must have been one hell of a pass for you to jump over the bar and scare the shit out of him.” Derrik snapped at her as he sat at his desk.

  Kass rubbed her eyes. “I’m sorry it’s not like me.”

  “No, it’s not. You shouldn’t have attacked him, I would fire most of my employees for that.” He met her eyes. “Tell me what is going on. You ran out of here last night after I mentioned the clan.”

  She pulled a chair up and slouched into it. “They are here because of me.”

  “What do you mean?” He asked.

  “They are my family, half blood, but family nonetheless. Last I checked they wanted to kill me.”

  “Inconvenient, but I knew this. You confirmed it last night. What I don’t get is Lucius letting you out of his sights. You’re his prize-“

  “Don’t even want to hear it.” She shook her head. “I can’t help what I am and he’s right. He’s the only thing that can keep me safe.”

  She saw hesitations flash across Derrik’s eyes. “Yeah I know you want to take care of me, but you can’t. I can try to come to you during the full moon, but I’m sure he’ll just drag me back home.” She shivered at the thought of being dragged anywhere.

  “Kassity, don’t you even think about it.”

  She stood and shook her head. “I’m not safe here. I’m not safe anywhere.” Her panther stirred in h
er and she bolted for the door. Derrik jumped over his desk and slammed her against the wall, trapping her with her arms at her side. “Don’t run.”

  “Let go of me. I can smell them.” She met his eyes. “Please.”

  Derrik’s eyes searched her face, seeing the fear he let her go. “Go straight back to Lucius. Got it?”

  “Like I would go anywhere else.” She whispered. “Thank you.” She ran out of the room and through the crowd again, ignoring the questioning look from Coran.

  Chapter Twelve

  Kass pulled up to the mansion and sighed when she got out of the car. The quiet night did nothing to sooth her panther’s panic. A gust of wind brought the familiar scent of two males and the fading scent of a female. She turned just in time to be taken to the ground by one of the males, fully shifted so there was no telling if it was Garret or Stephen that was pinning her to the ground. She kicked him off and tried to call her claws to her hands but nothing happened as Stephen walked out of the shadows.

  "Don't have your control any more, do you?" He asked, laughing as Garret paced in front of her. "I thought so when Garret came back without a scratch on him. He was lucky to find you at that bar, I didn't think that your scent was strong enough to mean you were still there. You must have quite the protection."

  She swallowed and dropped to a fighting stance. She knew that she would have a chance if she could shift and take the two, but the fading female scent told her Sarah was around as well. But she questioned if she would be able to remain in control long enough to know what she was doing. The image of the boy watching her came back.

  Garret took advantage of her moment of hesitation and took her down to the ground again. She didn't give herself a choice and shifted. Letting all her fear and panic feed her panther, she snarled and grabbed Garret by the throat, throwing him off of her.

  Kass sat back on her hunches and watched Stephen, willing him to try and attack her. Stephen walked around her as Garret stood back up. "So your shifts are the same, why didn't you attack him the other night?"


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