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Desert Trading Post

Page 6

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  I said, “Yeah. The VPN software is pretty standard these days. It will encrypt the traffic and send it through an anonymous server. No one will know where it came from. I’ll set it all up for you.”

  She said, “Great. Set it all up so that only the window curtains can be seen behind me as a backdrop. No furniture or any clues to where we are. This won’t take long. Dave, now that we’re together, I don’t want to do anything to dishonor you or the relationship that we are in. This is Amber, OK? Not Courtney. And after this, Amber disappears. OK?”

  We set everything up for Courtney to record a message for her…I mean Amber’s fans. We put a chair in front of the window with the curtains closed. Amber would sit there. There was a desk in the room, and we pulled it in front of the chair. The setting and the image looked good when we were done.

  Courtney sat in the chair, naked, and we adjusted the laptop camera to point at her face and just the top of her breasts. It was clear that she was topless at the very least, and she explained that at some points she would be moving so that her nipples would “accidentally” come into view as well. She confirmed the privacy of the connection through the motel wifi and the VPN client on my computer and then loaded the website that would allow her to record and stream her message.

  When we were all ready, she took a deep breath in preparation and I saw a transformation take place. She became Amber. Amber’s voice was higher. Her smile was different. Her posture was different. It was like Courtney really was an actor and Amber was the character that she was playing right now.

  Amber grinned at the camera and said, “Hey fans! It’s me. I have big news! Big big exciting news! Ooh, I’m so excited,” and she bounced happily in her chair.

  I couldn’t see what the camera saw from where I was standing, but I assumed that the fans got a peek at some bouncy boobage.

  She went on, “So anyway, I know you’re going to be super sad, but this is my last video. I’m moving back to Kansas. I’m retiring. There’s this great guy that I’ve known like forever, and he’s asked me to marry him! Yeah, married! He has a farm and I’m going to have horses and some sheep, and it’s way out in the country and when I’m not in the barns, I’ll probably be naked most of the time. I’ll probably be naked half the time I am in the barns. There’s a hayloft and you can bet we’ll be rolling in the hay on a frequent basis. You guys have been the best. I love you all. Be sure to watch for me in the movie we just filmed, it will be my last. Unless I set up a live steam at the farm,” and she giggled and winked.

  She said, “Ooh, I just gave my titties a tingle just thinking about it. Well, time to sign off. The website will be going down in a few days. If you still want to make a donation, the link to my favorite women’s shelter is on the website as always. Bye-bye. I love you.”

  And with that, she bent forward, her breasts clearly hanging in front of the camera, and she pushed the button to end the recording.

  She sighed and said, “Well, that’s done. Here, give me a minute. I’m going to set the video to be posted this evening at five. And now, canceling my account. Today is the 14th. The website will stay up until the end of the month and then go away. I have it set to delete all content. I figure it shouldn’t just disappear with no explanation. That would be suspicious and some fan or someone would go looking for me. I mean Amber. This way, they have an explanation.”

  She worked for another minute and announced that she was done and shut the laptop.

  She said, “OK. That part’s done. Babe, we need to say something before we go on. Dave, I love you. And I’m pretty sure that you love me. Is this a vacation, or are we pretty much permanent? What happens when the vacation ends?”

  I said quickly, “Courtney, let’s go to Las Vegas and get married?”

  I’d thought about it last night. I knew it was a fantasy and didn’t make any sense, but now I just blurted it out. When faced with the idea of leaving Courtney at some point, I couldn’t imagine the horror if it. So, we’d have to get married.

  Courtney laughed and said, “Well, that was honest, wasn’t it? You are precious. I mean that. I love it. But Sweetie, no. I won’t go to Vegas right now and marry you. But not because I don’t love you or because I don’t want to do just that. I think we have to clean something else up first. But I do appreciate the sentiment more than you can know. I think I’d love that. But no. Not yet. But I’ll take that as my answer. We’re staying together. This isn’t a holiday fling. I knew it wasn’t, but we need to be explicit about certain things. Like our pact to treat each other respectfully.”

  I said quietly, “Courtney, I mean it. It’s sudden, but I want to be with you.”

  She said, “I know. And that’s exactly what I want. And it is sudden. And maybe that’s what we will do. But there’s some pesky details to take care of. But if we’re together, Dave I want to make a fresh start. You already bought me new clothes. And I’ve decided to let you buy me whatever I need and to let you provide for me as much as I need you to. But let’s talk about money. It’s only eight in the morning. We have a little bit of time. And then we can decide. I’m broke but believe me, I don’t want your money. Unfortunately, the only way that you can know that is by intuition.”

  I said, “Courtney, I have enough money. I probably don’t have to work anymore if I’m relatively careful. I probably will work, but I might set up my own business.”

  Courtney said, “I can work too. I haven’t made great money for the past few years, well, actually, the money from dancing wasn’t that bad, but I used to make more before my divorce. There’s no alimony, by the way, not that I think you’d care. I think that I can go back to work and do pretty good at what I used to do. Babe, I just don’t want to take advantage of you at all. That’s why I won’t marry you yet. Especially if you have money.”

  I said, “But Courtney…”

  She said, “Hush. We’ll talk about that later. For now, I want to know what you think of this. I will close all of my bank accounts. There’s a little bit on a credit card, but if I clear out the checking account, I can pay it off. I’ll be entirely dependent on you for a while though. I want to have any money that comes in through the website or royalties redirected to a women’s shelter. I have an accountant who can take care of that for me if I make a call. I want to kind of disappear into your arms. Does that sound weird? Anyway, I need to make a few phone calls and let some people know that I’m OK, but going away. Both Amber and Courtney. If I do this, I don’t have anything. It will all be up to you to provide for both of us.”

  I said, “OK! Yeah. That will be fine. But I don’t want you to feel like you have to make decisions because you need me. That won’t be the kind of honesty that we want, will it?”

  She smiled and said, “In some ways, no. Not if I make decisions about how I treat you based on the financial consequences. Not if I give you blow jobs in the morning because I need you to buy me breakfast. But Dave, I won’t do that. We’ll add that to the pact. Rule one: I don’t rob you. Rule two: I don’t use you or give you sex in exchange for anything. I fuck because I love you and you turn me on. And if it gets to where we don’t belong together anymore, I’ll tell you. At that point, I take you up on your offer to take me wherever I want to go and you drop me off and we say goodbye. Fair enough? Good. I need a disposable phone and we need to go to a bank when it opens. I’ll need some more clothes, but I’d like to get those later. Today I can just wear the dress we bought yesterday. And we need breakfast.”

  I said, “OK. Um, didn’t you have a phone?”

  She said, “I did. But they had it set up to let them see where I was all the time. After I got out of the taxi, I stuck it in the guy’s bumper and it’s driving around who knows where until the battery runs out. Oh, I have to cancel that account too. So, get me a disposable phone and I’ll use that to make what calls we need and then I’ll dump it.”

  I said, “I could get you a phone of your own.”

  She said, “Yeah, after I make these ca
lls from Amber and don’t need to worry about someone trying to trace my call logs. Hey, let’s take a look at what’s in my purse.”

  Courtney stood up and walked across the room and dumped the contents of the purse that she had with her onto the bedspread.

  She said, “Driver’s license. I’ll keep that. Social security card. The ATM card and the credit card we’ll leave at the bank. Seventy-six cents in change. Leave that for the maid along with whatever tip you usually give. A wallet, no photos, some phone numbers that I’ll only need for another hour or so, lipstick, some garbage receipts, a button, and a shoelace, for some reason, a loyalty card for a sandwich shop, and a card with the account info for the websites. All trash. So, I keep the driver’s license and Social Security card. Here, put them in your wallet for me. And the bank cards, temporarily. The rest goes back in the purse and we throw it away. You’re going to buy me a new one. This purse belonged to Amber. She doesn’t need it anymore. Maybe I’m paranoid, but I want to throw this all away, but in a way that doesn’t leave clues about where we really went. Maybe we could drive around town and dump a piece in different places and drop the purse at a Goodwill store.”

  It sounded like a fine plan, but I was mostly just watching Courtney sit there naked. She was so beautiful. She didn’t act like she noticed.

  Chapter 6 - Settlements

  When we got dressed, Courtney seemed to relish the process, like it was a ritual that she enjoyed. She moved slowly and deliberately. She only had three things to put on, but she took her time. First, she put on her bra. It was lacy and sheer, and it looked amazing. She chose the yellow panties. They pulled up high into her butt and looked soft and comfortable. Finally, she pulled the dress over her head and had me zip up the back for her.

  The dress was yellow with white polka dots. She told me that since I seemed to like polka dots, she’d chosen a dress with some. It was short. Not a mini-skirt, but the hem was above her knees by about four inches and left a lot of leg exposed. When it came time to put on shoes, she balked and said that we need to go back to the store before breakfast so that she could get something new. I think that if she wouldn’t have gotten her feet dirty, that she would have gone barefoot, rather than put on what she’d worn yesterday.

  She stuffed her old dress into the purse, planning to throw it away as well. She wanted everything new from now on.

  We checked out of the motel at the desk and got a small surprise. The girl at the desk was grinning strangely as she printed out our bill. Her name tag read, “Lisa”.

  She said, “You don’t recognize me, do you?”

  I said, “Sorry, no. Do I know you?”

  She said, “I brought your pizza.”

  I must have turned bright red.

  Courtney laughed and said, “That was fun, wasn’t it?”

  Lisa said, “Yeah, it really was. I never had anything like that happen before, and if it had I think I would have been really freaked out. But I wasn’t. And gosh, you guys are both so beautiful. It was kind of cool. I could never do that!”

  Courtney smiled and said, “Don’t. You never have to. You never need to.”

  Lisa said, “Are you guys here very often?”

  Courtney said, “No, not often. If we come back, do you want us to order another pizza?”

  Lisa blushed and said, “It would be fun. Maybe.”

  Courtney said, “Maybe next time you can bring it in and set it on the bed for us. Oh, that won’t work. We have a strict rule about no clothes in the room. Darn! Lisa, you’re very pretty. But, I guess you’ll have to just hand us the pizza from the doorway.”

  Lisa blushed again and said, “Um, unless I follow the rules.”

  Courtney said, “Well, of course! If you strip naked before you come in, then yeah, you can come in. But you’d absolutely have to undress on the landing before you come in. If we do come back this way, you might make sure that our room is on the backside of the motel. I like how it overlooked an empty field. It made me feel like no one was likely to see us when I opened the door for you. Lisa, if we do come back, I promise to open a door for you if that’s what you want.”

  Lisa blurted out, “Oh gosh! Miss, I’m…I um, well, if you order a pizza, you don’t know who would show up, but if you call the desk and ask for towels or something, I’d have to bring them to your room.”

  Courtney grinned and said, “And bring them inside?”

  Lisa said, “Well, that’s what I’m supposed to do unless the guest doesn’t want me to.”

  Courtney said, “Oh, we’d certainly want you to. As long as our rules aren’t a problem. You might think that we could bend the rules in that case, but we won’t be able to. We wouldn’t want you to have to bend over to accommodate us though. What would you think of that? Having to drop your clothes outside and coming in and bending over for us because of the rules that we’d make you follow.”

  Lisa was breathing hard, obviously excited by the vision Courtney was suggesting.

  Lisa said raggedly, “I’d absolutely do it. I’ve never done anything like that, but I think I would. Would you like that? I mean, your husband would be there, right?”

  Courtney said, “Of course. Always. We’re just girls. With me, it’s no big deal. It’s my husband that you’d have to accommodate.”

  Lisa stared at me and then turned back to Courtney. Both Lisa and I were beet red, but Courtney seemed mostly calm about the whole thing.

  Courtney said, “Lisa, I don’t know if we’ll be back or not. But if we do come back, we’ll probably have some reason to need you to come. You’ll probably come more than once. I always do. And speaking of that, is there someone who can take over for you at the desk for a few minutes? You look like you need to get away and be alone for a bit.”

  Lisa looked from Courtney to me, and then back, and said. “Yes, Ma’am! I think I do. I need to um, go to the bathroom, really bad! Damn, I’ve never done anything like this ever!”

  Courtney said, “OK. You run along and take care of yourself. We had a lovely stay. Thanks for the pizza.”

  And with that, the girl ran off and we headed for the door.

  As soon as we were outside, I gasped, “Courtney, what the hell? What were you doing?”

  She grinned as she lowered herself into the seat of the car, pulling her skirt almost to her waist in the process.

  She said, “I was fucking her. Both of you,” and she reached out and stroked the front of my pants where my semi-hard boner sat.

  She said, “And you enjoyed it. And so did she. She was practically wetting herself. I bet her panties are so soaked that she’ll have to go without any for the rest of her shift. She won’t be able to sit down without leaving a wet spot for at least an hour, and probably until she goes home this afternoon. She is so fucked right now. Like she’s never been in her life!”

  I was climbing into the driver’s seat now and said, “But Courtney? Why? And you practically told her that when we stayed here again that you invite her to have sex with me. Or both of us. Would you really want that?”

  Courtney looked straight ahead and said, “Under the right circumstances, I certainly would. Under the right circumstances. We’ll see. But not necessarily. But Babe, that girl needed fucking. So we gave it to her. As far as she was concerned, you were behind her with your dick up her slit while she leaned against the counter and talked to me about our stay. She could feel it. I could feel it.”

  I said, “Courtney, I don’t know if I can do this. I’m not that kind of guy.”

  Courtney said, “And maybe I’m not that kind of girl. But she needed fucking, so we fucked her. We couldn’t help it. And more than that, I think we just changed her life forever. In a good way. From now on, she’ll have a higher standard for sex and relationships. I just know it. She won’t be more of a slut, she’ll be more of a princess. Isn’t that what you’d want for her? From now on, she’ll think that unless she is as turned on as she was a minute ago, she won’t bother. And being that turned on t
akes emotion. I bet she never gives it away cheap ever again. She had a truly erotic experience and that’s what she’ll want in the future.”

  We drove to the store in silence after that. It was a strange mood. Courtney wasn’t as happy and carefree as she had been. I think that her interaction with Lisa and impacted her, too. And I wasn’t sure that it was good.

  We pulled into the parking lot and I held her door while she got out of the car. It wasn’t as busy as it had been the day before.

  Courtney said, “Babe, I love you so much. I feel weird. It makes sense. I’ve been through a lot. My life is changing again and I have to get used to it. So, let’s do some shopping. Well, not really shopping, but let’s buy some stuff. First a hairdryer.”

  That didn’t take much time. The one she picked was small and easy to pack. Next was shoes. She chose some flat-soled sandals that were cute on her and I encouraged her to get a pair of tennis shoes for walking. We grabbed a package with three pair of socks for her, to go with them. She insisted that she didn’t want a second outfit yet. I reminded her about a purse and she quickly found something that would work for her. Everything she wanted was relatively inexpensive. Let’s see: hair dryer, sandals, walking shoes, socks, and a purse. I asked about a suitcase.

  Courtney said, “Dave Honey, would you be OK with me just putting my stuff in your bags? Do you have room? Is it too much too soon to mix our stuff in the same bag?”

  She seemed genuinely concerned, for the first time since I had met her, that she might be suggesting something that was out of bounds.

  I said quickly, “No. Not at all. There’s room in my bags for your stuff if that’s what you want. I’d be kind of honored, to tell you the truth.”

  She smiled and said, “You always tell me the truth. Remember the rules? You had to get to a hundred points before I’d start really going to town on you sexually and emotionally. You broke that in the bathroom before I begged you to get in the shower with me. And you don’t even know what you did. And it wasn’t even intentional. And I love you for it. Do you remember what you have to do for me though?”


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