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Desert Trading Post

Page 21

by Marilyn Foxworthy

Dotty said, “OK, I can agree to that, too. The laundry room is BFZ.”

  Courtney squeezed my hand and said, “Good. I’m happy.”

  I said, “So, from now on, if I want to, this means that I can just leave our room naked and go to the pool and that’s perfectly OK? That’s what we’re saying right? So no restrictions on time of day or that we have to ask permission, or we have to all agree on it beforehand?”

  Dotty said, “No, I think that’s right. Pay attention to the zones and have fun. Pool, gardens, anything behind the outside wall, laundry room, and walking between any of those and your own room is BFZ.”

  Courtney said, “Family living rooms are PFZ: Partial Freedom Zones. Oh, and outdoor dining.”

  Dotty said, “And kitchens and indoor dining are CRZ: Clothing Required Zones.”

  Dan said cheerfully, “Sounds good to me. Do we need signs or something? What about guests? Like when Belinda comes?”

  Courtney said, “We explain the rules and they do what they want. It might be better to designate them by level of clothing. Zone 0: zero clothing required. Zone 1: one piece of clothing; bottoms. Zone 2: two pieces; tops and bottoms.”

  Dotty said, “But there might be times when we make everything clothing required, for a time, while guests are here. But yes, when Lin comes over, she will be told that the pool is clothing optional and she can choose to swim or not. She will want to though. I know she will.”

  Chapter 19 - Family Connections

  The first stop was the hair cuts. Courtney and her mom both got new styles, and Dan and I went ahead and got haircuts too. I preferred a traditional men’s barbershop, but since I couldn’t leave Courtney’s side, I opted for one at the salon. It was fine.

  Courtney bought a few items of clothing. Specifically a pair of shorts and a nice casual blouse. Dotty encouraged her to get fitted for a nice bra, but we weren’t comfortable explaining to the saleswoman that I’d have to be present for the whole time.

  Next was shoes. Courtney bought some low-top hiking boots. Something caught my eye and I tried on a pair of shoes as well. I’d always wondered about what they call barefoot running shoes. I really liked them, and in the end, both Courtney and I bought a pair.

  As we walked out of the store, Courtney announced, “The boat is Zone 1. Topless permitted. And the front, in the bow, is completely Zone 0. Nude sunbathing allowed in the bow of the boat.”

  Dotty said, “You haven't seen your dad’s new boat. I think it’s safe to say that it will be clothing optional on the entire boat. Wait till you see it.”

  Our final stop was at the grocery store where we stocked up on supplies, given that there were more of us staying at the house than Courtney’s parents were used to.

  On the drive home, suddenly Courtney said, “Daddy?”

  Dan said, “Yeah, Kitty? What is it?”

  She said, “Dave fucks me.”

  Dan looked back at us in the rearview mirror and said, “Yeah, I know Sweetie. What do you mean by that? Is something wrong?”

  She said, “No. It’s wonderful. I love it. I just want you to know that we do it and it’s amazing and I like it. I don’t want you to feel weird about it.”

  Dan smiled and turned his attention back to the road ahead of him and said, “Of course, Princess. I’m happy for both of you.”

  She said, “So you aren’t jealous? Because I’m your little girl and stuff? And I’m having sex with a man who’s my husband?”

  Dan said, “Of course not, Kitty. You are a grown woman and I want you to be happy and that includes as much great sex as you can get.”

  Dotty said, “Let me just jump in her a second. Dave, that might have sounded weird, depending on your background, and depending on your understanding of psychology, child development, and how fathers and daughters relate to each other. To be very clear, there has never been any sort of inappropriate activity between Courtney and her father. It’s natural for a father to be jealous and protective of his little girl. In some ways, he is passing his responsibility for her to you. He said so this morning. But if you were in any way worried about it being in any way more than that, don’t be.”

  Courtney said, “Oh, No! Daddy is a perfect gentleman. I just meant exactly what Mom said. But Daddy, I want you to know and I want to be honest. I mean, you have to know already, but I want to say it out loud.”

  Dan said, “I appreciate that Honey. But to tell you the truth, you were loud enough about dawn this morning. You kind of declared it to the whole planet.”

  Courtney said, “And I meant to. I knew exactly what I was doing. But I wanted to say it to you specifically. You deserved that from me.”

  Dan said, “Yeah, Sweetie. Thank you. OK, I gave Dave my blessing to marry you, and that implied other consent from me as well, but to be explicit about it, Son, I give you my blessing to fuck all you can and know that your Mom and I support you 100 percent. Kitty, when did you learn to use the word fuck like that?”

  Courtney said, “Four days ago when I demanded that Dave fuck me for the first time. It just seemed right.”

  We pulled into the driveway in front of the house and unloaded the groceries and our other purchases and went in the house.

  I said, “Soooo…this is stupid, but can we try it out? I feel weird about it, but I really want to do it, so, is this a good time? And um, Mom, you said you’d talk to me about what if things get um, weird.”

  Dotty said, “You mean you want to try out being naked? OK. Remember, you don’t need permission. Dan, we could go for a swim and lie in the sun now, can’t we?”

  Dan said, “What else would we be doing?”

  Dotty said, “Well then, come on. Come on out and we’ll get some towels for the lounge chairs.”

  I said, “I kind of, if you don’t mind, would like to go up to the room and try coming out and walking down to the pool that way.”

  Courtney grabbed my arm and started pulling me up the stairs, calling back to her parents, saying, “We’ll be down in a minute.”

  Then she stopped. She turned around slowly and said, “On second thought, give us 20 or 30 minutes. Not for sex. I have to do something, um, grooming wise. Yeah, that’s it, I need to shave my legs. Oh hell, that’s a lie. Look, we’ll see you in 20 minutes or so, but it’ll be a surprise. I hope.”

  Dotty said, “Take your time. Your dad and I will go on out and arrange the lounges.”

  Courtney pulled me up the stairs again and we ran to our room and slammed the door behind us. Inside, she quickly undressed and told me to hurry and do the same. Leaving our clothes where they landed, Courtney grabbed a few things from the bag from the drug store. Rushing down the hall to the bathroom, she went straight to the shower.

  Standing in the shower without the water running, she spread her legs slightly and handed me a small bottle and a little brush.

  She said, “Dave, paint my pussy!”

  I looked at the bottle of bright blue hair dye and smiled. I started to read the tiny writing on the bottle.

  Courtney said, “We used to color our hair all the time. There’s two bottles. The first one is the clear stuff. Paint around the edges where we don’t want me to be blue. Be liberal and thorough. It’s like a shield so that the blue won’t stain my skin. Just squeeze a little out on the brush and paint around my hairline. You better be sure to paint my pussy lips with it or they will turn blue as well.

  I gave her a look and she smiled and said, “Oh? Maybe we want them to be blue? That sounds kinky. I like it. But do we want to draw that much attention to that in particular? The hair is one thing. Everyone is going to see that no matter what color it is. But if you paint my lips, everyone will look at those.”

  I put some of the liquid on the brush and said, “OK, we won’t do that then. Yet,” and I started painting Courtney’s crotch with the clear dye resistant solution.

  When I was done, I carefully applied the blue die to her yellow pubic hair. She had me put it on thick and make sure that every bit of hair was

  She said, “We have to leave it on for 15 to 30 minutes. In my case, this first time, we’ll leave it for just 15. You can do me again tonight. Oh, 15 minutes! Dave, step out and stand on the bathroom rug for a second. It’s dry enough that it won’t drip.”

  I got out of the shower and stood where Courtney indicated. She spread another towel on the floor, just in case a bit of blue did drip on the floor, and then she surprised me by getting down on her knees in front of me and taking me in her mouth without a word.

  It felt great. But because of our activities at dawn, and the nervousness about being about to be naked in front of her parents for the first time, a quickie for me wasn’t in the cards. We had a great time though. Climax doesn’t have to be the goal. We were loving each other and my orgasm wasn’t essential.

  When it was time, we hopped in the shower, but Courtney warned me to step out at the last minute and just stay nearby where she could see me. Taking the hand wand to the shower, she rinsed herself and streams of blue hair dye ran down the drain. She made sure to rinse both herself and the shower thoroughly. When she was done, her pubic hair was a uniform bright blue color. It had looked darker when I had applied it. Now it was very close to the color of the sapphire at her navel.

  Stepping out of the shower, she started drying herself with the hair drier.

  She said, “The heat will help set the dye. I won’t go in the pool until tomorrow. Otherwise, the water and chlorine will take most of the color out before it really does it’s work. It would turn green. It will last for about three or four weeks and then we’ll do it again. OK. Ready?”

  I grinned and said, “I suppose so,” and we left the bathroom and started down the hall and then the stairs, toward the pool.

  I felt good so far. Stepping outside, through the big glass doors, I could see Dotty and Dan lying on lounge chairs in the sun, wearing nothing but sunglasses. Courtney’s mom was a pretty woman, even at this age. And her dad was fit and handsome as well. I won’t go into what her mom really looked like, but it was clear that Courtney’s beauty, and the size and shape of her breasts and hips, were genetic.

  Dotty said, “You two are so beautiful. Courtney, what are you wearing?”

  The two of us stepped over to where her mother was relaxing and Courtney said, “My wedding rings. One for my finger, one for my belly button, and one for my ankle.”

  Dotty said, “Wow. They are stunning. Dan, do you see this?”

  Dan said, “They are very nice. But the carpet doesn’t match the drapes. I never knew.”

  Courtney said, “Oh yes, Daddy. I have naturally blue hair. I’ve been dying it blond all my life to try to fit in. But now that I’m married and being more truthful about who I am, maybe I’ll let it grow out and be blue all over.”

  Dotty said, “It’s very pretty. So, Davey, let me get a look at you. Strike a pose.”

  I smiled and gave my best chest-out superman pose and waited.

  Dotty laughed and said, “Very handsome. Thank you.”

  Courtney and I sat in lounge chairs and lay back to relax. It was nice. I was naked and the air was hot, and it all felt good. And I wasn’t even embarrassed by any of it. No, I was going to embrace it. I had decided that at breakfast. It was going to happen whether I was comfortable with it or not, so I was going to be part of it. Eagerly and willingly. If that’s what Courtney wanted, then my plan was to be naked as much as possible from now on. Once I’d decided, it wasn’t even really weird at all. Courtney was lying beside me, naked. Her mom was lying beside her, fully naked. Her dad was on the other side of his wife, and he too was completely naked. I needed to buy sunglasses.

  I looked up when I heard the door to the house open.

  A girl said loudly, “What are you guys doing?”

  Courtney sat up and squealed, “Jett!” and ran and grabbed the girl in an affectionate hug.

  The girl protested, “Ooh, get off me you naked freak. What are you doing here? I thought you went to Europe and became a call girl.”

  Courtney laughed and said, “Jett, I missed you. Europe wasn’t all it’s cracked up to be and I missed you and your smile so much that I decided to come move back home and sleep in your bed with you from now on!”

  The girl, Jett apparently, said, “Get off me! You’re naked! And Mom and Dad are too! And who the hell is that?” and she pointed at me.

  Courtney dragged the girl in our direction and Dotty and Dan stood up, so I did too. They weren’t embarrassed, so I wouldn’t be either.

  Dotty said, “Jett Sweetie, this is Dave, Courtney’s new husband. They got married yesterday. We didn’t know when you would be back, or we would have taken you to the wedding with us.”

  Dan said, “Give me hug, Jett.”

  Jett said, “Dad, gross!” but she did hug him, nonetheless.

  I said, “I’m Dave.”

  Jett stood with her arm around her dad, his arm around her shoulders, and said, “You’re gross. Your penis is weird. It’s too big. I like my men to have a smaller dick. Like a roll of nickels. If you come near me, I’ll cut it off. Courtney, you married this joker? Yuck. Why is he naked? I can tell that I don’t like him already. He’s as big as Dad. That’s sick. Divorce him and get someone better. Like a homeless wino.”

  Dotty, “Dave, meet Kitty’s sister, Jett.”

  Jett said, “Actually, it’s Jette Noir VonHellstorm, but you can call me Helen if you must.”

  Dan shook his second daughter by the shoulder affectionately and said, “Well Miss Von Hellstorm, Dave is my Son now, so be nice. Your sister is crazy about him. And I approve. It’s good to have you back Bug. Did you have a good trip? How was New York?”

  Jett said, “The pits. I hated it.”

  Dotty said, “So you had a good time?”

  Jett said, “I guess so. What’s with all the questions. And hugging? I don’t have to like him, and I don’t. And I never will. You might as well bury him now. Before he starts to smell any worse than he already does.”

  Dan said, “Go put on a bathing suit and come join us, Bug.”

  Jett said, “Eww. No. If I was going to join you, I’d just go crazy and throw my clothes away like you guys have. Yuck. You can keep him, but he has to stay outside. If I catch you letting it in the house, I’ll be really mad at you. And give it a bath for Pete’s sake! Daddy, you aren’t letting her keep it, are you? This is a joke, right?”

  Dan laughed and said, “Bug, you wondrous terror! What am I going to do with you? You make me so happy! Sweetie, I’m glad you’re home. Go get settled and come back and we’ll have lunch.”

  Courtney said, “I know what to do with her.”

  Jett scowled and demanded, “What?”

  Courtney said calmly, “We’ll have Dave spank you.”

  Jett yelled, “As if! I’ll eat in my room! But put some clothes on, please! And do not let it in the house. Put it out in the shed if you have to.”

  Jett marched off and Courtney and her parents laughed. I didn’t know what to do. The others finally sat back down, so I did too.

  Dotty said, “Wow. I have never seen her like that before. That was amazing.”

  Courtney said, “I told you. Last night, I told you! Didn’t I tell you?”

  Dotty said, “You did tell me, but I couldn’t believe it. Now I almost do. Dan, do you think this is going to be a problem, or is it all OK?”

  Dan sat for a minute in thought.

  He said, “Um, I think I know what you’re alluding to. I haven’t ever seen her like that either. And yes, if we don’t support it, it will be a problem. Kitty, you anticipated this?”

  Courtney said, “Of course I did.”

  Dan said, “So the black hair?”

  Courtney said, “Daddy, Jett’s a lost dork from the Kingdom of Dark Dorkness, in the land of Stupid Dork Orks. Do you want her to be happy?”

  Dan said earnestly, “I do, Babe. I really do. OK, you have my blessing. I think. We’ll see. Don’t have Dave spank her thoug
h. Not yet, anyway. Maybe I didn’t spank her enough when she was little. I never understood what happened.”

  Dotty said, “I know exactly what happened. You set the bar too high.”

  Dan said, “Did I? I never pressured her that I knew of.”

  Dotty said, “No, Dan. For herself. You set the bar too high for her to ever find a man that she would settle for. She wants a man like you and no one else will ever do. She dresses ugly and talks ugly as a way to keep people from getting to know her because she won’t find what she is looking for with anyone she has ever known. You are her model for what a man should be, and she isn’t interested in anything else.”

  Dan said, “So I ruined her life.”

  Dotty said, “No damn it! You made her safe!”

  Courtney said vehemently, “Daddy, she can’t marry a Tim like I did. She won’t. I didn’t get it. But she does. And there’s no dork in the world that’s going to satisfy her inner need no matter how many weird jerks she hangs out with. It’s time for Jet to come in from the cold. Daddy, it’s one of the main reasons I’m here. I know you worry about her. We all do. My head is clear now, and I’m going to help her.”

  Dotty said, “Dan, Kitty told me all about it last night. And about Belinda. Kitty’s her Daddy’s girl and she wants to bless them. It’s very unselfish. It’s unconventional, but it’s very loving.”

  Dan said, “I told you, you have my blessing. I just don’t want to have screwed up her life the way I thought I did with Kitty.”

  Courtney said sympathetically, “Daddy, what happened to me wasn’t your fault. You helped me grow up and get a good job and set me on a good path. The mistakes were mine, not yours.”

  Dan said, “Thanks, Kitty. That’s nice of you to say. I do worry. She’s 27. And she still lives at home, when she’s here, and she hasn’t held down a job, ever. She gets by, but kicking her out on her own isn’t the right thing to do, but neither is letting her grow colder and colder and more lonely all the time.”

  Courtney said, “I know, Daddy. There was no right answer. But Dave is here now, and he’s a genius at problem-solving, and you just watch.”


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