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Desert Trading Post

Page 24

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  Courtney said, “Have a good time. We’ll see you when you get back. If you stop by New York, buy me a present.”

  Jett stood up and glared at me and I said, “Show me your tattoo.”

  Jett exclaimed, “No way! And besides, my vagina has teeth and would snap your dick off in an instant. Unless you have an iron rod, you’d never survive the kind of sex I’m used to.”

  Courtney said, “We’ll be moved into the room next to you by tonight.”

  Jett said, “Whatever!” and marched out the door.

  Courtney beamed at me and said, “That went well.”

  I said, “I’m starting to see what you mean. I guess that did go well.”

  Courtney said, “You probably already known by now, but Jett has never been to New York in her life. Toronto must be her code name for the coffee shop she hangs out at. Last night, she was probably out on the river with friends, or maybe at a girlfriend’s house. Not that she has many. And, no big surprise, I’m pretty sure she’s a virgin.”

  I said, “Court, from now on, when we are around Jett, for a while at least, we need to wear clothes. At least most of the time.”

  Courtney smiled and said, “You genius! You evil genius. Now that she’s had a taste, make her hungry. I love it.”

  Courtney and I went to our room and got dressed again. Me in a T-shirt and swim trunks and Courtney in her bikini with her loose tank top over it. When we got downstairs, there was no one at the pool. We sat at the table and silently enjoyed the sunshine.

  About five in the afternoon, Dan and Dotty came down. They were dressed too.

  Dotty said, “Ah, you are dressed. I was afraid maybe you would be. I probably scared you. We probably better talk about it.”

  Courtney laughed and said, “Oh heaven’s no! Not at all. We weren’t bothered by it at all.”

  Then, looking around, she whispered, “Dave thought that if you guys got caught having sex that it would be easier on Jett if we weren’t there. And that’s why we’re wearing clothes. Jett has seen us naked enough for today, and we want to leave her wanting more.”

  Dotty said, “Ah, that is a good plan. OK, for a bit, we’ll all stay dressed.”

  Dan pulled a chair up to sit next to me and said, “Except for one little thing. But I’ll tell you when that is about to happen. When I tell you what to do, follow my lead and do not leave the patio until I say so.”

  I said, “OK. Um, Courtney and I talked.”

  He said, “About the Queen of Dorkness? Good.”

  Dotty said, “Hang on, I’ll get something to drink.”

  Courtney said, “Dave and I can help.”

  Dotty said, “I can manage. You guys stay there.”

  When she came back, she set down a tray with a pitcher of lemonade and glasses and said, “Milly just called. She’s getting into a taxi now. She’ll be here in about 10 minutes.”

  Dan lifted his head and yelled, “Bug, put on a bathing suit and come down here. Hurry it up. You need to see something.”

  Five minutes later, Jett came through the glass doors, wearing a black lace cover-up and a bathing suit of some kind underneath, and said, “What? I was packing. I’m going to Toronto for a few days.”

  Dan said, “Everyone come over here by the pool. Sit in the loungers. Dotty text Milly and tell her to come in and come straight to the pool.”

  We all sat down and waited. Dan said, “Bug, stay right where you are and don’t say a word. This is adult stuff. And you are not going to Toronto right now. I need you to stay home.”

  Jett said, “Dad, there’s an art gallery show that I have to go to. It’s a photo exhibition by a famous artist and I was one of the models. If I don’t go, he will never use me again. I have to go.”

  Dan said, “Bug, stay here. This is more important. You can go to Toronto later if Dave says it’s OK.”

  Jett said quickly, “What does he have to do with anything?”

  Dan didn’t answer. He’d said what he needed to and didn’t intend to elaborate. He undid his pants and pulled off his shorts and shirt and sat back down, the only one of us naked now.

  A few minutes later, we heard the doors open and saw a woman step onto the patio.

  Dan said, “Milly, come over here.”

  The way that he was sitting, it wasn’t apparent that he wasn’t wearing a bathing suit until he stood up, about five feet from Dotty’s sister, Milly. She didn’t seem to notice as she looked into his eyes to see if she could determine what was happening and what his intentions were in having her come.

  Dan said, “Milly, I’m glad you came. I want you to stay. I have made a decision. You will live here with me and Dotty. Get undressed.”

  Milly seemed somewhat entranced. Not hypnotized, but so engrossed in what was being said, and what was happening, and the door that seemed to open in front of her, that she did what Dan had said. She was wearing a dress and she reached behind herself and undid the zipper and pulled it down. As the dress came off her shoulders, she paused and shook her head slightly and shivered.

  She said weakly, “What?”

  Dan spoke clearly and confidently, but with kindness and reassurance, “Get undressed. Take off your clothes. All of them.”

  Milly pulled the dress down and let it fall and bent forward to pull off her underwear as she stared into Dan’s eyes. The pose she took, looking upward, but bent over to pull her panties down was incredibly alluring. And entirely unintentional. When she had them down around her ankles, she stepped out of them and reached back and undid her bra. That joined the rest of her clothing on the ground a second later.

  She asked weakly, “Dan?”

  Dan stepped forward and put his hands on Milly’s shoulders.

  He said, “Milly, if you are seeing anyone, break up with them right now. In your mind. You can take care of telling them you broke up with them later. But break it off right this instant. You aren’t supposed to be with them.”

  Milly said, “I called them on the way to the airport. I told them we wouldn’t see each other anymore. I um, had a feeling that I should.”

  Dan said, “Good. There is only one man you really want. And that’s me. You know it, I know it, and Dotty knows it.”

  Milly said weakly, “I know, but…”

  Dan said, “Milly, feel my cock. Put your hands on me.”

  All of us watched in silence as Milly’s hands slid forward and gently wrapped themselves around Dan’s shaft. She just stood there, motionless, but still staring into Dan’s eyes.

  Dan said, “Milly, I’m your husband now.”

  She said, “You are?”

  He said, “Yes, Dear. I am. I am your husband. You belong with me and Dotty.”

  Milly broke eye contact with Dan and scanned the area to find her sister. Dotty smiled and nodded. We couldn’t see Milly’s hands between her body and Dan’s, but some movement gave me the idea that her grip on him tightened involuntarily.

  Dan said, “Milly, Darling, I should have told you this years ago. But now is the time. Do you understand what’s happening? I am your husband now. You live with me now.”

  She looked at him with disbelief and said blankly, “OK.”

  Dan sighed and said, “Oh hell’s bells!” and grabbed Milly and threw her over his shoulder and carried her into the house.

  He called back in our direction, “Dotty! Come with me.”

  Dotty leaped to her feet and said, “Oh wow! This is amazing!” and she ran after her husband and her sister, and followed them into the house.

  Chapter 22 - Family Dining

  That left me, Courtney, and Jett sitting on a lounge together.

  Jett asked, “What happened?”

  She seemed more subdued than usual. As if she’d seen something mysterious and unexplainable. Courtney started to explain, but I put my hand on her knee and stopped her.

  I said, “Jett, your mom and dad just told your Aunt Milly that she is going to live here with them now.”

  Jett said, �
�Why? She lives in Phoenix.”

  I said, “Not anymore. She is moving in with her husband and she’ll live with him now.”

  Jett said, “But what was dad saying. He told her that he’s her husband. What’s going on? Are they playing some kind of game or something weird? Oh crap, are they going to have sex?”

  I said, “They most certainly are going to have sex. And lot’s of it. But it’s no game. Jett, your dad says that your mom and your aunt are both his wives now. He knows it’s weird, but it’s what he and your mom have to do.”

  Jett said, “But why?”

  I said, “Because they love her. They want her to be happy. And she thinks that she’ll be happiest if she’s with your mom and dad.”

  Jett’s next question surprised me. I thought it would be something different.

  She said, “What do I call her?”

  I said, “You mean because she’s going to be married to your dad now?”

  Jett nodded slowly and said, “Yeah.”

  I said, “What did you call her before?”

  Jett said, “Aunt Milly. Or Other Mom. They are twins and when I was little I used to call her Other Mom.”

  I said, “I think you can call her that if you want to.”

  Jett said, “I really like her. She’s really sweet. She hugs me really nice. So she’s our other mom now? For real? Is that weird? Am I supposed to be freaked out?”

  I said, “I don’t know. I’m not freaked out. I know you don’t like me, but I love your sister and I love your parents, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to warm up to you eventually, too.”

  Jett said, “Wait. So, Aunt Milly is married to Dad? To Mom’s husband? Mom is her sister. So, Dad and Mom are married to Mom’s sister too? They do love each other. I know they do. I thought it would be better if she could just marry him too, but you can’t do that, right? But she just had to. She had to. She can’t be happy anywhere else. Are they going to have sex?”

  I said, “Yeah, they are.”

  Jett was quiet for a minute and then said, “She’ll like that. She flirts with him all the time. She really likes him. But they couldn’t love each other because he was married to her sister. So, now they’re married? And mom too? Are they going to sleep in the same bed?”

  I said, “Yeah, they are.”

  She said, “And takes showers together? Are they going to have sex? I mean, are mom and Milly both going to have sex with Dad? And will it be at the same time, or what? They should, I guess. Since he’s their husband now. So, is she married to Mom, too?”

  I said, “I don’t know exactly how that works, but if it was me, I’d just say that we were all married as one family and not worry about anything else. I guess it would be like I was married to ‘us’ and wouldn’t even think about ‘us’ being separate people.”

  Jett said, “Oh. Just the three of them together now. Like they all sleep in the same bed and have one shower and they are always together and you don’t count how many jellybeans there are because you can’t.”

  Courtney broke in and asked, “Jellybeans?”

  Jett said, “Like at a store and they have a contest and there’s a jar with Jellybeans. You have to guess how many. But it doesn’t matter how many. You eat them by the handful. How many jellybeans do you eat at one time? A handful. So, now dad has a handful of…of…um, his wife. His wife used to be just mom, but now his wife is the twins. Did you know they were twins? Not identical twins, but pretty close. Aunt Milly still looks good. She has nice hips. And her boobs are still nice. They look natural. But pretty big. But not too big. I always thought that she was really pretty. Courtney, are you going to do that?”

  Courtney said, “Do what Sweetie?”

  Jett said, “I don’t know. Have a handful of wife with Dave? Could we do that? I mean, could you? Like Dad does now with our mom?”

  Courtney said, “Sweetie, if I loved someone as much as Mom loves Milly, I’d have to. And I would want to. How could I let Milly be sad and lonely if I had room in my house to make her happy.”

  Jett said, “But she would sleep with you and take showers with you, too. Would she have sex with you?”

  Courtney said, “Yes, she would. And it would be gentle and loving and wonderful and magical.”

  Jett said, “But not all the time, right? Sometimes it would be wild and dangerous and fierce in a way that never hurt, right?”

  Courtney said, “Yeah Sweetie, just like that. And it would never hurt, but always be fun and wonderful.”

  Jett said, “Dad just picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and carried her off to have sex with her. You could see her boobs just hanging there over his shoulder. She looked really surprised. I think she was pretty excited by it. If you were on the other side of them, her pussy would have been showing. She liked that too.”

  I smiled and said, “Did she?”

  Jett said, “Yeah. She probably wanted him to do that. Once she was ready. To be picked up and taken to his bed and made love to. She probably dreamed about it and um, never thought it would happen, but then it did and he just told her to undress in front of the whole family to prove that she didn’t care and that it was all family and being naked doesn’t matter and she didn’t care that everyone knew that she was about to be fucked by her husband and she would have probably fifty orgasms and won’t be able to put on panties for a week because she’s doesn’t want to because he might make love to her at any minute. He did that to Mom today, right here and that was wonderful so she wants him to do that to her and it’s even OK if we watch if we are respectful and don’t act like it’s shameful, which it isn’t. So if the moms saw us, that would be OK, because we’re married and legal and in love and naked and we don’t care about what people think.”

  I don’t think that Jett noticed when she started saying “we” instead of “they”.

  We sat for a while in silence as we all thought over what was happening. I didn’t know what Courtney and Jet were thinking, but I was thinking about how much Jett seemed to have changed as we talked. And how she was already starting to think about things like her sister having a marriage that included someone else that “just had to be” part of it. And how she seemed to have made a leap in her thinking about nudity. I’d changed a lot already today as well.

  After several minutes, I said, “Hey, we don’t know if they are ever coming out of their room tonight. Let me take you girls out for dinner. Someplace nice. Whatever you want.”

  Jett said, “Like a date?”

  Then she frowned and said, “No. I mean, yes, you can take us out for dinner. But I don’t go dutch. You pay, even if it isn’t a date.”

  Courtney laughed and agreed that going out was a good idea.

  Jett said, “Give me a few minutes to change clothes. I have to make a phone call and cancel my trip to Toronto. Damn it, if I don’t show up, they can get me blackballed in New York too. I hope Dad is happy when I can’t ever show my face in either of those places again. I’ll have to start over in someplace lame. I bet I won’t be able to rise above anything but Barstow now. I hope he’s happy.”

  The three of us stood up and when I offered my hand to Jett to help her stand she actually took it. We went to get changed and met down at my car about 20 minutes later. Courtney and I were already down in the driveway, unloading the back of my tiny vehicle so that I could make room for a passenger in the back seat. We ran my remaining stuff up to our room and were just coming down again when Jett appeared.

  I said, “Jett, you look nice. That’s a beautiful outfit.”

  She was wearing a nice pair of black slacks and a cream-colored blouse with high heels. I helped her into the backseat of the car.

  She said, “It’s the one thing I have that isn’t from a famous designer. It’s mortifying. But everything else is at the cleaners because I just got back from my trip.”

  After closing the door for Courtney and making my way to the driver’s seat, I said, “I don’t think it should be mortifying at all.
I think you look really nice. Thank you for coming to dinner with us. Where should we go? We’ll let you pick if you want to.”

  She said, “Well, of course if we were in a real city, we’d go somewhere adequate, but here, we probably have to go to either El Serape or Outback.”

  I said, “Do either of you have a preference?”

  Neither did and I said, “Well, I did a little checking and there’s a place I want to try if it’s OK with you. I made a reservation, just in case.”

  The girls agreed and I followed the directions on the GPS until we got downtown. We drove to a part of town that neither of them was familiar with. It wasn’t a bad part, but it wasn’t near the mall. This was older.

  Parking on the street, I helped the girls out of the car and walked half a block and stopped in front of a door between an old tailor’s shop and a women’s vintage clothing store. There was no sign. Just a number. I double-checked my phone and turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. There was a small entryway curtained off from the rest of the interior. We waited for a few seconds and a man in a suit appeared.

  I said, “Raskin, party of three.”

  The man smiled and asked us to follow him to our table.

  He said, “Welcome. This is Paul. He will be serving you tonight. We see that this is your first time dining with us. We hope that your evening will be pleasant.”

  The man walked away and Paul said, “Your wine tonight will be a special burgundy that I have chosen to go with your meal. We will be serving five courses this evening. We hope you are pleased.”

  Paul poured our wine and left for a moment.

  I said quickly, whispering and leaning toward Jett, “Listen, if you screw this up, I will not be at all pleased. You have to know someone to even get in this place. We’re on probation. If they don’t like us, we don’t get to come back. You don’t order. You eat whatever they put in front of you, and all conversation is quiet and happy. If you are going to insist on playing a character, she better be Audrey Hepburn on her best behavior. If you understand me, smile and nod.”

  Jett smiled and nodded.

  Jumping into the character that she would play for the evening, she said, “Oh David, thank you so much for bringing me here his evening. It’s all so wonderful. When you told us that you had a surprise for us, I never expected this. I don’t think I even know what fork to use, so I will be relying on you to help me through the meal. I’ll do my very best not to embarrass you. You are the kindest and most wonderful man that I have ever met. This is amazing.”


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