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Highland Trails of Love

Page 52

by Barbara Bard

  “Not to my knowledge, my Lord,” Rebecca replied dutifully.

  “And the better for it you are. They're monsters. They live like animals. They're a plague that needs to be wiped out, and I shall see an end to them. I should have continued the war years ago. I underestimated them then. I shall not make the same mistake. They have taken too much from me already. My son, my daughter, even my wife.”

  “Your wife sir?”

  “My wife,” Lord Flynn said, straightening his back. “I was at war when she fell ill and died. I missed the opportunity to say goodbye to her because I was busy dealing with their petty rebellion. I can never forgive them for that. You'll get to see them soon enough. You'll be joining me to attend to my needs as we make our way into enemy territory.”

  He seemed to notice Rebecca's face, which paled at the thought of being taken to war.

  “Do not worry girl, I will see that no harm comes to you. It will not be a long war. My commanders think we can simply march up to their territory and win by sheer force. My son thought the same. Sadly, he didn't inherit my tactical expertise. I shall ensure that his mistakes shall not be repeated.”

  “Do you believe you will rescue your daughter?” Rebecca asked, her voice trembling for she wasn't sure if it would make him fly into a rage. To her relief, Athelred remained calm.

  “She will have a choice presented to her. If she chooses to stay with them then she is truly lost, and she is no daughter of mine,” Athelred said cruelly.

  Lord Flynn rose from his seat and took a swig of wine. Some of the crimson liquid missed his mouth and trickled down his chin, looking like a trail of blood. Rebecca went rigid with tension and held her breath as he approached her.

  “I never realized how lonely it would be without them. I spent years raising my family, preparing them for the future, making sure that they knew their responsibilities to my legacy. I tried to arrange good positions for them, but both my children decided to turn their back on me. Harold I can understand, for he only wanted to prove himself in battle and didn't know when to stop. Catherine though...” he shook his head.

  “Despite her betrayal I do miss her. I wish that she was here now, so that I could have some family with me.”

  His tone was pitiful. For the first time, Rebecca saw Lord Flynn as an old man rather than the powerful Lord of the estate. She knew his words to be false as well. If Catherine did return Lord Flynn wouldn't waste any time with her here. He'd arrange a marriage for her and see the back of her as soon as he could.

  “How do you plan to beat the Highlanders this time my Lord? How will you ensure that you do not make the same mistakes as your son?” she said.

  The corners of Lord Flynn's mouth turned up into a wry smile.

  “Unlike my son I have years of expertise, and I have fought them before. They like open warfare. They are brutal and savage. They give into their rage easily, and it is usually enough to see them through to victory. I shall not give them the opportunity, however. I shall make precise strikes against them. I shall spread my forces out. I shall learn from what the Blue Thistle taught me,” he said, his face twisting into something cruel.

  Rebecca still hadn't relaxed, and it took until this moment for Lord Flynn to realize that she was tense. He stood before her, his broad shoulders dwarfing her, and placed the mug of wine on the table. She looked up at him with wide eyes and breathed in the scent of wine that was heavy on his breath.

  She had never been this close to a monster before.

  “It is lonely here, but it is made all the better by your presence. You remind me of my wife in some ways. You are pure,” he said, and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. Rebecca's stomach churned as a wave of revulsion swept over her. All she wanted was to flee, but she dared not flee from Lord Flynn. She knew well what he was capable of.

  He dipped his head so that she was drowning in his presence. He looked like a giant against her. Red rivers swam through his eyes and he swayed slightly. He hadn't taken his hand off her cheek. Her skin was so soft and his was leathery and calloused. Rebecca wondered if Elayne would truly be envious of her in this moment.

  “Yes, just like her, so pure,” he said, dipping his head towards hers. His lips opened for her and a warm breath wafted over her face. He closed his eyes and if she hadn't turned her face away, he would have stolen a kiss from her.

  He opened his eyes, a dim fury growing in them. Lord Flynn was a man used to getting what he wanted.

  “My apologies Lord, but I would not wish my virtue to be taken in this manner, especially if it is what you so admire about me,” she said.

  For a moment she thought that Lord Flynn would simply take what he saw as his right, but then he pressed his lips together and moved to stand before the fire again.

  “Perhaps you are right. I would not wish to rob you of what makes you so appealing. But I will have your virtue, when the time is right,” he said. Rebecca saw this as more of a threat than a promise, and quickly begged to be excused. Lord Flynn was gracious enough to grant her request. He waved her away with the swift gesture of one hand, but as he looked at Rebecca, she knew that she would not be allowed too far from him. Lord Flynn had set his sights on her, and what Lord Flynn wanted, he usually got.

  When Rebecca was out of the room, she pressed herself against the wall and gasped for breath. Never before had she been so scared. Doom hung about her, for she was afraid of what Lord Flynn would do to her. She hated the thought of being close to him, of having his cruel hands running over her innocent skin, of having those hungry lips brush against her body, of having his mind conjure images of his wife.

  She would not be a vessel for the ghosts of his memories.

  But in order to prevent that from happening, she had to leave as soon as possible.

  The sun was beginning to set. A red streak slashed across the sky. It was as though someone had struck it with a sword and blood was now pouring out. Rebecca rushed to the dungeon to seek out Alastar. He was her only hope of escape, but she could not stay in this dank prison a moment longer.

  Her feet pattered against the stone steps and she gasped for breath as she found him standing alone. A look of concern came upon her face, and she was swept away by the strong desire that flowed through her like a river.

  When Lord Flynn had been standing before her, she'd found herself wishing that it had been Alastar. Her mind quickly flashed back to the moment when he had risen before her and their eyes had locked together. There was something about him that made arousal swim in her stomach. Never before had she felt anything like this. In truth, she wasn't sure what she was feeling, only that she wanted to be with Alastar, only that she knew he could keep her safe.

  “We must leave,” she said in a rushed breath. He strode out of his cell and placed his hand upon her cheek, concern etched upon her face. Unlike the revulsion that had swept through her with Lord Flynn, there was nothing but warmth in her heart from Alastar's touch. Her heart opened, and a sense of serenity flowed through her.

  Chapter 17

  “Already?” Alastar asked.

  Rebecca nodded vehemently.

  “It cannot wait. We must leave now.”

  “What happened?” Alastar wasn't going to leave without knowing what was going on. Rebecca was clearly troubled. Her cheeks were flushed, and she was still panting for breath. Alastar was so close that he could feel the powerful beating of her heart as well. Whatever had occurred had made her quite agitated.

  “It's Lord Flynn. He...has made his intentions clear with me. It seems as though he has taken a liking to me. I fear that if I do not leave now, I will lose everything I hold dear,” she said in a scared tone.

  Alastar felt a flash of jealousy rush through him. This wasn't the same as the anger he already held inside for Lord Flynn. This was something else entirely. Laying a hand upon a girl as lovely as Rebecca was a crime. Lord Flynn didn't deserve to have his claws in her. She should be saved for a good man, a kind man, one who could protect h
er and show her the world. Alastar only wished it could be him. She was far too pure and innocent to bear the weight of his shame and guilt. He had one quest in this world. There was no room for anything else, but he would not see her harmed or treated as another thing for Lord Flynn to corrupt and ruin.

  “Then ye area correct. We must leave, but nae before I hae confronted him,” Alastar said with grim determination.

  “Alastar, no, it's too dangerous. There are guards all around. We'll never make it out, and there's no telling that you'll beat him. We may both lose our lives if we stay.” She placed her hand on his chest. “Please, let us leave.”

  Alastar breathed in deeply. For her sake he was inclined to listen to her, but he planned to leave her again and return to this estate once she was safe.

  “Lead the way lass,” he said. She smiled with relief at his acceptance of her plan, although Alastar still held reservations.

  The two of them emerged from the dungeons and walked through the gardens. They reached the entrance when Alastar spied a couple of guards approaching them. The sun had set completely now, and darkness enveloped the courtyard, broken only by the moonlight and strong lanterns that were peppered around. Alastar saw them approach, but he knew it unlikely that they would see him, for the garden had fewer lanterns.

  “Stay back. They must not see you,” Rebecca said, and pushed Alastar deeper into the garden without a second thought. He staggered back. It pained him to have to hide when she was in such danger, but he found her bravery moving.

  He watched as Rebecca stepped forward to greet them, and then grew angry as they pulled her away. Alastar had half a mind to leap up and strike at that moment, but he knew it would only raise the alarm and cause the rest of the guards to come pouring out.

  He watched them escort her back into the house and slammed his fist against the ground. Bits of dirt leaped up in the air as he was at a loss for what to do now. The only choice that seemed to present itself to him was going on a rampage and fighting his way through the estate. There were hundreds of men though. The odds were not in his favor. The Blue Thistle could do a lot, but he could not to the impossible.

  He skulked around the garden for a little while before he remembered George. The only other person he thought he could count on. He made his way to the stables. George wasn't alone. Alastar waited until George looked over and then gestured for him to approach. George made an excuse to his colleague and came over to Alastar.

  “What are you doing here?” he said in a harsh whisper and seemed just about as angry as Rebecca had been.

  “I am here tae kill Lord Flynn, but I fear Rebecca is in danger,” Alastar said.

  “I knew you'd only bring trouble. Rebecca knows what to do in these situations. She will remain quiet and they won't do anything to her. You should leave if you want what's best for her. She doesn't deserve this trouble. None of us do. It's time to end this petty fighting,” George said sternly.

  “It will end,” Alastar thought to himself as George walked away. There would be no help from that quarter. George evidently felt as though he had done enough in service of a greater good. Alastar couldn't blame him really. The man didn't know Alastar at all and owed him nothing. He seemed to think that Rebecca wasn't in serious danger. Perhaps she wasn't in mortal danger, but there were other kinds of threats.

  He cast his gaze towards the house and envisioned a plan of action. He had no idea where Lord Flynn resided in the house, but if he found a place where he could scale the walls he would be able to bypass the lower levels, and in theory most of the guards.

  The problem was finding such a place.

  There were fewer people moving about at this hour, so he was likely to get more attention, but it also meant there were more shadows in which to hide. Alastar was making his way towards the house when a high-pitched voice called him to stop. His heart froze as he turned away but was relieved to see it was a young woman, who appeared to be about the same age as Rebecca. She had golden hair and striking features.

  “There was a maid you were speaking with today, one who escorted you to the gardens. Do you remember her?”

  Alastar nodded, being careful not to speak lest she raise the alarm. Alastar couldn't yet be sure of her sympathies.

  “She's in danger. You must help her. I saw her being taken away by two guards. I fear that she has earned the wrath of Lord Flynn. Please, she is my only friend and I would be so upset if something were to happen to her.”

  The girl seemed fretful, but of course Alastar was going to help. He nodded again, and she fell into step beside him.

  “I imagine they've taken her to his chambers. We must be quick, to free her from him.”

  As Alastar looked at this girl he caught a gleam in her eye and wasn't sure what it signified, but there was an urgency to her tone, and he would accept any aid offered. He was taken to an entrance around the back and was told where the door was.

  “Go and rescue her,” the girl said. Alastar nodded once again.

  He moved into the house and tracked his way upstairs, listening for any movements so that he wouldn't be found. He was disgusted at the huge house, and even more disgusted that Lord Flynn thought he could get away with anything he wanted. Alastar moved swiftly through the house, his hand ready to draw his sword, ready to defend the fair maiden from her fate.

  Chapter 18

  Rebecca wished that she was clever enough to think of something that would ward off the guards, or at least strong enough to outfight them. She looked back at Alastar hiding in the darkness and was thankful that at least he had not been seen. There was still a chance for him to escape and warn his people.

  The guards said nothing except that Lord Flynn wanted to see her. Rebecca's heart sank, sure that she would have to pay the price for her earlier rejection of his affections. She was escorted into the house, upstairs into his private chamber. The guards left her to stand by the door, and she was alone with Lord Flynn.

  His room was large, and he filled it with his presence. The windows were open, moonlight pouring in. there were a few lanterns providing amber light. Lord Flynn smiled as she entered.

  “It pleases me that you are here,” he said.

  “I had no choice in the matter my Lord,” Rebecca said pointedly.

  “Indeed, but none of us have a choice when fate calls. I have been thinking about what you said earlier, and I must apologize for my lack of manners. You are quite right in that your virtue is a precious thing, and I wish to cherish it. I have been taken with you since I first saw you, and I wish to make you my companion. You shall be my personal attendant, and never leave my side. I will deal with these Highlanders and then we can talk about the future. You are young enough that you could yet provide me with sons to secure my legacy. The failure of my previous children can be a thing of the past. After the war we shall be married, and you may reside here. You will know that your place is beside me, honoring and obeying me. You shall provide me with healthy children and soothe my loneliness.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” Rebecca found herself saying. She wanted to fight against it, wanted to rant and rave and tell him that she would never give herself to him, but it was futile. Lord Flynn was the most powerful man in the region, and nobody could stand up to him.

  “If that is all, my Lord?” she asked, hoping that she would at least be allowed to take her leave. Such a hope was not possible, however.

  “When I said that you would never leave my side, I meant it,” Lord Flynn said. “You shall stay with me day and night. I shall have your belongings moved from your current chambers to this house. I will never be without your company.”

  He spoke like a man possessed. He was possessed indeed, by desire, by the image of his wife. Rebecca could see no good fate for herself coming of this. Her future suddenly narrowed, and whatever life she imagined for herself faded, replaced with a nightmare.

  “Do not worry girl, I will see that you are satisfied,” Lord Flynn said, reaching out to stroke her cheek.
Rebecca flinched instinctively, and immediately regretted that she had.

  “Never do that again,” he spat, his face clouding with anger. “You shall never insult me!”

  “I'm sorry my Lord,” Rebecca stammered, trying to appear as meek as possible to placate him.

  “I am tired of everyone close to me never doing as I say! My children failed me. You shall not,” he pointed a gnarled finger at her.

  “Yes, my Lord.”

  He moved closer to her and put his arm around her waist.

  “Maybe I won't wait after all. There's no sense wasting any time if the future is ordained. I find myself unable to control my appetite,” he said. Rebecca suddenly felt alarm as she tried to escape from his grip but found herself unable. His arm was like a chain around her, and no matter how much she struggled she could not break free.


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