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Wild Ride: An M/M Shifter Mpreg Romance Bundle

Page 24

by Preston Walker

  Chief Elmers nodded and stood, giving him a pat on the shoulder. “I really am glad you’re okay. You’re a good man. One of the best.”

  “Thanks,” Houston said, watching her walk away. He wished with all his heart that Mickey would come to agree with her. Until then, all he could do was watch and wait.

  Mickey had left the hospital by now, he knew. The omega was headed back to his pack, to his city beneath the ground. Houston squirmed in the hospital bed, wishing for a cigarette to help pass the time until he could get out of here.

  Chapter Nine

  First thing first, Houston had to head home. It was only with a great deal of insistent whining and nagging that he convinced the doctor to let him go instead of being held there overnight. That sort of behavior was unbefitting of an alpha but he knew it would wear the man down faster than anything else he could have done.

  Staggering out of the hospital though, he couldn’t help but to wonder if he was making a mistake. He knew the extent of his wounds now. Painkillers had kept most of it at bay when he was lying prone, but they were no match for the sheer act of simply walking. His shoulders ached abominably. They were covered in deep, ripped gouges that were the result of claws tearing through his flesh. His arms were bitten and similarly shredded, as was his stomach and upper thighs. The back of his head had an enormous lump on it.

  “You narrowly avoided a concussion on that one,” the doctor explained, casually, as though this happened all the time. “Just don’t go smashing your head against anything else for the next couple of days or you will get one.”

  Three ribs on his right side were heavily bruised from where he smacked into and broke a metal door.

  “Lucky you didn’t break those,” the doctor remarked.

  According to that man, Houston was the luckiest person alive. Walking home now across the streets, every inch of his body on fire and his abdomen throbbing every time he so much as dared to breathe, he certainly didn’t feel lucky. His supernatural healing abilities had already set the raw injuries into hard scabs. When he walked, or moved at all, he could feel the pulling of skin against inflexible scab. It was a very unpleasant sensation.

  Still, he somehow made it back to his apartment. The elevator ride was somewhat of a relief. Stairs would have been impossible in this condition.

  Houston shut the door behind him and went to his bedroom to grab two backpacks from his closet. One was already full; his “go-bag.” One never knew when they were going to have very little time to pack up and leave, so he kept a few changes of clothes, water, long-lasting food items, and a spare first aid kit in there too. The other bag was empty, and now he went around his apartment and shoveled in everything he had that could possibly fit. He emptied out his sparse cupboards and pantries, packing boxes of cereal and oatmeal and protein bars. His silverware went in, as well as his single set of dishes. He grabbed his caddy of pens and pencils and put those in as well. Anything he thought might be somewhat useful or entertaining, he took it.

  At the end of it all, when he had gone through every room and taken what he found, he thought it was actually pretty sad that everything all fit into one backpack. He lived pretty miserably for someone who could actually afford to have more.

  Oh, well. His frugal nature would come in handy now. He intended to buy Mickey’s pack as much as he could in the way of necessities.

  He closed his eyes for a moment, imagining the look on the omega’s face if he did that. He didn’t think he’d seen Mickey really, truly smile with happiness even once.

  That would change.

  That was now his mission in life: make Mickey smile.

  Suddenly, his cock started begging for attention. Houston hesitated. Would it really make a difference if he sat down and rubbed one out before heading down into the sewers? He was a male with needs, after all.

  His hands were already wandering down the front of himself, grabbing at his zipper, when he shook his head and grabbed his backpacks to get a move on. This could wait. Sex could wait.

  His cock wasn’t so quick to agree with him, however. It gave him something else to focus on besides the pain in his wounds, but the sensation of denying himself physical pleasure wasn’t exactly a good one.

  I wonder how omegas survive this?

  Omegas periodically went into heat. It was already hard enough to get off an omega even when they weren’t in heat, but when they were... It was a porn enthusiasts dream come true. It had to suck for the unmated omegas though. When they were in heat, they couldn’t get release without a partner. Of course, there were pills out now to help with that but someone in Mickey’s position wouldn’t have access to those.

  Maybe when they were closer, he could ask.

  Eventually, he found his way to the manhole that led down into the proper part of the sewer. Opening it up wasn’t so bad, and it was easy enough to shove his backpacks down the drop, but getting himself down was another thing entirely. He already hated the claustrophobic nature of the vertical tunnel, but it was ten times worse when injured. The tight walls dragged at the extra bulk of his bandages, tugging them around. His scabs tore open at the pressure of having to suspend his own weight from the ladder rungs while descending. And dragging the manhole cover back into place above him? Pure torture.

  Still, he made his way all the way down and set foot on solid ground. Pulling in a deep breath to calm his rattled nerves, Houston picked up his bags again and headed off to find the hidden city. The stench of the sewer seemed less offensive this time, although he figured he probably wouldn’t ever get fully accustomed to it. Plus, he still couldn’t detect any other scents through it. He was lucky he had a pretty good memory.

  He reached the blank wall and felt for whatever it was that Mickey had touched to make the wall open up last time. His fingers contacted a latch, or lever of some kind. He flicked it, and then pushed the wall open.

  The city seemed dimmer this time, and he immediately figured that not all of the torches were lit. They were conserving supplies, as Mickey said when he was talking to that wolf with the lisp.

  And who should he see now but the very same she-wolf running toward him, her smile friendly but her eyes wary. She stopped in her tracks a good ten feet away from him and regarded him warily. “Hi. I remember you.”

  “Hi,” he said, smiling even though his stomach roiled with unease. It was an earlier hour than the last time he was here, which meant there were a lot more people out and about. He saw them over the she-wolf’s shoulder. Most of them were as of yet unaware of his presence, going about their own business or chasing after children. However, a few were staring very unhappily in his direction. “I remember you, too.”

  Her eyes lit up, and he immediately felt terrible for her. He remembered what Mickey had said about her past, being terrorized by others for something she couldn’t help. “You really do? Do you remember my name, too?”

  “Uh...” Dammit, he really didn’t want to tell her that he didn’t. This was apparently important to her, and he could see why. But still... damn. He opened his mouth to try and make some excuse, when the name came to him in a flash. Of course! He remembered thinking at the time how lucky she was to have a name that didn’t have the letter S in it, since she couldn’t pronounce it. “It’s Beth, right?”

  “Right!” she beamed at him. “And you’re Houston. Of course I remember that. Mickey said you were thinking about joining our pack, but then he made you leave like that all of a sudden. Did something happen?”

  “Just a disagreement,” he said, figuring that was close enough to the truth. “We got it resolved, though.”

  “Great!” Beth chirped. “That’s wonderful news. And what are those?” She pointed at his bags.

  He suddenly remembered the heavy bags in his hands and the reason he brought them. “Oh, I uh... brought these. I had some stuff that I figured you guys could use.” He held out one to her and she nearly toppled over at the weight.

  “Wow! What’s in here? A whole apa

  He shrugged. “Just some things I thought could be useful. And then this one is the same thing but I’ve got some of my own clothes in there too.”

  Beth held her hand out for it anyway. “If you want, I can sort through this and put your clothes in one of our empty spots. Is that okay?”

  He could tell she was eager to dive into looking at what he had, and was trying to go about it in a polite way. “That would be good, thank you. I’m not picky.”

  “Who is, these days?” she agreed. “I guess you should go on and see Mickey now, shouldn’t you?”

  Houston was a bit taken aback. “I would like to, yes.”

  Beth flashed a bit of a mysterious smile that Houston couldn’t quite understand. “I figured. You remember where he lives?”

  “I do.”

  “Then, go! Go on! And be sure to say hi if you pass by someone.”

  That seemed a bit of an odd thing to say, but he made sure to do it. Every person he passed, no matter what they were doing or how they regarded him, he greeted them. He even crouched down to say hello to the few children milling about here and there, although that ended up in their parents dragging them away from him. It didn’t bother him very much. He understood the caution.

  He got to the building where Mickey lived and knocked on the door. Then, he called inside. “Mickey? It’s Houston. Are you home?”

  Silence greeted him, and then an effortful shout. “Go away!”

  Houston narrowed his eyes. It was definitely a shout, but it wasn’t particularly loud. It almost seemed strained, in fact. “Are you okay?”

  “Go away, Houston.”

  It wasn’t a question. It was a full-blown demand. And Houston didn’t like that. Growling low in the back of his throat, he gripped the doorknob and was surprised to find that it turned in his hand.

  “Why didn’t you lock the door?” he started to ask as he shoved his way inside, but the words died in his throat as he saw what was before him.

  Mickey sat on the couch, his jeans pushed down around his knees. His mouth was open, head tilted back. He had both hands wrapped around the shaft of his dick, pulling so hard at the engorged organ that his hips bucked up and his ass rose completely off the cushion.

  “It was locked,” Mickey gasped, not lifting his head to look at the alpha. “You’re such a stupid wolf. You broke my lock without even knowing it.”

  “I’m glad I did,” Houston said. His voice was husky as he slowly pushed the door shut behind him. He didn’t want anyone else to see this. He wanted this sight all for himself. “Or else I would have missed this.”

  “Go away,” Mickey said again, going back to his mantra. Now that he had an audience, his fevered motions slowed and his hands fell away from himself.

  Houston felt all the breath rush out of his lungs as he saw what the omega had to offer. His bare thighs were small and tense, with tightly-corded muscle beneath soft skin. His dick was long and thin, with the same olive coloration as the rest of his skin; blue veins stood out along its length, and the tip was swollen red and leaking with precum.

  As he watched, Mickey grabbed at the futon on either side of him. His hands were white-knuckled and tense.

  The realization of what was happening before him and the way it melded so perfectly with what he had been thinking about not that long ago left Houston even more breathless than before. His cock was back to throbbing, shoving hard against the fabric of his jeans. The force was so strong that he thought it might rip right through the denim on its own.

  “You can’t cum, can you?”

  “Houston!” Mickey shouted. “That’s none of your business!”

  Houston’s shuddering breaths turned into ragged growls. He shoved at his cock with one hand, undoing his buttons and zipper in one smooth motion. His jeans immediately started to slide down his hips now that they were no longer fastened in place. “I think it is my business,” he murmured, approaching slowly. Like a predator circling toward his prey, he made his advance slow and torturous.

  A spasm shook through Mickey’s body and he grabbed at his dick again, his fingers so tight that it looked painful. “I can do it myself!”

  “But you can’t,” Houston growled. He rubbed himself through the thin cloth of his underwear, shaking slightly. His cock trembled with anticipation, and he felt his balls tighten from the heat gathering in his groin. “You’re an omega. You’re my omega. You belong to me.”

  “I don’t...” The words cut off as Mickey moaned. His thighs trembled. He yanked at his dick so hard that his whole body rose up off the futon for a moment. Urgency burned through Houston at the sight of his mate, their souls calling frantically to one another. They both needed release. Houston would gladly have given it. Everything in him howled for it. But he wouldn’t. Not until Mickey gave him permission. He was an honorable alpha.

  He just didn’t know how much longer he could hold back. His cock felt like it was stretched to its limit, on the verge of bursting. If he stopped touching himself, he might be able to keep going longer; however, his fingers stroked all over the engorged, dripping head of his own cock and he couldn’t stop it. It was too good to stop. Precum wet his fingertips, and he slowly brought his hand to his mouth and licked it while Mickey watched.

  The omega let out a pained squeal. “Go away!”

  What if I...

  It was the most painful thing in the whole entire world that he had ever done, but Houston just nodded amiably and turned as if he was actually about to leave. After all, he was the alpha. He could masturbate just fine on his own.

  He reached out to the door, noticing through a sexual haze that he had actually broken the lock.

  Mickey spoke from behind him, his voice very small. “Wait.”

  Houston glanced back over his shoulder, fighting to look as casual as he could. It didn’t work very well but the other man was beyond noticing. “What?” he snapped. “I thought you told me to go away.”


  “That’s what I thought.”

  There was no stopping to think after that. The gateway had been opened for them and now Houston charged through it. The dim apartment seemed to spin around him as he lurched forward, staggering in his loose jeans until he kicked them away entirely. The scent of Mickey filled his senses until it was as if there was nothing else. Planting his hands on the wall back behind the omega, Houston leaned down and pressed his lips to Mickey’s.

  The kiss was like a train wreck, an uncontrolled derailing of emotions followed by hard contact. Houston leaned into it, pressing hard down onto Mickey so that their hips were touching. Mickey’s hands were trapped between their throbbing members, unable to escape as precum dripped from them both.

  It was, without exaggeration, the best kiss Houston ever had. Mickey’s lips pressed together firmly at the first touch, tasting of spice and defiance. Houston didn’t care. He pressed his mouth against Mickey’s, lips moving to claim his over and over again; his tongue slid out to wetly caress the omega’s lips, asking for entrance and then shoving between them into his mouth anyway. The decision already having been made for him, Mickey finally stopped fighting and gave in. His lips parted. His eyes slid shut. His hot breath burned into Houston’s mouth.

  Their tongues met between them, flicking together tentatively and tasting the other. Their mouths mimicked the very act of having sex, and Houston growled into Mickey’s mouth as he thrust his tongue past the other’s and shoved it toward his throat. The heavy weight of his body pinned the omega against the back of the futon, which croaked beneath their combined mass.

  Mickey moaned low in the back of his throat, and Houston let out a growl that shook them both. Their bodies quaked together. Then, Mickey seemed to remember his own urgency and started pushing his dick hard against Houston’s.

  “Get this off!” the omega gasped, tearing at the layer separating them. Houston had almost forgotten about it. Before he could do anything, Mickey grabbed at his hair. His long, thin finger
s pulled at Houston’s in return, then slid down the back of his skull to his neck. Nails raked across the fabric of his shirt, all the way down his spine to his ass. A grunt exploded from his mouth as Mickey held his ass tight for only a moment. Then, those sharp nails jerked at his underwear. With a protracted ripping sound, the underwear tore apart at the seams.

  Mickey yelped with satisfaction as their dicks finally touched together, his hips bucking frantically. “Yes!”

  “You like my dick?” Houston growled, holding as still as he could and letting Mickey grind against him. It felt so good, hardness rubbing against hardness. Their skin made soft rasping sounds together, while the contact of their hips made a wet slapping. They were both leaking all over the place. Houston shuddered and bit his lip, lowering his face to speak right against Mickey’s mouth. “You need it, don’t you?”

  The omega let out a needy whine that Houston took as an affirmative. He reached down and pulled at Mickey’s ass. It felt like a surge of lava shot up the tube of his shaft; he wasn’t going to last much longer.

  “Tell me you need it, Mickey.”

  “Ah...” Mickey whimpered, straining. His back arched.

  Houston moved one of his hands so that he was the only thing supporting Mickey from beneath. One finger of his other hand wormed its way between the omega’s firm, soft ass cheeks, pressing against the trembling pucker he found nestled within. “Tell me why you need it. What made my omega get so horny for me?”

  “You, unconscious!”

  That actually surprised him. Not what he’d been expecting. In fact, it was so much not what he’d been expecting that it pushed some of his desire away so that he could last longer. “I didn’t know you were into that,” he teased darkly, and pressed his finger roughly against Mickey’s opening. The omega trembled, his muscles clamping together for a moment before loosening again.

  “I... I’m not! Stupid!” Mickey hissed from between clenched teeth. His dick was so hard it was in spasms, just like the rest of his body. “It’s just that you looked so... cute!”


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