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Wild Ride: An M/M Shifter Mpreg Romance Bundle

Page 28

by Preston Walker

  Suddenly, Houston gave a shuddering moan and pulled Mickey’s head back, away from his cock. Mickey had been sucking so hard that the tip emerged from his mouth with a distinct popping sound.

  How could I have ever not wanted this? he thought hazily as Houston rearranged them, forcing Mickey onto his hands and knees with his ass in the air. I’m... so happy.

  All thoughts of everything else were nowhere to be found. He closed his eyes and leaned his head forward to expose his neck.

  The throbbing tip of Houston’s cock pressed against Mickey’s ass opening, but now it hesitated. “Are you sure?” Houston whispered. Mickey felt Houston’s gaze hot on the back of his neck. The alpha was doing everything in his power to hold back, shaking uncontrollably.

  “Yes!” Mickey squeaked. He lifted his ass up higher and pressed his forehead to the floor. “Take me! Claim me! Make me yours!”

  Houston let loose an explosive growl, shoving his swollen cock fully inside Mickey’s ass. At the same time, he leaned over and clamped his teeth down hard on the back of Mickey’s neck.

  Pain mingled with pleasure, lost beneath waves of shivering heat that surged outwards from his groin. Pressure on the back of his neck, pressure ramming deep inside him. They were tangled together as only two wolves could be. Houston’s cock was so swollen, the tip so large with the urge to release that the alpha couldn’t have pulled out now if he wanted to. The only way they could part now was after Houston was done.

  Time lost all meaning as Mickey moved beneath Houston, squealing and whimpering as the alpha rammed inside him again and again. His ass felt so good. Houston’s cock stroked roughly over that place of pleasure deep inside him, friction driving him crazy. His hips bucked. His back arched, writhing beneath his mate.

  Houston bit down harder. A trickle of heat ran down the back of Mickey’s neck and he whimpered again. “Houston...”

  Instead of replying, Houston moved his hips back so that his cock slid out as far as it could go. A tremor shook through the alpha’s whole body and Mickey braced himself just in time as Houston rammed himself back inside as hard as he could. Hot spurts erupted from the tip of his cock, searing inside Mickey.

  That was the last straw for Mickey. His back arched even higher and he screamed out. His own dick trembled hard and then he was spilling his own cum all over his thigh and the floor.

  Then, his tiredness caught up with him and he slumped down against the floor. The pressure on the back of his neck released, and he felt Houston collapse on top of him.

  After a minute where they both just lay there, panting, Houston moved to pull Mickey on top of his body. Never before in his life had the omega ever felt so completely satisfied. Well, he was satisfied except for the roaring of his empty stomach.

  Gentle fingers stroked through his hair, distracting him for a moment.

  I should tell him about... the baby. I need to tell him.

  “What’s on your mind?” Houston rasped.

  Mickey pressed his face to his shoulder, breathing in the comforting scents of musk. He opened his mouth to tell Houston, to share the news.

  What came out of his mouth instead was, “Do you smell something burning?”

  “Shit, the eggs!” Houston gasped out, standing up with Mickey wrapped around his body to tend to the oven.

  Mickey kept his arms and legs wrapped around Houston, laying his head on his mate’s shoulder.

  I’ll tell him later. When all of this is over. There’s too much to worry about right now.

  Until then, he would do his best to take care of this on his own. He made an oath to himself that this would be the last thing he did alone. After this, he would let himself fully depend on Houston. After this, they would be a team.

  “I have some bad news,” Houston said. “I burned the eggs. How about I order a pizza instead?”

  “That’s what you get for getting distracted by sex,” Mickey teased. For the rest of the day, they acted as any normal couple would. Mickey hadn’t ever known anything like it.

  I could get used to this.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Mickey woke up the next day in Houston’s bed, in Houston’s arms. A soft growl of contentment pulled from his lips as he nestled against the other, delighted when the alpha tugged him in deeper against his chest.

  Pale dawn light crept in through the crack in the curtains over the bedroom window. Mickey blinked into the light for a moment before shutting his eyes again and letting himself be snuggled. Nothing could break this moment. All three of them together, like a real family. He fell asleep again with Houston wrapped around him, although this slumber didn’t last as long as either of them would have liked due to the fact that Houston’s alarm went off.

  “Dammit,” Houston grunted, rolling over with Mickey crushed beneath him as he stretched out one arm to smack at the alarm clock. “Oh, shit. Sorry babe. I forgot you were here.”

  “Gee, thanks,” Mickey said, sarcastically, although he was laughing on the inside. It actually hadn’t been all that bad, smothered beneath his mate. It reminded him of sex, which he happened to think that he was getting better at since they’d gone at it again just before going to sleep. At the very least, his ass had stopped being so sore afterward.

  They sat up together and looked into each other’s eyes, both of them wanting the minutes to drag out so that they didn’t have to part ways again.

  “I could call in sick,” Houston suggested.

  As much as Mickey wanted that, he knew it couldn’t be like that. After all, Houston couldn’t call in sick for the rest of their lives. “No.” He shook his head. “It’s okay. I did have something I wanted to talk to you about but it can wait.”

  Houston’s eyes narrowed. He placed one hand on Mickey’s shoulder and leaned in over the smaller man. “You aren’t keeping secrets from me again, are you? I had thought we were past that.”

  “Old habits die hard,” Mickey said, very truthfully. “It’s not very important, though.”

  “If it has to do with why I couldn’t find you, and then you suddenly show up at my apartment, then it’s very important.” Houston squared his shoulders, obviously gearing up for a fight, but then he sighed and seemed to deflate. “I won’t push you on it though, even though I should. Just as long as you promise to tell me. You’ll still be here when I come back from work, right?”

  “Of course,” Mickey said, smiling even though he had no idea whether or not he’d just told the truth. Houston looked satisfied, and he picked Mickey up to take him into the shower.

  There wasn’t exactly enough time for them to have sex, but the act of bathing one another was erotic enough in its own right. Warm water streamed over their skin, making them gleam as they grabbed handfuls of soap from the lathered-up loofah and rubbed each other. Mickey took as much time as he could finding new ways to tease the alpha, even if wiggling his finger between the other’s cheeks earned him a smacked ass. He liked it. He liked the feeling of those large hands, powerful enough to snap him in half, gently caressing him in a way that was both similar to sex and yet somehow more intimate as well.

  Then, their time in the shower ended and they toweled each other off. Mickey looked at his ruffled hair in the foggy mirror and giggled. “I guess you don’t own a comb, huh?”

  “Real men don’t have long hair,” Houston growled, teasingly. “There’s a spare toothbrush under the sink. Get it. You need it.”

  Mickey scowled and made a show of bending over, earning him a squeeze on the ass before he straightened up. He made sure to hold the toothpaste tube as erotically as he could, slowly squeezing his hand up its length to get the toothpaste out.

  “Dammit, Mickey! You’re going to make me jump you, and I don’t have time to jump you!”

  Mickey patted Houston’s ass as the alpha hurried out of the bathroom to start pulling on his uniform. He made sure to be as unhelpful as possible, undoing buttons and pulling zippers down as soon as Houston did them up. He felt so light and playf
ul, far more than he ever had as a pup. It was like everything he never had a chance to experience was offered to him now, and he took the chances gladly.

  Eventually Houston managed to get ready enough so that he could head out the door, but not without giving Mickey a kiss first and making him promise to stay safe.

  “I promise.”

  “Good. I’ll see you as soon as I can. Stay here, please. Eat a lot. Recover.”

  “I will,” Mickey said, growing impatient now.

  The moment Houston left the building, Mickey started counting down the minutes until he felt it was safe enough to leave himself. The last thing he wanted to do was run into Houston if he changed his mind, or came back because he’d forgotten something.

  I have to see how everyone’s been doing. But I have to make sure I’m not followed. Of course, the jaguars already know where we are, but still...

  Mickey descended in the elevator and headed out across the street from the apartment, aiming to follow the quickest route back home.

  He never got the chance.

  A hand grabbed him from behind, powerful and immense. “Houston!” burst from his lips as he spun, but the shapeshifter he was staring at was not his mate.

  Although hugely powerful, there was a sense of litheness to this man that Houston didn’t possess. This one had a mass of ginger hair and unfriendly green eyes which smoldered with fury. “Caught you,” the jaguar snarled. “Finally. You aren’t getting away from us this time.”

  Mickey squealed and started to shapeshift into his wolf, knowing that he would grow smaller so quickly that the shifter would drop him and he could get away. Unfortunately, the jaguars finally seemed to have learned his trick. The hand tightened as he transformed, so that when it was over he was dangling uselessly by his scruff with his legs churning the air.

  He threw back his head to howl, but the sound was abruptly cut off as he crashed to the ground.

  In the same instant, an explosive burst of mixed feline snarling and canine growls reached his ears, followed by a series of heavy thumps. Staggering to his paws, Mickey was just in time to see Houston wrestling the jaguar to the ground through that same tactic of going completely batshit crazy. Each paw did something different, and now Mickey noticed that Houston had gotten his tail in on the action as well. Thick, plumy, and formed of long muscles, Houston was slapping his tail repeatedly against the jaguar’s crotch while biting its face.

  The big cat let out a furious squeal that cut off in a pained whine. Houston released his grip, and the jaguar charged off down the street and turned the corner rapidly.

  “You were smacking his junk,” Mickey said, wonderingly. He was so relieved that he couldn’t help but to start laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. “You were actually hitting that poor kitty in the junk!”

  Houston stared at him, and then threw back his head and started to laugh as well. He pulled Mickey into his arms and they embraced hard, still giggling to each other before finally parting after a long minute. “I was angry,” was all Houston said.

  Mickey laughed again, slipping his fingers into his mate’s grasp. “Remind me to never make you mad at me. Holy shit, Houston. You’re crazy!”

  “Any wolf would be when his mate is threatened,” Houston grunted. “Speaking of which, I think you had better tell me why that jaguar was lying in wait for you.”

  Uh oh.

  Mickey immediately slackened his expression, trying to appear innocent, but the police officer wasn’t fooled. “Fine,” he said, grudgingly. “But you have to tell me why you were here to save me, first.”

  “I think that’s kind of obvious. I knew you were hiding something from me, so while I was in the elevator, I called the police chief in charge of my division and I told her that something was up. You’ve met her before.”

  “Kind of a dour-looking lady? Ponytail? Tried to arrest me?”

  “That’s the one,” Houston confirmed. “She knows about shifters, so she understood. I just won’t be getting sick pay for this.”

  “That sucks,” Mickey said, absently. He never got pay for anything, so the concept wasn’t all that strange to him. “I guess I should be glad that you hung around, huh?”

  “Mickey. Tell me why I needed to hang around. No more secrets.”

  “Fine!” Mickey snapped. And then he told the truth.

  Shortly after Houston had to leave, Mickey started to hear from concerned members of his pack that there were jaguars in the vicinity. They were never in the sewers but they could be spotted hanging around entrances, or loitering near soup kitchens. It was too dangerous to go out, but it was also too dangerous to just stay inside and starve to death.

  Mickey devised a plan. He always had a plan. He would be the bait. After all, he was the ones that the cats really wanted revenge against. He organized the pack into small groups that were only allowed out together, and then he would set out in front of them and get the jaguars to chase him around so that the others could go about their day undisturbed.

  It worked every single time, but it was exhausting. He couldn’t keep it up, especially when the jaguars were getting more and more frustrated so that they chased him for longer periods of time.

  Houston listened to all of this in silence for a very long moment before finally shaking his head and hugging Mickey so tight that he couldn’t breathe. “You’re so stupid,” he growled. “A real idiot. An altruistic, dumbass idiot.”

  Mickey slumped against Houston’s chest, relieved to have the support. “I’m sorry,” he murmured. “I just didn’t know what else to do. I thought if we did it a lot, we could build up our supplies and then stay down low for a day while I came to get you for help, but that just wasn’t possible. I had to slip away. But they were just lying in wait. They knew exactly where I was. This whole time.”

  “Meaning that cat probably ran off to go tell his group exactly where we are,” Houston said, gravely.

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means your pack might be in danger, Mickey. What kind of fight are you going to put up when everyone’s dead?”

  Fear lodged in his throat as he realized just how right Houston was. “Can we leave now? Please? Together?”

  Despite the circumstances, Houston’s eyes lit up at the idea of being together, relying on each other as mates should. “Yeah. Come on. Wolf time.”

  They shifted together and then raced off into the alleys, paws scattering loose gravel as they went.

  Chapter Fourteen

  They were too late.

  Houston already suspected from the beginning that they were going to be too late to this fight to do any good, but he kept hoping anyway for Mickey’s sake. If Mickey lost his pack, it would kill him.

  But all that hope was for nothing, as they passed uncovered manholes in the streets that reeked of cat.

  These aren’t the nearest ways in. Maybe they’ll get lost.

  Unfortunately, fate was too cruel to even give them that much. Once they reached the correct manhole and descended down in the tunnels, they almost immediately started scenting jaguar. Never before had Houston imagined he would see the day when there was a scent worse than that of the sewer, but here it was. Judging from the thickness of the smell, there had been a lot of them too.

  Mickey panted as they ran, fear bright in his eyes. His ears were pressed back against his skull, making Houston want to stop and comfort him, but there wasn’t time for that. They kept running, and the jaguar scent stayed with them for the whole journey.

  The secret door stood wide open, and in the cavern beyond there were shadows tossed around against the walls. Frantic cries pierced the still air, echoing on and on and on.

  Mickey howled, surging forward faster than he had ever been before. Houston struggled to keep up but the omega quickly put ground between them and dove into the fray.

  It was horrible.

  All he had seen in his time as a cop only just prepared him for this moment.

  There were jaguar
s everywhere, swarming like ants with their fangs bared and eyes flashing golden in what few sources of light hadn’t been destroyed or otherwise extinguished. They were all over the city, on the rooftops, in the buildings. They were breaking windows, terrorizing children as they ushered disabled and unlucky wolves from their hiding spots and gathered them all up in a circle out in the open. Some were bleeding, although most simply looked shell-shocked. A few were fighting, but they were quickly struck down to the ground.

  Those who had been knocked down didn’t rise again.

  Moving as though they were one body, the jaguars turned and looked at Mickey. The omega wolf didn’t stop, didn’t even hesitate. Houston watched with astonishment as Mickey gathered his legs beneath himself and then gave a terrific leap that saw him sailing right onto the back of the nearest jaguar. For just a moment, there had been beauty amongst this hell.

  Then, the jaguars descended on Mickey and started to claw and bite. One rose up onto his hind paws, knocking the omega away. Another caught him in his paws, pinning him to the ground. And still Mickey fought, struggling and snapping with jaws strong enough to rend metal and crunch through bone—if only the cats hadn’t been too fast to catch.

  Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Houston reached the jaguars and thrust himself into their midst. Shoving one away from his mate, he rounded on the other and clenched his teeth in their throat. Only at the last second did he manage to pull back on the bite so that the wound wasn’t immediately deadly.

  The cat squalled and lunged away from him, slipping as it ran away with its tail between its legs and blood spattering its front legs.

  Houston snarled after it, breath heaving in his lungs. There was no time to simply enjoy his victory however, as there were already a sea of cats closing in around him. Mickey was on his feet now as well, pressing at Houston’s shoulder. They shared a glance and then a nod, solemnly swearing without words that they would be in this together until the end. There was no time for words, and no need for them anyway. Their souls were one, connected intimately.


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