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Hometown Hope: A Small Town Romance Anthology

Page 322

by Zoe York

  “That’s not true,” I argued, offended and a little embarrassed about how right my younger sister was. “There was Joshua…”

  “Ewww,” my sisters groaned in unison.

  “You mean that creeper guy who kept taking you to Anime movies and trying to get you to give him a handy in the theater?” Dru asked. “You really want to count that guy?”

  “No, I guess not,” I said with a frown, then threw myself back onto the grass and added, “Gosh, you guys, it has been a long time. A really, really long time. Maybe jumping back into things with a Mr. Adorable Dimples, who’s not only a single father, but hasn’t even divorced his wife yet, is not a good place to start. Maybe I need to wade into the shallow end first.”

  “Fuck the shallow end,” Dru said, and I knew she dropped the F bomb to rankle me. She knew I hated it when she talked like that, which was exactly why she did it. “I say jump right into the deep end, clothes and all. It’s time you had a little fun, Mills, and you like this guy. Go for it.”

  “Yeah,” Tasha agreed. “I’m with Dru. Enjoy your coffee, then take him back to your apartment and jump his bones.”

  I laughed at Tasha, but before I could reply, our coach yelled out, “Are you ladies going to gab all day, or are you going to get out here and play some football?”

  “Sorry, Coach,” we all called, then jogged out to meet up with our team.

  I sat on the bench for the beginning of the first half, my eyes on the field as my mind wandered to thoughts of Jackson. Almost as if I’d conjured him, I heard my phone signal a text, then discreetly pulled it out of the bag at my feet, my stomach dropping when I saw it was him.

  Hey, Millie, it’s Jackson. I was wondering if you’d rather meet during lunch, or after work, for coffee? I know you work early, but I wasn’t sure when you took breaks, if you even take them. I can break away during lunch, or meet you after school. Whatever works for you. Sorry, I’m rambling…

  After school? I’m pretty flexible. I can work my schedule around whatever date/time you’d like to meet.

  Yes, I’m a teacher, did I not tell you that? I teach English at the high school. After school would be best, that way we won’t be rushed. How does Wednesday at 3:30 sound?

  Oh, that’s wonderful. What a fun job. Wed at 3:30 works for me. Where do you want to meet?

  Well, I can pick you up, if you’d like, then we can go to Rooster’s, if that works?

  Rooster’s was a coffee shop on Main Street, just a couple blocks from our business.

  “Hey, Millie, are you going to pay attention to the team, or your phone?” my coach called out, causing me to flush and reply, “Sorry, Coach.” It seemed like that was all I could say today.

  That sounds great. Have to go. Bye.

  I looked up at our coach sheepishly, then turned the phone off and put it back in my bag. My head came up just in time to see Tasha dribbling down the field, then make a successful pass to Dru, who kicked it right into the goal.

  “YEAH!” I yelled, jumping to my feet to cheer on my team.

  “Millie, go in for Tampa,” Coach said, and all thoughts of Jackson and coffee left me as I jogged out onto the field to join my sisters.

  We had a game to win.


  I was finishing up my lesson plans for when we moved on to Pride and Prejudice next week, but my eyes kept drifting up to the clock. Much like my students, I couldn’t wait for the bell to ring, signaling the end of the school day.

  Normally, I stick around after school, grade some papers, straighten my room, and prepare for the next day, but today all I could think about was picking up Millie at three thirty.

  I couldn’t remember the last time I was this excited about anything. Sure, it was only coffee, but it didn’t matter what we were doing, I couldn’t wait to see her again.

  The bell rang and I jumped up from my chair, pushing through my students as I tried to beat them out the door.

  “Where’s the fire, Mr. H?”

  “Sorry … Sorry,” I muttered as I reached the hallway, then started speed walking toward the exit closest to the teacher’s parking lot.


  I bit off the curse before it passed my lips, then turned to see who was currently stalling my swift exit.

  “Oh, hey, Rebecca. What’s up?” I asked the history teacher, who was watching me nervously as she approached.

  “Do you have a few minutes?” she asked, her voice timid, which was unusual.

  “Actually, I’m on my way out,” I said hastily, looking at my watch to emphasize the fact that I was in a hurry. “Can it wait until tomorrow?”

  “Oh, yeah, sure,” Rebecca replied, and I chose to ignore the disappointment on her face, because although we were always friendly with each other, whatever school-centric question she had couldn’t be more important than going on the first non-date I’d had in over ten years.

  “Thanks, Rebecca,” I said, patting her arm distractedly before spinning on my heel and heading back for that door.

  “Hey, Jacks,” I heard called, and this time didn’t hold my, “Son of a bitch” back, although I only whispered it under my breath.

  I turned my head to see Ty jogging toward me.

  “What’s up, man?” I asked, not stopping, but rather keeping my pace while he fell in step beside me.

  “So, you ready for your big date?” my friend asked, making me immediately regret telling him and Rob that I was meeting Millie today.

  “Yup,” I said as I pushed the door open.

  “All right, brother, I just wanted to wish you luck, and tell you to be cool … Just be yourself.”

  “Thanks, Ty,” I said, finally stopping when my feet hit the sidewalk. “I’m a little nervous, but more excited. Hopefully she’ll see I’m sincere about everything with Julie, and this will be the beginning of something great.”

  “I hear that,” Ty said, running a hand over his short dark hair before adding, “You deserve that, Jackson, after the shit Julie shoveled at you. But, hey, can I ask you a favor, for all of us here at school?”

  “Yeah, man, what’s that?” I asked, confused by his question.

  “Can you let Rebecca down easy?”

  “Rebecca?” I asked, looking over his shoulder to where Rebecca had just been standing.

  “Yeah,” he began, then sighed. “She’s had a crush on you forever.”

  “What? No, she hasn’t.”

  “Yeah, man, she has. You’re the only one who hasn’t noticed.”

  Shocked, I just looked at my friend, unable to respond.

  “She’s just been biding her time, waiting for you to be ready after the fiasco with Julie, and today, it looked like she was about to make her move. I know you’re not interested, brother, I’m just asking that you go easy, yeah? You’ve got to see her every day. We all do.”

  I nodded absently, still trying to wrap my head around what I was hearing. Rebecca had always been nice enough, and we often helped each other out after school, sometimes chaperoning events together, but I’d never thought of her as anything more than a friend.

  My stomach clenched at the thought of that awkward conversation.

  “Of course, Ty, you know I wouldn’t want to hurt her feelings.”

  “I know, Jacks, just wanted to give you a head’s up.”


  “I’ve got your back, you know that,” Ty said with a grin, then clapped me on the back. “Have fun, and don’t be afraid to be aggressive.”

  I chuckled at my friend, having no intention whatsoever in taking his advice, then finally made my way to the teacher’s parking lot. My watch told me I still had fifteen minutes to get to Three Sisters Catering, and although I’d wanted to be early, at least I’d still get there on time.

  I’d pulled up in front of Millie’s storefront with two minutes to spare. When I stepped out of my truck I saw Jericho Smythe standing outside of Prime Beef messing with his menu board.

  “Hey, Jericho!” I y
elled out, lifting my hand in a wave to my buddy, who owned the steakhouse. We were part of the same Fantasy Football league, and often got together with a group of guys to watch games. Plus, he served the best steak in town.

  “How’s it going?” Jericho asked in reply.

  I shot him a thumbs up and a huge grin, then jogged around the truck so that I’d make it on time. I’d fill Jericho in later on why I didn’t have time to catch up, being on time to pick up Millie was more important.

  The door jangled as I opened it. The tables and chairs were empty, since they weren’t currently serving, but it only took a moment before Millie stepped out from the back.

  In a pale-blue dress with her hair hanging long and straight around her shoulders, she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. I was momentarily stunned. Speechless.

  I watched as Millie walked toward me, a small, uncertain smile playing on her lips, then I took a step toward her and reached out my hand. When she took it, I propelled myself closer and lowered my lips to her cheek, kissing her softly before saying, “You look gorgeous.”


  I was overcome by nerves. All morning I couldn’t stop fretting over this coffee date with Jackson. I mean, what did I really know about the guy. Sure, I knew he was a good dad, his house was nice, and something about those glasses he wore made my body pulse, but I didn’t really know him.

  Shoot, I hadn’t even known he was a teacher until he’d mentioned it in that text.

  Although, out of all the professions out there, high school English teacher was better than assassin, or jewelry thief.

  But, when I stepped out into the storefront and saw him standing there, not even trying to hide his pleasure at seeing me, I shoved my doubts to the side and decided to dive in.

  It was just coffee, after all, it wasn’t as if I was his new mail-order bride. There was no commitment being made.

  “Thank you,” I replied, when his compliment penetrated my thoughts. I’d probably tried on twenty different outfits before finally deciding on the blue dress. It was conservative, yet flirty. At least, that’s what I hoped.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, pushing his glasses up his nose in what I was beginning to realize was a nervous gesture.

  “Yes,” I replied, giving him a true smile. It was easier knowing that he was just as nervous as I was. “Let’s go.”

  “It’s a beautiful day, shall we walk?” Jackson asked, mockingly holding out his arm in a gallant gesture.

  I laughed at his silliness and tucked my arm in his.

  “I’d love that.”

  As we started on the short walk to the coffee house, I asked, “So, what made you get into high school English?”

  “I always knew I wanted to be a teacher, and I’ve always loved literature, so it seemed like a no-brainer,” Jackson replied easily. “I started out with your basic freshman English, but now I teach an advanced class, focusing on the classics, like Shakespeare, Austen, and Alcott, and it’s great because the kids in my class choose to be there, so they actually want to learn what I’m teaching.”

  “Wow, that sounds wonderful,” I replied, my heart pitter-pattering at the thought of Jackson laying down to read Jane Austen at night. “And very rewarding.”

  “It is,” he agreed. Just then, the wind kicked up and his scent hit me. A bit of spice, with a hint of something I couldn’t name. He smelled wonderful.

  I was beginning to wonder what the hell was wrong with this guy. There had to be something. No one was this perfect.

  Maybe he picks his nose or bites his toenails…

  But as I looked at his profile, my hand warm on his arm, I hoped that I was wrong. I wanted him to be real.

  “And for you,” Jackson added, pulling me out of my thoughts. “It must be rewarding running your own business. A family business at that.”

  I nodded, then looked down at the ground as we walked and said, “After our mother died, we decided to do what she would have wanted us to, and follow our dreams. Sure, it was risky, but we learned the hard way that you need to go after what you want before it’s too late.”

  “Hey,” Jackson said, stopping on the sidewalk and putting his hand under my chin. As he was lifting it up to bring my eyes to his, I noticed that he was no longer wearing his wedding ring.

  My heart leapt.

  “I’m sorry about your mom,” he said softly when our eyes met.

  “Thank you.”

  “It takes a lot of bravery and strength to take a chance on doing what you love. I know your mother would be proud of you and your sisters.”

  All my worries and doubts fled at his words, and I knew I wanted to see where things went with him. I wanted this coffee date to be our beginning.

  “I really appreciate that,” I said with a small smile, then tugged on his arm to get us moving again. A half a block down, we came to the awning above Rooster’s Coffee House, and I gave Jackson thanks when he held the door open for me to go inside.

  The smell of coffee, pastries, and cinnamon assaulted me as I walked in, and turned to Jackson with a sigh.

  “I love this place.”

  “I’ve never been,” he admitted, “but it smells great.”

  Not only did it smell great, but it was decorated in a rustic, farmhouse style. Lots of distressed wood, tin fixtures, and, of course, roosters everywhere.

  We walked to the counter, where he ordered a black coffee and croissant, and I ordered a salted caramel latte and a cranberry scone. Once we had our treats, we took the white iron bistro table in the back.

  “Salted caramel, huh?” Jackson asked after he held out my seat, then took his own. “I’ve heard that’s the current craze.”

  “You’ve never had anything salted caramel?” I asked, my jaw dropping slightly. “Candy, cupcakes, ice cream, latte, nothing?”

  Jackson chuckled at my dramatic response and shook his head.

  “Nope, the combo never appealed to me. I mean, salt on top of caramel, it just doesn’t seem right.”

  “Sometimes a pinch of salt is all you need to take something bland, and make it absolutely delicious,” I replied, holding my drink out to him. “Here, you have to try it.”

  Jackson accepted the challenge, taking my hot cup and lifting it to his lips. I was mesmerized by the sight of his lips on the rim of my cup, then laughed when he pulled away to reveal the slight whipped cream mustache that was left behind.

  He darted his tongue out to wipe his lip clean, then his eyes darkened when he noticed I was watching, my breath stuck in my throat.

  “Delicious,” Jackson said gruffly, and I had to agree, it was.


  I was almost done with my coffee, and things had been going great, when Millie reached over and ran her finger over where my wedding ring used to be.

  “I, ah, noticed that you took it off,” she began, and I knew there was a question in there.

  I closed my eyes for a moment, enjoying the light caress of her finger on mine, then opened them and gave her a wry smile.

  “I’d known Julie all my life, our parents were friends, and we went to the same schools together,” I said, turning my hand under hers and holding it in place. “We started dating in high school, which made our families happy, and we just sort of settled into things from there. It was never love at first sight, or a match made of passion.” I paused, realizing my inner literature nerd was coming out, then I chuckled and continued, “Sure, we had the sweaty palms and stolen kisses of any teenaged relationship, but soon we just fell into an easy relationship. We went to college together, then Julie got pregnant and we moved back home to get married.”

  “Well, you got an amazing daughter out of it,” Millie said, her hand squeezing mine compassionately.

  “Yeah, K is the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  I realized we were both done with our drinks and snacks, but wasn’t ready to leave yet, so I asked, “Would you like something else? A water?”

  “Yeah, that
would be great,” Millie replied sweetly, and I felt relieved that she wasn’t ready to end this thing yet either.

  I excused myself to go to the counter and buy two waters from the barista, then looked back at Millie while I waited. She was sitting at our table, looking around the dining room with a smile on her lips. I hadn’t really paid attention to my surroundings, but I followed her gaze and took in the décor of Rooster’s.

  It kind of reminded me of my grandparents’ house … Mental note, it’s time to make a visit, Kayla and I haven’t been to Grandma’s in a few months.

  Once the mental note was cataloged in the calendar in my mind, I grabbed the waters and strode back to Millie.

  “Where were we?” I asked as I placed her water on the table and took my seat.

  “You moved back home to have Kayla,” she supplied, then opened her water and said, “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome,” I replied, then thought back to my time with Julie. “She dropped out of school and we got married, while I transferred here and started taking classes. We rented a crappy two-bedroom row house, but we were happy. Excited about the baby. A few years after I started teaching, we had enough money saved to put a down payment on the house I live in now. Our marriage was a partnership. We didn’t fight, or have some deep-seated resentment about getting pregnant before marriage. We were just your normal family. When she said she was leaving, I was blindsided. One hundred percent.”

  I lost my words as I thought back to that day, when Julie said she was leaving, and I swear, I thought she was joking. It had never occurred to me that we wouldn’t spend our lives together.

  “She said she needed to live her own life. That she’d given up everything to become a mother and wife, and she wanted to see what else was out there. I told her she was crazy, that she’d regret it, and asked how she could do that to Kayla…”

  “What did she say?” Millie asked softly, her hand once again on mine.


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