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Costume Party (Taboo Erotica)

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by Anya Merchant

  Costume Party


  Anya Merchant

  Copyright © 2014 by Anya Merchant

  All rights reserved

  Kindle Edition

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work is intended for adults only. It contains substantial sexually explicit language and scenes that may be considered offensive by some readers.


  “Mitch, I’m telling you, we can’t miss out on this!”

  Mitch Hadley was lying in bed, on his cell phone talking to his oldest friend, Benny. The topic of conversation was a discussion totally in line with many that the two 18 year old high school seniors had hashed out before, primarily, what to do for fun that night.

  “Benny, it’s going to be lame, trust me,” said Mitch. “The Hendersons throw the same tired, post-Halloween costume party every year at the start of December. It’s just a bunch of boring adults eating cheese and making small talk, my parents are regular attendees.”

  “So is my mom, Mitch, but I’m telling you, it’s more than that,” said Benny. “Everyone drinks, and they usually get really wild. I heard some stories last year about some crazy hook ups, even sex out in the open! We have to see this with our own eyes.”

  Mitch sighed. His friend was persistent, if nothing else. He really didn’t want to go, but Benny’s enthusiasm was infectious, and he found himself lacking for a decent excuse to bail on the event.

  “Alright, fine,” he said. “I’ll have to rush to get a costume together for tonight, though. We can’t use the same ones we had on Halloween or our parents will spot us in an instant.”

  “Great! Let’s meet at the end of the street at around eight. Make sure you don’t let your step mom see your costume ahead of time.”

  “All right man, I’ll see you there.” Mitch hung up the phone and shook his head, not entirely sure that he had just agreed to something that would turn out well.

  He headed downstairs, intent on raiding the laundry room for any interesting clothing items he could use in his outfit. Mitch was rushing a little, and because of his fast pace he almost bumped directly into his step mom, Angie.

  Angie had married Mitch’s dad, Greg, about 10 years ago. She was in her mid-thirties, and could have been described as a trophy wife if it hadn’t been for her piercing intelligence. Her breasts were nicely formed and hung perfectly on her petite frame, and she had a butt that Mitch had guiltily stolen glances at many times before over the course of his teenage years.

  “Hey sweetie!” she said to Mitch, pulling him into a hug. “I’m headed out to the Henderson’s party. Your father’s flight will delayed, he won’t be back until later tonight.”

  Mitch reciprocated the hug, feeling his crotch pushing up against his mom’s soft body. She was wearing a sexy cat costume that exposed a ton of cleavage along with a good part of her midriff and long legs.

  “Uh, okay mom,” he said. “I guess I’ll have the house to myself, then.”

  Angie nuzzled in closer to him, not realizing that her son was quickly entering a very compromised state. Mitch could feel a hasty erection springing up in his pants, and felt incredibly ashamed at just how good it felt.

  “Looks like it honey,” she said. “Not a bad way to spend a Friday night. You can do whatever you want tonight, and really enjoy yourself, however you please.”

  The hug had gone on for a while, too long. Mitch’s cock was throbbing for attention, and he was at the point of not caring if his mom felt it or not. There was an illicit, forbidden atmosphere in the air, which was only broken by Angie finally releasing her arms and pulling away.

  “I hear that the costume party got a little wild last year,” said Mitch.

  “Did it? I don’t remember…” replied his mom. “Anyway, I’m helping Lizzie set up. I’ll see you later tonight, or tomorrow morning, sweetheart.”

  She blew him a kiss, and then pulled on her winter coat and disappeared out the door. Mitch stared at her butt, which was only covered by a tiny pair of black bootie shorts, and wondered just how the people at the party would react to seeing her.

  Strangely, the thought made him a little excited. If his mom planned on showing up dressed like that, it seemed like a fair bet that many of the other women would be wearing equally skimpy outfits. Mitch smiled and found himself being glad that he’d let Benny talk him into it.

  He looked around in the laundry room and found a couple of things that matched what he needed. Mitch had a cape left over from his Halloween costume and planned on using it as the base for his new one.

  Together with an old hat that his father had, some leather pants, a black long sleeve button up shirt, and a bandana with two holes cut into it, he was able to transform himself into Zorro. He found himself wishing that he had a sword to the complete the costume, but it looked relatively good even without it.

  He spent about an hour eating food and watching TV before texting Benny. His friend had ultimately decided on going as The Mask, which Mitch found pretty hilarious. They re-coordinated their meet up, and then Mitch was out the door, headed for the end of the street.

  It was easy for him to spot Benny, who had on a ridiculous yellow suit and green face paint. Mitch had to hold his laughter as he walked up to his friend.

  “What?” asked Benny. “I think I pull this look off pretty well.”

  “Well, on the upside, at least nobody is going to be able to tell that it’s you,” he joked.

  Benny glared at him, and Mitch waved his hand.

  “Anyway, do you have any good ideas as far as a cover story goes?” asked Benny. “We can’t exactly just show up and tell people our own names.”

  “I’m Bill, and you’re Frank,” said Mitch. “We say that we’re friends of Greg, my dad, from out of town. He’s not going to be home tonight to tear our lie apart, and my mom probably won’t be able to see through it either.”

  “Perfect!” said Benny. “Let’s get moving!”

  The two of them turned, and started down the street, headed for the Henderson’s house and the party.


  There was a man standing outside of the door of the Henderson’s large, suburban house. Mitch nodded towards Benny, and then walked up to the man.

  “Who goes there?” boomed the man. He was dressed in an animal fur loin cloth and had a rather comical looking horned helmet on, a look that wasn’t incredibly flattering on his overweight frame.

  “They call me Zorro…” said Mitch, and a low and drawn out voice. The man burst into laughter, and then stepped aside, allowing the two of them to walk right in.

  “That was easy,” whispered Benny.

  “It’s a costume party, I take it that they just assume that anyone who shows up in costume is on the guest list,” replied Mitch.

  It was only a little after eight, but the inside of the party was already packed full of people. On just a quick scan of the room, Mitch saw everything from Batman and Wonder Woman, to angels and devils, Walter White, Snow White, and many more, some of which he couldn’t identify and assumed came from an era before his time.

  In the corner, he saw his mom, dressed in her ridiculously sexy cat costume, talking to a couple of other moms that were also wearing outfits that made Mitch incredibly horny. He found his heart beating a little faster than it should have been, and hoped that his mask would do the trick.

  The Hendersons had even gone as far as to hire a private DJ, who had a small set of turntables set up against the far wall of the living room. There were a couple of people dancing, but
for the most part, the attendees of the party seemed to be just drinking and chatting.

  Mitch turned towards Benny and realized that his friend had walked off somewhere. He felt a little nervous as he looked around the room, wanting to have some fun but not exactly knowing where he could fit in. An attractive older woman walked over, wearing a golden bikini and with her hair styled in the same fashion as Princess Leia in her slave outfit.

  “Ooh, Zorro,” said the woman, laughing. “Your reputation definitely precedes you, that’s for sure…”

  As she drew closer, Mitch realized with a small start that he was facing Pamela, Benny’s mom. He almost panicked and tried to bolt, but forced himself to stay calm and trust in his costume. He smiled at her, and tried to talk in a voice lower than the one he typically used.

  “I am here to fight evil and defend the fallen, milady,” he said.

  Pamela was a gorgeous woman, and whenever Benny would host a get together at his house, he’d often be the butt of more than a couple of jokes concerning his hot mom. Her costume only seemed to amplify her sex appeal, and as she stepped closer to Mitch, clearly rather drunk, he felt an erection beginning to manifest within the confines of his pants.

  “How gallant of you,” she said, putting one of her hands on his chest. The air suddenly felt hot to Mitch, and he found himself staring into her eyes. “Perhaps you can save me before the night is over, and show me what you’re really made of?”

  The DJ switched the song, and a loud cheer went through the room, along with a bunch of people spilling onto the dance floor. Pamela took his hand and pulled him out, and before Mitch knew what was happening, he was dancing next to her.

  “Here, I have to finish this, take a sip,” she said, pushing the cup that she was holding against his lips. Mitch didn’t want to make a scene, and drank the intensely alcoholic tasting liquid as she poured it into his mouth.

  “Do you like it?” she asked him. “The bartender in the kitchen makes a mean Long Island Iced Tea.”

  Mitch nodded, and Pamela began laughing, setting the glass down on a table and then throwing her arms around Mitch and kissing him on the cheek. He scanned the room for Benny, hoping that he could find him and then find a way to extricate himself from the very delicate situation.

  “Come on, handsome, let’s dance,” she shouted over the loud music. Pamela pushed up against Mitch’s chest, and it took every ounce of willpower in his body to keep himself calm. She rubbed her tits on him, giggling and acting as though it was funniest thing in the world to her.

  “Whoa, easy there, senorita,” he said.

  “Call me Pamela, you stud,” Benny’s mom replied. She turned around and began rubbing her butt against his crotch, dancing with him in one of the dirtiest ways possible.

  Mitch realized very quickly that things were getting out of hand. The center of the living room had been designated a makeshift dance floor, and it was packed with people. Pamela was grinding her butt onto him, and took it a step further by taking his hands and placing them on top of her golden bikini covered breasts. The material was only thin cloth, and he could feel her flesh and nipples through it easily.

  There were too many people around for anyone to really see what was going on, but that didn’t make it feel any less illicit to Mitch. It was hard for him to think straight, his mind fogging over with horniness as his friend’s mom continued to push things further in a drunken attempt to have some fun.

  He almost gasped as she reached her hand down his pants and began stroking his cock. She brought her lips close to his, letting them slide across his mouth without kissing him fully, and then let out a sexy little moan.

  “Do you like this, Zorro?” she whispered. “I could do a lot for you, if you’d be willing to join me in one of the spare bedrooms.”

  “I…I…” Mitch didn’t know what to say. Benny was his best friend, and what was happening seemed to be a complete betrayal of the trust that they shared. Pamela was still stroking him off, and the feeling of her breasts and body so close to him was so amazing.

  “Oh wow, there are a ton of people in here,” said Pamela. She was right. About a dozen had pushed into the living room since the time that they had started dancing. A group of women behind Mitch bumped him forward, and his cock ended up pushing against Pamela’s skirt, nestling itself in between her buttocks.

  “I…I don’t think we can go anywhere right now,” said Mitch. It was true, and it was the best possible outcome. The room was moving and grinding, so packed full of people it almost seemed to have a life of its own. Mitch’s cock was throbbing against his friend’s mom, and she seemed to still be delighting in teasing him and doing as much as she could to make the situation even more arousing.

  He let his hands drift back up to her tits, and Pamela let out a small satisfied sigh. Mitch was too horny to stop himself at this point, and began dry humping against her, pinching her nipples and kissing her neck as he dead.

  “Oh yeah, that’s what I want, big boy,” moaned Pamela. “Give it to me, yeah, give me everything you’ve got.”

  Mitch kept in rhythm with the music, feeling his cock pulsing with pleasure. It was as though he was trying to fuck Benny’s mom with his clothes on, and something about that tiny, almost insignificant barrier made the situation even hotter than it should have been.

  He couldn’t hold out for long, and felt his cock begin to explode in his pants right as the song ended. Pamela picked up on what had happened and seemed incredibly pleased with her actions.

  “Next time, let’s do it in a bed,” she whispered. “This is definitely that kind of party.”

  For some reason, her words delighted Mitch. He was incredibly glad that he had decided to come.


  The line to the bathroom was long, and filled with some people Mitch recognized, and some people he didn’t. All of them were wearing costumes, and he found himself sandwiched in between a man wearing a comical looking horse mask and the statue of liberty.

  After a couple of minutes, it was finally his turn. He cleaned himself up, feeling both a strange mixture of shame and arousal over what had happened, and also incredibly glad that he was wearing leather pants that didn’t show moisture. With some water and a couple of paper towels, he managed to get himself as fresh as he had been on arrival.

  When Mitch headed back out to the living room, he spotted Benny for the first time since getting into the party. He had a beer in his hand, and appeared to be flirting with a woman dressed as a belly dancer that Mitch recognized, on closer inspection, as the grad school enrolled teaching assistant for their AP History class.

  “Way to go, Benny,” he muttered to himself. The bar was only a few feet away in the kitchen, and he stopped in and grabbed him a beer of his own, the bartender not seeming to be interested in carding anyone within the party.

  “Alright, are you all having fun tonight?” boomed the DJ on the microphone. The response of the crowd was to let out a loud cheer. “Good, that’s what I like to hear. We have a little game for you, courtesy of your kind and benevolent host, Peter Henderson.”

  There was more applause, and Mitch watched as his neighbor drunkenly stumbled over to the DJ’s set up and almost tripped over a cord as he reached for the mike. The crowd found it hilarious, and somebody shouted a jeer over the hum of the room.

  “Costumes in the closet!” Peter yelled, his voice straining the speakers of the audio system. “You all remember this game from last year. Put your names in the hat, and we’ll start drawing them out!”

  A clipboard was passed around with a table on it, with one column for men and one column for women. Mitch saw that most people had written not their actual name, but who they were in costume, and he ended up putting down “Zorro” in an empty square. It didn’t take long for everyone to sign up, and he found himself getting a little excited as he listened in to people in the party conversing about it.

  “Things got ridiculous last year,” said a guy to his right. “I
know at least a couple of people ended up getting really nasty.”

  “I think everyone did, at least to some degree,” replied the woman he was talking to. “God, I’m getting a little excited just thinking about it. Are you sure you’re okay with this, honey?”

  “Of course, babe. Tonight, I’m Big Foot, and you’re Dorothy from Kansas. We can go back to being ourselves tomorrow.”

  “Zorro, you’re up first!” said the DJ over the mike. The closet is upstairs, and you’ll be heading inside of it with…Little Red Riding Hood!”

  The crowd began to clap, and it seemed like everyone was clapping at once. Mitch didn’t know whether to feel lucky or nervous. He headed over to the stairs, and saw the woman that he had been paired up with. She was strikingly attractive, with large breasts, and a petite body. She wore a red cloak that covered her face, along with a tight shirt and a very short black skirt that clung to her perfect ass.

  “Hey there handsome,” she said to him as he walked over. “Are you going live up to Zorro's reputation? I hear he is quite a hit with the ladies…”

  Her voice was strangely familiar, and something about it caused Mitch’s cock to become rock hard with anticipation.

  “Senorita, I think it’s your turn to see that in action,” he replied.

  The crowd roared, and Mitch and the woman headed upstairs into the hallway and to the closet at the end of it. The small storage area had been cleared out, and a couple of pillows had been thrown down on the ground inside of it. The DJ and a bunch of people followed them up and closed the door behind them, and Mitch heard a small click as it locked from the outside.

  “So you talk big…but can you back it up?” whispered the woman.

  Mitch felt his cock jump at the chance to show her. He leaned in, finding her lips in the dark room as if led by erotic magnetism. The woman kissed her back, pushing her tongue into his mouth and running her hands along his body.


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