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Falling for a Duke (Timeless Regency Collection Book 8)

Page 17

by Rebecca Connolly

  Her lips pursed. “Not exactly. Only one other person will know of it, but after that, it will never be discussed again.”

  He lifted one brow. He was confused, but their odd conversation was . . . interesting. Sadly, it was probably the most interesting conversation he’d had in a long time. “And who is this other person?”

  She bit her plump bottom lip, and the movement drew his eye. A sweet jolt of desire rushed through him. I’m actually considering this madness, he realized with astonishment.

  She looked down toward some spot on the floor to his right. “I shouldn’t say.”

  “You most certainly should.” Her eyes trailed back to his at his slightly gruff tone. “I’d like to know who will be privy to such intimate details of my life.”

  Her eyes widened. “You mean you’re considering it? Kissing me?”

  “I thought you were going to kiss me,” he teased, relaxing and enjoying the banter. “A blush?” His thumb brushed the light pink highlighting her cheek. “From the way you barged in here, I thought you must demand kisses from strangers all the time.”

  Her cheeks stained an even darker shade of pink. “No. This will be my first kiss.”

  Another unreasonable shot of attraction tore through him. Why the thought of being her first kiss pleased him, he couldn’t say. He had never desired such a title from any other lady, as the dramatics he’d seen innocent, gently bred ladies employ after such occasions left him cold. He’d considered it once or twice throughout the years—who wouldn’t? Temptation was paraded almost daily for men of his status—but decided he was better off without the experience of being someone’s first anything. However, this woman was swiftly changing his mind.

  Somewhere during this conversation, he decided he was going to kiss her. She had inflamed him and piqued his curiosity too much to let her walk away now. “Do you need to kiss me specifically or would any man do?”

  “It has to be you.”

  Her words slid over him like a caress, and he realized he no longer cared if her request was because he was the Duke of Hargrave or not. It has to be you was all that ran through his mind. “Shall I hold you or would you like me to stand still?” He stood transfixed as more delightful color flooded her face.

  “You can hold me. That would be a-appropriate, I think. Right?” she added, sounding unsure.

  “For a kiss? Absolutely.” He bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling.

  “Okay.” She cleared her throat, stepped forward, and placed her hands on his shoulders, shrugging sheepishly. “Forgive me. I should know more about this sort of thing. Is this how it’s done?”

  He reached for her hands and lifted them higher to wrap around his neck. Her fingers curled to caress his nape, and shivers skated down his spine. “Hold onto me like this.” His voice held a faint rasp.

  As if curious, her fingers eased up into his hair. “I never knew a man’s hair was so soft.” Her fingers stilled, as if debating whether the touch was allowed.

  He wrapped her tightly in his arms. Heaven help him, he didn’t want her to stop the sweet torture. “You can touch me wherever you like.”

  Her body softened in his hold. “I should probably offer the same, but I’m not sure it would be such a good idea. After all, I don’t know you.”

  “You said everyone knows me.”

  She chuckled. “True. I should have said you don’t know me.”

  “Tell me your name.”

  Indecision crept in her eyes, and he wished he could put her back at ease. What had started out as an intriguing situation had slowly boiled into something more potent, something he’d never experienced with another. He had known instant attraction in the past—a feeling that flared hotly before quickly sizzling to nothing—but this was something that eased through his blood, locking and holding and refusing to let go. This was new. He desperately needed to kiss her now.

  “Miss Madeline Maybury,” she finally answered.

  “Madeline.” Her name rolled off his tongue. It seemed familiar, but he couldn’t recall ever being formally introduced to her.

  “Perhaps we shouldn’t use Christian names. It’s doubtful we’ll speak after this.”

  “If you’re going to kiss me, I insist upon it. I’m not about to call you Miss Maybury after such an intimacy.”

  Her eyes slid away, as if embarrassed. “All right. And you?”

  He waited until her eyes came back to his. “Ethan.” He held still, wanting to hear his name on her lips.

  “Ethan,” she repeated, and the sound of it made his blood heat even more.

  He didn’t know what was happening between them in this stolen moment, and frankly, he no longer cared. It didn’t matter that the ton merrily danced the night away in the ballroom downstairs or that he’d never noticed Madeline before she jumped into the sitting room.

  He gathered her in closer, worried that any sudden moves might startle her. Her cinnamon-colored eyes grew wide at his touch, then, as he brought her closer, her eyelids lowered.

  He only held her, letting her get used to the feel of him, without rushing for more. One heartbeat, then two. His pulse picked up speed at having her so near. “Are you ready?”

  She gulped. “Yes?”

  A small smile curved his lips at her uncertainty. “If you don’t want to do this, you don’t have to.” Although he said it easily, Ethan silently hoped she didn’t change her mind.

  “Actually, I do have to. But I also want to.”

  Her pupils dilated as he slowly ran his hands up and down her back. She wanted to kiss him, and it didn’t matter that he was a duke. He knew when a woman desired him, and regardless of her secrets, Madeline wanted this as much as he did. “Then do it.”

  It took all his restraint not to capture her rosy lips with his own, to press her body closer to his. This was her moment. She had made it clear that she had to be the one to kiss him, and he wouldn’t rob her of it.

  With a bracing breath, she stood on her toes and brushed her lips softly against his before quickly pulling away. It happened so fast, if he hadn’t been watching her, he might have missed it.

  “Oh.” She pulled her arms away from him and touched her lips. “Your lips are warm. Did mine feel that way too?”

  A smile bloomed on his face, and he chuckled. “It was a little too quick to tell.”

  “Was it bad?” Worry tainted her voice.

  “Not bad, just quick.”

  “Is it supposed to last longer?”

  He nodded slowly, worried if he said anything more, he would end up laughing, and he didn’t want to hurt her feelings.

  Her shoulders fell. “Oh. Well, I told you I didn’t know what I was doing.”

  “For your first time, you did well.”


  “Yes. But would you like to get better?”

  She nibbled on that delicious lip again for a few seconds before nodding. “What should I do?”


  “Practice? Do you mean . . . Are you saying to practice with . . .”

  Ethan raised a brow but remained silent, refusing to let go of her, even though her hands rested on his forearms as if she’d pull away at any moment.

  Swallowing hard, she finally asked, “Are you saying I should kiss you again for practice?”

  He nodded once.

  “You . . . you wouldn’t mind?”

  He could see the interest in her eyes, and a dangerous heat flooded his body. “I would be happy to.” He tried to keep his tone light, so as not to frighten her.

  “That’s very kind.”

  He almost choked. There was nothing kind about his desire. “Would you like me to kiss you this time?”

  She wet her lips, and her flaming hot eyes met his. “Yes.”

  His throat clenched and his words were difficult to release when he said, “Put your arms around me again.”

  Her arms slid up his chest, around his shoulders, sinking into his hair once more, and he groa
ned at her touch.

  Her fingers immediately loosened. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It feels good.” He’d never had a more candid, intimate moment in his life, and she was just barely touching him. There was no power play here, only pure honesty.

  She smiled shyly, and her hands retraced their previous path.

  He didn’t wait for a second invitation. His head lowered, and he took her lips hungrily. She tasted sweet from the faintest hint of lemonade, and he craved more—something deeper, something hotter. But she was innocent, and regardless of his needs, he would not frighten her during her first kiss. Forcing himself to keep it light, he layered several warm kisses on her lips, nuzzling her mouth one last time before lifting his head.

  Her lashes fluttered open slowly, and passion glazed her eyes.

  “That’s how you should kiss someone,” he said, his voice low as he fought the instinct to ravage her mouth. He stepped out of her arms, willing himself to remember that she was an innocent lady. “You should return to the ballroom before you’re missed.” And before I lose all control.

  His words of advice startled her back into the present. “Oh. Yes, you’re right.” She shook her head, and he tightened his fist at her dazed expression, imagining his grip was holding tightly onto his last bit of control.

  Madeline started toward the door, but paused once she touched the handle and turned back toward him. “Thank you. You’ve helped more than you know, and I’ll never forget this.” She gave him a small smile, then opened the door and peeked both ways before stepping out and vanishing.

  Ethan let out the breath he’d been holding. “Neither will I.”

  Madeline returned to the ballroom, haunting the perimeter as she had so many times before, but inside, a new person blossomed. Relief and excitement raced through her.

  She’d done it. She’d actually done it! She’d completed her assigned task, and now everything would change. She could never tell her mother why an avalanche of invitations would appear by week’s end or why she had a whole new group of friends. Although she doubted her mother would quibble over the whys of either issue anyway. Success was success, and in the end, that was all that mattered.

  Madeline was going to marry a titled man of means, and she would never have to worry about how little they had. She would be able to eat as much as she liked, and she wouldn’t have to continually remake her gowns to hide threadbare fabric. Her life was about to change.

  All because she’d kissed a duke.

  Her belly fluttered as her temperature rose. Who knew kissing could be so wonderful? It was like eating her favorite custard or soaking in a tub until she was drowsy, mixed with the thrill of racing too fast in a carriage. It had made her heart race, her pulse rise, and yet his warm embrace had soothed her as well. It was an interesting combination, one she wished dearly to explore further, but first, she needed a husband.

  As the time to report back to Lady Louisa drew near, she shook out her hands, hoping to dispel some of the nervous energy sizzling inside her. Her breaths came too fast in her tightly fitted gown, and she worked to slow them so she wouldn’t faint. Feigning weakness, Madeline found her mother and pleaded an aching head, voicing a need for a moment of quiet in the retiring room. Her mother took one look at her and sent her directly to rest, with the promise of checking in on her soon.

  Madeline retraced her steps down the dark hallways and pushed through the doorway of the same sitting room where the women had met earlier that evening, but this time, she felt completely different. She had conquered and had come to claim her prize.

  Lady Louisa waited in a chair, and two of the other girls were there, but no one spoke. At least she wasn’t last this time. She couldn’t wait to hear if the others had accomplished their tasks or if they’d come up empty-handed. Surely not everyone could have accomplished such difficult tasks.

  The last two girls rushed in, and Madeline bit back a smile. The girl with red hair had a crazed grin on her face, as if she had landed a king as her husband. But the final girl’s face was pinched, her eyes bloodshot as if she’d been crying. Poor thing.

  Lady Louisa rose from her seat like a queen rising from her throne. “I’m happy to see you all here again. I hope you were successful in your endeavors.” Her brows rose, and she paused long enough to look each of them in the eye.

  A cold sweat broke out under Madeline’s corset when Lady Louisa’s eyes met hers, narrowing slightly. I have nothing to be nervous about, she reminded herself. She had prevailed. Her future was set.

  Lady Louisa called the defeated-looking girl up first, asking if she’d accomplished her task. The girl’s eyes lowered. “No, I wasn’t able to. Perhaps with more time—”

  “You knew the rules,” Lady Louisa interrupted sharply, then coughed to clear her throat before continuing in a much softer, more delicate lilt. “The rules are there for a reason. No second chances.” She pointed to the door. “You may leave.”

  A sniffle sounded, then a second one, and the girl raced from the room.

  Pity stirred in Madeline’s heart. These tasks were never meant to be easy, and they had all known that. The fact the girl had still chosen to come meant she needed to be here just as desperately as Madeline. If the duke hadn’t been in one of the family’s private rooms tonight, Madeline might have ended up just like that girl.

  Lady Louisa clucked. “One down.”

  “Good heavens,” the redhead sitting next to Madeline said under her breath.

  Madeline agreed wholeheartedly.

  The next girl was called up, and when she said she’d been unable to finish the task as well, Madeline was shocked, now even more curious to know what their tasks had been.

  The redhead was next, and she practically buzzed with excitement when she stood in front of Lady Louisa. “Were you able to accomplish your task, Miss Bartlett?”

  “Yes! I mean—” She cleared her throat, then much more calmly answered, “Yes, I did.”

  Lady Louisa held out her hand, clearly disbelieving her, but when the young woman handed Lady Louisa a sealed letter, a mean smirk flashed on her face. She glanced down at the letter for a moment before laughing and tapping it against her lips. “Well done. Have a seat.”

  Lady Louisa looked at Madeline, then at the other girl who sat next to her and said, “I can only hope the two of you did as well as she did.”

  Madeline shifted uncomfortably. I’ve accomplished my task. There’s nothing to worry about! But the thoughts didn’t calm her.

  “Come forward, Miss Maybury.”

  Again, she wiped her damp palms on her dress. Perhaps things were not as different as she’d first thought.

  “Did you accomplish your task?” Lady Louisa asked, and there was no mistaking the sneer at the end.

  Madeline cleared her throat. “I did.”

  Lady Louisa gasped but quickly regained control of herself. “I don’t believe you.”

  “It’s true.” It had never crossed Madeline’s mind that Lady Louisa wouldn’t believe her. “I wouldn’t lie about this.”

  Lady Louisa let out a mocking laugh. “I find it hard to believe the duke would have any interest in kissing you. The man can have anyone. There’s no way you’ll ever convince me he kissed you.”

  Madeline cleared her throat. “He didn’t kiss me.”

  Satisfaction shone on Lady Louisa’s face at what she thought was Madeline’s admission to telling a falsehood, but Madeline set her straight. “I kissed him. That was a clear requirement of the task.” She wasn’t going to add that he had, in fact, kissed her after she’d completed her assignment. Lady Louisa didn’t need to know that.

  Forcing herself to stand still during Lady Louisa’s visual flogging, Madeline wondered why the woman was being so hard on her. If she hadn’t wanted Madeline to succeed, why invite her at all?

  The fair-haired woman finally shrugged as if she’d come to a decision. “I can’t be sure either way. You could be lying, which I’m sure of, or
telling the truth, which I highly doubt, but the fact is, there’s no proof either way. And since that’s the case, I have no choice but to disqualify you.”

  “What? You can’t be serious. I did what you asked. I did exactly what was on my paper. If you wanted proof, then you should have said so.”

  “Why, you—”

  The final girl stood from her chair. “She’s telling the truth. She did kiss the duke.”

  Lady Louisa’s eyes narrowed on the final girl and gestured for her to come closer. “How do you know, Miss Hart? Did Miss Maybury tell you what her task was?”

  The demure, honey-blond-haired girl shook her head. “I have no knowledge of her task.”

  “Then how do you know?” Lady Louisa’s voice had gone shrill.

  Miss Hart glanced at Madeline and offered a small smile. “I know because of my task.”

  “Your task? You mean the scandalous thing you witnessed was Miss Maybury kissing the duke? If that’s so, which duke did she kiss?”

  “The Duke of Hargrave.”

  Miss Bartlett gasped, then quickly did her best to hide her shock.

  “And you saw this with your own eyes?”

  “Yes. I saw the duke and his mother leave the ballroom and followed them. I hid in the next room and cracked the adjoining door, trying to overhear their conversation. I was about to leave once the countess was finished since I couldn’t hear their exchange from my location, but then Miss Maybury entered the sitting room with the duke, and I stayed long enough to see her kiss him. I didn’t want her to see me, so I left the moment her lips touched his.”

  Lady Louisa scrutinized them for almost a full minute, while Madeline reeled at Miss Hart’s words. She had seen her kiss the duke. Madeline felt some relief that the woman had only witnessed the first kiss and hadn’t been able to hear their conversation, but the whole thing made her uneasy.

  Lady Louisa sniffed as if the whole situation was distasteful. “Since I can’t decide if you collaborated or not, I’m going to give you both a new task.”


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