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Torn (Life Tree: Master Trooper 1)

Page 4

by Alexa Kim

  I make a hasty retreat from the house. I can’t guarantee I’ll keep my hands off Larona if I don’t hightail it out of there right this instant.

  Crow’s bungalow is only about a hundred yards away. When I storm through his front door, Crow throws up his hands. “Easy tiger… You’re not looking so hot.”

  “Let’s train,” I growl.

  What I like about Crow is his empathy. He knows right off the bat I am not to be argued with at the moment. “Alright,” he replies, and I follow him into his gym.

  I’m on him as soon as the door clicks shut behind us. I surprise Crow, knocking him down with a well-aimed kick. We use firearms when we’re on missions, but prefer hand-to-hand combat for training and relieving stress.

  Crow shakes his head and gets up. His eyes narrow to slits, following my every move. He’s not going to let me catch him off guard again. He grins provocatively and gestures with his hand. “Come on… Try that again.”

  I growl threateningly and start circling Crow, feinting left and right a few times. My movements are so fast no human would be able to keep up. But Crow is like me… so he dodges. I can smell his eager aggression, and he can smell mine. We’re pushing each other.

  “You didn’t fuck her, am I right?” he asks, evading me with half a turn of his body. A moment later, he’s kicking me hard in the back.

  “Fuck!” I’m not focused and let him bait me.

  Crow is grinning triumphantly – then I deliver a blow to his chin with the side of my hand. He stumbles back, blood dripping from his lip. I growl with satisfaction. When we’re fighting each other, it occasionally gets violent and bloody… which is disturbing to outsiders, so we don’t fight where Life Tree employees can watch us. Although Crow and I don’t have beef with one another, he’s serving as a punching bag for me and my pent up frustrations. Doing me that favor earns him lots of points with me, and I vow to buy him a drink the next chance I get.

  Crow is charging again, but my blow has cost him his equilibrium. He’s a good fighter, but he still has some weak points. He’s the youngest of our unit, and I have a few years of fighting experience on him since I’m already twenty-eight. He needs to catch up, and soon, before his face takes some serious damage.

  Crow is definitely the most handsome of our unit, with his blue eyes, chiseled features, and black hair he refuses to cut out of vanity, so it’s falling in soft waves to his chin – except during training and missions, when he ties it back with a strap. He looks a little like one of those old Greek statues with their wavy hair and athletic bodies. Yup, Crow is definitively good-looking – even his females lose their fear of him quite fast.

  My next kick lands in the back of his knee, and Crow goes down. He raises his hands in surrender. “Alright, brother… I get it. You win.”

  I immediately dial down on the aggression – another gene thing. We get riled up fast, but drop our adrenaline level just as quickly once the fight is over. I offer Crow a hand and pull him up when he takes it.

  “Damn it, Torn… You’re dynamite right now.”

  I grumble. “Feeling better now… Good fight.”

  We leave the gym and move to the kitchen. Crow’s partner is sitting at the table, but gets up and leaves after they exchange a glance. She’s a pretty one: young, brown hair, slender. She’s wearing cut-off shorts and a top that accentuate her body nicely. How does Crow manage to control his partners without driving them out of their minds with fear?

  “Nice butt,” I say, trying cover up my real thoughts.

  Crow shrugs and throws me a bottle of fruit juice. “They’re all the same to me… That’s the last of the juice – the supply shuttle from Earth is behind schedule again. We’ll only have water left soon.”

  We’re each engrossed in our own thoughts while sipping fruit juice. Alcohol consumption is limited. Life Tree believes it would negatively influence our abilities.

  “You know I don’t like it,” Crow continues our conversation from the day before. “Your hormones are all over the place.”

  “I can handle it,” I reply stubbornly.

  “Yeah, I can see that. So, what are you going to do?”

  “Like I said… getting the job done she’s here for.”

  He looks at me with surprise. “You really haven’t fucked her yet?”

  What am I to say? That Larona is so terrified of me, she’d rather kill herself than let me between her legs? I do that, and Crow is pulling the rip cord right there.

  “I should tell Doc Barnes,” he says as if reading my thoughts.

  “I’m warning you… If you treasure your face, you won’t do squad.”

  He crosses his arms in front of his chest. “Alright… two days! No more than that. If you don’t get yourself under control by then, I tell Doc Barnes to come get her.”

  I get up and advance on Crow with clenched fists. The fact he’s trying to get between me and Larona wakes my urge to protect my property. “That’d totally cost you your face, brother,” I hiss angrily.

  “If it means saving your hormonal ass, I’d even sacrifice my face.” Crows calm reply tempers my mindless rage. My fists drop to my side. Crow knows how to defuse conflicts… and most of the time, I think of it as a gift.

  “Two days,” I agree and remember the moment Larona’s fear was eradicated by her arousal. Better I take her, before they give her to someone else. After that… I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.


  I’ve been lying tied up in my bed for hours. My bladder is full enough to be uncomfortable, and I can’t do anything but wait. When I hear Torn’s footsteps, I’m almost relieved… almost. I wait for him to come into my room and untie me. The zip ties are digging into my flesh. I contemplate calling for him, but I don’t dare. I hear the shower running in the bath and start feeling uneasy. Why won’t he untie me? Why is he taking a shower? I force myself to breathe normally. I can’t fret. He’s taking a shower… doesn’t mean anything…

  I hear the water stop, then silence… and that only makes me more nervous.

  Abruptly, the door to my room opens, and Torn fills out the frame – tall, bulky, threatening. He’s wearing sweatpants and a loose shirt, both black. His outfit reminds me of training attire of martial arts fighters. He looks at me, not saying anything, his gaze roaming over my body. Once more I get the feeling his eyes are burning holes through the thin sheet keeping me concealed.

  “Please… the ties are cutting into my skin,” I dare to say.

  Without hesitation, he comes over and sits on the bed next to me. His weight makes the mattress dip. Yet he’s incredibly gentle when touching my hands. His fingers leave burns on the back of my hands – at least, that’s what it feels like. My skin is highly sensitive to Torn’s touch... I explain it away with the fear he triggers.

  “I need to cut them,” he says, and I think it’s more to himself than to me. Either way, he gets up and leaves the room. When he comes back, there’s a knife in his hand he must have fetched from the kitchen.

  He sits on the bed again, and the fact he’s now holding a large kitchen knife is not helping the situation. He puts the blade to my ties, but hesitates. When he looks up at me, I start trembling. In that moment, everything I thought rational and controlled about Torn is gone.

  “Do–don’t…” I stammer before he even does anything.

  “I won’t hurt you,” he whispers gravelly, and I’m frozen with terror when he puts the knife down and pulls away the sheet instead.

  I’m still tied up, and now he’s staring at my naked body. I can hear him draw a sharp breath. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he’s picking up my scent – like I’m prey.

  His large hand splays on my stomach, and I clam up again. But there’s also this other feeling… My body is reacting to Torn’s touch. My skin tingles where his hand lies, and my core is pulsing with heat. Damn… Please don’t let him notice… He’d probably take it as an invitation, or as consent, at the very least.

uptly, Torn is bending over me. I press my lips together, afraid he’s going to kiss me again. Instead of kissing me, he takes one of my nipples into his mouth and gently sucks.

  I whimper, afraid… and distraught by how my body is arching into his touch. My nipple inside his mouth is pebbling, and Torn can feel it. He starts to nibble, and his other hand is kneading my breast, gently but effectively. As he does that, a low growl rises in his throat.

  Finally, he lets up. My nipples are now red, hardened peaks. Torn is staring at them in fascination. “Such a petite body,” he rasps huskily, and I can hear in his voice how much it costs him not to lose control. “You taste so good… I wonder…” The hand that has been on my stomach so far is now slowly moving lower. I have a terrible feeling I know exactly where it’s going.

  “Please… Torn… I don’t want to…”

  He looks at me, and his eyes hold such heated desire, I can only describe it as non-human. “That’s not true, Larona… You’re just too scared to let it happen.”

  “Please…” I sob and feel tears streaming down my cheeks.

  Then his hand is on my pelvis… his finger slides slowly in between my lower lips, opening them, seeking out my sensitive clitoris. When he found it, he applies gentle pressure.

  I press my lips together. Even though I’m afraid of him like he’s the monster of my worst nightmares, I can barely resist the urge to rub against his finger. God… What’s wrong with me? How is this happening?

  “You feel that, little one? How wet your sweet pussy is? I can easily slide my finger through your slit… and I bet I can do even more.”

  Before I can make a sound, his finger is pushing deep inside of me. I close my eyes because I don’t put up any resistance. On the contrary – there’s a wet noise as his finger sinks into me. Immediately, Torn presses his thumb against my clit, and this time I can’t help but moan.

  A glint appears in his eyes… He got my unmistakable reaction and starts fucking me with his finger… slowly, but thoroughly. “Such a sweet little pussy… so wet and tight…” he murmurs, and I see he’s panting.

  At the same time, I notice the huge bulge in his pants. I hope it’s just the material that makes him look so enormous, but I fear the worst. The hulky build of those genetically altered men surely doesn’t stop short on their junk.

  I weigh the chances of surviving Torn assaulting me. I’m small, smaller than most women – and tighter, too. Trake initially had trouble getting inside – and he wasn’t XXL sized like Torn. On the other hand, Dr. Barner didn’t seem to harbor any concerns. Life Tree checked and cleared me.

  “Doll,” he murmurs while his thumb draws playful circles around my clit.

  I stare at him. What did he just call me? Stay calm. Better for you, doll, I remember the words the soldier on the shuttle said just before setting off the gas bomb. I remember his brown eyes, boring into me… Torn’s eyes!

  “You… That was you… on the shuttle,” the words slip out of my mouth. In that moment, I forget all warnings not to agitate him, and try to squirm away and free myself.

  His reaction is swift. He pulls back his hand and grabs my neck. His hold isn’t painful, but immobilizing. “Yes,” he answers without hesitation.

  “Why?” I sob, and upon seeing my tears, his hold loosens a bit.

  “Because I wanted to save you… from what they would do to you if you hadn’t been deemed suitable.”

  I stare at him. What is he saying? Then I remember that I have no idea what happened to the other women who were on the shuttle with me. Sira… or the redhead.

  “What do you mean?” I ask breathlessly.

  His lips press into a line and he shakes his head. “Not important. You’re here… with me.”

  He’s insane, a monster with raging hormones. I don’t dare to provoke him again by struggling, but I let my tears flow freely.

  He puts a finger to my lips. It’s the one he just fucked me with, and I can smell myself on it. “This isn’t the scent of fear. You’re scared… I know that… but you want me even more.”

  “You’re wrong,” I whisper desperately, but trying to sound as confident as I can muster.

  Torn isn’t disconcerted. The muscles in his neck flex, showing me how on edge he is. Suddenly, he grabs the knife. I want to scream but his large, calloused hand clamps down on my mouth. Torn cuts the ties on my arms and legs. I’m free! My wrists burn as blood flows back into previously cut-off parts. I want to sit up, but Torn pushes me back onto the bed with a single move.

  “I’ll show you what you really want and need,” he says hoarse.

  I die a thousand deaths when he spreads my legs, wrapping his arms around my thighs. He pushes, and I’m spread open before him. He gives me a warning glare, successfully eliminating any fight I had left. Then his mouth is on my center, his tongue circling my clit, playing, teasing, and sucking.

  I want to leave myself behind… want to tell myself it’s just my body, not me… I’m not even here… but the truth is, I can’t. Torn licking and sucking my most sensitive spot doesn’t fail to affect me. My core is sending distinct signals to my nipples. They draw tight, and another moan escapes my throat. I dig my hands into the sheet and arch my pelvis towards Torn.

  He registers my body’s approval and strengthens his hold on my thighs. “Doll… you taste so good… so damn good and right.” He moans almost louder than me while he keeps licking.

  My lower lips are swollen and my clit is throbbing. As if I’m far, far away, I realize I’m moaning, tangling my hands into Torn’s hair and pushing his head deeper between my legs – and in that moment, I don’t care if he’s a monster. “Please… Please make me come,” I sob, completely paralyzed.

  Torn looks up in surprise… and there’s a hunger in his eyes that’s almost killing him. “Yes… come for me,” he rasps hoarse.

  I explode, calling out Torn’s name while pressing his head harder against my center with both hands. I whimper, and scream, and thrash around while Torn’s tongue in turns flicks against my clit and pushes into my tight channel.

  When the orgasm ebbs away, I’m shocked about myself. Never before have I let go like this – not even with Trake who I trusted. Now this… With my arousal draining away, fear is creeping back in. In addition to the fear of Torn forcing me, there’s now an even deeper fear settling in: that he could actually make me want him.

  Torn kisses the insides of my thighs, but I roll over into a fetal position, shielding myself.

  I can hear him huff in frustration when he pulls back. Irritating him… stupid idea, Larona… But he’s neither grabbing my neck nor freeing what’s causing the now even larger tent in his sweatpants. Instead, he just scowls at me. “Still scared, Larona? You have to feel it by now…”

  I dare to look at him. “What?” I ask whimpering.

  His muscles tense and his gaze holds onto mine. “That you’re my natural completion… and that you have to submit to me.”

  I stare at him. He’s mad… completely insane… obsessed with an absurd idea.

  I shake my head, but he’s relentless, still trapping me with his look. “It’s inevitable… you know that.”

  With this, he leaves my room. I’m left alone with my feelings, fears, and the confusion he stirs up in me.


  I feel better now that I have made myself clear. The nagging doubts and feelings are gone. Now I know what’s right… I know Larona belongs to me. I just wish I hadn’t frightened her right after she reacted to me so keenly. Crow is better at these kind of things than I am… I simply say what I’m thinking.

  I’m tense when I walk into the kitchen, rip open the fridge, and drown almost an entire bottle of water. My cock twitches in my pants… and my desire for Larona, now that I’ve had a taste of her, is almost too much to bear. But I know I have to restrain myself… wait until she loses her fear. Fuck! With my hormones raging as they are right now, waiting is pretty much the last thing I want.

  I contemplate g
oing into the gym and jerking off, but I can’t bring myself to do it. Besides, it’s not about getting off. That alone isn’t going to satisfy me. I have to claim her – and she has to accept me. Only then will my hormonal level get back to normal.

  I lean against the kitchen wall and think. I have to do something, preoccupy myself… Life Tree allows us two strong alcoholic beverages during vacation time. I usually ration them – one for each month. But today I’m going to drink both of them straight after the other, hoping they’ll help.

  The digital clock on the wall tells me it’s almost 8 p.m. The bar at Meeting Point is already open. I type Crow’s code into the telecommunicator and ask him if he wants to join me. He agrees and I move to leave. I stop short and contemplate if I have to tie Larona back up, but instinct tells me she’s far from harming herself out of desperation. She’s confused, maybe even desperate… but she’s not suicidal. And she can’t run away. Even if she made it to the high security fence separating Sector A from the outer zone, she’d be walking straight into the arms of the guards, and they’d bring her right back. But I have a feeling she won’t try to run.

  Content, I open the door and look forward to my two drinks that will hopefully give my mind a good buzz.



  I wait until I hear the front door, then wait another two minutes to be sure Torn has really left. Then I rush to the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I lean against the wall, and that’s when I remember how full my bladder is.

  After I’ve taken care of that, I think about what I should do now. Torn’s message was crystal clear and unmistakable: He wants me, and it didn’t sound as if he was going to wait much longer. But his need bordering on obsession really scares me. Dr. Barner said men like Torn would be naturally dominant due to their genetics, but what Torn had said sounded like far more than mere possessiveness to me.

  His natural completion… I wonder what Dr. Barner would make of that.


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