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Hunger of the Heart (White Buffalo MCs Book 1)

Page 7

by Trinity Blacio

  “I know you are there watching me, so come, take a walk with me. We have some things to discuss.” She waited for said warrior to let his presence be known.

  He moved at his own pace, slowly scanning everything around him, a lopsided smile on his face. “You are going to give the boss a run for his money. Are you sure you are up to going for a walk?”

  “Red said I could for a little while, plus I need to tell you a bit about your woman.” She tucked her arm into his when he stiffened. “Relax you need to know this because, Dark Horse, I know all about your loving ways. Running Wolf tried to explain a few things. It was kind of cute.”

  Dark Horse snorted and led her toward a path in the forest. “Only you would call our fearless leader cute. Tell me about my woman, please.”

  “I have a feeling she has grown up around these Iron Horse people and is kind of prisoner there. She has tried to leave, but they always block her path. She’s never known the world, only the small part they have allowed her to explore.” Kizzy stopped, staring up at him. “I know our times are growing short here, but after all this stuff with the Irons is done, if you could just take her someplace magical for her to remember, before the shit hits the fan.” Kizzy started to walk again. “I’ve always wanted to visit Europe, but I know we don’t have time for that. Wait. I know. Take her to the Smokey Mountains.” She jumped up and moaned.

  “Damn it, Kizzy, don’t go and hurt yourself. I’ll never hear the end of it from Running Wolf.”

  “I’m fine, just shouldn’t have jumped yet. Anyway, something like the Smokey Mountains or even Vegas would be great. She could witness both aspects of the world, one where everyone is pampered and one where nature takes your breath away.”

  Dark Horse stepped in front of her. “Was she raped?”

  “You know the answer to that.” She shivered. “For the last six years, they have emotionally and physically abused her. She’ll need a gentle hand, but once Lilly opens up, she’ll be the one you need. It’s going to take a while for her to trust any of us fully, but you hold the key to her.”

  “What? I don’t even know her. How can I hold the key?” He looked at her like she’d lost her mind.

  She patted his arm. “Come on. Take me to the pond. I want to see how the decorations are going for tonight.” Once more, they started to walk. “As for how you will be the key, she’s a slave at heart, Dark Horse. Lilly needs a gentle hand, but someone to take control.”

  He grinned. “Like Running Wolf does with you?”

  “We haven’t even broached that, yet. Stephan walked in while Running Wolf was trying to explain a few things. But, in my case, not as much as Lilly. Of course I want Running Wolf’s guidance, and I know he will protect me, but I also know I can dress myself and do things to keep busy. Your Lilly is going to need you to build her up from the ground. She is nothing but their whipping dog, Dark Horse.”

  They stepped into the clearing.

  “I’ll kill every one of them, I swear,” Dark Horse said, earning glances from Sun Bull and Night Song.

  “Who are you going to kill?” Uncle Stephan asked, joining them.

  “We were talking about the Irons and his woman. So, are we all set? Did we find my flowers?” she asked.

  “All is just like you wanted it. But don’t you think you should be resting, especially if you plan to have an evening like all couples enjoy on their wedding night?” Stephan said.

  Her face heated. “You didn’t need to bring that up, and I’m fine. Red Hawk will stop by this afternoon and check in on me before the wedding. Now, where is my soon-to-be husband?”

  Stephan placed a kiss on her head. “He and a few of his men rode into town to clean up the mess and speak with friends.”

  “But, is it safe? You know Teter and the mayor were not the only ones. What about the sheriff and his men?” Her attention went back to Dark Horse. “I don’t like this.”

  “Relax. If anything, the idiots that are left had better not let Running Wolf find them. Plus, he took some of our best fighters with him, so he’ll be good.”

  For the next hour, Kizzy roamed around the area, pointing out things she wanted changed, wishing her mom was there with her.

  “Kizzy I have something for you.” Mason approached, carrying a box she had never seen. “Come over here and sit. You don’t need to lift anything yet.” Mason settled her at the picnic table and placed the large box in front of her, lifting the lid. “Momma did think of you. She gave this to me about a year before they were killed and made me promise to give it to you on your wedding day.”

  Her hands shook as Kizzy traced her finger over the antique white gown her mother had worn at her own wedding. Tears rolled down her cheeks. “Momma’s dress?”

  “You know what hell it’s going to start when you come walking out in that?” Mason teased her. “I can still hear Papa grumbling and glaring at Momma when he told the story.”

  Stephan laughed. “But your momma was one of the most beautiful brides. In some ways, Kizzy takes after her momma, connected to the Earth around us. So we’ll have a few black eyes, but Running Wolf will never forget his wedding date, will he?” They all laughed, some of the tension slipping from her body.

  “That is true. Every May twentieth, Papa would sweep Momma up and take her away for the night, and I have a feeling your warrior is going to be the same way with you, little sister.” Mason turned his head to the east where the sound of bikes could be heard. “I’d better tell him to stay back till we get you inside. There is more under the dress, but you need to go now.”

  Stephan grabbed the box and helped her stand. “I can take the box if you have things to do?” Dark Horse offered.

  “No, I’ll spend today helping my niece get ready for her big day, but my wife will be arriving along with the rest of our family, so please make sure your men know to expect them.” Stephan wrapped his arm around her and walked her toward her home, but stopped, staring back at Dark Horse. “There are close to sixty more men and women coming.”

  At Dark Horses expression Stephan said. “When I said family I meant it. Cousins, uncles, aunts, we all travel together. The women and the children will follow behind us in case of trouble. They will also be going north when we leave here.” Her uncle looked at her. “As I wish you were going.”

  “Nope, I’m going to be needed, and I won’t let Dark Horse or any other of Running Wolf’s men down. Come on. I want to explore what else my momma left me.” Kizzy started up the path as Running Wolf and his men stepped into the clearing on the other side.

  Stephan slipped in front of her, blocking her view of him. “Damn it, Uncle Stephan.”

  “You will be with him tonight.”

  Dark Horse snorted. “Not to worry. Running Wolf is cussing up a storm as your other uncle is holding him back.”

  “That is not funny,” she grumbled.

  Running growled as Santana held him back. “You can’t see her till tonight, but she is fine. It’s time to get you ready anyway.”

  “I picked up a suit,” Running Wolf said, but her uncle was shaking his head.

  “Nope, we have the formal wear of our people. Like Kizzy will be wearing her mother’s dress, you will wear her father’s. We are lucky my aunt was here earlier and is waiting to fit the clothes. Now come.”

  “Really? You have formal wear?” Running Wolf would do anything for his Little Gypsy.

  “Believe me, you have little to worry about till you get a glance at Kizzy in her momma’s dress,” her uncle grumbled.

  “What’s wrong with her momma’s dress?” Running Wolf asked.

  Santana flipped back the tent flap. “I’ll tell you about my brother’s wedding while you are getting fitted, but be warned, it’s already been written and you cannot change what is going to happen. It means much that Kizzy wears her mother’s dress, so you will not object, understood?”

  “Why do I get the feeling I’m doomed here?”

  The old woman grinned up at him. “It
won’t be so bad. Our Kizzy will be a vision just like her momma. But Kizzy is closer to the Earth than her mother was, so remember that when you get your first glance of her. Part of her dress will be formed by the Great Mother herself.”

  He frowned when she handed him a pair of silky black pants.

  “If you are a bashful one, you can go behind that screen and change.”

  “No, I’m fine.” He slipped off his jeans then pulled on the pants right there. He found a hidden pocket.

  “We might enjoy the night, but we are not stupid. We protect what is ours,” Santana said.

  “I knew you were about the same size as our lost soul. Even the length is perfect. I bet the shirt fits also.” She pinned and tucked and shooed him away with the promise that in thirty minutes his clothes would be ready for him.

  “The pig has been cooking all night. There will be food in abundance for your wedding feast,” Santana said. “This is what family is about. Each person in our group will protect you with their life.”

  “You honor me, and I promise you Kizzy will be protected at all costs,” Running Wolf replied.

  “Running Wolf,” Soaring Wolf called.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “This town does not have much time left. The Great Mother is holding off, but she wants to claim this land once more and those remaining here will not survive,” Soaring Eagle announced.

  “Do we warn the town?”

  “It will do no good. They are already angry at being betrayed. I sent Penn and Night Song into town. They will inform a few who have helped us. Perhaps others will listen as well.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Enjoy what you can. Do not dwell in what is yet to come. Each day is given to us as a gift. Don't waste it.” Kizzy, Running Wolf's woman.

  Kizzy stared at herself in the full-length mirror her uncle Stephan had brought into the small tent outside the clearing. Her three cousins stood behind her, grinning from ear to ear at their handiwork. Curled ringlets twined with baby’s breath fell down her back. The silky dress hugged her, leaving hardly anything covered.

  “Wow,” she whispered, seeing even the outline of her nipples and part of her hair at the junction between her legs. Even more were the live red flowers positioned in certain spots covering, but giving glimpses of her body.

  “Your mother’s flowers were a lilac color, but red suits you, Little Kizzy,” her Uncle Stephan said. “You are absolutely stunning. I have something for you.” He pulled out a jewelry box and opened it. “This was your great-grandmothers.” He knelt and patted his thigh. “Put your foot up here.” Her uncle fastened the diamond-and-ruby anklet.

  “It’s beautiful, but don’t you think one of your daughters should have it?”

  “Kizzy, this is your legacy. Your father gave it to me last year to hold onto for you.” He sighed. “I have a feeling both of your parents knew something was going to happen. They just didn’t know when.” He stood and kissed her forehead. “You are marrying a good man.”

  “Please tell me you didn’t do the background thing?”

  “Of course, but not to worry. He is clean as a whistle, but we also know your parents approve of him, as does the Great Mother it seems.” He touched one of the red flowers on her dress. “It’s amazing what the Great Mother can do.”

  He stepped back, and her brother slid five bracelets up her bare arm. “You can borrow these today. They were Momma’s. She gave them to Rona when we got married. So now you have something new, borrowed and…” Mason stepped back to reveal Dark Horse holding a blue garter belt.

  Her cheeks heated. “Dark Horse?”

  “Running Wolf is like a brother to me, and you’ve gone out of your way to help me. I would give you this.” He scanned her from head to toe. “I think I’ll let you put this on. I do believe Running Wolf would have my head if I did it.” He handed her the new garter.

  “Thank you.” She stepped forward and placed a kiss on his cheek. “We both will miss you, but I expect you to keep us informed on how things are going after we leave.” She peeked over her shoulder. “But when things settle, we will see each other again.” Kizzy pointed to the ground where a single daffodil had sprouted. “Do you know what they say about the daffodil?” She bent down and picked the flower. “It supposed to mark new beginnings, and I believe we are all going to have them.” Kizzy placed the flower in his dress shirt buttonhole. “Even you, Dark Horse.”

  A single tear rolled down his cheek. “My mother always planted these all around our trailer when I was young. I once asked her why just those flowers.” He looked up at her. “She said, ‘Because, one, in the future you will begin anew. I won’t be with you physically, but I will be in your heart. Two, every time you see one of these beautiful flowers, remember I love you and know you are born to lead.’ My mother was killed two weeks later.”

  “The Great Mother knows this and sent you a sign. I know how important you are to Running Wolf. We had a nice talk the other night about a few of you. Your momma would be proud of you.” Kizzy reached up and squeezed his arm. “Now go while I put this on because if I’m not mistaken, it’s time.”

  Stephen lifted the tent flap, checking the sky like old times. “Yes it is, the sun is setting.”

  Dark Horse stopped just outside the flap. “I will always be there for you, Little Kizzy. I pledge my protection to you as long as I’m around.”

  “And I pledge my protection to you, too,” she said, earning a laugh from all of them. “What? I can hurt someone if I have to.” She glared at her uncle and brother who were shaking their heads.

  “Only you, Little Kizzy.” Stephan slapped Dark Horse on the shoulder. “Tell them we’ll be ready in about two minutes.”

  Kizzy trembled inside and out as she bent and put on the garter Dark Horse had given her. She was really going to marry a man she’d met only four days ago. But Running Wolf had shared many personal things as she was healing. He, too, had lost his parents, and Soaring Eagle was more of a father figure than his ever was.

  Alcohol had dealt a heavy hand to his father, leaving his mother alone with an eight-year-old boy to raise. Kizzy took a deep breath, refusing to allow the tears to come, even though they had flowed freely at the time he had told her. He had explained many on the reservations had given up, suicide and drinking were rampant, but never once had Running Wolf touched a drink after what it had done to his father.

  She stood and adjusted the dress. She had on barefoot sandals her great aunt had made for her, one of the customs of her people to have their feet touching the Great Mother while asking her for her blessing. The groom would wear no shoes or socks, despite their formal attire, from white pearls and green twine. Kizzy couldn’t stand to wear shoes, and their custom was to have nothing between.

  “You ready?” Stephan moved to her side.

  “Yes, just a little nervous.” Her cousins ran around and fixed the train of her dress as they walked out of the tent. Stephan and Mason both would give her away. Stephan felt it was only right her older brother participate in that role.

  Cousin Benny strummed the guitar, and all eyes focused on her as she made her way down the path to the bonfire. Gasps erupted from Running Wolf’s group, but her family only smiled. What had her grinning like a fool was her future husband’s growl upon seeing her.

  He was going to kill her uncle. “That isn’t a dress. It’s a peep show.” Running Wolf elbowed Dark Horse who snickered. “And every single one of the men is getting a nice free show.”

  Whistles and howls rolled over the music, but she was a goddess, with her long hair and peeks of what was about to be his enticing him and everyone around them.

  “Just think. You have to stay around for the party afterward, too. Everyone gets to dance with her,” Dark Horse teased him.

  Stephan placed her hand into Running Wolf’s and twined some gold-colored string around their joined hands. “Today, we do not lose a niece, sister, cousin. Instead, we gain another warrior, a nephew
, brother, cousin. I give you our Little Kizzy, knowing you are and will put her welfare above your own.” Stephan kissed Kizzy’s cheek as her brother smiled at her.

  “Our parents would be proud, knowing you have kept true to yourself, helping those who need it, but now you have someone that will join you in your mission in life, saving others. I believe you each will save the other and keep each other balanced.” Mason looked at him. “Hurt her, and I’ll learn how to skin a person.”

  “Understood,” Running Wolf said.

  “Our ceremony is simple.” Santana knelt and placed his hands into the soil. “Great Goddess, we stand before you, another couple asking for your acceptance so they may walk the rest of their lives together, bound by love and honor.” Santana bowed his head, as did Kizzy and her family, so Running Wolf followed suit, giving her family the respect it deserved. What he wasn’t expecting was the small green vines wrapping around his legs and hers.

  The vines inched up their bodies, flowers blooming on them. Shouts of praise rose to the goddess as Santana stood. “It is done. You two are now joined, not only by a piece of paper, but by the approval of the great goddess herself. In times of hardship, there will be signs of hope and your joining is one. May your lives be rich and full, your children plentiful, and may the goddess keep you both safe. You may kiss your bride, if you can get to her.”

  “What? What about our vows?” Running Wolf asked.

  “There is no need for vows. If you were not true to your heart, the Great Mother would not have approved.” Santana glanced at his brother, Ares.

  “As Soaring Eagle has been close to the Great Mother, we have always asked for her acceptance when we marry, and some of us listen, while some of us don’t. You have been honored, but you must earn that first kiss as a husband and wife,” Ares stated. “You must free yourselves of the vines.”

  The vines were tight. Running Wolf could break them, but he had to be careful not to hurt his wife. It took him a good five minutes to finally figure out how to slide the vines off both of them, taking his prize, his wife.


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