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Secrets in Suburbia

Page 17

by Melody Calder

  After my talk with Mario, I realized that I couldn’t turn Stuart or Jake in. It was hypocritical of me to be angry at their moral failings when I was no better. I forgave them and begged for them to forgive me, though they said I did nothing that needed forgiving.

  I decided to do one dirty deed for the men I love. I contacted my most trusted professional forger and had a death certificate made up for Michael Jacob Johnson. I submitted it to my company, closing the case, and placing my resignation letter with it. I couldn’t stomach the thought of having a hand in hunting down other people who may have stories like Jake’s.

  I still work for Belle Regine, enjoying the time I spend with clients and the independence it gives me. My guys are fine with it, knowing that I won’t betray them. Mario ended his membership, allowing us to be together. We didn’t wait the required year, Mario insisting that he was willing to risk Tanya’s wrath. I think she knows but chooses to ignore it. Considering I am her most requested escort, and Mario still sends clients her way, looking the other way is in her best interest.

  The guys have offered numerous times to move in with me or me move in with them. As much as I love them all, I haven’t been ready for that kind of commitment. I don’t think about it too much, as I prefer to live in the present taking things one day at a time. As they have always told me that it is okay if I decide I want more, I have told them it goes both ways. Right now, we are just happy being together.

  I’ve regained my desire to be a mother, just as Jake told me I would. I get those pangs of longing when I’m with the twins. I see the look of wanting in Jake’s face when he watches the twins with their daddy. In my weak moments, I want to be the one to give the gift of fatherhood to him.

  Rich, Lydia, and Todd died in a car crash together, alcohol in their systems. I was still listed as Rich’s emergency contact and got the call to come to the hospital. Lydia and Todd both were unrecognizable, the police only able to identify them by their IDs. I don’t want to get too gruesome, but I’ll just say that Todd was not wearing a seatbelt, was thrown out of the car, and crushed by the wheels of a semi that couldn’t stop in time. Lydia, as the driver, died on impact, her body crushed in the front seat of her tiny sports car.

  Rich was the only survivor, but his injuries were severe. When I reached the hospital and was let in his room after his surgery, he was in a coma. The doctors did everything they could to save him, but after three days, he succumbed to his injuries. I stayed by his side those three days. My wonderful boyfriends taking turns bringing me food and changes of clothing. They were supportive of my need to not leave him alone. His parents made it on the last day, thankfully, and were able to say their goodbyes.

  Rich never changed his will after our divorce, leaving me as his executor and the sole heir to his fortune and life insurance. I worked with his parents to give him a proper burial, allowing them to make the important decisions. When I tried to give them the money he left me, they refused saying that I deserved it for giving their son a good life. I didn’t correct them, not wanting to taint their memory of their only son.

  I could have quit working and lived comfortably off my inheritance. But I don’t want that for myself. Instead, Jake and I, with the help of Stuart’s legal skills, started a foundation to help couples to achieve their dreams of having children. We give grants for not only fertility treatments, but also adoption expenses. I spend my free time pouring over the applications, choosing recipients. I’ve dedicated a wall in my office to hold the many pictures of smiling parents with their children, and letters of appreciation from those parents.

  Unknown to Jake, I also sent a large anonymous payment to the fertility clinic for the balance of what Jake owed with a simple note: In memory of Michael Jacob Johnson.

  I hear the doorbell ringing at the front door, and the signature tap on the back door, as if they coordinated a meeting time. I told them I needed to talk to all three of them tonight. I need to greet my lovers and tell them the one secret I would never keep from any of them. The one secret that will change our future.


  I have so many people who have helped to make my dream possible. First to my husband; Thank you for giving me the time to write and understanding when I had to get just one more chapter written. And for keeping the house running smoothly. You are my Jake, Stuart, and Mario all wrapped into one.

  To my children; Thank you for letting me work and encouraging me to follow my dreams. Even though two of you are too young to read this, I am grateful to have such wonderful kids like you. Alana, my first born, thank you for taking the chance on being my personal assistant. You make me so proud and I appreciate the support you give me.

  To my Alpha readers, Katie, Ashley, Kat, and Lisa – I really could not have done this without you ladies. Your feedback was such a tremendous help to me during the whole writing process. This book would not be without you all. Katie, thank you for finding my repeated words of the day each and every time. I may have to make it a challenge in the future. Just kidding. I love you ladies!

  To my sister; thank you for listening to me drone on and on about my book. Your encouragement means so much to me. I love you so much sissy poo. I really have best big sister in the world.

  To my readers; thank you so much for taking a chance on a new author. I would not be here without you!

  About the Author

  Melody Calder is a romance author with an addiction to chocolate, books, and swearing; not necessarily in that order. Her mind is always full of interesting characters and plot twists. She secretly loves cliffhangers but tries not to do that to her readers. She hopes to survive the teenage years of her twins, her handsy husband, and her guinea pig that thinks it’s a turtle. She has an extensive collection of elephant figurines and Chewbacca toys. Her family and friends will tell you that she needs reminders for everything, especially putting the clothes in the dryer, but they love her anyway.

  You can follow her on Facebook:§ion=username

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