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Given to the Pack: Wolf Shifter Menage (The Wolfpack Trilogy Book 1)

Page 11

by Abby Weeks

  Hunter grabbed her by the hand.

  “That was too close,” he said.

  For the first time, Aisha noticed that he was completely naked.


  Chapter 45

  “THERE WAS A TIME WHEN a wolf would have to be crazy or starving to set foot inside the Fairbanks city limit,” Heath said when they got back to the room.

  Hunter shut the door and locked it again. “That was no wolf,” he said.

  Heath looked up at him questioningly. They exchanged no words, but Hunter nodded.

  “See what can happen in these parts?” Hunter said to Aisha.

  Aisha looked up at him defiantly. “Who’s to say that was worse than what you were going to do?” she said.

  She was very aware of the fact that both men were naked. They’d been planning on sleeping naked next to her. Were there no rules of propriety in these parts?

  “You’d rather be killed by a wolf than stay in here with us?”

  “At least the wolf wasn’t going to rape me,” she said, a growing rage rising up in her chest. What angered her wasn’t what Hunter had wanted from her, but the thought of that bullet striking home in that beautiful wolf’s muscular shoulder. It just didn’t seem right that an animal so ferocious and fierce could be shot so easily by a man like Heath. She hated the thought.

  “We’ve told you before not to use that word,” Heath said.

  “Of course you don’t want me to use it. You’re the ones doing it.”

  Hunter shook his head. “It will take a while, but you’ll learn the way of things up here soon enough,” he said.

  Aisha was going to respond, but she thought better of it. She was still trembling from what had happened. Hunter seemed pretty shaken up by it himself.

  “What did you mean when you said it wasn’t a wolf?” she said.

  “Well, you know animals, right? Did it look like a wolf to you?”

  “Mostly,” Aisha said.

  “What were the differences you noticed?” Hunter said.

  “It was larger.”

  He nodded. “What else?”

  “It seemed more intelligent.”

  Hunter nodded again. “What else?”

  She pictured the wolf’s ferocious face, its terrifying snarl, its deep, piercing yellow eyes. “The eyes,” she said.


  “You’ve seen eyes like that before, haven’t you?” Heath said to her.

  She nodded. “On the boat.”

  “Now you see why we told you to stay away,” Hunter said.


  Chapter 46

  IT TOOK HUNTER AND HEATH a fair number of swigs of liquor before they fully calmed down.

  “I thought I’d had it,” Hunter said, sitting naked on the bed on top of the blankets.

  “I did too,” Aisha said. She was under the blanket between him and Heath.

  Heath was naked too, also on top of the blanket. The blankets were the only thing between Aisha and the two men’s hard, tough bodies. She knew only too well that blankets were poor protection.

  “I sure could use something to calm the old nerves,” Hunter said.

  Aisha looked at him. She looked immediately away when he looked back at her. She saw that his cock was beginning to stiffen, and she knew where it would lead.

  “Leave me out of it,” she said.

  “Aisha,” Hunter said. “I don’t want you to think of me as a bad man.”

  “Well then, don’t be a bad man,” she said.

  “I’m not. I’d give my life to protect you, to protect Heath too,” he said. “That’s my job and I take it very seriously.”

  Aisha said nothing.

  “Listen,” Heath said to her. “What happened back on that boat, it wasn’t as bad as you made out, was it?”

  “Maybe not for the two of you,” she said.

  “Just don’t think of it as rape,” Hunter said.

  “What should I think of it as?”

  Hunter shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s just one of those things you people don’t have a name for down south.”

  “What do you call it up here?”

  Hunter thought. “I don’t know. We don’t call it anything. It’s just the way it is.”

  “I see,” she said.

  “Just don’t fight us off,” Hunter said. “Don’t make it ugly. It’s not supposed to be ugly.”

  Aisha shook her head. She couldn’t believe the conversation they were having. She looked at Hunter’s cock—it was growing hard and erect.

  “You want me again, don’t you?” she said.

  “I’ve never been the kind of man who’d lie to a woman,” Hunter said.

  “But you’re going to take me whether I want it or not, aren’t you? That’s what it comes down to.”

  “It doesn’t have to come down to that.”

  She looked at Heath. She noticed that his cock was beginning to throb and stiffen also. She’d tried to escape, and she’d failed. She didn’t think she’d be lucky enough to have a second chance. And besides, what was waiting for her outside that door? The wolf was gone. There was nothing but icy cold, a foreign city, and miles of bleak wilderness. There was nowhere for her to escape to.

  “So what are you saying?” she said.

  “Why don’t you just let it happen?” Hunter said.

  Aisha thought about that. “You mean, pretend I like it?”

  “You don’t have to pretend you like it. You just have to submit to it,” he said.

  “Exactly,” Heath said. “That’s the word. Submit. Submit to it. It’s going to happen anyway.”

  Submit, Aisha thought. That was what they wanted. They didn’t care if she wanted it, only that she was willing to allow it.

  “We’ll protect you,” Hunter said. “We’ll see you safely to Dead Wolf. I made sure you got the coat and boots you need. I got you a rifle. I’ll make certain, to my dying breath, that nothing harms you on this road tomorrow. There’s got to be some sort of gratitude for that.”

  “I am grateful,” Aisha said.

  “More than that,” Heath said. “It’s not like back home, Aisha. How many times does he have to say it. Up here, you need every single man in the community to watch your back. A wild animal could have you in an instant. Without the protection of the entire group, you’re nothing. You just won’t survive. You won’t be able.”

  “And I give it up to every man who wants it in return?”

  “It’s not like that.”

  “What’s it like?”

  “Think about it, Aisha. It’s no different from the way things were back in Washington. Why did you date me, four years ago, when you were still a teenager in high school? Why did you let me take your virginity? Love? I don’t think so.”

  “It was love,” she protested.

  “Was it?” Heath said. “Was it really? Be honest with yourself. You needed out of that foster home. You needed a way to support yourself. You needed me. You didn’t love me. You just couldn’t do it all alone. You needed a partner.”

  “That’s what love is.”

  “Is it, Aisha? That’s what an agreement is. A quid pro quo. It’s a bargain.”

  “Don’t tell me I never loved you, Heath.”

  “I’m just saying, love is a contract, sweetheart. You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. You wanted a home, financial security, a way to get out of your foster dad’s house.”

  “And you wanted sex? Is that what it was?”

  “That’s love, baby.”

  “And that’s what this is?”

  “It’s the same deal. Right now you’re my woman. But you still need Hunter’s help. Without him, you won’t make it alive to Dead Wolf.”

  “Neither will you.”

  “That’s why the company’s paying my way.”

  “And me?”

  Hunter was looking at her, a hunger in his eyes that frightened her. “You’ve got to pay your own way, missy.”

  Aisha looked from one man
to the other. Both were naked, both were strong and healthy. They had well-developed bodies, muscular builds, and they were both rugged and handsome with scruffy hair and stubble. She could have found worse men to travel with. She could have found worse to strike this bargain with.


  Chapter 47

  AISHA KNEW THERE WAS A lot of truth to what they said. There was an element of bargaining to all relationships between man and woman. At its core, the marriage contract was an agreement to provide sex and children in exchange for safety and security. This was just a more primitive form of the bargain. Up here women needed more protection. It was a more dangerous place. They needed more than one man to look out for them, and they had to pay for the privilege.

  If someone had tried to explain this to her back in Washington, she’d have laughed. She’d sat through women’s studies classes in school, she’d read feminist textbooks—she was an intelligent, modern woman. But she was no longer in the world where those books and those ideas had developed. This was a different place. The rules were different. She’d only been here two days, and already she could feel the extent of that difference.

  “And neither of you care that I don’t want this?” she said.

  “As long as you submit, I’ll be okay with it,” Hunter said.

  “No one ever likes paying the price,” Heath said to her. “But this is a man’s world up here, Aisha. It demands a man’s price.”

  Aisha didn’t look at him. She didn’t look at either of them. She began opening the buttons on her pajamas. She slipped out of the shirt, revealing her soft, tender breasts. Then she took off her pants, leaving her naked beneath the sheets.

  “Would one of you shut off the light,” she said, trying to speak with as much dignity as she could maintain in her voice. She was determined not to come out of this feeling humiliated and worthless. If they wanted her to pay the price, she’d pay. But she wouldn’t humiliate herself.

  Heath got up from the bed and turned the lights out. In the darkened room she could see only the outlines of the men in the faint moonlight. She felt better in the dark, less exposed, less self-conscious.

  She got out from beneath the sheets and faced Hunter. He was a large man, self-assured, dominant in a way that Heath never managed to be. Heath was too defensive to be truly dominant.

  “What do you want from me?” she said to Hunter.

  “I want you to get wet.”

  Aisha wet her hand.

  “Not like that,” Hunter said. “Lie down.”

  Aisha lay on her back and rose her legs at the knee. Hunter crawled up between them till his face was just above her pussy. She shut her eyes. When his mouth touched the gentle folds of her clitoris, she sighed in relief. She’d been so tense, so stressed. She’d been worried for days about having to fight off Hunter and Heath. Now she was submitting. She hadn’t won, but the battle was over. There was no more resistance. One thing was true—it was easier this way.

  Hunter sucked on her clit. The sensation welled up and flowed through her veins like a drug. She’d administered painkillers to countless animals and had always marveled at the sudden impact of the morphine. That was how this felt now—like a drug.

  As Hunter continued sucking on her clit, Heath climbed onto the bed and straddled her, his erect cock right in front of her face. She opened her mouth and accepted it, letting it slide all the way back into her throat. As Heath’s cock slid back and forth in her throat, Hunter continued sucking on her clit. He brought his finger up to her pussy and slid it into her. His finger played skillfully in her cunt as his mouth continued sucking.

  Heath reached around her head and pulled her down onto his cock. He held her there, down on him, and she could feel him pulse and throb in pleasure in her throat. She had to hold her breath, she was afraid she might gag, but then he released her and she could come up for air.

  Hunter stopped sucking her clit and sat up, his back against the wall at the head of the bed. Heath pulled his cock from her mouth.

  “Put her on my lap,” Hunter said.

  Heath guided her onto Hunter’s lap. She was sitting, straddling him, face to face with him while he leaned back against the wall. He looked at her and smiled as his long, hard penis found its mark and slid up into the passage of her vagina.

  “Oh, God,” she cried.

  Hunter opened his mouth and she leaned forward, kissing his lips, her mouth open for him. He slid his tongue into her mouth and ran it over her tongue. Heath left the bed. He went into the washroom and came back with a small bottle of lotion provided compliments of the motel. He poured it onto his hand and ran it over his throbbing cock.

  Then he came back onto the bed and rubbed it into the crack of Aisha’s ass, making sure to get it all over her little anus. She knew what was coming. Hunter lifted her up, his hands just under her armpits, and then lowered her back down onto his hungry cock.

  She cried out again. He was so big, his cock filled her so completely. He leaned down toward her chest and took her nipples into his mouth. He sucked on one and then the other while Heath continued to lather her anus with lotion.

  “Okay,” Heath said. “I’m ready.”

  Hunter leaned back a little, tilting Aisha’s body so as to give Heath better access to her asshole. She wasn’t sure if she was participating in this encounter willingly, she wasn’t sure if she’d consented in the legal sense of the word or not, but she’d completely lost her will to resist. She was submitting, as they’d told her she had to. It was the only option she had, and she knew it. This was the north country—this was the new reality of her life.

  She relaxed her body, Hunter’s massive cock still sliding slowly in and out of her pussy. Hunter was now rocking her gently by the hips, his hands placed firmly on her waist. She cringed at the thought that he might find her waist fat, but he’d never expressed any such thoughts—not the way Heath often had.

  “Take her,” Hunter said.

  She felt Heath’s hands on the side of her ass. He slapped her. She spread her legs open wider, trying to give him what he wanted. She made sure her body was relaxed. None of her ass muscles were clenched. She was submitting, giving him what he wanted. That was the price of protection.

  When the tip of Heath’s cock touched her anus, she felt the heat of it. He was hot, hungry for her, dying to enter her. She could sense it. He spat on her asshole and then pushed his cock against her muscled anus.

  “Oh, God,” she sighed.

  Heath’s tip breached the ring of her anus, forcing its way into her lotion-covered asshole. The sensation was overwhelming, utterly overwhelming. Aisha couldn’t think of anything but the feeling of possession. There could be no greater possession of a woman’s body than this, at least none that she could imagine. Two men at once was the ultimate submission. She squirmed against Hunter’s chest, his cock still slowly sliding in and out of her like a machine at work. Heath slid up into the depths of her asshole, and when he reached the full length of his cock, he immediately began sliding back out, only to repeat the process again, over and over and over until he was fully satiated.

  “That’s it,” Heath gasped, plunging mightily into her asshole.

  Aisha wondered at how different he was now that they were in Alaska. It really did feel like he’d returned home. The customs of this place seemed to come more naturally to him than life in Washington ever had. In Washington he’d struggled, he’d been petty and cruel, he’d been a cheat. Here, he seemed to know his place in the world. He seemed more content. In Washington he’d fucked as many women as he’d wanted and had completely ignored her. Here, he was sharing her and seemed more satisfied than ever.

  “Heath,” Aisha cried out as he forced himself back up into her asshole.

  Hunter thrust forward in sync with Heath.

  “Hunter,” she cried.

  She said both their names, over and over. It wasn’t because she loved them. She didn’t buy for an instant what they’d said about love. It was because she was
submitting to them so completely, and they were possessing her so utterly—that was why she cried out their names.

  Heath was the first to climax. Aisha felt his orgasm like an explosion. A pulse of semen thrust out of his cock like a jet, and the intensity of it surprised him. It was different from the sensation of a man’s orgasm in her vagina, but it gave the same intense, exhilarating feeling of satisfaction to her. It was an achievement.

  Heath gasped in pleasure. His cock continued to pulse semen into her ass and she felt it spilling out of her and onto her ass cheeks. He was so far inside her that she didn’t even know where in her body the explosion of semen was happening.

  “Heath,” she cried out, and even as she was saying his name, she knew that things would never be the same between them again. She would no longer see her relationship in the same way. He’d just proposed to her two weeks earlier, but something was changing in the way she thought about their relationship. She wasn’t sure what it was, but as Hunter gasped in the beginning thrusts of his own orgasm, she knew it had everything to do with the fact that she was being taken by another man.

  Hunter’s grip on her tightened as he thrust up into her, spilling sperm all the way into the very depths of her pussy.

  “Hunter,” she cried. “Hunter.”

  He thrust forward, lifting her completely off the bed. She arched her back and held on to his shoulders as tightly as she could. She felt as if letting go would send her flying into the air.

  His cock gushed semen into her, filling up whatever space still existed after Heath’s orgasm. She was saturated in their sperm.

  The force of it made her dizzy. The ringing in her ears was deafening. Her mind went blank and she saw only darkness.

  And just as Hunter’s climax was at its peak, Aisha heard something from outside the room. It was a foreign sound, haunting and desperate and so utterly lonely. It was a wolf howl. And before she could even wonder if it was the same wolf she’d seen earlier, the image of the wolf’s eyes flashed across her mind. Those intense yellow eyes, those eyes that seemed to look right through her, into the depths of her very soul.


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