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Unexpected Company: #2 of Company Men

Page 6

by Crystal Perkins

  "These boys need to learn how to fend for themselves, and impress a woman when they get older."

  "Are you saying I can't impress a woman just because I can't cook?"

  "It does take a few points off the hotness meter," I say, messing with him, because honestly, he couldn't get any hotter. Today, he's in a loose Legends t-shirt, and faded jeans with Chucks on his feet. Hot.

  "We'll see about that, Gracie."

  "Yes we will, Kei."

  The rest of the afternoon is all about fun. I dance with the boys, while Keir watches us. He lifts his bottle of beer to his lips every once in a while, when our eyes meet, and his eyes are blazing hot. I mentally curse myself for wanting him so badly, but at least I'm calling the shots now.

  It's another great day, which is becoming a theme with Keir, and I know tomorrow is going to rank pretty high, too. I'm saying goodbye to them when Zack comes over.

  "I really wish you'd worn my jersey, Grace," he says, holding out his hand to me. I've seen him around before, but we've never officially met.

  "Maybe next time. If I'm invited again, that is."

  "You're invited, Pretty," Connor tells me.

  "Pretty? Kid’s got some balls on him," he says with a laugh.

  "He is a Martin," Keir reminds him with a smirk.

  Too much testosterone going on here. "He's an adorable little sweetheart, is what he is. Before either one of you gets any ideas, know I'd punch you in your junk if you tried anything like it."

  "I'll remember to wear a cup around you, Grace," Zack assures me, before turning back to Keir with a wink. "The fiery ones are the best."

  "Ugh. She's my sister, man. I shouldn't have to keep reminding you of that."

  Zack just laughs, and walks away. I like him.

  "Everyone does," Keir grumbles, and I realize I said that out loud.

  "Including you, so stop acting like you're jealous."

  "Jealous? I'm not jealous of Zack, and his football stardom."

  And now I'm embarrassed again. Time to make my getaway.

  "I'll see you tomorrow."

  "Kiss, Pretty?"

  I lean over, and kiss him on the cheek, doing the same with Trevor. Ignoring Keir, I make my way to the door. It's not until I'm outside that I realize I'm not alone.

  "What happened back there?"

  "I made a fool of myself again."

  "What? When?"

  "When I made a comment about you being jealous of Zack."

  "I said I wasn't."

  "Yeah, but I wasn't talking about football."

  "Huh? Oh!" His eyes get wide as he gets it. "If he wasn't beyond happily married to my sister, and you weren't coming to my house to talk tomorrow, I might have been jealous."


  "I'm not a jealous person, Gracie."

  "I obviously am."

  "If I thought you were with someone else, I wouldn't like it."

  I have to smile, because he's trying to appease me, and it's kind of adorable. I lean forward, and do something neither of us expected tonight. It's just a quick peck on the lips, but it's enough to have him smiling like he won the lottery.

  "Thanks for following me out here."

  "I'll follow you anywhere. The boys will be with me, of course, but anywhere you are, I want to be."

  It's cheesy, and straight out of some chick flick, but I feel like he means it, and his words make me happy. "Go back inside before I kiss you again."

  "That's not really a threat, you know."

  "Tomorrow, Keir."

  I turn away before I make good on my non-threat. Tomorrow, I'll probably kiss him at least once, and that's enough to keep the smile on my face, all the way home.



  I'm sitting in my office the next day, when there's a knock on the doorframe. I look up to see Miles in a catcher's mask, his hands in front of his crotch.

  "You're ridiculous."

  "Hey, if I don't protect my face, and junk, I may not get my wife pregnant again."

  "Since she's currently pregnant now, you probably don't want to mention baby number two yet. And I don't think she married you for your face."

  He takes off the mask, and scoffs. "You're delusional if you think this face didn't seal the deal."

  "Should we call and ask Alex?"

  "No," he says, lunging for my phone. "Fine, it wasn't the face, but a guy can be vain sometimes, can't he?"

  "Not after setting me up."

  "How high up the Richter scale is your anger?"

  "If you were a fault line, you'd be gone by now."

  "Okay. Not okay, but I get it."

  "Do you?"

  He sits in the chair in front of me, running a hand through his hair, before looking at me again. "I'm one of your closest friends, as well as your boss, and you think I don't have your back."

  "Yes. You were amused by this whole thing, and set me up."

  "Only because I think Keir is good for you."

  "I'm humiliated, Miles. I would've been even when I found out who Ainsley is to him, but to have all of you laughing at me over it is too much. Especially you, and Alex."

  "Alex made me sleep in one of the guest rooms last night. She didn't know until yesterday."

  "You didn't tell her?"

  "No way. She would've called you, and ruined things."

  "A little warning would have been nice."

  "I know you, Grace, and shocking the hell out of you was the best way to knock you out of the funk you were in when you thought he was cheating."

  "His ex-wife knocked me out of that before I even knew."

  "Wait, what? How did she get into the box?"

  "Xavier James. He didn't know, and kicked her out when she wouldn't even say hello to the boys, but yeah, it was ugly."

  "Those boys deserve much better than her, and so does Keir."

  "You don't need to sell me on any of them."

  "So, my plan for yesterday worked?"

  "We're talking tonight."

  "Does he need a babysitter?"

  "No, I'm cooking dinner with the boys, and then they're giving us some time alone to talk."


  "They're sweet."


  "Shut up."

  "Not saying a word."

  I glare at him as he gets up, but he just laughs. I know I'm in too deep already, but how could I resist Connor and Trevor. They are adorable, and heartbroken right now. The least I can do is be sweet to them.

  The rest of the morning is business as usual. I have meetings with some of the people who work for me, going over their research on places they think we should buy. I answer emails, fill out spreadsheets, and take a few calls. Soon enough, it's time for lunch.

  "Hey there," I greet Seriyah, taking a seat next to her at one of the cafeteria tables.


  She doesn't sound happy, and she has three plates of food in front of her, so I know it's bad. "Fallout from yesterday?"

  "Yep, because it's somehow my fault X-Asshole brought that woman to the game yesterday."

  "How is it your fault? Did you set them up?"

  "God, no! But apparently my job isn't 9 to 5, and I should've insisted he not take her, because she left so many messages for him with me."

  "She called here for him?"

  "Yep, because it was the only way to reach him. And, I did tell him to stay away from her, but he said he could make his own decisions."

  "I don't know how you deal with him on a daily basis."

  "It's not always bad, but when it is...yeah, I deserve the bonuses he gives me."

  "You could transfer."

  It's not the first time I've suggested it, and just like the other times, she shakes her head at me. "I'm not a quitter."

  "There you are," the man in question says, storming over to our table.

  "I told you I was going to lunch."

  "I need you."

  "Do these plates look empty to you?"

  "Bring them back with you," he says, reaching for one.

  "No," she tells him, smacking his hand. "By law, I get a lunch hour."



  "This is bullshit."

  "Take it up with HR if you have a problem with it."

  "Just be back on time."

  "You did not just say that to me," she says, getting to her feet. Her eyes are blazing, and I wish I had some popcorn for this show.

  "I did say it."

  "I work more than eight hours a day without complaining.”

  “You always complain,” he tells her, rolling his eyes.

  “When have I ever been late getting back from lunch?"

  "You had that date last week."

  "I put it on the calendar, and got the extra hour approved as vacation time."

  "You know damn well I sign whatever you put in front of me."

  "That's your problem."

  "Just be back when you're supposed to."

  "I'm adding five minutes to my hour since I had to put up with you harassing me at lunch."

  "Of course, you are," he mumbles, loud enough for both of us to hear.

  "What was that?"

  "Add ten."

  He walks away, and Seriyah sits back down with a sigh. Grabbing her fork, she digs in to one of the plates with gusto.

  "How long have you two been like this?"

  "Fighting? Since the day we met."

  "It's not fighting, it's foreplay."

  "You're crazy."

  "I don't think so."

  "He's my boss, and an ass."

  "Keep protesting, Seri."

  "Oh, shut up."

  I laugh, and let it go, because I'm living in a glass house right now, and I don't need any rocks coming my way. Miles is more than okay with Keir and I pursuing a relationship, but my doubts about it being appropriate are creeping in again. I'm not planning on letting them run free over my mind, but they're there all the same.


  When the doorbell rings, I'm literally knocked into the wall by my boys as they race to answer it. I should probably be angry, but I can't help laughing. I don't blame them one bit.

  "Hi," Grace says when she sees me. Connor is in her arms already, and Trevor's hugging her. The bags of groceries are on the floor at her feet.

  "I see how it is, boys. Slam your dad into the wall so you can get the girl."

  "They didn't really do that."

  "We did, Pretty. We couldn't wait to see you."

  She sets him down, and moves out of Trevor's embrace. Putting her hands on her hips, she bends over to look them in the eye. I'm really trying not to laugh as my sons look scared.

  "Boys, it is not nice to push people into walls. I'm here for a few hours, so it doesn't matter who I see first. I'm going to hug all of you."

  "Sorry, Daddy," Trevor says.

  "Yeah, sorry," Connor adds.

  "Apologies accepted. Now, let's help Grace carry her groceries to the kitchen."

  They each grab a bag, heading to the kitchen. I pick up the remaining two, and when I straighten back up, she pulls me down for a quick kiss.

  "Let's try this again. Hi."


  "Is it okay that I scolded the boys? I should've asked."

  "That wasn't much of a scolding, but yes, it's okay. You’re not some stranger butting in where you shouldn't."

  "I couldn't really be mad, since they were so excited to see me."

  "Who wouldn't be?"

  "You don't need to try and charm me, you know."

  "I may not have to, but I'm going to. You're a special woman, Gracie, and I'm going to make sure you always know it."

  She kisses me again, and links her arm through mine as we walk to the kitchen. The boys have unpacked their bags onto the island, and are sitting on the stools waiting for us. They look like little angels, which I'm sure is the desired effect, and I have to smother more laughter, because they don't need the encouragement.

  "Thanks for unpacking, guys."

  "I like chicken, Pretty."

  "I was hoping you would."

  "I don't eat broccoli," Trevor tells her.

  "Really? It's so yummy, though."

  "It looks weird."

  "Looks can be deceiving."

  "Maybe I'll try some."

  "I need to keep you around," I tell her.

  "Yes! Stay!" Connor yells.

  "I'm staying for dinner, and we'll see about after."

  I unpack my bags, and pick up a small one from Lush. "Did you accidentally drop this in here?"

  "No. I picked up some fun bath bombs for the boys."

  "What's a bath bomb?" Trevor asks, which is a good thing, because I want to know too.

  "It's a bath thingy you drop in the water, and it makes something special."

  "Like dinosaurs?"

  "Sometimes. Or the night sky, and sometimes, sparkles."

  "I don't like to sparkle," Connor tells her, looking very solemn.

  "Well, it's a good thing I didn't get you one of those, then."

  "I'm man enough to sparkle in the tub with you," I whisper in her ear.

  "Good to know."

  She shivers, and I know I've got more than a chance with her. She's still right there with me in the attraction part, and I know she's logical enough to understand why I didn't tell her. All I need now is to win over her heart. That's the hardest part, but I've never backed down from anything just because it's hard, and I don't plan to start now.

  Once everything is unpacked, I'm kicked out of the kitchen. I spend the next hour chilling in front of the TV, and nursing a beer. I hear laughter, and the clanging of pots and pans, and I can't imagine ever being happier than I am right in this moment.

  "Daddy, please come join us for dinner," Connor says, entering my bedroom to stand at the foot of the bed.

  "I'd love to."

  He leads me down the hall, while I force myself to stifle a laugh. No one has ever called either of my kids formal, and it's just too cute to see Connor like this. When we get to the kitchen, I watch in wonder as Trevor finishes setting the table in the window nook. We normally eat in the living room, in front of the TV, so this is very different.

  "Hi, Daddy."

  "Hey. Where did you learn how to do this?" I ask, surveying the silverware wrapped in napkins, and the plates on placemats I don't think belong to me.

  "Grace taught me how to do the napkins, and she brought the placemats, too. She said we can keep them."

  "That's nice of her," I say, looking over to where she's plating food.

  "She's nice. I like her a lot."

  "Me too." I ruffle his hair, and walk over to the island. "What can I help with?"

  She looks up with a smile. "Can you carry the plates to the table, please?"

  "Of course."

  I grab two plates of chicken, rice, and broccoli, setting them down where Trevor tells me to. There are two smaller plates on the island when I turn back, and I smile at how I was just played. My kid just made sure I was across from Grace, and not next to her, because my boys want those places of honor. I have to shake my head, and laugh.

  "What?" Grace asks.

  "My kids just outmaneuvered me so I don't get to sit next to you."

  "We'll be alone after dinner, so maybe you'll get to sit next to me then."

  "Just maybe?"

  "If you play your cards right."

  "Can I at least kiss the cook right now?"

  "There were three cooks, and I can't speak for the other two, but this one would be happy to be kissed."

  I round the counter, and pull her into me before kissing her. It's not a quick, sweet kiss like our others today, but one that lets her know I want her. I hope she realizes it's all of her I want, and not just the physical. I'm going to have to make sure she knows it when we talk later. For now, we're broken apart by a little boy reminding us it's time to eat. Thanks, Connor.


r />   The boys were great all through the meal prep, helping with anything that didn't require a sharp object, or fire. They washed the broccoli, filled the rice pot with water, and helped me prep the chicken. I am completely enamored with them, and if I'm honest, my feelings for them are making it harder for me to resist their father. Not that I'm trying too hard to resist him.

  "This is delicious," Keir says, looking at the boys first, and then me.

  "Did you think it wouldn't be?" I ask, because I can't help myself from verbally sparring with him.

  "I've never had the pleasure of your cooking before, Grace," he reminds me, playing along with me.

  "And you never will again if I know you doubt me."

  "You can't resist my kids."

  Direct hit, and point to Martin. "True."

  "You'll come back and cook again, won't you, Pretty?"

  "For you and Trevor, I definitely will."

  "Daddy needs to eat too."

  "There's a McDonald's down the street, Con. He can eat there if he's not going to be nice."

  "He's nice," Trevor tells me, jumping into the conversation with a frantic look on his face. "I promise."

  I place my hand on his arm, and lean over to kiss his cheek. "I know, Trev. I was just playing around."

  "Mommy said mean things about Daddy, and then she didn't come back."

  "Even if your Daddy and I weren't friends anymore, I would always come to see you."



  "Can you help me with my bath bomb, Pretty?" Connor asks, lightening the mood like the sweet four-year-old he is.

  "Sure. I mean, is it okay for me to give him a bath, Keir?"

  He looks a little choked up, and it takes him a moment to compose himself before he answers. "I'm pretty sure you're not going to be inappropriate with my kids, so yes, if you're okay with it, so am I."

  "No, I am definitely not going to do anything weird."

  "I have a penis, because I'm a boy."

  "Oh my God," Keir says, dropping his head into his hands.

  "Trevor has one too, and Daddy has a really big one."

  Keir looks like he wants to be sucked into the floor, but I can't let this go. "What'd you give him to say that?"

  "Nothing. I swear," he says from behind his hands.


  "Was I not supposed to say we have them?" Connor asks, looking worried.


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