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Unexpected Company: #2 of Company Men

Page 9

by Crystal Perkins

  "I could get used to this."

  "I hope so."

  We soak, and cuddle, kissing frequently. At one point, I doze off, and I'm not sure how long I sleep for, but Keir's lips are on my when I wake up, and he tells me we should get out now. I let him dry me off, and carry me to my bed, where we cuddle some more. This time, I do more than doze, falling into a deep sleep.

  When I wake up, I see it's only eight, so it was only a short nap. I'm alone, and my heart races a little, thinking Keir left. I pull a nightgown off the pile on my comfy chair, and walk downstairs. Stopping at the sight before me, I cover my mouth, trying to hold back a sob.

  Keir turns, his phone at his ear, and smiles at me. He's cleared our plates from the table, and is finishing up the dishes for me. His smile drops when he sees I'm about to lose it.

  "Hold on a sec, Con." Placing the phone on mute, he walks over to me. "What's wrong?"

  "I thought you left, but you were cleaning my kitchen, and you didn't have to."

  "I couldn't leave the mess, and I needed to call the boys before they go to sleep."

  "Oh. Of course."

  He takes my face in his free hand, and looks me in the eye. "I would never leave while you were sleeping unless we'd discussed it beforehand."


  "We're good?"

  "We're better than good."

  He kisses me on the forehead, and resumes his call. "Sorry. Grace just woke up from her nap, and I had to say hello." He pauses to listen, before smiling. "Yes, adults like naps too, and yes, you can say hi to her."

  I walk over and take the phone from him, talking to first Connor, and then Trevor. Keir gets back on after a few minutes, and tells them goodnight before hanging up. He tosses the phone on the counter, and places his hands on either side of me, caging me in.

  "I know you're supposed to ride me next, but all I can think about is taking you right here and now."

  "I'll have plenty of time to ride you later."

  "I was hoping you'd say that."

  His jeans were already unbuttoned, so I unzip them, and push them down far enough for his cock to come out and play. He picks me up again, and I wrap my legs around his waist as he guides himself inside of me again. My ass is on the island, and he's taking me hard and rough once again. I love it. All of it. The sweet dad, the man who respects my mind, and the lover who knows my body better than I do after only a few hours. I'm in trouble here, but I don't mind it one bit.


  The past few days have been like a dream. I woke up wrapped around Grace on Sunday morning, and we spent several hours trying out various pieces of furniture in her apartment. I left late in the afternoon to pick up the boys from Sierra and Joel's place. They were bummed that Grace wasn't with me, but I told them she'd come by for dinner this week.

  Today is the shoot for the hotel, and I get there early in the morning after dropping the boys at C&C. The daycare will drop Trevor at school, and pick him up later, giving me all day to get this job done.

  If I didn't already know how much money Miles is investing in this project, I'd know it now as I walk through the building. Instead of having to move lights and people around, there is a setup in every room, complete with hired assistants who will set up the camera in every area to the specifications I emailed, and take test shots. It's crazy, over-the-top, and pretty cool.

  Every camera here is a duplicate of my favorite one, but I still brought my own with me. I'll take pics with the ones they have for me, but I'll also take mine from room to room for some shots too. I take it out in the lobby, dropping my bag in a corner.

  I've walked around, catching different details and angles with my camera, when I feel Grace enter the room. I know when she's anywhere I am, but I don't stop working. Not only because she wants us to keep things quiet around work, but also because I'm a professional, and I wouldn't stop a shoot to greet someone.

  Once I've gotten enough shots with my camera to get me in the groove, I swap it for the one the assistant has ready for me. This pattern continues through every room on the first floor. As I finish a room, the crew breaks it down, and heads to a higher floor to set up in each type of guest room.

  We take a break between floors, enjoying lunch from the catered buffet the hotel kitchen made for us. It gives them a chance to try out their menu, and we get some damn good food. After filling my plate, I take a seat with the hotel management staff, and Grace.

  "The photos look amazing," she tells me, a note of surprise in her voice.

  "I'm glad you like them."

  Maybe my tone is a little snide, but she hired me based off my work, so she should know I don’t suck. Her face hardens into boss mode, though, and I brace myself.

  "Is there a problem, Keir?"

  "I'm just wondering why you hired me if you didn't think I'd do a good job."

  Her face softens, and she smiles. "I knew you'd do a great job, but the photos are beyond great, and I'm impressed. I'm sorry I made it seem like I wasn't expecting your best."

  "Thanks. I shouldn't be so touchy, but I want to do quality work that will help sell this place to the masses."

  "I have no doubt you're doing just that."

  "I'm really sorry I snapped. That was unprofessional, and I hope you won't hold it against me."

  "I appreciate the apology, but I don't hold a grudge unless it's for behavior that happens continually. I understand this is your first job of this type for us, and you're a little stressed, so just don't make it a habit, and we'll be good."

  "I won't. Thanks for understanding."

  The men and women sitting with us look relieved to see us avoiding a fight, and I'm relieved to know we're good as well. This job has me so stressed out, because it's my first big one for C&C, but I know better than to engage with my boss in a combative way. Especially when that boss is also someone I was planning on asking to officially be my girlfriend tonight.

  The rest of the day goes as smoothly as the first, and I'm happy with the pictures when I look them over at each setting. I still have editing to do, and a presentation for Miles and Grace to put together, but I'm excited by the feedback everyone's given me today. Candi told me to own this job, so they'd hire me for more, and I know I did just that today.

  Later that night, I open the door to Grace, wearing another of the maxi dresses she favors when she's off work. This one has an off the shoulder neckline, and a gathered waist. I know she's wearing a bra and panties this time, because we're with the boys tonight, and my dick sighs a little in frustration.

  "Hi," I tell her, kissing her once the boys have greeted her with their own hugs and kisses.


  I lean in to whisper in her ear as I hold her in my arms. "I want to tell you again how sorry I am for being rude today."

  "And I'll tell you again that I understand, and it's okay."

  "I promise it won't happen again."

  "I believe you."

  "Are you asking her, Daddy?" Connor wants to know. I love my kid, but right now I want to lock him in a closet.

  "Asking me what?"

  I rub the back of my neck, and blow out a breath. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

  "Maybe," she says, her eyes sparkling, because she knows I'm on the spot here.

  "Please, Grace," Trevor implores.

  "Yeah, please," Connor adds.

  She steps back from me to look at all of us. "I don't think I've ever had a whole group ask me at once."

  "I was going to ask you later, when we were alone."

  "I'm sure."

  "Welcome to my life."

  "I love your life, and I'd love to be your girlfriend."

  "You're sure? I don't want a yes, just because the boys are pressuring you."

  "I'm sure."

  "Now can we eat?" Connor asks.

  "Yes," I tell him with a laugh, taking Grace's hand in mine.

  Tonight is pizza, because I don't want Grace thinking she has to cook every time she comes over. It's
a good night, filled with laughter, and I know in my bones she belongs here with us. She helps me put them to bed later, and makes out a little with me on the couch, but she leaves before midnight. We've both agreed we want the timing to be right for her to sleep over with the kids here, and it's not tonight. Soon, but not now.



  It's the day of Connor's birthday party, and I'm feeling a mixture of excitement, and nervousness. Excitement, because what the Foundation women and I have planned is probably the coolest birthday party ever. Nervousness, because I'm spending the night at Keir's house while the boys are home for the first time.

  It's been two weeks since he asked me to be his girlfriend, and they've been the best two weeks of my life. We all have dinner together almost every night, but I haven't stayed at their house yet. Keir has been back to mine a few times, and we've had some afternoon delights in one of the guest apartment suites in the C&C building, but this is big.

  I get to the apartment building where most of the Foundation women and their significant others live, early, so I can change into the costume Stella has for me. I've never been here, but I've heard it has even more amenities than the C&C building, which is saying something. It's not normally open for anyone to see, but for Connor, they're making an exception.

  Bypassing the valet company set up on the street, I drive to the underground garage, where armed guards check my car before letting me through. Once I'm parked, the elevator takes me into a lobby of sorts. There's no seating, just a guard desk, where several more men and women are on watch. I'm escorted outside, where I realize why Ainsley chose this venue instead of her own home.

  The open lawn is bigger than a football field, and has been completely done up to recreate the island of Themyscira. To the left, I see a gated area with a pool, and to the right is a stable. I should be more amazed than I am, but not much about the Corrigans and what they do, surprises me anymore.

  "Grace!" Sierra yells, running up to me. She's already in her leather Amazon warrior costume, and I have to admit, she looks fierce.

  "You look ready to go into fake battle."

  She spins for me, with a laugh. "This is going to be awesome."

  "Yes, it is."

  "Stella's waiting for you in the pool house. I'll let you in the gate."

  The pool house is full of activity when I enter, as the rest of the women are getting dressed. I haven't seen my costume, although I was measured for it, and when Stella's assistant, Kevin, holds out the Wonder Woman costume to me, I know there's a mistake.

  "This is the wrong costume."

  "No, this is all yours," Ainsley tells me, as she walks up.

  "But you or Sierra or Reina should be her."

  "Reina is going to be Diana on the island, and I'm Antiope. We wouldn't be having this kick-ass party without you, and we all agreed on it."

  I look around, to where all the women are smiling and nodding, and I tear up a little. It's like a childhood dream is coming true, although I'm in Gal Godot's costume, and not Lynda Carter's. There's more coverage, so I'm grateful for the modern movie.

  "Thank you."

  "You're welcome. Now, go get dressed so we can do your hair and make-up."

  Kevin leads me into one of the bedrooms for privacy, and helps me into the costume. Inside the bag he's carrying are wedge boots, bracelets, an arm cuff, and the golden lasso. He tells me I'll get my crown when Stella does my hair.

  "Wow," he says as I spin for him. "Keir is going to faint."

  "Thanks, but I hope not."

  Stella grabs me as soon as I walk out of the room, pulling me into a chair. "The guests are getting here soon, so let's do this."

  While she does my hair, one of the other Foundation women, Rhieve, does my make-up. It doesn't take them long to do what they need to do, and soon, the crown is being placed on my forehead. As I turn around, all the gathered women start clapping.

  "You ready to lead the way?" Reina asks, linking her hand with mine.

  "You're really sure about this?"

  "We're really sure."

  The doors are already open, so we walk out past the pool, and onto the grass. The area is filled with kids, standing behind stanchions that have appeared since I walked through earlier. Everyone goes quiet when they see us walking out. Well, everyone except Connor, who lets out a yell, and runs to me. I catch him, and pick him up, kissing him, before setting him down again. He's in a Wonder Woman t-shirt, and looks so happy to see us, making my heart melt even more.

  "Come over here, and let everyone in, Con," Ainsley calls to him.

  He takes my hand, and I follow him over. Keir, Trevor, Zack, Joel, and a couple who I'm sure are Keir's parents are already waiting for us there. Sierra and Ainsley motion him forward, but he's still got my hand in his. I lean down to whisper in his ear as he tries to tug me forward.

  "Go see your aunts. I'll still be here when you're done."



  He scampers away, and when I look up, Keir locks eyes with me, and mouths a thank you. I nod, and watch the festivities begin. The kids are in awe as Ainsley and Sierra explain about all the games and stations. The Foundation women explained to me how they train to be prepared in case a situation where they're helping someone turns violent. They're using that training today.

  They’re teaching archery, and sword fighting, with foam weapons. They've also hired mini horses for riding lessons, and have stations set up with science experiments, cooking, and bracelet and crown making. It's pretty amazing, but the best is still to come.

  I hold Connor's hand on one side, and Trevor's on the other as we try everything out. Kids come up, and ask for pictures with me, and I'm happy to oblige. It's awesome to see the girls, and some boys, dressed up like Wonder Woman, or wearing t-shirts with her symbol or image on them. Keir and his parents trail behind us, and while Connor introduced us, I haven't had time to interact with them.

  When Ainsley calls for everyone to stand on the sidelines, I leave Connor with his family, and make my way to the spot I'm supposed to be in for the finale. As we all watch, the Foundation women put on a choreographed fight scene, pretty much identical to the ones from the movie. I saw one of the practices in the gym, but this right here is legit. When Ainsley and Reina start to spar, I look around, watching everyone's reaction before I get ready for my part.

  When the "boosh" from Reina's bracelets sounds, and the flames shoot towards me, I pull the cord to uncover the cake, and watch as the flames hit the candles. It had to be timed perfectly, and I did it. Thank God, I did it.

  The crowd cheers, and I'm pulled into an embrace with the other women. We bow, then step back to let everyone see the masterpiece the Drago sisters have created. It's a mix of old and new Wonder Woman, with every logo, every bracelet and crown, and of course, the golden lasso. It's perfect, and I'm glad I got to be part of this day, for a little boy I've come to love.


  "Connor and Trevor are enamored with her," my mom says, watching the boys eating a second helping of cake with Grace.

  "She's really good with them."

  "Be careful."

  "Dad doesn't have a problem with her," I remind her, pointing to where he's just joined them at the table, with a soda for Grace.

  "I don't have a problem with her, per se. I just worry that this is all happening too fast. What if she gets tired of them, or you?"

  "She's already promised them she'd stay in their lives, even if she and I aren't together."

  "It's easy to say that when things are good."

  I don't like her saying these things, because I've thought of them myself. I push them out of my mind every single time, but they're there, in the back of my mind. Right now, they're in the front of it, too, but I'm trying to push them back.

  "You know I put them before everyone else. That hasn't changed."

  "I know, and I want you to find a good woman after all you've been through, but like I said, this
just seems rushed. If it was just you, I'd tell you to do whatever you want."

  "But, it's not."


  Connor calls us over then, ending our conversation, but not the thoughts going through my mind. Maybe my mom's right, and I need to slow things down. Not end them, but slow them.

  "Can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask Grace when we get to the table.


  The guests have all gone home, but the Society women and their men are here, so I take her to the other side of the field for some privacy. Even as I say the words, they feel wrong, but I don't stop.

  "I think we need to slow things down."

  She looks stunned, and I don't blame her. "I don't understand."

  "I have more to think about than just myself, Grace."

  "I love your boys."

  "And they love you. But what happens when you get a better job offer, or get tired of being a surrogate mom for two boys who will never stop moving, or asking questions?"

  "I have no intention of ever leaving Corrigan, and again, I love those boys."

  "I can't take chances with them. My mom reminded me of that."

  "Of course, she did."

  "What's that supposed to mean?"

  "She's made it clear all day that she doesn't like me."

  "She's just protective."

  "What is it you want?"

  "We see each other when I don't have the boys."

  "You honestly think that's okay? That I'm going to be okay with that? That they are?"

  "They're resilient. After all, they survived their mom leaving."

  I don't say that she's just a friend, and not family, but it hangs in the air between us. "I was going to tell you I loved you tonight, but now I feel like the biggest idiot in the world," she says, tears running down her face, as my heart breaks.

  "Gracie, please. It's just about taking things slow. I don't want this to be over."

  "Well, we can’t always have what we want, can we?"

  "Don't walk away from me."

  "Walk away? You're pushing me into oncoming traffic right now, Keir, so don't you dare try and blame this on me."


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