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Unexpected Company: #2 of Company Men

Page 11

by Crystal Perkins

  “That’s true.”

  “As for my son, he definitely has a crush on you, but I know you well enough to know it’s not reciprocated,” Tegan assures me.

  “I’m totally enamored by him, but more in an amused aunt way than anything else,” I assure her.

  “That’s the norm.”

  “Matt and I try to ignore the press as much as possible, because much of what they say is not worth the time to dispute it, but this time, we agree that a press conference would be a good idea,” Reina informs me.

  “With Matt?”

  “No, with us. All three of us are going to speak up.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” Alex tells me, squeezing my arm.


  Reina gives me my marching orders. “I’m going to send you up to Stella, because she says she has something perfect for you to wear, and then we’ll meet with Audrey to go over what we want to say.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’ve done nothing wrong, Grace, and while I can’t guarantee everyone will listen to us, we want to tell them the truth.”

  I know she’s right, but having these women support me means a lot. I go upstairs with them, and let Stella put me together once again before being briefed by Audrey. We’re just getting ready to head outside when Ainsley runs in, and clicks on the TV. There, in all her glory, is Jacky. Crying, and playing to the crowd, while she tells them how her children are being exposed to me.

  “She gave up her rights to those boys, and now she decides to care?”

  “She doesn’t care about them. All she’s ever wanted is the spotlight, and now she’s got it,” Ainsley tells me.

  “We need to ask Keir what he wants me to say before we go down there.”

  I haven’t seen him, or the other guys yet today. Reina and Alex said their husbands told them to say whatever they want, but this is different. Keir is already worried about me hurting his children, and now I’m afraid that’s what I’m doing.

  “He’s going to be livid.”

  She calls him as we get into the elevator, and the conversation becomes very heated, very fast. I’m afraid she’s going to throw her phone at one point, but she takes a few deep breaths, and simply tells us he wants us to say nothing about the boys. I respect that, I do, but it hurts a little that he’s unwilling to let me defend myself against Jacky saying I’m corrupting her children.

  I put that out of my head as I walk outside with Reina, Alex, and Tegan at my side. Stella gave me a maroon dress with a black insert, and some edgy cutouts, along with some fierce heels by Jimmy Choo. My hair is straight, and sleek, and my make-up is flawless. On the outside, I look perfect, and I’m trying to be okay on the inside too, as Reina steps up to the microphone.

  “I shouldn’t have to be here talking to you today. None of the women on this stage should be here, because we have work to do. But, here we are, addressing lies that your networks, and newspapers, have chosen to print. Grace Faulkner is a hard-working woman, who has earned her place at Corrigan & Co. The picture you’re all circulating of her hugging my husband is from a birthday party, where I was also in attendance. This particular photo is troubling to me, because every guest was required to turn in their cell phones and cameras when they arrived. We had photographers there, but none took this picture. I’m going to find out who brought a camera into my backyard for malicious purposes, and because of the papers that person willingly signed upon entering my building, I will be suing them for $100,000,000. That is all I have to say about this nonsense.”

  She steps back, and Alex takes the microphone next. “As Reina said, this is a waste of our valuable time for all of us. Grace has been a blessing to my husband and I, taking over part of his workload so he can spend time with me during my pregnancy. The picture of them is from the garage of our condo, where he walked her to her car at my request. Honestly, though, it could’ve been taken anywhere. I’m a ‘hugger’ and I’ve rubbed off on my husband. He doesn’t go around randomly hugging his employees, but he does hug our friends, and Grace has become one of my best friends. I hug her, and he hugs her too. Stop the presses, because friends hug.”

  She just steps away from the podium without another word, as Reina flashes an amused smile at her. She was supposed to say a little more, but what she said was great, and I’m glad we really are friends. Tegan adjusts the microphone like she’s choking it, before addressing everyone.

  “I am disgusted and appalled that each of you thinks it’s okay to drag my teenage son into your drama. He works for Grace, but that is it. Work. He approached her, knowing she needed an assistant, and passed his interview with her. All of these so-called people who wanted to work for her didn’t take that initiative. Furthermore, I am completely offended that all of you with your pitchforks out honestly believe I would let my son work for someone with no morals. Grace has more morals than all of you combined, and you should be ashamed of yourselves for saying what you’re saying. So, she kissed his cheek? I kiss the kids in my social circle on the cheek, too. Grow up, America.”

  I have to go on after that? Well, okay then. Time to pull up my panties, and tell my truth.

  “I appreciate the support from these amazing women, who knew the truth without even asking me. I don’t know who is behind this campaign, aimed at trying to hurt me, but I know we’ll find out. In the meantime, all I am prepared to say is that yes, I had a relationship with Keir Martin. It in no way impacted his being hired for the job he’s doing, which he is uniquely qualified for, and has not affected his job performance, or mine. Miles Corrigan was aware of our relationship, and had no problem with us pursuing it.”

  They shout questions at me as I step back, but I ignore them as Audrey instructed me to, and walk away with the other three women. It’s out there now, the truth, and whatever happens, I’m thankful for that.


  “I want to be out there,” Ethan says, pacing back and forth.

  “Your mama’s handling it,” Caleb reminds him.

  “I know, but I hate this. Grace respects me, but she still thinks of me as a kid. She’d never do anything sexual with me.”

  “We know,” Miles tells him.

  “The women can handle this, and it needs to be them. If we go out there, it will look worse for Grace,” Matt adds.

  “For you guys, because you’re married, but Keir should be out there.”

  The kid glares at me, and I know I deserve it. Audrey asked me to release a statement, but I can’t. My lawyer advised me not to, because we’re both more worried about shutting Jacky down. She gave up her rights, and she can’t just take them back in the media.

  “I’ve got it,” Ainsley says from inside her office.

  We gathered here in her underground lair, because her team is looking for the mastermind of this giant cluster-fuck. My money’s on the guy Grace and Matt fired, but my sister told me to wait and see.

  “Who is it?” Miles asks.

  “Some restaurant owner in Phoenix is the one who leaked the pics. One of the women on your floor, who has a son in the daycare center took the party pic, and the one of Grace kissing E on the cheek. I’m looking into their connection right now, but I know it was them.”

  “That son of a bitch.”

  “Wait, he did this because we didn’t like a couple of his restaurants? I thought you made a deal for the others.”

  “I did. We’re supposed to be signing the papers tomorrow.”

  “That’s not happening,” Matt says, looking like he wants a few minutes alone with the guy when he shows up. I want my own time alone with him, too.

  “What the fuck is wrong with people? We’re giving him a damn good deal for the other places,” Miles tells him.

  “Anything out of the ordinary at the places you didn’t like?” Ainsley asks me.

  “One was okay, but not great. The other had great food, but store-bought salsa, and bad service. We waited longer than necessary to be seated, and the kid who
was waiting on us couldn’t be bothered to pay any attention to us until we were kissing. He literally interrupted us to say we needed to order dessert, or pay.”

  “Um, yuck,” my sister says.

  “It was uncomfortable, but if he hadn’t been disregarding us the rest of the time, we might have let it slide.”

  “Is this him?” she asks, moving so I can see her screen.


  “Owner’s kid.”

  “I’d be pissed at the kid, and not the people giving me over a million dollars, but that’s just me,” Matt says.

  “Nah, you’ll be pissed if someone says anything about Mitch, but you’re smart enough not to start a public smear campaign against them,” Caleb says.

  “Okay, maybe. And yeah, I’d take it totally private.”

  I leave them to their plans to head back upstairs. Tomorrow is also the day when Miles and Grace will be choosing the photos to use for the hotel. Grace has emailed me her favorites, but there are others I like better, and I want to be prepared to fight for them.

  I get immersed in my work, stopping only because there’s a knock at my door. It opens to Grace, who’s in the sexy as fuck dress she wore for the press conference. It’s not intended to be sexy, but it’s on her, so it is.

  “I just wanted you to know I dropped the stuff for Trev’s potluck off at the school this morning.”

  “Oh. Thanks.”

  That’s it? That’s what I’m going to say after everything that’s happened today? She waits for me to say more, but I can’t seem to get my mouth to work.

  “Okay, well, have fun tonight.”

  She walks out, and I bang my head on my desk. I wasn’t planning to grab the boys for another half hour, but I need them now. I should have said something about today, and what she’s going through. I should’ve told her I made a mistake at Connor’s party. I should’ve told her I love her too. Instead, I let her walk away, thinking I don’t care.

  I put it all out of my head as I drive to the school, and walk the boys inside. Their librarian, Mrs. Streets, greets us, and takes us into her office to get the dinner and dessert Grace dropped off. She went above and beyond, and my feelings of remorse about the way I’ve handled things come back full force.

  “Those look good,” Trevor says.

  “They sure do,” she agrees.

  I say nothing as I carry the tray of mini Shepherd’s Pies, while Trevor carries the dessert bars. Connor carries the silver plastic forks and napkins Grace dropped off as well. She thought of everything, because of course, she did.

  “Homemade food for once, huh?” one of the obnoxious fathers says as we put them down. I always feel bad for his wife, because he’s such an ass.

  “Yep,” Trev says, not realizing the guy wasn’t really asking.

  “Did your boss make them?”

  “Our friend, Grace, made them, yes.”

  “Friend? I saw her on TV, and I must say, I’d hit that too.”

  “You shouldn’t hit Grace,” Connor says, and I rub my face, because I don’t want to explain this to my five-year-old.

  “Matt Corrigan’s wife is hot, so I can’t imagine him straying. Miles though, with his wife pregnant, I don’t blame him one bit.”

  “What did you just say?” Luke asks, coming to join our little circle as the rest of the room goes quiet.

  “You know it’s true. The junior Corrigan’s wife is huge.”

  “I love my job, but if you say one more word about my niece, or her friend, I’m going to knock you out.”

  “Niece? Wait, you’re one of those Griffins.”


  “A billionaire’s teaching my kid? This is priceless. Can you get your brother to do a sculpture for my house?”


  “Why not? I have money.”

  “No one in my family needs your money, and I’m going to suggest you leave now.”

  “I could get you fired.”

  “And I could have my family ruin you.”

  “Asshole. I’m getting my kid out of your class.”

  “Please do.”

  He storms off, and the mood in the room changes almost immediately. We have a fun time, but I can tell something’s bothering Trevor. I wait until I’m tucking him in for bed to mention it, because I know he wouldn’t want any extra attention on him.

  “I’m sorry that guy upset you.”

  “He didn’t. I mean, he did, but that’s not why I’m upset.”

  “Oh. Well, what’s wrong.”

  “You didn’t stick up for Grace. That guy said things about her, and you didn’t tell him anything. Luke told him to stop saying things about her and Alex, but you didn’t. I wanted to, but you said I should respect adults, so I kept quiet, but you did too.”

  “I didn’t want to fight with him.”

  “Grace is worth fighting for. She brought stuff for me, even though you made her cry. She’s my friend, and even if she’s not yours, it’s not okay to let someone say things about her.”

  “You’re right.”

  “Can you put her on the daycare list, so I can call her, or she can come see me? Con, too?”

  “Yes. I can do that.”

  I kiss his forehead, and walk out, feeling like shit because my kid just had to school me on being a decent man. I’ve always prided myself on being a good guy, but lately, I haven’t been. What kind of example am I showing him and his brother by running from the woman I love? One I wouldn’t want to be friends with, that’s for sure.



  I chose a sleeveless, black jumpsuit that hits my calves, to wear to work today. I thought I’d be meeting with the restaurant guy, but Matt had other plans. He and Miles met with the man by themselves, and also the female employee who betrayed me. I don’t like being left out, but they’re the bosses. They promised to give me a full report after my meeting with Miles and Keir, so there’s that, at least.

  I’m looking forward to getting this meeting over with. I’ve already chosen the pics, so this is just a short timeline planning session. Once again, when I get to Miles office, Keir is already there, and they are looking over pictures without me.

  “This is becoming a pattern.”

  “Keir was just going over some of the other photos with me.”

  “I chose the best ones.”

  “What you think are the best ones. You know I disagree,” Keir tells me.

  “I’m the head of this project, and what I chose fits the vision I have.”

  “I don’t want to contradict you, Grace, but some of the pictures Keir showed me are much better for the campaign.”

  “Really? This is how it’s going to be? Cut out the woman, because the men know best?”

  “No, Grace. You know better.”

  “I thought I did. I thought this company was different, but it’s not. The men stick together, and then stick it to you when you give your opinion.”

  “Grace, please sit down, and we’ll discuss this. It’s just some pictures.”

  “No, it’s more than that. It’s too much more. It’s all too much. I trusted you, Miles. I thought you believed in me.”

  “I do.”

  “You wouldn’t have been in here before me today, or meeting alone last time, if you did. I can’t work for someone who doesn’t trust me to do the job.”

  “Grace?” Miles says, standing and moving towards me as I back up.

  “I quit.”


  I turn, and practically run from the room. I know Miles is following me, and I know the whole floor is watching, but I don’t care. I push open my door, and hear Ethan try to stop Miles before it closes.

  “You can’t quit.”

  “I just did.”

  “Be reasonable, Grace. You know his pictures are better. You’re letting your personal feelings interfere with your professional job.”

  “I will give you two weeks, but I’d like to spend them in New York. Give me an empty of
fice in the C&C building there, and I’ll work remotely.”

  “You can’t leave.”

  “Yes, I can. Either today, or after two weeks in New York. You choose.”

  “Look at me. Please.”

  “I can’t. I can’t look at you, Miles.”

  “Alex is due in a month. Don’t do this to us.”

  “I will work my ass off, and get everything done, so nothing will fall on you. Two weeks should be enough time to find someone else.”

  “I don’t want someone else.”

  “It doesn’t feel that way.”

  “You know those pictures are better. Maybe I shouldn’t have met with him without you, but you know it’s true.”

  “Please leave me alone.”

  “I’ll arrange an office for you, and a jet will be ready when you get to the airport.”

  I’m barely holding on right now, so I don’t say anything else. He stays for another minute, before leaving on a sigh. I hear Ethan tell Keir he can’t see me as the door closes. I wanted this life for so long, but now I want it to be over. I want to go home.

  Before I can, I have to get everything set up for my move. I call Ethan in, and explain that I’m quitting, but want him to help me from here for the next two weeks. I know he’ll be okay, but I’ll miss the kid. I call my housekeeper, and let her know I’m going out of town, and stop my mail. I should go home and pack, but I don’t, because I can get what I need in New York. Taking one last look around my office later in the day, I turn off the lights, and walk out.

  I’ve ignored the texts coming from Alex and Keir all day. I’m too raw right now to talk to my friend about leaving, or my ex-lover about how he’s still hurting me. I just want to leave this city I pinned my hopes and dreams on, and go back to the place that shaped me, and the people who love me.


  I’ve never felt this panicked before. Grace just quit her job because of me, and she’s leaving. Leaving C&C, and leaving Las Vegas. I fought for my pictures instead of her, and now it’s really and truly over. All of it.

  “What did you do?” Ainsley asks, walking into my house with Sierra hot on her heels.


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