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Rebel Rising: A Dystopian Romance (Cage of Lies Book 1)

Page 31

by Susanne Valenti

  Several more of them were inspecting the truck which was lying on its roof in a small clearing.

  Coal was glaring about, searching for a sign of Alicia amongst the greenery surrounding us.

  "What do we do?" I breathed but he hushed me with a signal from his hand.

  "My feet will find you little sneakers!" another Creeper called out from the top, or rather the bottom, of the truck where he’d clambered up to get a better view.

  Very little they said actually made any real sense, they used grunts and screeching as often as words.

  I couldn't make out much to either side of us through the dense hedging but I could hear them scurrying around, searching for us. My stomach muscles clenched and I gripped the hilt of one of my knives.

  “Burn bushes!" one of them who seemed more capable of coherent speech, screeched from across the clearing and they all started howling and yammering with excitement. The Creeper on top of the truck's belly started jumping up and down, slamming his fists into the metal and kicking at the exhaust pipe until it came free.

  He kept smashing at the metal until oil poured from one of the burst pipes. The smell of it wafted across us on the breeze and caught in the back of my throat. I resisted the urge to cough and pressed my hand over my mouth.

  A spark went up on the other side of the truck and thick, grey smoke started to billow all around us as the damp vegetation resisted the flames.

  “What are we going to do? There's so many of them," Laurie whispered, wide eyed. She had both of her pistols drawn but they were pressed into the dirt by her feet.

  “I'm thinking," Coal replied, his eyes still moving constantly, trying to locate his sister.

  “Maybe we should just run?" I suggested. Coal shook his head and started tapping the tip of his knife against his knee.

  I looked at Laurie, unsure what to do. The knife had started to pierce the fabric of Coal's trouser leg and I reached over to still his hand just as the first drops of blood spilled out.

  "I can't leave Alicia. If I knew where she was I might be able to form a plan." He looked up towards the treetops as if he might find her there and I bit my lip as I tried to formulate some kind of plan.

  Five bushes around the clearing were crackling away now, aided by the oil from the truck. It was only a matter of time before they lit ours. Groups of Creepers waited by the burning bushes to grab anyone who tried to break free and we needed to move before they turned their attention our way.

  “Use us, form a plan with us," I urged Coal in hushed tones. "Alicia will help as soon as she can see what we're doing."

  Coal frowned at me for a moment before looking up again. There was a towering tree above us with leaves so densely packed that it explained the lack of other growth in the clearing below.

  "We need to go up." He pointed. "Those roots reach into the other edge of this bush. We'll have to move quickly to avoid them spotting us."

  "What if they do?" Laurie asked.

  “Don't stop, if we can reach some high ground we can use the guns to keep them down and hopefully find a way out of here." He glanced around once more for Alicia.

  "Maybe we'll be able to spot her from up there," I suggested, laying my hand on his arm.

  "Okay, I'll go first. Let me get up there and then I can help pull you two up quickly behind me." He set his jaw and started to push through the thorny embrace of the bush towards the tree.

  It was painstakingly slow work. We had to move carefully to avoid making the bush tremble and give us away. Thorns tore into our clothes and tangled our hair. Several times we had to help each other to get free of them, resorting to cutting our way out with our knives.

  The roots of the tree were huge. They twisted and braided together, forming a sort of cage which knotted with the edge of the thorn bush. We pushed our way into a dip that had formed beneath them. There were small gaps and holes above us which we used to check on the Creepers. At the base of the tree trunk, there was a hole big enough for us to squeeze through.

  Coal turned to look at us and gestured that we should wait while he went on up and I watched him push through the roots nervously. My grip tightened on my knife as a shadow passed our hiding spot but it moved away without incident.

  I shifted closer to the hole Coal had disappeared through and saw him perched on a branch high above us. He motioned for me to follow and I sheathed my knife before squeezing up next to the colossal trunk.

  I pressed myself close to the rough bark and checked around cautiously to see if any Creepers were approaching. The clearing was on the other side of the tree and we were draped in the shadows cast by the overhanging branches. The rain had finally come to an end and all that remained was the constant dripping of the newly drenched woodland.

  I looked up and saw a branch just above my head. Taking a deep breath, I jumped and caught it. I heaved my weight upwards and tried not to make too much noise as my feet scrambled for purchase. Finally, I made it onto the branch and I looked up again to see Coal reaching down for me. I gave him my hand. This time I practically flew up to the next branch as Coal tugged me skyward, his shoulder muscles bunching with the effort as he set me on my feet and pressed me back against the trunk.

  Laurie was right behind me and together we started to climb up into the green canopy, putting a barrier between us and the circling Creepers below.

  We came to a stop on a high branch overlooking the clearing, and started our search for Alicia.

  I caught sight of something that might have been silvery hair and leaned out to get a better look. I moved onto my toes, reaching as far as I dared. A sudden gust of wind blew through the treetops making the branch beneath my feet sway violently and I lost my balance.

  My hands flew out and I grabbed a small twig which couldn't hold my weight and snapped, the sharp end digging into my palm. My arms spun wildly before I fell heavily onto the branch below, sending a scattering of debris tumbling down to the ground.

  I wrapped my arms and legs around the thick limb and the bark scraped my cheek. I held my breath and opened my eyes to peer down into the clearing.

  A Creeper stopped in his tracks and looked at the pile of leaves and twigs that I’d dislodged. He turned and slowly looked up at the tree where I shrank into the branch, hoping he couldn't see me.

  I trembled as the Creeper stepped closer to the tree and crushed the fallen leaves under his filthy bare foot.

  He inched closer, gazing up with sharp eyes, looking between the leaves surrounding me, hunting for a prey that he was moments from discovering. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move at all. All I could do was wait to be found, knowing what that would mean.

  A cry went up across the clearing and was quickly joined by another and another. The Creeper below me turned and scurried towards the sound.

  I stood slowly, my hands still shaking, and moved back along the branch where Coal and Laurie were hiding by the colossal trunk.

  Coal reached for me and pulled me against him as I closed the gap between us. I buried my face against his chest for a moment before turning back to see what had distracted the Creepers.

  They’d formed a circle on the other side of the truck and were scrabbling to get into the middle of it. A large, square jawed female was shoved out, clutching at a bleeding wound in her stomach. Soon another, this one a small male, possibly even a child, fell aside with a gash on his shoulder. The excited cries turned to howls of rage as the Creepers piled together and more and more wounded appeared.

  A very human scream of frustration broke through the noise as the Creepers drew back and hovered around the clearing again, shifting from foot to foot.

  The huge male from the bridge, with his greasy curtain of black hair, stepped from the middle of the remaining Creepers in the circle, dragging something behind him.

  "Come out now, or we kill her!" he shouted, glaring around the clearing and dragging a body forward through the dirt.

  His hand was full of long silvery hair and he used it to drag
a girl forward through the dirt. Alicia.

  Alicia screamed a torrent of abuse at the beast of a man and he laughed, shaking her by her hair and pressing her own machete to her throat.

  “Come for your woman!" he cried, dragging her around in a circle as she kicked at the mud to keep the sharp blade from cutting into her neck. “Or I’ll cut off her head!”

  “It's me they want," Coal whispered, pulling his knives from his belt and pressing them into my hands. "Stay here."

  “They want all of us," I protested but he was already shaking his head.

  "No, in their society men are in charge. I'm your King as far as they see it. You're only useful to help him get to me." He raised a hand and ran his fingers down the side of my face, leaving a burning trail in their wake.

  “There has to be another way," I said in a small voice.

  "This is it. You two need to stay here and be ready, use those knives and your guns to pick off the surrounding Creepers when the time is right."

  “Won't they just kill her once they have you?"

  “I'm hoping I can get her out of their reach long enough for the fighting to begin, that's when you strike."

  “Please-" I grabbed his hand as he turned to leave.

  "I have to go." He looked at me steadily and without fear, but I trembled at the thought of him in danger. I released his hand and he moved along the branch away from me.

  “Don't worry," he said, looking back over his shoulder at me. "I don't intend to die today."

  He gave me a cocky grin before turning away and jumping, grabbing hold of another branch and using it to swing himself down. He let go and landed in a crouch in front of the Creeper King who was holding Alicia.

  “What do you want?" Coal demanded, straightening and glaring at the filthy man with defiance in every inch of his body.

  “Death," the King replied with a savage grin.

  The other Creepers were circling closer and closer to Coal but they seemed to be waiting for permission before striking.

  “Are you scared to fight me alone? Or do you need all of these things,” Coal pointed to the surrounding Creepers, "-to help you?"

  I pressed myself back against the trunk of the tree, my fingernails digging into the damp bark.

  “So long as you die, I win." He tugged on Alicia's hair and pressed the blade to her throat, drawing a thin line of blood.

  "So you are afraid then?" Coal taunted.

  He rolled back his shoulders and stared the King down, a clear challenge in his gaze. The Creeper glanced around, taking in the looks he was getting from his followers.

  "No," he snarled, tightening his grip on Alicia so that she was yanked up onto her knees then pushing her back downwards where she slumped with her legs curled beneath her.

  “I'll give you a fair fight," Coal offered, emptying the rounds of bullets from his guns and tossing them all into the dirt. He spun slowly on the spot to show that he had no more weapons. The King surveyed him with a scowl.

  My hand shook as I held my pistol aimed at the King. I drew in a ragged breath and steadied my aim.

  I glanced at Alicia. Her head was down and it looked like she was crying which was so out of character that my gaze hooked there. She pulled her knees up underneath her and trembled.

  None of the Creepers were paying any attention to her now, all of their gazes were locked on Coal, but the sight of Alicia breaking down caught my attention. If there was anything I knew about her it was that if she was going down, she would go down fighting.

  As if on cue, Alicia's hand slid down her leg to her boot, her fingers just skimming the top of it. She took another shuddering breath and as the King shook her by the hair again, she snatched a concealed knife from her boot and swept it up towards him.

  I gasped at the sight of the machete still pressed to her neck but Alicia didn't swing for the King. She twisted the knife around above her head and sheared through her hair just below the Creeper's grasp. In the same movement she spun backwards away from the machete and kicked up a circle of mud around her before stopping in a crouch with the knife held out to one side.

  Alicia's cut hair fell in a tumble of platinum curls as the barbarian let out a howl of frustration and flung them aside but Coal was already moving, running towards the King as fast as he could.

  His boots sent mud flying in huge clumps as he pounded across the short distance between them. Coal leapt into the air with his arm drawn back and his hand curled into a fist. The King turned back just in time to see Coal's fist connect with his face and a sickening crunch signalled what must have been his nose breaking.

  The machete fell from his grasp as he stumbled backwards, blood pouring down his face. Coal raised his fist again and he swung in, closing the gap between them and giving three sharp jabs to the King's stomach.

  Alicia jumped into action, flinging her knife at a Creeper who was darting across the clearing towards the dropped machete. He caught it in the chest and fell backwards in a heap.

  Alicia dove forwards, skidded on her knees through the mud and scooped the machete into her grasp. The force of her movement slid her towards another Creeper who met the sharp end of the huge knife with a scream.

  Coal's opponent had gotten past his initial shock and was swinging fists like hammers with an inhuman rage. Coal moved quickly, darting under the swings and aiming punches to the King's abdomen and face.

  The fires around the clearing blazed and gushed smoke with equal determination.

  The sound of a gunshot brought me to my senses as a Creeper on the outskirts of the group collapsed. Laurie was already aiming at another before I realised I was supposed to be helping too.

  Something clicked into place in my mind as I let my training take over. I pushed my emotions aside and selected a target with cold detachment.

  My aim was true and I hit a stumpy Creeper with enough force to send him skittering into the bushes, out of sight.

  Alicia was like a shining light amongst a throng of dirty Creepers, her machete slicing to and fro as she spun this way and that, avoiding their grabbing hands and gnarled fingernails. Her beautiful hair whipped about her head, still long enough to fan out around her, sometimes brushing a Creeper who had gotten close but none could land a hold on her.

  I took out as many of the Creepers who were pouring towards Alicia as I could, so long as they were far enough back to give me a clear shot.

  My pistol clicked with the sound of the empty chamber and I cursed. I was out of ammo. I shoved it back into my holster before starting with my knives.

  I moved from branch to branch taking aim at any Creeper I could and hitting more times than I missed. Laurie was throwing knives too, her face pulled into a mask of concentration. Some of the Creepers were starting to look up at our tree as they realised they were being attacked from above and made their way towards the hulking trunk.

  Coal and the Creeper King were locked in an embrace of fists, knees and elbows. There was blood flying in every direction and I couldn't tell how much of it belonged to either of them. Coal tripped the King who stumbled aside but swung his massive elbow backwards into Coal's face and sent him sprawling to the ground.

  I threw a knife at him and it plunged squarely into his thigh. The King let out an enraged howl but ran forwards without removing the blade and jumped on top of Coal, fists flying.

  Coal had his arms up to cover his face but the sheer force and weight of the massive Creeper was preventing him from doing much else.

  The crack of a branch behind me announced the arrival of the Creepers to our canopy hiding place and I turned as Laurie released a torrent of bullets at the emerging heads.

  "Time to go." She smiled fiercely as more Creepers took the place of those who had fallen. Laurie grabbed a vine and swung down into the clearing below us and my heart leapt with the idea of following her.

  Coal snarled through his bloody face, got his knees up and launched the King backwards off of him. He was on his feet a second later and th
rew himself on top of the huge creature, pinning the King's arms down with his legs and punching again and again at his grotesque face.

  The fires crackled around the clearing, slowly forming a wall around the fighting beneath me. Smoke billowed up into the treetops and I coughed.

  I braced my feet against a knot raised from the branch I was standing on and pulled the shotgun from my back, levelling it at the row of Creepers who had made it onto the branches surrounding me. My first shot sent three of them tumbling down out of sight but the others quickly scattered. It dawned on me that they were obviously more used to traversing the branches than I was.

  I took another shot as the Creeper I was aiming for jumped to a different perch and caught him in the chest. The Creeper collapsed and crashed through the branches, slamming into them one by one before hitting the forest floor.

  Another Creeper lunged at me and I stumbled back, fumbling to get my shotgun between us. The snarling face, lined with broken teeth loomed towards me and I pulled the trigger. The Creeper was blasted away but the recoil caught me off balance and I had to drop the shotgun so that I could steady myself on a branch to my left.

  The gun spun down through the canopy and squelched into the mud far below me.

  I cut my losses and leapt for a vine of my own. I caught it and it held for half a moment before snapping. I screamed as the vine went slack in my grasp and I fell towards the ground. I slammed into a thick branch which splintered and broke beneath me. The impact spun me around and dropped me into the middle of the raging battle below.

  I hit the ground on my back, hard. The breath was forced from my lungs and I couldn't move as I gasped for breath, the pain paralysing me. Mud splattered up all around me and I could feel the moisture soaking through my clothes.

  My vision swam but I could make out a blurred shape moving towards me from my right. I tried to reach for a knife but my body wouldn't respond.

  "Maya!" someone screamed my name but I couldn't concentrate enough to work out who it was.

  The Creeper loomed over me, laughing as I dragged in a shuddering breath, my fingers spasming towards the hilt of the knife.


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