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Destroying Gage (Bloody Saints MC Book 2)

Page 7

by Roxanne Greening

  “Baby, please,” his voice was filled with tears. “What did he do to you?”

  My heart was turning into dust. It couldn’t take any more of this pain.

  “Just do it,” I whisper as I sag.

  There was no escape, at least not on the outside. Right now, I was drifting. Living in the moment before he handed me over to Zec.

  The stars loomed above us like glittering stones. The music drifted as he wrapped me up in his arms and danced slowly with me.

  The air was cooler than it was earlier today, but I felt nothing but warmth as his body pressed closer to mine. His lips pressed against my forehead.

  I was where I wanted to be, even if it was a dream. No one could hurt or touch me here.

  In my dream, I was with him, and we were building a family. Life was perfect, and I was finally free.

  Chapter 27


  Present Day.

  Her screams ripped through me like poison arrows. I dragged a dying Zec over towards her. Slitting his throat was something I relished, even if I wanted nothing more then to rip him apart. One piece at a time.

  We slowly entered the house very quietly. Too fucking slow, in my opinion. It took me ten minutes to find her. When I finally did, what I saw will haunt me for the rest of my life.

  That motherfucker was taking off his pants. So, I slipped up behind him and covered his mouth. I then cut his dick off and slit his throat.

  Her screams filled the room as she struggled to get away from me. Her back was covered in red. What terrified me the most was when she went limp. Telling me to just do it and then she checked out.

  Reaching over, I untied her hands and gently pulled her into my lap. My knees ached from where they hit the floor. The site of her brought me to my knees.

  A shadow filled the door, but my eyes stayed on Ronnie. My shaking hand brushed the hair from her face. She had her eyes closed, and she wasn’t moving.

  Leaning down, I listened as she took a breath and released it. For a fucking moment, I thought she was dead. That I had lost her.

  “Is she….?” Crow’s voice filled the room.

  “Fuck you,” I snarl. I pulled Ronnie closer to me and rocked her gently.

  “Shh, I’ve got you. I love you, baby.” I tell her over and over.

  “We need to go. Zec’s brother got away, the fucking coward,” Crow growls.

  I don’t look at him or any of my brothers. I just lifted Ronnie and cradled her to my chest. I was trying to keep my hands away from her back.

  No one said a word as we made our way out of that hell hole. Weston was currently setting it all on fire. No one tried to stop me as I laid her down in the backseat of the SUV and climbed in with her. I rested her head on my lap and gently caressed her tangled blood covered brown locks of hair.

  Her back was torn up, bad. Zec whipped her, and I wished I could kill him all over again. Slowly.

  Chapter 28


  One Week Later.

  “Come back to me, baby. Please, I need you,” Gage’s voice filled my ears.

  I didn’t want to leave wherever I was. It was beautiful, and our life was perfect. It was filled with love and laughter.

  “I love you,” he whispered as he kissed my forehead.

  My heart fluttered at the feeling. I love you, too. I wanted to tell Gage, but I wasn’t there. I was here. In a world of beauty and peace.

  “Is she going to ever come out of this?” I heard him ask someone.

  “There’s no real way to know. It could happen now or never.” A bright light hit my eyes. “Wherever her mind took her, she feels safe and doesn’t want to come back.”

  A calloused hand shifted through my hair, and a kiss was pressed into my shoulder.

  “I need you. Do you hear me? I can’t do this without you,” Gage tells me.

  “If not for me, please come back for our baby,” he commands.

  Of course, he demands. Baby. Baby. Baby. The word swirls in my head like a little tornado. My hands cup my stomach, there was a baby in there that needs me.

  “Ronnie?” Gage whispers, leaning in close so he can look into my eyes. His hand cups my cheek, rubbing it gently.

  “Come back to me,” he whispers. Tears fill my eyes. I blink them away quickly as more take their place.

  I could tell that I was laying on my side. It was the way the bed felt under my hip that caused a frown to pull between my brows. I was on my side.

  Then it hit me. Zec, the whip, and his promises. I screamed. My throat was raw and dry as pain and sorrow filled me. No, I want to go back.

  “There she is,” that annoying voice made me want to commit a crime.

  “Shh, I’ve got you, baby,” I heard and recognized the voice.

  Don’t touch me! Get away from me!” I’m screamed. I didn’t give a shit if my throat felt like it was on fire.

  “I had to give you to him. I fucking hated it, baby. I got to you as fast as I could.” He tried to grab my face with both hands. Attempting to cup my cheeks.

  “NO!” I scream. “You gave me to him. I thought you loved me,” I sobbed painfully.

  “Fuck, baby. I do love you. I fucking love you more than life itself,” his voice was hoarse with unshed tears. I could see them shimmering in his eyes.

  “Why? Why did you do this to me?”

  “We had to. It was the only way we could kill him. I didn’t want to give you over, sweetness. You have to believe me,” he begs.

  I was being torn apart. I wanted to believe Gage, and I wanted to just forget. Tears streamed down my face in heated trails.

  “He wanted to take my head for demanding this,” Crow announces.

  My eyes dart to him. He was standing in the doorway looking at me. I could see he was telling the truth and that he was sorry.

  Fuck him. Crow didn’t have to go through what I did.

  “Thought I needed to experience what Maria did? Is that why you did this to me?” I accused.

  Regret filled his eyes. His head shook back and forth.

  “Feel better about it now? Should I thank you? Well, thank you for saving my life. Is that what you came in here for?” I lash out harshly.

  “I’m sorry, Ronnie. You were never supposed to get hurt.”

  Closing my eyes, I sighed. In the end, he freed me. As much as I wanted to hate him, they gave me what I always dreamed of. True freedom.

  “I understand,” I tell him quietly.

  As he turned to leave, I tell him, “I forgive you.”

  The tension in his body released. His eyes met mine, and I could see the sorrow and pain that he was feeling. Then he was gone.

  “I love you, Ronnie,” Gage said, pulling my attention back to him.

  “Do you?” I sounded like a vicious viper.

  “I fucking hate that you even need to ask me that,” he says before lowering his head.

  “I love you, too,” I whisper pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

  “I wanted to tell you. I wanted to fucking kill Crow for making me do this,” Gage sighed, his head was pressed into the mattress.

  “Gage, I understand.” And I did. His president gave him an order. He had no choice but to follow it. I grew up in the mob life, and you followed orders. Period.

  “I love you, baby. So fucking much,” he tells me as he raised his head and pressed a kiss to my lips.

  There was one thing I needed to know, but I was terrified of the answer. As if Gage could read my mind, he shook his head no.

  “I killed him before he could.”

  That’s all I needed. I should be angry, resentful, and full of the need for vengeance. Gage saved me and gave me a real life. A future.

  “You pull this shit again, and I’ll castrate you,” I tell him coldly.


  Nine Months Later.

  Our son Killian cooed from his bassinet as I heated up his bottle. He may seem calm now, but in a few minutes, he will be screaming loud enough to br
ing the roof down on our heads.

  The sound of someone knocking on the door had a frown forming on my face. Gage made his way to the door, and whoever was there wasn’t talking loud enough to be heard this far into the house.

  Turning back to the bottle, I shrug.

  “I’ve got the bottle,” Gage tells me before placing a kiss to my neck.

  Something in me clenches. This couldn’t be good. I know for a fact it’s not Maria. She doesn’t wait by the door, she barges in.

  Pulling the door open, I gasp in shock. There’s no fucking way it's her. This is some fucked up dream I’m going to hate waking up from.

  “Rosaline?” Her sweet voice was full of concern.

  “Savanna?” I ask, my voice filled with the shock I was sure was written all over my face.

  “Can I come in?” She asks as she looks around the deserted area behind her.

  “Of course.”

  “I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t be here, but you told me if I wanted the freedom, I should find you,” Savanna says, her eyes begging me to help her.

  “I’ve got you,” I promise her.

  Her shoulders drop as she lets out a deep sigh of relief.

  “I did something bad. I didn’t make a clean break Rosaline.”

  “Come on. Let's go into the kitchen.”

  Gage nods as he walks past us. A burp cloth over one shoulder and a baby bottle in his hand. I watch as he disappears into the living room before turning to Savanna.

  “Tell me everything.”

  Learn about what happens with Savanna in Breaking Weston coming soon.

  The End.

  Begging Topher

  Grimm Brothers MC Book 5


  Two Years Ago.

  It wasn’t always like this. The grind of filth and fear. There as a time we were happy and safe. When mom and dad were still here, and not off with a new family or god knows where.

  She loved us, and we were happy. I’m not sure the exact moment that changed, just one day she was gone.

  The calls and visits became less and less. My sister would put on a brave face trying to lessen the blow of being unwanted and replaced.

  Even then I kept the belief that sometimes bad things happen. It even occurred in those fairytale books, and I hoped everything would all work out in time.

  My sister told me when I was fourteen that it was okay to believe in fairytales. She said we were all programmed to believe in them, it was a human flaw.

  We believe that when a boy pushed you, called you names or stole your cookie that he just had a crush on you. Then as we got older, we believed that if he’s spending less time with you or calling less that he’s just playing hard to get. Or maybe he’s keeping things fresh in the relationship.

  My sister said that we lie to ourselves and to our friends. I just smiled and told her that there were cases where love prevailed. When the couple had that sweet happily ever after even though there were turmoil and mistakes along the way.

  I wasn’t willing to settle. I knew my soulmate was out there waiting for me. At no point would I say, ‘oh, this is good enough. I could have a good life with this man.’ No. I wanted it to be more like the flowers are duller, the air less fresh, and the sun less bright without that special someone.

  Chapter 1


  Six Months Ago.

  My sister Tori looked at me like I was an alien species that needed to be probed and maybe even dissected. She saved money for my birthday, and I had wanted only one thing.

  A tattoo. And not just any tattoo. Nope, I wanted roses. I wanted them to be red like the ones in Beauty and the Beast. It’s one of my favorite fairy tales.

  Unlike the other stories, he wasn’t perfect. He had the flaws, the emotions, and the rawness the other charmers didn’t have. And Bell? She was different as well. She had a love of books and the ability to see under the surface. I felt a slight kinship to her.

  I watched as my sister scanned the images. They were scattered on paper the size of a poster and enclosed in a protective poster frame.

  Each one was filled with different tattooed images. Mine? Wasn’t in there, it was different. I wanted it to have more than one rose, and I didn’t want the stems. I only wanted the cluster of red bloomed roses.

  This way there were more chances for me to find the one. And more time before the petals fell. I asked myself again, what did my prince charming look like? Would I know the moment our eyes met?

  Why did I think Ronald was that man? I had a date with him tonight. Another long night of hearing about how sexy I was. Honestly, it was exhausting. The more time I spent with him, the more I realized he definitely wasn’t the one.

  The idea of breaking up on my birthday though, it made me cringe. My face twisted at the thought and Tori looked at me a little more closely.

  “Does it hurt?” She asked.

  “Not really,” I tell her truthfully.

  “Then why the sour face?” She asked with a frown.

  “Ronald,” I replied with a twist of my lips. It was a rueful smile. I wanted what he couldn’t give me.

  She shuddered. I knew she hated Ronald. That should have been a sign that this wasn’t meant to be. Because honestly, my prince should be someone my sister could see as family.

  Why had I let our relationship get this far? Sometimes I questioned my need for this other person. Did I really need this faceless man to complete my life?

  “Stand him up,” she tells me with a shrug and a cruel tilt of her lips.

  I thought about it. Did that make me a horrible person? The man outlining the roses on my skin spoke up, “Sounds like you’re not interested, leave his ass hanging.”

  My sister laughed hard, and I felt myself smile. Not only because of the man’s words but because my sister was laughing.

  She didn’t do that much. Not since dad left and she started working at that bar. My eyes closed. She hated it, and I hated her working there.

  “You can spend the night with me. Dinner, take out, and maybe a movie? We can stop by the Redbox and rent one,” she tells me with a smile.

  We didn’t spend enough time together. My sister worked so much, and something in me warmed. Why the hell would I go out with Ronald if I could have this night with my sister?

  “Do I get to pick?” I asked her with a big Cheshire cat smile.

  She hated romance movies, and I loved them. She believed that there was no such thing as love outside of the family. That it was a simulated emotion that after time people grew tired of faking.

  “I guess,” she tells me with a sigh.

  Her smile took the sting out of her depressing sigh. I knew she loved me. She was the only person who did.

  Her eyes took on a sadness. As if she could tell where my thoughts had gone. I knew she was thinking about what our life had become.

  I blamed mom leaving us, but it was like a domino effect. She knocked over one, and they just kept falling. Dad started drinking and pretending that we didn’t exist. It forced my sister to grow up fast and take care of me.

  She put on so many brave faces so many times. I could see the hurt and sadness in her eyes as her friends went out and she was stuck home watching me.

  It was like life was stolen from her. But not once did she complain about the burden that I was to her. She made sure that I felt loved and cherished.

  “What about work?” I couldn’t help but ask.

  “I don’t work tonight,” she tells me quietly.

  It was a lie, she worked every night. Would they punish her for not being there?

  “Are you sure?” I pushed.

  “Brit, don’t worry about it, okay? That’s my job,” she gave me a loving smile.

  But I was worried. I mustered up a smile then watched as my sister’s shoulders slowly lost the tension. She laughed as I stuck my tongue out at her.

  “I can’t believe you’re eighteen today,” she tells me with a shake of her head.

bsp; “It’s your birthday?” The tattoo artist asked.

  He had paused as he dipped the tattoo gun into the black ink.

  “Yeah,” I shrugged.

  He looked at me like he could read my soul. He turned and gave my sister the same deep penetrating stare.

  “It’s on the house, but don’t tell anyone,” he gave us a big smile.

  My sister tenses. I could literally read it on her face. Payment was always required in some way.

  “Don’t look at me like that, Doll. I don’t want any kind of payment,” he empathized the last four words firmly.

  She nodded looking down at her hands. My sister has dealt with some really nasty men. They all wanted something that she didn’t want to give, and I was so fucking relieved they didn’t just take it.

  Chapter 2


  Six Months Ago.

  Ronald was waiting by the door to our apartment. I stifled a scream that wanted to erupt from my throat. My heart then tried to beat out of my chest. Crap, I felt almost like I had a small heart attack.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked him.

  “Where have you been?” He growled while latching onto my arm painfully.

  “Let me go,” I tell him firmly.

  “I fucking own you,” he growled at me.

  “Fuck you, Ronald, no one owns me,” I tell him.

  Anger and fear contorted inside of me like a small tornado. Heat rushed to my face as he pulled me closer to him.

  “Why are you like this?” I asked him as I scanned the hallway hoping for someone to come to my rescue.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” he shouts, leaning in so close that I could feel his heated breath against my lips. I give a small involuntary shudder. Oh god, don’t get any closer.

  “Out and you need to go before Tori gets here,” I tell him firmly.

  “Fuck your sister,” Ronald snapped.

  “Thanks, but no thanks,” my sister’s voice came from somewhere behind him.

  “Stay the fuck out of this,” he growled at Tori.


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