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Hammer's Commandos (Hammer's War Book 4)

Page 7

by James McEwan

  “I take it from your tone this might be a tad bit personal?” St. Claire asked.

  “Hell yes, it’s personal. He killed the one man I would have married. And I want that son of bitch’s head on a platter. But I need him to get what Intel we can.” she pause to read St. Claires’ face, “This is not going to be a problem for you is it?”

  “Not a problem at all. I now have a clearer understanding. And as always, I will get the job done,” he said as he stood up.

  Amanda stood as well. “And Dom, don’t let this guy get away. Not this time. I want him alive, if at all possible, but if you have to then kill him. He does not escape justice this time. Period. Is that understood?”

  “Got it, you want him dead or alive. And, don’t worry I got this” St. Claire said trying to assure her. St Claire then left her office.

  Across the Universe, the planet of Isis, once the shining jewel of the Republic of Commerce, was now a devastated waste land. Billions were dead with millions more suffering and dying daily. The weather control systems, either destroyed or heavily damaged, allowed storms to wreak havoc on the planet. Two months after the battle, massive dust clouds still covered a large percentage of the planet blocking out the sun. The planets temperature had dropped several degrees. Parts of the planet had started to freeze leaving those areas a quiet, eerie frozen tomb. Snow was falling on Isis for the first time in almost four hundred years. The only part of the planet that showed any real signs of life was the capital district and home of the New Galactic Empire. Over the last two months the capital district had been cleaned up and was still operating, despite the dust storms and other weather issues.

  In the former senate chamber of the Republic of Commerce sat the massive desk of the Emperor of the New Galactic Empire. The alien giant was pouring over reports and status up-dates of his forces. The Nephilim, with his half burned faced and glowing red eyes, was not happy with the progress after the battle. His flag ship had been destroyed. Most of the equipment that was needed to process people into Necromorphs had survived, but it was taking longer to salvage and put back into operation than he wanted. He looked up from his desk when a man walked in.

  That man was Lord Marshall Drake or at least the image of him. The real man underneath the hologram was Drakes replacement. The man, known only as seven - the assassin who was also Thad’s genetic brother, had convinced the Lord Emperor that he may have been a bit too hasty in his actions and that he had killed Drake a little too soon. Drake had been the human face of the NGE. He also had pointed out, to his great personal peril, that killing his Commanders does not inspire loyalty.

  The Nephilim, even though an extremely powerful psychic, knew that he didn’t have the power to control all of the Commanders especially across the distances of space. He knew he needed the support of those who served him. He knew that Seven had been right about Drake and this led to the plan to have Seven become Drake through the use of holographic projectors.

  “I hope you have some good news?” the Nephilim asked.

  Seven pushed a button on his belt and the hologram of Drake faded away, “Yes my lord, the news is good. We have gotten the project back online and we have been able to get back on schedule. We have processed a full new regiment of troops who are ready to deploy. Also, the repairs to the fleet are going well and the replacement ships from the ship yards have arrived.”

  “That is good news. Any word on who took Hammer’s body?”

  Seven shifted his weight from foot to foot, “No my lord. However, I have been getting reports of a man fitting his description seeking information on his twin wives who were sold as breeding slaves. I am working on getting more information.”

  The Lord Emperor raised his non-burned eyebrow, “Do you think he survived somehow?”

  “He was dead when I pulled his body from this chamber my lord. There is no way that he could have survived. I believe the same people who assisted in Admiral Hayes and the others’ escape also are the ones who took his body. Also, this man,” Seven paused to hand the Emperor a holodisk that held a hologram of St. Claire. “This is Dominic St. Claire. He was seen with Thad prior to his capture and again outside the command center during the Terran Emperor’s escape. I believe his is the man searching for the Hammer twins. Even though I don’t have any information to prove it, I do believe he may also be responsible for recovering Hammer’s body.”

  “And what do we know about this St. Claire?” The Emperor said, his deep voice booming through the large chamber.

  “We know a lot, his file shows that he was a citizen of the Rep Com and he service with the 101st Rep Com Police Core and was heavily decorated in the second star war against the Ralnai. Apparently, he was the one who cut of the hand of Tor Tarokk-kor. He later served with the New Dallas police department on Nova Texas until a few months ago when he retired and was reported missing and assumed dead after the ship he was on went missing. Then, just before we attacked Isis, he shows up, reclaims his life and came here to apply for an intergalactic private investigators license,” Seven presented the background information.

  “So why do you think that he is connected with Hammer?” The Emperor asked.

  “Not sure, my lord. I would have thought he could have come in contact with him during the incident in which Hammer shut down the project on Nova Texas, but our Intel shows that St. Claire was already reported missing by then,” Seven reported.

  “So, it seems that Mr. St. Claire is a bit of mystery. One that I don’t care to solve. I want you to send his likeness out to whole fleet with a kill on sight order. I want that human dead, is that understood?” he boomed again.

  “Yes my lord. It shall be done,” Seven bowed and left the chamber.

  Chapter 7

  Fiona and Freya stood naked looking at one other, then back at the Ralnai who seemed to be enjoying his hot bath. If that was what he was doing. The Ralnai waved his claw and a strikingly beautiful young woman, who looked to be a year or two younger than the twins, entered the room and handed both women a red silk robe. She had shoulder length straight blond hair and her body was just every bit curvy in the right places as the twins themselves. Her hand reached under the folded robe as she handed it to Fiona. She squeezed her hand and winked at her. She repeated the same with Freya.

  The twins were not sure what that meant. Neither of them reacted so as not to give anything away if she was planning on helping them. As soon as the girl left them alone with the Ralnai, they slipped on the robes and waited.

  The Ralnai finally spoke, “I am sorry for your treatment. Treatment that is the normal for most slaves yet should not have been for you, the wives of the Hammer.”

  Shocked Freya spoke, “You know who we are?”

  “Oh I know, I always know who my enemies are as well as my friends are,” the tinny words came from the translator box which was sitting next to him.

  “And which are we?” Freya asked.

  The large Ralnai right claw moved in a flash. He drove it deep into the water and when he pulled it out he held some kind of gray scaly water creature with tentacles. He tossed the creature into his mouth and chopped it down. After swallowing it he spoke again, “He fights against my new master, and he did kill my elder hatch mate. Stuck a grenade down his throat and blew him to bits, a most fitting death for a Ralnai battle master.”

  “So that is why you were hell bent on getting a hold of us,” Fiona spoke for the first time. “This is about revenge for his death?”

  “I never liked him anyway but the Hammer did me a favor. No, you are not my enemy and you will not be treated as slaves. You will not be bred, you will be returned to him as soon as he gets here,” Tor Tran-kor said.

  Not sure how to respond to what they were being told both sisters said nothing at first. “Why would you do that?” Fiona finally asked.

  “Simple, he is a powerful human with powerful friends. Having him owe me a favor is worth three times what I paid for you two,” the translator box squeaked out the Ralna
i’s words. “For now, your needs will be taken care of,” he waved his claw and the young woman held out her hand.

  “This way,” she directed them out of the room. They walked down the hall in silence wondering what was going to happen next.

  They entered a room that looked to be the slave quarters. It was sparse, with a few bunk beds and some wardrobes that were filled with skimpy outfits. It was obvious that the Ralnai didn’t not like to have their slaves covered up much. The woman smiled at them, “Alright ladies this is where we get to sleep for now. Over there is a shower and some fresh towels. Feel free to get cleaned up and get some clothing. I know the selection is not the most tasteful, but it beats being naked.”

  Fiona walked over a wardrobe and pulled out a pale green bikini with yellow piping, “Oh I’m not so sure about that.”

  “Don’t worry ladies we are not staying here long,” the young woman said.

  “Oh, and what do you mean we?” Freya asked.

  “My name is Lexie Starfire, but my friends call me Lex. There has never been a place that could hold me for long. Now that I heard you have someone coming for you, which means he has a ship, I have my ticket off this rock,” Lex introduced herself properly.

  “Yes, our husband Thaddeus Hammer is coming for us, but I don’t believe for one second that Ralnai will just hand us over. And even if he did, why would he hand you over?” Fiona asked a bit skeptical.

  “You’re right. He has no intention of handing you over. It’s a trap for sure. That is why we need to escape and get away from here before he comes. Now, if I can get us out of here can you get him a signal?” Lex asked.

  Freya thought about it for a second, “Yes I do believe we could, we have an emergency frequency that was can use. It is old and unused and that is why he chose it. However we would need a wide band transmitter to make it work.”

  “One problem at a time ladies. First I need to get us out of here,” Lex said.

  “And just how to you plan on doing that? With these control collars on we wouldn’t get ten feet before he would either shock the hell out of us or kill us,” Fiona asked.

  “Let’s just say I have a certain skill set that will come in handy in helping us escape,” she replied.

  “Okay so what is next?” Freya asked as she thumbed through the outfits before settling on a deep purple bikini top with matching bottom that had a long strip in the front and back that was also deep purple with gold trim.

  “You two get cleaned up and dressed I will see about getting you some food. After that get some rest and let me work out the details. Oh, and there is one more thing,” Lex answered Freya.

  “Oh course,” was Fiona’s response.

  “I have a friend that we need to take with us,” Lex said.

  “So there will be four of escaping is that correct?” asked Freya.

  “Yes. We have been friends for a long time and there is no way that I could leave her behind,” Lex said as she walked over to the sleeping cat that was laying on top of one the beds. It was quite bit larger than the normal house cat. The cat looked more like a leopard than a house cat. She was spotted, like an Earth leopard, white in color with brown and black spots. She was a fine looking cat.

  Lex sat down and started to stroke the cats head and it opened its eyes and looked at the twins. “Ladies this is Commander Cotton Paw, but I just like to call her cat.”

  Both women came over to pet the cat and Fiona spoke, “Oh she is gorgeous, may I?”

  “I don’t think she would mind, but I would ask her first,” Lex said as she moved out of the way.

  “Okay, do you mind if I pet you?” Fiona asked feeling a little funny about talking to a cat, but she had learned that sometimes you just need to do what you need to as not to offend people.

  The cat perked up a bit and then it spoke in English, “I don’t mind at all.”

  The twins were floored. They had seen a lot of alien races speak English, but never a cat. Other than the Lyrans, who were more humanoid than cat. “You can speak?” the twins said in unison.

  “Well of course I can. All Bastep Nefamii can speak and many of us speak multiple languages. I can speak thirty different languages,” Commander Cotton Paw replied.

  “But I thought the Vastep Nefamii couldn’t speak human languages,” Fiona said as she was taking it all in.

  “Bastep Nefamii,” the cat corrected her.

  “What?” Fiona said.

  “Bastep, not Vastep. You humans have been mispronouncing it for years,” the cat said.

  “Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you,” Fiona said worried that she upset the cat.

  “No offence taken as I am used to it,” she assured her.

  “So why didn’t that Bastep Nefamii ship we ran into speak English when dealing with us? Freya asked.

  “Yeah I was wondering the same thing,” Fiona added.

  “Most Bastep Nefamii, are what you would call conceded or have a sense of superiority over other races and they believe it is beneath them to speak their language,” Commander Cotton Paw explained.

  “Stuck up little shits,” Freya spoke without thinking, “Oh sorry, no offence intended.”

  “Again, none taken. But just because one is superior to another doesn’t mean you have to act like it,” cat said.

  The three women thought that it was funny and they all had a good laugh. Commander Cotton Paw looked confused, “I’m sorry, did I say something funny?”

  Meanwhile, the Gemini had just entered orbit and was scanning the planet looking for the best place to land. It was late planet time and the darkness would help conceal their approach. It was also late ship time and Thad was asleep when the door to his cabin slid quietly open. Thad snapped awake and without opening his eyes he spoke, “What is it Eve?”

  “How do you do that? I made almost no sound when entering. You must have hearing like an android,” Eve said as she stood by his bunk.

  “Nope, just know your sound or should a say lack of sound, now what’s up?” Thad said.

  “We are about to land and I thought you might want to get ready,” Eve answered.

  “Already, how long was I out?” he asked as he sat up and stretched.

  “You have been asleep for about fourteen hours now,” Eve smiled.

  “What?” Thad reacted to the news, “How the hell did I sleep that long? Did you drug me again?”

  “Not this time, you must have really needed the sleep. Even you can’t go forever with only sleeping one to two hours a day. It was going to catch up with you eventually, you know,” she said as she handed him a shirt.

  “I guess, so give me a few minutes and I will meet you in the hold,” Thad said as he took the shirt and slipped it on.

  A quick ten minutes later Thad joined Eve in the Cargo hold dressed in his trademark armored black body suit and coat. He was also wearing his black wide brim hat. Eve tossed him a helmet. He caught it and held it up, “Eve?”

  “Sorry, but there is no were to land that we won’t be detected. So it is…”

  “Jump time,” Thad finished her sentence.

  “Yeppers,” she said.

  “Yeppers? You really have changed,” Thad said.

  Eve shrugged, “I guess I have, now stop talking and get your gear on.”

  Thad geared up for the HALO (high altitude low opening) jump. He slipped on the helmet and locked it in place while Eve helped him hook up the power and oxygen lines. She checked his gear while he switched on the oxygen. He gave her the thumbs up and she padded him on the helmet.

  Thad was not happy about having to leave his hat behind, but it was that or crush it, and pack it into the jump bag that was already full with his long coat that he refused to leave behind. He stood in front of the cargo doors ready to jump when Rod Masters ran into the cargo hold jump gear on and helmet in hand. “I can’t believe you guys were going to go without me.”

  “Sorry Rod you are not coming on this one,” Thad said through the Helmets com.
/>   “No way man, I’m coming,” Rod insisted.

  “No, no, no,” Thad repeated as he shook his helmeted head.

  “Sorry buddy, but you are just going to have to kill me to stop me,” Rod said as he flipped his helmet up and on to his head.

  Thad started towards the man, “Well okay, if that is what it takes.”

  Rod backed up, “Whoa man, figure of speech man, figure of fracking speech!”

  “Thaddeus Jay Hammer,” Eve said in a motherly tone.

  “What?” He shrugged his shoulders and held up his hands. “I was just kidding.”

  “Thad,” she said with hands on her hips.

  “Well mostly kidding,” Thad admitted.

  “Great I’m glad that is settled now let’s do this,” Rod said.

  Eve did a quick check of his gear then activated the com, “Okay boys, the ship is yours. Try not to scratch it while we are away.”

  On the bridge the pilots who were at their stations laughed and one answered back, “You got it boss.”

  Thad took up his position in front of the cargo door and Rod stood next to him. He readied himself for the blast of air that he believed would come when the door opened. Eve walked over to the door controls and started to enter in the code that would release the safety lock outs. She was about to vent the cargo deck when Rod noticed she was not wearing her helmet. “Wait Eve your helmet,” He cried out.

  “No worries Rod she will be fine,” Thad said, deciding to let him on their little secret.

  “What?” Rod was confused.

  Eve just smiled and vented the air. Next she opened up the door and Rod braced, but there was nothing. Eve lowered the ramp and walked down to the edge. She looked down at the planet below them. Thad and Rod joined her and Rod took one look down, “Wait we are still in space.”

  “Yep, you wanted to come,” Thad said as he slapped Rod on the back which almost sent him over the edge.

  “Time to go boys, last one down buys,” Eve said and then fell backward off the end of the ramp.


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