The Sweetest Mistake (O'Brien Brothers #2)
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“What about daycare?” Connor interjected.
“I hate the thought of leaving Ava with a stranger all day. Besides, I have friends who use daycare, and their kids are always sick. I don’t want to subject our baby to that.”
It was the same refrain Julia had heard from other parents, and she’d empathized with them. Looking at the precious bundle in Cam’s arms, she could understand why it would be difficult to leave her. But the phrase “our baby” had taken her aback, and she wondered how long it would take for the reality to sink in.
In the meantime, Cam was still talking. “My boss said I could work from home a couple days a week, but I still have to figure out what to do with Ava on the other three days.”
“Big of him,” Connor said sarcastically.
“None of this is his fault, Connor. This was all you and me,” Cam snapped.
Julia cringed, realizing that Cam was still working for the man she’d had an affair with. She was teetering between feeling sorry for their predicament and feeling like she wanted to bolt out the door, shocked that she’d become caught up in this crazy situation. Yet something inside her kept her rooted to the spot, and she was even considering ways that she could help. Now who’s the crazy one?
Connor scratched the back of his neck, his nervous tell, and said, “I told you I’d think of something. Just give me some time. But I know one thing for sure. You’re not taking Ava back to Colorado. She’s my responsibility too, and I’ll do my part.”
At that moment, Julia was proud of him. Even though she could see how uncomfortable he was, he wasn’t about to cut and run. Reliability was a trait that all three O’Brien brothers possessed, and she admired them for it. The only ingredient that was missing here, and perhaps the most important, was love. But Connor had just discovered that he was a father. How could he love someone that he didn’t even know yet?
“I might be able to help too,” Julia blurted out—again. When will I ever learn to keep my mouth shut?
Connor and Cam turned and stared at her.
“What I mean is, maybe I could babysit sometime.”
Softening, Connor said, “Julia. You don’t have to do this.”
“I know that. I’m offering.”
Placing his hand on her arm, he said, “Thank you,” while Cam looked on with a disgruntled expression.
Julia saw relief and tenderness in his eyes, but sadly, she didn’t share the same feelings. It still stung that he hadn’t told her about Ava sooner. She imagined he’d been shocked by the news, but still. Relationships were built on mutual respect and trust, and if he hadn’t trusted her enough to tell her—well, what did that mean for them? And if she hadn’t shown up today, when would he have told her? Was he considering getting back together with Cam? Is that why he’d kept Julia out of the loop? The issues they’d dealt with up until now seemed minuscule compared to this, and she wondered how or if they’d get past it.
“Connor? I think Ava’s wet. Would you mind taking her into the spare room and changing her?” Cam asked.
Connor stood and said, “Sure. I could use the practice.”
“Thanks,” Cam said, handing Ava to him. “The diaper bag is by the door.”
Julia watched him walk away with Ava cradled in one muscular arm, and she couldn’t help but smile. Connor will make a good father. He just doesn’t know it yet.
“You’re smiling,” Cam stated after he’d disappeared from view.
“Yes. I guess I am.”
“I wouldn’t have expected that.”
“I love babies.”
“Do you love him too?”
Julia stiffened, one, because she couldn’t believe Cam’s boldness, and two, because it was too soon to be talking about love and Connor in the same sentence, especially after what had just transpired. “I…uh. You know what? That’s really none of your business.”
“Fair enough. It’s just that I noticed the way you two look at each other, and I wondered if it was serious. Well, serious for Connor, anyway.”
Julia darted a glance down the hall, and when she was sure that it was empty, she said, “What is that supposed to mean?”
Flipping her long blonde hair off her shoulder, Cam replied, “It’s just that I can’t imagine Connor settling down with anyone. That’s why I didn’t come running to him when I found out I was pregnant. I didn’t think he’d want to be saddled down with a wife and baby.”
“Wife? After what you did, who could blame him?”
“You don’t know the whole story.”
“I know enough, and I know that Connor might have stayed loyal to you if you’d have done the same.”
Cam winced, but then they heard footsteps, and they stopped talking.
“Good as new,” Connor said, holding Ava up in the air. He must have been proud of the job he’d done as he hadn’t bothered to put Ava’s pants back on.
Julia took one look at Ava’s diapered bottom and started laughing. Cam tried to remain stoic, but soon she was laughing too.
“What?” Connor asked, looking dumbfounded.
“You put it on backwards!” Julia exclaimed, and she immediately jumped up to assist; however, Cam beat her to it. It was like Cam was trying to stake her claim on her daughter, and maybe on Connor too.
Rubbing her hand along Connor’s bare forearm, Cam said, “That’s okay. You’ll learn.” And then she took Ava out of his arms, along with the diaper bag and her pants, and left to fix the mistake.
It was the first moment they’d gotten alone, and Connor looked more nervous than he had before.
Shoving his hands in his pockets, he said, “I’m sorry about all this. I don’t know what else to say except that I’m really sorry.”
“I don’t understand why you didn’t tell me sooner. Maybe I would have gone to Denver with you.”
“Why would you have done that?”
“Because that’s what couples do, Connor. They work together. They help each other. They share things with each other, especially huge, important things like this.”
Connor cast his eyes downward for a moment, but he didn’t have time to respond because Cam and Ava came back into the room.
“I guess you two have a lot to talk about. We should probably go,” Cam said.
And then it happened again. Julia’s mouth opened, and the words just tumbled out. “Or you could leave Ava here for a little while. I’m sure you have some errands to do or something.”
Cam eyed her disbelievingly, and Connor’s expression morphed from shock to gratitude.
“You know what? I wouldn’t mind a little more time with Ava so we can get to know each other,” he said.
Cam looked like she was about to protest, but then she decided not to. “Okay, I guess. Since we just changed her, she should be good for a while.”
“What about food?” Julia asked.
“There’s a bottle in the fridge. If she seems hungry, you can just warm it up.”
“Great. Is there anything else we should know?” Julia said.
“I don’t think so. She’s pretty easy. As long as she’s fed and dry, she should be fine.”
“Must take after me,” Connor joked, but neither of the women laughed. Cam was attempting to juggle the baby while putting on her jacket at the same time, and Julia stepped forward to help.
“Here. I’ll take Ava,” Julia offered, holding out her arms.
Cam hesitated for a moment before reluctantly transferring the baby to Julia. Connor held the front door open for Cam, who said a quick goodbye and promised to be back within an hour or two. After Cam left, Julia felt some of the tension drain out of her. And with Ava’s sweet little face staring up at her and her pliant, warm body nestled against her, how could she be uptight?
A baby. Something she’d always wanted. Soft, cuddly, and adorable and—not hers. She would do well to remember that.
Chapter Two
Shortly after Cam left, an uncomfortable silence settled over them. Well, except for Ava, wh
o seemed content in Julia’s arms, babbling and cooing at nothing. They sat back down on the couch, but Connor didn’t make a move to take the baby, so Julia continued to hold her and waited for him to speak.
“God, this is overwhelming,” he said, shoving his hands through his hair.
Julia felt the same way, and there were still nagging questions that she wanted answered.
“Do you think you’ll be able to prevent Cam from taking Ava back to Colorado?”
“I don’t know. I’m not sure what my rights are in this situation.”
“Me either since the two of you aren’t married.” Imagining him and Cam having sex was bad enough, but thinking about them getting married…
“That’ll never happen,” Connor said adamantly.
“I wonder if that’s what Cam’s hoping for.”
“Doesn’t matter. It’s not going to happen.”
Julia nodded, but she still felt uncertain. If he and Cam were married, there wouldn’t be a custody issue. The way things stood, what was to prevent Cam from taking off with the baby if she really wanted to?
“Ahbahbah,” Ava cooed, disrupting Julia’s train of thought.
Turning her around, Julia held Ava up and took a long look at her. How was it possible that she could already see so much of Connor in her? His steely blue eyes, his perfectly oval face, and his straight nose were all evident. Ava didn’t have much hair yet, but what she did have was light brown, the combination of her parents’ hair colors. Regardless of what her final hair color turned out to be, she was sure to be a stunner. Even though Julia hated to admit it, Cam was a strikingly beautiful woman, and Connor, well...
“What are you thinking?” he asked, breaking into her thoughts.
“Oh, just how pretty she is.”
“Yeah,” he said, “she is, isn’t she?”
“Do you want to hold her now?”
Once Ava was settled between his large hands, she gazed at him almost as if she recognized their connection. Was that even possible? Could Ava sense that this man was her daddy? She reached out her chubby little fist and batted his face, and Connor laughed.
“You’re not the only woman who wants to hit me,” he teased, glancing over at Julia.
For a few minutes, she’d been able to forget about her anger, but now that he’d brought it up…
“You’re right about that,” she confirmed.
“How can I make it up to you?”
“You can start by explaining why you didn’t tell me about Ava when you first found out.”
Ava started fussing then, and Connor looked panicky. “What should I do? Do you think she’s hungry?”
“Hold on,” Julia said. “Let me see if Cam packed any toys in the diaper bag.” Rummaging through the bag, she came up with a rattle, a stuffed bear, and a teething ring. “Here, let’s try these first.”
Connor took the rattle from her and shook it in front of Ava’s little face. Her frown turned upside down, and she seemed pleased again.
“See. It’s not so hard,” Julia said.
“Maybe not for you, but this stuff isn’t instinctual for a man.”
“You’ll learn,” she said, realizing that Cam had said the same thing while caressing Connor’s arm.
“To answer your question, I freaked. When Cam called and told me, I didn’t believe her at first. But then she sent me some pictures, and it was obvious that Ava was mine.”
“And you have no doubts? What about Cam’s boss?”
“That’s impossible.”
“Because he’s black.”
“Oh.” Now she understood why Cam and Connor had been so adamant about Ava’s parentage. Ava’s skin was milky white.
“And the timing makes sense. Cam said she hadn’t slept with anyone other than me and Tyler, her boss, and I believe her.”
“Is she still seeing him? Personally, I mean.”
“I’m not sure.”
“Hmm.” There went any hope that this had all been a mistake. As cute as Ava was, Julia didn’t enjoy the thought of her being the catalyst that brought Connor and Cam back together.
“Hey,” he said as if he could read her troubled mind. “There’s no reason for you to be worried about this. I have zero interest in getting back with Cam.”
“Yes, you’ve said that. However, she is the mother of your child, and that means she’s back in your life to stay.”
Connor scowled. “Well, when you say it like that…”
“You still haven’t completely answered my question. After you saw the pictures of Ava, why didn’t you come and tell me instead of acting all secretive and running off to Colorado?”
“I guess I felt like it was something I had to do alone. When I went there, I didn’t even have a plan. I just wanted to talk to Cam and see Ava. But after I spent some time with her, Ava that is, I couldn’t imagine coming home without her.”
“And Cam too.”
“Like you said, she’s Ava’s mom. I couldn’t just take off with Ava and leave her there.”
“Why not? That’s what she did to you.” Julia hated how petty she sounded, but she couldn’t help it. Her emotions were all over the place.
“I didn’t ask for any of this to happen, Jules.”
“Yet you didn’t use birth control.”
“I already said that was a mistake.”
“Funny, you never made that mistake with me.” And now I sound like a bitch!
Shaking his head, he traded the rattle for the teething ring, which Ava immediately stuffed into her mouth. “I don’t know what I was thinking back then.”
“Or maybe you were so caught up in the heat of passion that you forgot. Is that it?” Now that she’d gone down this path, she’d gotten even more fired up.
“Don’t Julia me. I have every right to be upset. First, I find out my boyfriend has been keeping a huge secret from me, and then I have to accept that he has a baby with his ex-girlfriend who he once loved. So, what? Am I just supposed to sit back and go along for the ride? Is that it?”
Just then, Ava started fussing again, and deciding she needed a break, Julia stood up. “Stay here,” she demanded when Connor started to get up. “I’ll warm the bottle and be right back.”
Once she was out of sight and had put the formula in the microwave to warm, she leaned against the kitchen counter and breathed deeply. She still couldn’t believe this was happening. Why was it that just when they’d overcome one obstacle, they encountered another one? And in this case, the obstacle was in the form of a baby who was crying in the next room. Poor child. She had no idea what kind of havoc she’d created, and yet, none of it was her fault. She was innocent in all this, and that’s what made the situation even more difficult. If Ava had been Connor’s niece, cousin, or a friend’s baby, Julia would have been thrilled to help him babysit. But this wasn’t babysitting. This was a commitment. Ava would always be part of Connor’s life, and now Julia’s too as long as they were together.
“Jules? Is the bottle ready yet?” Connor called.
She’d been so lost in thought she hadn’t realized that the microwave had pinged. “Let me check,” she replied. Testing the formula on the inside of her wrist, she determined that it was the right temperature and hurriedly returned to the living room. It was hard to ruminate over her own problems when there was a hungry mouth to feed.
Connor was pacing the room and patting Ava on the back as he tried to soothe her. For a second, it stopped Julia in her tracks—the vision of this big, muscular man cradling a tiny baby. Even though he looked like an inexperienced new dad, she still found the scene breathtakingly beautiful.
“Jules? You gonna give me that?” he said, holding his hand out for the bottle.
“Yeah. Sorry,” she said and handed it to him.
The instant Ava’s mouth closed around the nipple, she quieted. And then the vision of daddy and daughter became even more tender.<
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Connor continued to stand, but he rocked Ava gently in his arms as he fed her, staring down at her with a look of wonder on his chiseled face.
Suddenly, Julia felt like an intruder. Like she shouldn’t be the one witnessing such a tender moment. Cam should.
Connor hadn’t even looked in Julia’s direction since she’d given him the bottle, so he hadn’t seen her eyes tear up. Turning away, she started stuffing Ava’s toys back in the diaper bag. Once she’d finished, she said, “You know what? I’m going to leave and let you two have some quiet time.”
His head jerked up, and he looked panicky again. “What? No. Don’t leave. We’re not done talking yet.”
Giving him a half-smile, she said, “We can talk more later. Cam will probably be back soon, and you need some bonding time with your baby.” She sounded more confident than she felt and hoped Connor was buying it.
He peered at her for a few seconds and then sighed. “You’re probably right, but what if she gets fussy again?”
Julia raised her brows. “She looks pretty content to me.”
Ava was peacefully sucking on the bottle, and her little eyes had started to close. But sensing that Connor needed her, Julia was hesitant to leave.
“When she’s done eating, you need to burp her.”
“Terrific. How do I do that?”
“Have you had any experience with babies?”
“Little to none.”
“Okay. Well, just hold her up on your shoulder and pat her back gently yet firmly until she burps. It’s pretty simple.”
“Got it. Hold, pat, burp,” he chanted.
Julia couldn’t help but laugh even though her stomach was still tangled up in knots. If nothing else, it might be fun to watch Connor navigate parenthood.
“What if she doesn’t burp?” he asked.
“That’s okay. Just keep her upright for a while after she’s done eating.”
“How do you know so much about babies?” he asked.
“My dad’s a pediatrician, remember? I’ve been around babies my whole life.”
“It shows.”
“If you think flattery will get me to stay longer, you’re wrong.”
“Can’t blame a guy for trying.”